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WH-Questions 4. A: ............. is the Thames?

Form a question. Ask for the underlined B: It's a river.

phrase in the sentence. Mind the
question mark at the end. 5. A: ............. is the concert?
B: On Saturday.
The class plays football.
What does the class play? 6. A: ............. is your schoolbag?
A. B: It's in my room.
1. Kim and Tina are playing ball in the
garden. 7. A: .............are London, Washington
2. Mr Johnson has been living in Montreal DC and Paris?
for ten years. B: They're capital cities.
3. Anne likes her new job very much.
4. The Barnes are planning a trip to 8. A: I?
Norway. B: You're my best friend.
5. The shop will be closed until next
month. 9. A: ............. are you?
6. Beverly usually gets up at 6.30 am. B: I'm your new English teacher.
7. He can't meet Sharon because she is
very ill. 10. A: your new school?
8. Every evening Steven listens to his new B. It's in Maple Road.
     11. A: .............are your holidays?
B. B: They are in October.
1. John is writing a letter.    
2. She walks home from school.     12. A: .............are Monday, Wednesday
3. The children are sitting in the garden.  and Friday?
4. Peter runs with his dog on Sundays. B: They're days of the week.
5. My rabbit has a cage in the garden.
6. They go to work by bus. 13. A: .............are the Simpsons?
7. David likes cats because they are nice. B: They're cartoon characters.
8. Jenny isn't sleeping late today.
     14. A: ............. is Christmas Day?
C. B: It on 25th December.
1. On Thursday Peter has German, History
and Maths. 15. A: .............are Sadie and Jack?
2. Yesterday Carol and Jane went to the B: They're at school.
swimming pool.
3. Sarah has to stop because of a security 16. A: ............. are we today?
check. B: We're penguins - the mascot of our
4. The boys are hiding under Tom's bed. basketball team.
5. Andrew's new mountain bike costs
€1000. 17. A: ............. is a Mercedes?
6. My sister prefers porridge for breakfast. B: It's a car.
7. The telephone is ringing.
8. At sunset Peter is walking along the 18. A: your favourite school
beach. subject?
     B: Maths.

1. A: ............. is Canberra? 19. A: your favourite teacher?

B: It's in Australia. B: Miss Potts.

2. A: .............are John and Mandy? 20. A: is Alabama?

B: They are my friends. B: It's in America.

3. A: ............. is your birthday?

B: It's on 23rd May.
B. Fill in the gaps with the correct  The party lasted all night. (how
question word (when, where, what,
long) ………………………….
who) and the correct form of the verb
"to be" (am, is, are).  The check was for $5.50. (how
much) ………………………….
1. A: ............. Brad Pitt?  She was eating a sandwich.
B: An actor.
(what) ………………………….
2. A: ............. Etna and Milan?  She is working hard.
B: In Italy. (what) ………………………….
 My parents have two cars. (how
3. A: ............. a helmet?
B: A type of a hard hat.
many) ………………………….
 They are coming to visit tomorrow.
4. A: .............New Year's Day? (when) ………………………….
B: 1st January.  He is going to work right now.
5. A: .............Ljubljana?
(where) ………………………….
B: In Slovenia.  The man with the white hat is my
brother. (who) ………………………….
6. A: ............. Berlin?  I don’t get up early because I like to
B: Capital city of Germany.
sleep late.
7. A: ............. your friends coming? (why) ………………………….
B: In June.  We have an English class every day.
(how often) ………………………….
8. A: ............. Pavarotti and Domingo?
B: Opera singers.  They like to dance on weekends.
(what) ………………………….
9. A: .............Titicaca and Windermere?  The club is not far from their house.
B: Lakes.
(where) ………………………….
10. A: .............the Great Lakes?
B: Between Canada and America.

 They do their homework at night.

(when) ………………………….
 Mr. Robertson came to the party
alone. (who) ………………………….
 The car is across the street from the
house. (where) ………………………….
 I like the red blouse, not the blue one.
(which) ………………………….
 She felt better after she took a nap.
(how) ………………………….
 That is an English book.
(what) ………………………….
 My sister called her boyfriend
(when) ………………………….
 She talked to him for an hour. (how
long) ………………………….
 He studies piano at the university.
(what) ………………………….

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