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Group Members:
1. Aprilia Nur Diana - 03010320007
2. Fadila Fatikawati - 03010320015
3. Nur Azizah Hitakumala – 03010320022

Work with no more than 3 fellows to make a table of data on drama and interpret it. You may
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Quotation Interpretation

A great terrace in the Palace of Herod, set The setting of the story begins on a large
about the banqueting hall.  terrace located around the banquet hall in
Some soldiers are leaning over the balcony. Herod's palace. This palace banquet hall was a
To the right there is a gigantic staircase, to the large room usually used for large gatherings. 
left, at the back, an old cistern surrounded by It's like it's impossible if a big palace doesn't
a wall of green bronze.  have palace guards, so it's explained that on a
The moon is shining very brightly. certain side, like on a palace balcony, there
are several soldiers leaning there. Then, in
more detail, the parts of the palace are very
large; on the right, left, and back there are
giant stairs; there is also an old cistern
surrounded by green bronze walls. Bronze
material was indeed very important in its
time; even in 3300 BC, it was called the
Bronze Age. So, the value of this material
contributed to the construction of Herod's
Then, the story presents the atmosphere of the
night with the full moon shining very brightly.

Unwittingly, this depiction of the moon acts

as a further representation of the character
Princess Salome throughout the story.

THE YOUNG SYR How beautiful is the The Young SYR shows how beautiful
Princess Salome to-night!  Princess Salome is. 
As we know, at night a person's physical
appearance is not as clear as during the day. 
praise of The Young SYR, the beauty of
princess Salome is publicly recognized even
at night.
THE PAGE OF HER Look at the moon. How The Page of Her compares the moon to
strange the moon seems! She is like a woman Princess Salome. The moon and Princess
rising from the tomb. She is like a dead Salome are revealed to be the same object.
woman. One might fancy she was looking for when The Page of Her saw a very strange
dead things. looking moon. It represents Princess Salome,
who looks cold and stiff like a woman rising
from her grave. She looked like a dead
woman looking for an inanimate object. The
resurrection from the grave describes the
resurrection of Princess Salome, which holds
a mystical purpose that is unpredictable and
tends to be terrible.

THE YOUNG SYR She has a strange look. The Young SYR returns with the same
She is like a little princess who wears a opinion, claiming Princess Salome to be a
yellow veil, and whose feet are of silver. She strange-looking woman. The Young SYR
is like a princess who has little white doves likens Princess Salome to a little princess in a
for feet. One might fancy she was dancing.  yellow veil and silver legs. This might mean
that Salome is an eye-catching woman, as the
little princess even wears a yellow veil;
yellow is such a striking color that it takes
over one's gaze. Moreover, her silver feet
represent Princess Salome, possessing high
honor and being respected. The Young SYR
also likens Princess Salome to having a little
dove at her feet, as her gait seems to be
wobbly so that she looks like she is dancing.

THE PAGE OF HER She is like a woman The Page of Her reveals again Princess
who is dead. She moves very slowly. Salome, who is like a dead woman. This
emphasizes that Princess Salome is indeed a
woman who behaves like a dead person. This
is because The Page of Her found Princess
Salome moving so slowly that this serves as a
factual basis for the claim.

[Noise in the banqueting-ball.] FIRST SOL First Sol heard a loud noise from the banquet
What an uproar! Who are those wild beasts ball. It was so loud and annoying that it pissed
howling? him off. Even First Sol likened it to a howling

SECOND SOL The Jews. They are always Second Sol reveals that the disturbing noise
like that. They are disputing about their comes from Jews who are always arguing
religion. about their religion. Second Sol seemed to
have gotten used to the debate, so he wasn't as
bothered as First Sol.
The drama suddenly touches on the Jews in
the first act. This is because most of the script
for this drama comes from the Bible.
However, Wilde is more towards a major
overhaul, so he turns the story in the bible into
an erotic plot with typical characters of
decadence art.

FIRST SOL Why do they dispute about their First Sol, who feels curious, wants to know
religion? SECOND SOL I cannot tell. They why the Jews are arguing about their religion.
are always doing it. The Pharisees, for Second Sol, who often sees debates between
instance, say that there are angels, and the the Jews, also doesn't really understand the
Sadducees declare that angels do not exist.  purpose of their debates. However, the point
is that they are always debating the
differences in beliefs within their respective
religions. Second Sol mentions the difference
between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The
Pharisees believed in the existence of an
eternal soul, the resurrection from the dead,
the existence of angels, and the coming of the
Messiah, who was sent by God in the future to
free them from the shackles of Roman
colonialism. whereas the Sadducees tended to
believe that as long as the altars were still
smoking in the Temple and if the cults were
still being faithfully observed, the demands of
religion would be met and God was with
them, without angels. Second Sol reveals the
belief that there are angels among the
Pharisees and no angels among the Sadducees
is a topic of debate that is often heard.

FIRST SOL I think it is ridiculous to dispute First Sol thought it was ridiculous to argue
about such things. about different beliefs. This is because if a
person really believes in what they believe,
they do not need to argue or show their truest
belief because, basically, what is true does not
need proof because it has been proven. Just as
the sky that never reveals itself is high,
besides that, intelligent and knowledgeable
people will also know tolerance.

THE YOUNG SYR How beautiful is the The Young SYR could not stop admiring the
Princess Salome to-night! beauty of Princess Salome that night.

THE PAGE OF HER You are always looking The Page of Her is worried if The Young
at her. You look at her too much. It is SYR is always staring at Princess Salome. It's
dangerous to look at people in such fashion. too much, and anything in excess is not good.
Something terrible may happen.  It can lead to dangerous things. The Young
SYR may be involved with something terrible
that he can't predict if he stares so intently that
he falls deeply into Princess Salome's beauty.

THE YOUNG SYR She is very beautiful to- The Young SYR couldn't control his feelings
night.  of being carried away by Princess Salome's
beauty that night; he kept praising her.

FIRST SOL The Tetrarch has a sombre First Sol reminds them that on the other side
aspect.  of Princess Salome's beauty, there is Tetrarch,
which has a gloomy aspect.

SECOND SOL Yes; he has a sombre aspect.  Second Sol agrees and acknowledges the
gloomy aspects of Tetrarch.

FIRST SOL He is looking at something.  First Sol noticed Tetrarch, who was looking at
something from a distance. Tetrarch was
probably clearly looking at something serious,
so First Sol noticed.

SECOND SOL He is looking at someone.  Second Sol noticed that it was someone who
might be walking up to him.

FIRST SOL At whom is he looking? First Sol, who couldn't find an answer, kept
SECOND SOL I cannot tell. THE YOUNG asking in detail about that person.
SYR How pale the Princess is! Never have I Second Sol couldn't reach it either; maybe it
seen her so pale. She is like the shadow of a was too far away, so it was hard to see the
white rose in a mirror of silver. person.
The young SYR noticed Princess Salome,
who didn't look like her usual self. She looked
very pale, like the reflection of a white rose in
a silver mirror—pale white, showing no other
color at all.

THE PAGE OF HER You must not look at The Page Of Her never tires of warning
her. You look too much at her.  against paying too much attention to Princess
Salome; perhaps some are noticing Princess
Salome so unnaturally that it stands out.
Princess Salome knows that and can make her
feel uncomfortable, so it's likely she's
providing something of a deterrent to the

FIRST SOL Herodias has filled the cup of the First Sol says Herodias has filled Tetrarch's
Tetrarch.  cup. This shows the information on how
caring Herodias served Tetrarch.

THE CAPPA Is that the Queen Herodias, she The Cappa, who probably had never seen the
who wears a black mitre sewed with pearls, queen Herodias clearly, watched intently. He
and whose hair is powdered with blue dust?  was trying to be sure of what he noticed: the
queen of Herodias was wearing a black miter
with pearls, and her hair was dusted with blue

FIRST SOL Yes; that is Herodias, the First Sol confirmed what he saw. All those he
Tetrarch’s wife. mentioned were women named Herodias, a
wife of the Tetrarch.

SECOND SOL The Tetrarch is very fond of Second Sol knows that the Tetrarch loves
wine. He has wine of three sorts. One which is grapes, and even he owns three types of
brought from the island of Samothrace, and is grapes. types of wine are only obtained by
purple like the cloak of Caesar.  certain people, so the three types of wine that
Tetrarch has are extraordinary. One of the
wines he had come from the island of
Samothrace. This island can be described with
two words: "mystical" and "nature." This is
because most of the island of Samothrace is
mountainous and is also famous as the center
of the secret cult of Kabeiroi, the ancient
fertility god. The wine from there was purple,
like Caesar's robes.

THE CAPPA I have never seen Caesar.  The Cappa, who had never seen Caesar with
his purple robes, could not imagine the purple
color of the wine.

SECOND SOL Another that comes from a Second Sol explains another type of wine that
town called Cyprus, and is as yellow as gold.  comes from a different place, which is the city
THE CAPPA I love gold. of Cyprus. The city of Cyprus has the oldest
wine label in the world, called Commandaria
wine. Tetrarch has the Commandaria grape,
which is a historic Cyprus wine. This grape is
yellow in color, like gold, and has a dry, fruity
The Cappa captures another meaning of gold.
He responded that he liked gold, not referring
to the yellow color of gold but to gold itself as
an object of value for money.

SECOND SOL And the third is a wine of Second Sol mentions a third type of Tetrarch
Sicily. That wine is as red as blood. wine; it is called Sicilian wine. The name
"Sicily" is the name of the island where the
wine is produced. On this island, harvesting
grapes has become an ancient tradition. This
wine is red like blood.

THE NUB The gods of my country are very For the second time, The Nub also catches
fond of blood. Twice in the year we sacrifice another topic about blood being discussed.
to them young men and maidens: fifty young The Nub tells another story about blood. It's
men and a hundred maidens. But I am afraid about the gods in his country, who love blood
that we never give them quite enough, for very much. It can also be referred to as the
they are very harsh to us.  object of an offering. The Nub, being faithful
adherents, made offerings twice a year in the
form of the blood of fifty young men and one
hundred virgins. It is not a small number and
can also be considered an inhumane act. Fifty
young men and one hundred girls who should
have aged happily and achieved their dreams
ended tragically in offerings. but this is indeed
a responsibility or obligation for their beliefs
as a symbol of devotion to welfare. Even the
number of offerings is still in doubt by The
Nub. He was worried that the number of
offerings they made was not enough for their
god because the gods were very strict with

THE CAPPA In my country there are no gods The Cappa has the exact opposite. As a
left. The Romans have driven them out. There Roman, he did not submit to the gods; in fact,
are some who say that they have hidden they expelled him so that in his country there
themselves in the mountains, but I do not was not a single god left. The gods were
believe it. Three nights I have been on the suspected of running away and hiding in the
mountains seeking them everywhere. I did not mountains, but the Cappa didn't believe it and
find them, and at last I called them by their claimed that the gods were dead. This is
names, and they did not come. I think they are because he has proven himself in his search
dead.  by spending three nights in the mountains
looking for them, but they are nowhere to be
found; even calling them by name yields no
sign of their existence.

FIRST SOL The Jews worship a God that one First, Sol alludes to dealing with the Jews. He
cannot see.  explained that the Jews were not dealing with
THE CAPPA I cannot understand that.  gods who had visible forms. but worshiped
gods that no one could see, not even the holy
The Cappa is not familiar with this concept,
so he does not understand the concept of God
among the Jews because it is very different
from his.

FIRST SOL In fact they only believe in things Then, First Sol further asserts that these Jews
that one cannot see.  only believed in things that no one could see.
So, we and not even the Jews themselves can
see God.

THE CAPPA That seems to me altogether The Cappa who heard this thought that it was
ridiculous.  a really ridiculous thing. He may think that
gods alone in form cannot be trusted by his
people, let alone something unseen. But this is
a matter of belief that no one can judge.

THE VOICE OF JOK After me shall come The Voice of Jok could be considered a strong
another mightier than I. I am not worthy so person, but he said that one would come
much as to unloose the latchet of his shoes. stronger than him. He feels that he is no
When he cometh the solitary places shall be longer worthy to serve his followers, and a
glad. They shall blossom like the rose. The stronger person will come in his stead; that
eyes of the blind shall see the day, and the person will make a change for the better and
ears of the deaf shall be opened. The sucking be more powerful. All difficulties will be
child shall put his hand upon the dragon’s lair, overcome, and they will even bring great
he shall lead the lions by their manes. glory.

SECOND SOL Make him be silent. He is Second Sol felt that phrase was bullshit that
always saying ridiculous things.  was always discussed and wouldn't happen.
Second Sol pushes the Voice of Jok to stop
saying ridiculous, uncertain splendor.

FIRST SOL No, no. He is a holy man. He is First, Sol insists that it's not ridiculous. It will
very gentle, too. Every day when I give him to happen; the person in question is a saint and
eat he thanks me.  very gentle. First Sol hangs out with him
every day and judges him to be a good person.
This is evident when First Sol feeds him, and
he thanks him.

THE CAPPA Who is he?  After hearing the praise from First Sol, The
FIRST SOL A prophet.  Cappa became curious about who this person
THE CAPPA What is his name?  was, and in detail, he also asked the person's
FIRST SOL Jokanaan.  name.
First Sol mentions that he is a prophet named

THE CAPPA Whence comes he?  Further, the Cappa wondered where the
FIRST SOL From the desert, where he fed on prophet came from.
locusts and wild honey. He was clothed in First Sol explains that the prophet Jokanaan
camel’s hair, and round his loins he had a came from the desert; a place where it is
leathern belt. He was very terrible to look difficult to get food, so he eats grasshoppers
upon. A great multitude used to follow him. and wild honey as staple foods; a place where
He even had disciples.  the majority raises camels, and only camels
can survive in the desert, where there is very
little rain. This place also cultivates anything
that comes from something that is there, such
as the clothes of the prophet Jokanaan, which
were made of camel hair. On top of that, he
was also wearing a leather belt, so he looked
terrible to look at. However, the prophet
Jokanaan had many followers, even disciples.
In this case, it can be explained that the
Prophet of Jokanaan was an honorable and
trustworthy person among his people.

THE CAPPA What is he talking about?  The Cappa continues to be curious about the
FIRST SOL We can never tell. Sometimes he prophet Jokanaan, how he can become such a
says thing that affright one, but it is trusted person to have so many followers, and
impossible to understand what he says.  how he preaches.
And as time goes on, it is probable that First
Sol will become a follower of the prophet
Jokanaan; he often praises and knows more
about the prophet. But he did not really
understand the da'wah he was talking about;
even he and several other people involved
never knew about it. However, First Sol only
pays attention to the main points of his
preaching, which sometimes discuss scary
things. however difficult and impossible it
was to understand what he was saying. This is
because some of the points he makes do not
make sense and are not accepted in certain
circles, especially in the story where he is in
prison and the target audience is royal people
who tend to be the opposite of him.

THE CAPPA May one see him?  The more The Cappa gets to know about
FIRST SOL No. The Tetrarch has forbidden Nabii Jokanaan, the more curious he becomes
it.  about her form. He wanted to meet him, so he
looked for an answer to that question. He then
asked if the prophet could be seen by
someone or not.
First Sol insists that it is not allowed by the
Tetrarch, who forbade anyone to see the
prophet Jokanaan.

THE YOUNG SYR The Princess has hidden The Young Syr finds Princess Salome with a
her face behind her fan! Her little white hands fan. However, Princess Salome doesn't seem
are fluttering like doves that fly to their dove- to be willing to show off her beauty freely. He
cots. They are like white butterflies. They are hid his face behind his fan. Only other parts
just white butterflies. were visible, such as her small white hands as
she fluttered her fan like a bird's wing when it
flew. It looks more like a white butterfly. On
the other hand, the white butterfly symbolizes
the soul of a loved one who has died. White
butterflies can also represent angels, with the
main symbols being purity and light.
However, this does not refer further to this
matter; it is just like a white butterfly object.

THE PAGE OF HER What is that to you? The Page of Her was a little annoyed by
Why do you look at her? You must not look at people who always looked unnaturally
her.... Something terrible may happen.  attentive to Princess Salome in detail. He
wondered the motive for the action—was it
really such an urgent thing that he had to look
at it carefully; if not, then stop. It was too
dangerous because the gaze could lead to
something terrible.

THE CAPPA  Second Sol points to a tank inside the prison.

[Pointing to the cistern.]  He thought it was a strange prison, because of
What a strange prison!  why the tank was there.
SECOND SOL It is an old cistern. 

THE CAPPA An old cistern! That must be a The Cappa adapted to the dire conditions of
poisonous place in which to dwell!  the prison, so he thought that the old tank
must contain poison used to torture prisoners.

SECOND SOL Oh no! For instance, the Second Sol didn't agree with that, because, as
Tetrarch’s brother, his elder brother, the first he knew, Tetrarch's brother, who was also an
husband of Herodias the Queen, was older brother of Herodias's first husband, the
imprisoned there for twelve years. It did not queen, had been imprisoned in that tank for
kill him. At the end of the twelve years he had twelve years. If the tank contained poison,
to be strangled. maybe he would be killed quickly, but for 12
years he wasn't killed in it, so he had to be
strangled to death.

THE CAPPA Strangled? Who dared to do The Cappa was shocked to hear that the death
that? SECOND SOL [Pointing to the of the prisoner, who had a royal family
Executioner, a huge negro.] That man yonder, lineage, was due to strangulation. It was such
Naaman.  a brave act that he wondered who that person
with such great bravery was.
Second Sol answered by pointing at the
figure. He is the executioner named Naaman,
a big negro who has a duty to kill the convicts
and tends to leave the affairs of sin to God. 

THE CAPPA He was not afraid?  The Cappa mind still couldn't accept the
SECOND SOL Oh no! The Tetrarch sent him executioner's task. He imagined that if he
the ring.  were in the executioner's position, he would
not dare to do that, so the executioner's guts
still made no sense in his mind.
Then Second Sol explains that the executioner
will not feel afraid; he confidently and bravely
does so. This alludes to his duty, and on the
other hand, the Tetrarch also sends him a ring.

THE CAPPA What ring?  The Cappa asked what kind of ring was
SECOND SOL The death ring. So he was not involved in this heinous punishment.
afraid. Second Sol reveals that the ring is not just any
ring. This is called the ring of death so that
people who wear it will not feel afraid to be
involved in things that smell like death.

THE CAPPA Yet it is a terrible thing to The Cappa thought that the power of the ring
strangle a king.  might not be comparable to the object to be
strangled; this was a king, someone of the
highest rank, and strangling him was a terrible

FIRST SOL Why? Kings have but one neck, First Sol insists that there is no difference
like other folk.  between the king and the rest of the people.
THE CAPPA I think it terrible.  They both have one neck to strangle for their
The Cappa still isn't on the same line of
thinking as First Sol; he still insists that it's a
different and more terrifying thing if it's a
king. This can be explained that the Cappa
being very devoted and loyal to the king, so
he will not dare do something vile to his king,
even though he is guilty.

THE YOUNG SYR The Princess is getting The Young Syr saw Princess Salome wake up
up! She is leaving the table! She looks very from her sleep. Then she left her dressing
troubled. Ah, she is coming this way. Yes, she table with a troubled look on her face. She
is coming towards us. How pale she is! Never walked closer to them. It was easier to see
have I seen her so pale.  Princess Salome's face, which was not as
usual; she looked very pale.

THE PAGE OF HER Do not look at her. I The Page of Her warns not to see Princess
pray you not to look at her.  Salome. He firmly begged them not to see
Princess Salome.

THE YOUNG SYR She is like a dove that has The Young Syr noticed for a brief moment
strayed.... She is likea narcissus trembling in that Princess Salome really looked as messy
the wind.... She is like a silver flower. [Enter and full of trouble as a stray pigeon. She's also
Salome.]  liked a tattered narcissist. Narcissus lives as a
"flower," which also represents those who are
obsessed with their own appearance.
However, Princess Salome was the opposite
of that. She grew weaker and wobbly; even
her face was as pale as a silver flower.

SALOME I will not stay. I cannot stay. Why Salome felt overwhelmed and said she
does the Tetrarch look at me all the while with wouldn't and couldn't stay. She was sick of
his mole’s eyes under his shaking eyelids? It Tetrarch always looking at her unnaturally.
is strange that the husband of my mother His gaze was clearly visible with the mole
looks at me like that. I know not what it under his trembling eyelids. Salome felt
means. Of a truth I know it too well.  uncomfortable being stared at by her own
stepfather like that. But she didn't want to find
out what that look meant, and she thought it
was the best course of action.

THE YOUNG SYR You have left the feast, The Young Syr tries to persuade Princess
Princess? SALOME How sweet is the air Salome to stay. He tried to ask again to clarify
here! I can breathe here! Within there are his intentions. He also purposefully offered
Jews from Jerusalem who are tearing each several options to consider, such as calling the
other in pieces over their foolish ceremonies, atmosphere "sweet." But this is like satire; a
and barbarians who drink and drink and spill sweet air atmosphere does not mean sweet.
their wine on the pavement, and Greeks from The Young Syr interprets it as an atmosphere
Smyrna with painted eyes and painted cheeks, that is actually chaotic but purposefully
and frizzed hair curled in columns, and enjoyed, and they won't find it anywhere else.
Egyptians silent and subtle, with long nails of There are Jews fighting with Jerusalem over
jade and russet cloaks, and Romans brutal and their stupid ceremonies; barbarians are getting
coarse, with their uncouth jargon. Ah! how I drunk and spilling their food; wine is
loathe the Romans! They are rough and splattered on the sidewalks; and so on. many
common, and they give themselves the airs of other messes made by people from various
noble lords. other groups, such as the Yunani, Egyptians,
Romans, etc.

THE YOUNG SYR Will you be seated, The Young Syr asked Princess Salome to sit
Princess? THE PAGE OF HER Why do you down and calm herself down.
speak to her? Oh! something terrible will The Page of Her rebukes the Young Syr for
happen. speaking too closely to Princess Salome. He
Why do you look at her? warned her repeatedly that something terrible
would happen if he looked at her, and even
worse if he spoke to her.

SALOME How good to see the moon! She is Salome just wanted the serenity of looking at
like a little piece of money, a little silver the moon. To her, the moon is like a small
flower. She is cold and chaste. I am sure she is piece of money or a little silver flower that
a virgin.  has great pleasure for those who have not had
She has the beauty of a virgin. Yes, she is a the opportunity to enjoy it. She admired the
virgin. She has never defiled herself. She has moon by calling it cold and holy. She was
never abandoned herself to men, like the other also sure she was a virgin because no one had
goddesses.  soiled her up there. Unlike other goddesses,
who may not be virgins because they meet

THE VOICE OF JOK Behold! the Lord hath The Voice Jokannounced loudly that God had
come. The Son of Man is at hand. The come. This signifies that the human child is
centaurs have hidden themselves in the rivers, near, and some others cannot be joined in this
and the nymphs have left the rivers, and are meeting, so they go to hide and leave this
lying beneath the leaves in the forests.  place.

SALOME Who was that who cried out? Salome, who listened to the loud voice, asked
SECOND SOL The prophet, Princess.  who made it.
Second Sol replied that it was the voice of the
prophet's shout.

SALOME Ah, the prophet! He of whom the Salome, who knew little about the prophet,
Tetrarch is afraid?  was the one that Tetrarch feared.
SECOND SOL We know nothing of that, Second Sol, who didn't know about it, didn't
Princess. It was the prophet Jokanaan who give any comment. He only knew that the
cried out.  voice came from a prophet named Jokanaan.

THE YOUNG SYR Is it your pleasure that I On a quiet night in the garden, The Young Syr
bid them bring your litter, Princess? The night offers Princess Salome that he will gladly tell
is fair in the garden.  them to take the trash with them.

SALOME He says terrible things about my Salome knew that the prophet had also said
mother, does he not?  bad things about her mother. In this case, she
SECOND SOL We never understand what he harbors the seeds of revenge that will soar
says, Princess.  when the truth is seen by her eyes.
But Second Sol was never able to understand
anything the prophet was talking about, so he
couldn't say anything else about it.

SALOME Yes; he says terrible things about Salome then tells him that it was she who
her.  insulted her mother.
[Enter a Slave.] Then the slaves came and informed her that
THE SLAVE Princess, the Tetrarch prays you the Tetrarch had asked Princess Salome to
to return to the feast. SALOME I will not return to the party immediately.
return. However, Princess Salome said she would not
return to the party.

THE YOUNG SYR Pardon me, Princess, but The Young Syr joins these forces to seduce
if you return not some misfortune may Salome into getting back to the party as soon
happen.  as possible because if she doesn't go back,
Tetrarch will be furious and something bad
will happen.

SALOME Is he an old man, this prophet?  Salome seemed to ignore it. She was more
THE YOUNG SYR Princess, it were better to interested in information about the prophet.
return. Suffer me to lead you in. She wanted to know the age of the prophet,
whether he was young or old.
But the Young Syr did not answer her
question and remained focused on persuading
Salome to return to the party because this
involved his life too.

SALOME This prophet... is he an old man? Salome, who didn't want to be ignored,
FIRST SOL No, Princess, he is quite young.  repeated her question again. She wanted to
know about the prophet, young or old.
First Sol said that the prophet was not old,
even very young.

SECOND SOL One cannot be sure. There are Second Sol adds to this information by saying
those who say that he is Elias.  that one cannot be sure of this. This is because
the prophet is often referred to as Elias.

SALOME Who is Elias?  Salome, who had not heard Elias' name, asked
SECOND SOL A prophet of this country in him what Elias was like.
bygone days, Princess.  Second Sol reveals that Elias was a prophet
same as Jokanaan in the land, but the prophet
Elias lived in the past before Jokanaan

THE SLAVE What answer may I give The slave who failed to persuade Princess
Tetrarch from the Princess?  Salome to go back to the party was frustrated
THE VOICE OF JOK Rejoice not, O land of about what answer he would report to the
Palestine, because the rod of him who smote tetrarch if she really didn't want to go back to
thee is broken. For from the seed of the the party. He was afraid of being punished for
serpent shall come a basilisk, and that which disobeying his orders.
is born of it shall devour the birds.  The Voice of Jok tells The Slave not to be too
dramatic about this. This is because The Slave
who comes from Palestine may not feel
surprised anymore if he is punished by the
Tetrarch; this is because The Slave was born
from various punishments in his homeland.

SALOME What a strange voice! I would Salome also found it a strange voice, and she
speak with him. acted even more boldly to meet and speak
with the prophet Jokanaan.

FIRST SOL I fear it may not be, Princess. The First Sol was against Princess Salome's
Tetrarch does not suffer any one to speak with wishes because he knew that would be
him. He has even forbidden the high priest to impossible. Tetrarch, her father, won't let
speak with him.  anyone talk to him. Even he forbade the high
priest to talk to the Prophet of Jokanaan,
especially you, who are only his stepdaughter.

SALOME I desire to speak with him.  Salome still insists on meeting the Prophet
FIRST SOL It is impossible, Princess.  Jokanaan. She just wanted to talk to him.
SALOME I will speak with him.  However, First Sol still says that it is
. impossible to do. This is not a problem with
an easy solution or an easy request to fulfill;
this involves the strict order of the Tetrarch,
which no one can challenge.
Salome didn't care about that; she still wanted
to talk to the prophet Jokanaan.

THE YOUNG SYR Would it not be better to Then The Young Syr suggested that it was
return to the banquet?  better for Princess Salome to return to the
SALOME Bring forth this prophet. [Exit the banquet than try hard to meet the prophet but
Slave.]  end up in vain, which is even more tragic.
Salome didn't feel scared at all; she asked for
even more impossible things to do. She told
them to bring the prophet Jokanaan to him.

FIRST SOL We dare not, Princess First Sol refused his orders because she did
not have the courage to do such a risky thing.

SALOME  Salome, who kept insisting, wanted to meet

[Approaching the cistern and looking down and talk to the prophet Jokanaan. She
into it.] How black it is, down there! It must approached the tank where Nabi Jokanaan
be terrible to be in so black a hole! It is like a was imprisoned. She looked into the tank,
tomb.... which was so dark that she couldn't see
[To the soldiers.] Did you not hear me? Bring anything down there. She imagined the
out the prophet. I would look on him.   conditions down there, which must have been
terrible. In this case, Salome couldn't do
anything about it; she couldn't afford to go
down that terrible tank like a grave. But she
wanted so much to see the prophet that she
ordered the soldiers to bring Jokanaan out of

SECOND SOL Princess, I beg you, do not Second Sol felt very frustrated at Princess
require this of us.  Salome's orders. This is because they cannot
carry out his orders because it is a violation of
the rules made by the king, Tetrarch. The
Second Sol begged Princess Salome not to
force them to do that.

SALOME You are making me wait upon your Salome is stubborn, doesn't care about
pleasure.  anything, and only focuses on her desires. So,
she threatened them for not doing what she

FIRST SOL Princess, our lives belong to you, First Sol says that he is truly devoted to her;
but we cannot do what you have asked of us. their lives are hers. However, this also
And indeed, it is not of us that you should ask concerns the king's orders. It's a big offense
this thing. they can't touch. because they are just
ordinary soldiers who can only serve and not
commit treason.

SALOME  Salome screamed when she saw the Syrian

[Looking at the young Syrian.]  youth.
Ah!  This took The Page of Her by surprise. She
THE PAGE OF HER Oh! what is going to then rushed to know what happened; she
happen? I am sure that something terrible will thought Princess Salome had something bad
happen.  happen.

SALOME  Then Salome went up to meet the Syrian

[Going up to the young Syrian.]  youth. She urged Narraboth not to refuse to
Thou wilt do this thing for me, wilt thou not, fulfill her wish. Salome was sure she would.
Narraboth? Thou wilt do this thing for me. I She wanted Narraboth to agree, so she
have ever been kind towards thee. Thou wilt brought up all the good she had done for him.
do it for me. I would but look at him, this She thought that her wish was a simple one—
strange prophet. Men have talked so much of just wanting to see the prophet Jokanaan—
him. Often I have heard the Tetrarch talk of because she was so curious about the strange
him. I think he is afraid of him, the Tetrarch. prophet. It is also because she has heard the
Art thou, even thou, also afraid of him, name of this prophet mentioned everywhere
Narraboth?  and by anyone. So, this gathering becomes a
THE YOUNG SYR I fear him not, Princess; very big curiosity. but the main reason was
there is no man I fear. But the Tetrarch has the presumption that this prophet was feared
formally forbidden that any man should raise by the Tetrarchs. She also thinks everyone is
the cover of this well.  afraid of this prophet, including Narraboth.
The Page of Her interjects that she is not
afraid of any men, nor is the prophet. He just
couldn't disobey the Tetrarch’s officially
declared order that he strictly forbade anyone
to lift the cover of this well.

SALOME Thou wilt do this thing for me, Salome continued to urge them to commit the
Narraboth, and tomorrow when I pass in my offense. She gave assurances that if they were
litter beneath the gateway of the idolsellers I caught red-handed, they would flee along the
will let fall for thee a little flower, a little route he had planned. They are also promised
green flower.  small rewards that are not commensurate with
their work.

THE YOUNG SYR Princess, I cannot, I The Young Syr still refused his orders
cannot.  because he really couldn't do that.

SALOME  Salome thought that was the only reason that

[Smiling.] would make his melt away. She thought that
Thou wilt do this thing for me, Narraboth. Narraboth would do as she wished. She also
Thou knowest that thou wilt do this thing for continued to seduce her by promising
me. And on the morrow when I shall pass in anything pleasant to Narraboth. She will not
my litter by the bridge of the idol-sellers, I stop until her wish is fulfilled.
will look at thee through the muslin veils, I
will look at thee, Narraboth, it may be I will
smile at thee. Look at me, Narraboth, look at
me. Ah! thou knowest that thou wilt do what I
ask of thee. Thou knowest it.... I know that
thou wilt do this thing.

THE YOUNG SYR  So that The Young Syr had no other choice,
[Signing to the third soldier.]  he obeyed Princess Salome's orders. He
Let the prophet come forth.... The Princess ordered the third soldier to open the well and
Salome desires to see him. let Princess Salome meet the prophet.

SALOME Ah!  Then The Page of Her saw a very strange-

THE PAGE OF HER Oh! How strange the looking moon. The moon looks cold and
moon looks! Like the hand of a dead woman mysterious surrounded by thick white clouds,
who is seeking to cover herself with a shroud.  so the moon seems to be trying to hide behind
the clouds.

THE YOUNG SYR She has a strange aspect! The Young Syr says that the moon has a
She is like a little princess, whose eyes are strange aspect. The moon was yellow and like
eyes of amber. Through the clouds of muslin a little princess. Clouds covered certain parts
she is smiling like a little princess.  of the moon so that it looked like a smiling
little princess.

[The prophet comes out of the cistern. Salome Then Nabi Jokanaan came out of the tank
looks at him and steps slowly back.] where he was imprisoned. Salome, who saw
JOKANAAN Where is he whose cup of him for the first time, stared at him with a bit
abominations is now full? Where is he, who in of a stunned expression and slowly backed
a robe of silver shall one day die in the face of away.
all the people? Bid him come forth, that he Then Nabi Jokanaan came out of the tank
may hear the voice of him who hath cried in where he was imprisoned. Salome, who saw
the waste places and in the houses of kings. him for the first time, stared at him with a bit
of a stunned expression and slowly backed
Jokanaan, who came out for the first time,
immediately looked for someone who was
revealed to have done a heinous thing. He
kept on talking about the abomination of that
person. He reveals that he is wearing a silver
robe and will die in front of everyone. He was
determined to meet that person. The prophet
seemed to have a grudge against that person,
so when he had the chance, he wanted to meet

SALOME Of whom is he speaking?  Salome did not know the person the prophet
THE YOUNG SYR No one can tell, Princess.  spoke of.
The Young Syr had also never known what
the prophet was talking about.

JOKANAAN Where is she who saw the Jokanaan re-explained the characteristics of
images of men painted on the walls, even the the person he was after. It refers to someone
images of the Chaldeans painted with colours, in the palace.
and gave herself up unto the lust in her eyes, Then Salome realized that everything the
and sent ambassadors into the land of prophet Jokanaan had said was referring to
Chaldea? SALOME It is of my mother that he her mother.
is speaking. 

THE YOUNG SYR Oh no, Princess.  The Young Syr can't believe it refers to the
SALOME Yes: it is of My mother that he is queen.
speaking.  Salome confirmed that was true, and she was
sure that the traits referred to her mother.

JOKANAAN. Jokanaan constantly mentions this person. He

Where is she who gave herself unto the mentioned various things that person had
Captains of Assyria, who have baldricks on done. His past is really vile and sinful. His
their loins, and crowns of many colours on quest wanted that person to atone for his sins
their heads? Where is she who hath given to God.
herself to the young men of the Egyptians,
who are clothed in fine linen and hyacinth,
whose shields are of gold, whose helmets are
of silver, whose bodies are mighty? Go, bid
her rise up from the bed of her abominations,
from the bed of her incestuousness, that she
may hear the words of him who prepareth the
way of the Lord, that she may repent her of
her iniquities. Though she will not repent, but
will stick fast in her abominations, go bid her
come, for the fan of the Lord is in His hand.

SALOME Ah, but he is terrible, he is Salome judged the prophet as a terrible

terrible!  person.
THE YOUNG SYR Do not stay here, The Young Syr warned the princess to leave
Princess, I beseech you. immediately and not to stay with this prophet
for long.

SALOME It is his eyes above all that are Salome watched the prophet carefully. He
terrible. They are like black holes turned by thought the prophet's eyes were terrible. This
torches in a tapestry of Tyre. They are like the is because his eyes seem to hold various
black caverns where the dragons live, the things, especially grudges or goals that he
black caverns of Egypt in which the dragons must achieve. He seemed to talk endlessly
make their lairs. They are like the black lakes about that person; until Salome was curious
troubled by fantastic moons.... Do you think about this topic, he would discuss it again.
he will speak again?  The Young Syr, who is more worried if the
THE YOUNG SYR Do not stay here, king finds out that Princess Salome is here, So
Princess. I pray you do not stay here.  he begged her to leave this place immediately.

SALOME How wasted he is! He is like a thin But Salome never heeded any warnings; she
ivory statue. He is like an image of silver. I remained focused on satisfying her every
am sure he is chaste, as the moon is. He is like wish. She judged the prophet in more detail.
a moon-beam, like a shaft of silver. His flesh She said that this prophet was as holy as the
must be very cold, cold as ivory.... I would moon and its rays. He looked cold, so Salome
look closer at him.  wanted to take a closer look at him.

THE YOUNG SYR No, no, Princess!  The Young Syr forbade her to approach the
SALOME I must look at him closer.  prophet. but Salome still wanted to get closer
THE YOUNG SYR Princess! Princess!  to him. The Young Syr felt very panicked
seeing Salome one step closer to the prophet.

JOKANAAN Who is this woman who is Jokanaan noticed it and asked about Salome,
looking at me? I will not have her look at me. who kept staring at him. He said that he didn't
Wherefore doth she look at me, with her like being stared at like that and that he
golden eyes, under her gilded eyelids? I know wouldn't let people he didn't know do it. So,
not who she is. I do not desire to know who he told Salome to leave. Other than that,
she is. Bid her begone. It is not to her that I Salome wasn't the one he was looking for.
would speak. 

SALOME I am Salome, daughter of Herodias, Then Salome happily introduced herself. She
Princess of Judaea.  said that she was the daughter of Herodias and
the Princess of Judea.
JOKANAAN Back, daughter of Babylon! Jokanaan, who knew that she was the
Come not near the chosen of the Lord.  daughter of Herodias, the person he was
Thy mother hath filled the earth with the wine looking for, immediately called her the
of her iniquities, and the cry of her sinning daughter of Babylon, or the daughter of the
hath come up even to the ears of God. sinner. So, he does not deserve to be close to
God's chosen people like him. Then he also
explained that his mother had committed a
grave sin.

SALOME Speak again, Jokanaan. Thy voice Salome, who felt a little offended, told her to
is as music to mine ear.  say more.
THE YOUNG SYR Princess! Princess! The young Syr tried to calm Princess Salome. 
Princess! SALOME Speak again! Speak But Salome still urged the prophet to speak
again, Jokanaan, and tell me what I must do. again, until she offered him the chance to do
as he said.

JOKANAAN Daughter of Sodom, come not Jokanaan really didn't care. He called her the
near me! But cover thy face with a veil, and daughter of Sodom and forbade her to
scatter ashes upon thine head, and get thee to approach him. But he told her that she could
the desert, and seek out the Son of Man.  find a human child in the desert by covering
her face with a hood and scattering ashes over
her head.

SALOME Who is he, the Son of Man? Is he Salome asked which human child he meant
as beautiful as thou art, Jokanaan?  and what he looked like—perhaps as beautiful
JOKANAAN Get thee behind me! I hear in as the prophet Jokanaan.
the palace the beating of the wings of the Jokanaan offers Princess Salome to be her
angel of death.  follower; she says if she continues to be the
princess in this palace, she will die because
she saw the grim reaper in the palace.

THE YOUNG SYR Princess! I beseech thee The Young Syr really begged Princess
to go within. Salome to come back; she was worried that
the prophet instigated her and he is
responsible for all of this.

JOKANAAN Angel of the Lord God, what Jokanaan awaited the day when the silver robe
dost thou here with thy sword? Whom seekest would receive its doom. He was waiting for
thou in this palace? The day of him who shall Herodias' death.
die in a robe of silver has not yet come. 

SALOME Jokanaan!  Salome called the prophet aloud.

JOKANAAN Who speaketh?  Jokanaan was surprised at where the voice
SALOME I am amorous of thy body, came from.
Jokanaan! Thy body is white, like the lilies of It turned out that it was Salome who wanted
a field that the mower hath never mowed. Thy to express her feelings for the prophet. He
body is white like the snows that lie on the openly said that he fell in love with
mountains of Judaea, and come down into the Jokanaan's body, which was as white as snow
valleys. The roses in the garden of the Queen and more attractive than white roses in the
of Arabia are not so white as thy body. garden; even your body is unrivaled in this
Neither the roses of the garden of the Queen world. Salome really wanted to touch her
of Arabia, the garden of spices of the Queen body.
of Arabia, nor the feet of the dawn when they
light on the leaves, nor the breast of the moon
when she lies on the breast of the sea.... There
is nothing in the world so white as thy body.
Suffer me to touch thy body. 

JOKANAAN Back! daughter of Babylon! By Jokanaan ordered Princess Babel back to

woman came evil into the world. Speak not to where she was supposed to be there. He did
me. I will not listen to thee. I listen but to the not talk to her because he believes that
voice of the Lord God.  women can invite evil into the world. So, he
didn't want to hear Princess Salome's babble;
he just listened to God's voice.

SALOME Thy body is hideous. It is like the Salome, who feels hurt, turns to say bad
body of a leper. It is like a plastered wall, things about the prophet's body. She described
where vipers have crawled; like a plastered in detail the body parts of the prophet. She
wall where the scorpions have made their said that his body was terrible. but not about
nest. It is like a white sepulchre, full of his hair. His black hair was so charming that
loathsome things. It is horrible, thy body is Princess Salome was captivated by it. She
horrible. It is of thy hair that I am enamoured, says that his hair is the single most black and
Jokanaan. Thy hair is like clusters of grapes, charming thing in the world. She wanted to
like the clusters of black grapes that hang touch her hair.
from the vinetrees of Edom in the land of the
Edomites. Thy hair is like the cedars of
Lebanon, like the great cedars of Lebanon that
give their shade to the lions and to the robbers
who would hide them by day. 
The long black nights, when the moon hides
her face, when the stars are afraid, are not so
black as thy hair. The silence that dwells in
the forest is not so black. There is nothing in
the world that is so black as thy hair.... Suffer
me to touch thy hair.

JOKANAAN Back, daughter of Sodom! Jokanaan told Salome to leave him and return
Touch me not. Profane not the temple of the to where she came from. Jokanaan called her
Lord God. the daughter of a very sinful and evil mother.
What Salome said was considered by
Jokanaan as an impolite sentence and should
not have come out of his mouth. Because
what Salome said had nothing to do with
God's holy or biblical voice

SALOME Thy hair is horrible. It is covered Salome says that Jokanaan has hair that makes
with mire and dust. It is like a crown of thorns her cringe, and she feels uncomfortable.
placed on thy head. It is like a knot of serpents Jokanaan's hair was sleazy, covered in mud
coiled round thy neck. I love not thy hair.... It and dust. Jokanaan's hair clumps as a result,
is thy mouth that I desire, Jokanaan. Thy and some of the hair on the top of his head
mouth is like a band of scarlet on a tower of feels sharp and resembles a crown. While
ivory. It is like a pomegranate cut in twain Jokanaan's long hair also clumps up to
with a knife of ivory. resemble a snake. Salome is not interested in
how Jokanaan's hair looks because she is
more interested in Jokanaan's lips. Jokanaan
has rosy, glossy lips and looks so charming
that Salome craves them.

The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the Jokanaan's lips were very red, according to
gardens of Tyre, and are redder than roses, are Salome. She thought Jokanaan's lips were
not so red. The red blasts of trumpets that redder than pomegranates and roses. His lips
herald the approach of kings, and make afraid are also redder when compared to the royal
the enemy, are not so red. Thy mouth is trumpet. The redness on the feet of someone
redder than the feet of those who tread the who was squeezing wine was also no redder
wine in the wine-press. It is redder than the than the color of Jokanaan's lips. In short, the
feet of the doves who inhabit the temples and color of Jokanaan's lips that fascinated
are fed by the priests. It is redder than the feet Salome was rosy red. His lips look strong and
of him who cometh from a forest where he special, like coral twigs found by fishermen
hath slain a lion, and seen gilded tigers. Thy and then kept specially for kings.
mouth is like a branch of coral that fishers
have found in the twilight of the sea, the coral
that they keep for the kings!... It is like the
vermilion that the Moabites find in the mines
of Moab, the vermilion that the kings take
from them.

It is like the bow of the King of the Persians, The curve of Jokanaan's lips is similar to that
that is painted with vermilion, and is tipped of the Persian King's bow. Salome said that
with coral. There is nothing in the world so nothing else could counter the redness of
red as thy mouth.... Suffer me to kiss thy Jokanaan's lips. So, Salome begged Jokanaan
mouth. to kiss him on the lips.

JOKANAAN Never! daughter of Babylon! Jokanaan flatly refused Salome's request, who
Daughter of Sodom! never! desperately wanted to kiss him on the lips.
Jokanaan called out to Salome with a
"daughter of Babylon." He also again called
her the daughter of a very sinner and full of
evil. Jokanaan really doesn't want to fulfill
Salome's wish.

SALOME I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan. I Even though Jokanaan had rejected Salome's
will kiss thy mouth. request, Salome remained steadfast in her
stance. Jokanaan had also cursed her with a
very hurtful call, but Salome did not give up
her desire to kiss Jokanaan on the lips. Salome
promised to kiss Jokanaan on the lips.

THE YOUNG SYR Princess, Princess, thou The Young Syr rebukes Salome for her
who are like a garden of myrth, thou who art actions. Salome looks full of rage in her desire
the dove of all doves, look not at this man, for Jokanaan. This is in contrast to Salome's
look not at him! Do not speak such words to personality, which was previously seen as
him. I cannot endure it.... Princess, do not someone who is wise and peaceful. The
speak these things. Young Syr forbade Salome to see Jokanaan.
In addition, he also begged Salome to stop
saying all her compliments and wishes to
Jokanaan. The Young Syr admits to
surrendering to Salome's actions.

SALOME I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan Salome persisted in her desire to kiss
Jokanaan. She never gave up even though
Jokanaan had rejected and cursed her. The
Young Syr's rebuke was also ignored by her.

THE YOUNG SYR Ah! [He kills himself, The Young Syr gave up on what was
and falls between Salome and Jokanaan. happening in front of him. Give up on what
Salome did to Jokanaan. Finally, The Young
Syr commits suicide in the middle of an
argument between Salome and Jokanaan.

THE PAGE OF HER The young Syrian has The Page of Her is in chaos because his best
slain himself! The young captain has slain friend has died by suicide. He repeatedly said
himself! He has slain himself who was my his best friend had killed himself. It can be
friend! I gave him a little box of perfumes and seen that The Page of Her is very displeased
ear-rings wrought in silver, and now he has with the death of her best friend. Previously,
killed himself! Ah, did he not say that some he had given a gift containing perfume and
misfortune would happen? I, too, said it, and silver earrings to his best friend. He couldn't
it has come to pass. Well I knew that the believe his best friend would kill himself. The
moon was seeking a dead thing, but I knew misfortune that had previously been discussed
not that it was he whom she sought. Ah! why between The Page of Her and The Young Syr
did I not hide him from the moon? If I had finally happened. The Page of Her blames the
hidden him in a cavern she would not have moon for her best friend's death. He regretted
seen him. not being able to save his best friend from

FIRST SOL Princess, the young captain has First Sol informs Salome that The Young Syr
just slain himself.  has died by suicide.

SALOME Suffer me to kiss thy mouth, Salome doesn't care about The Young Syr's
Jokanaan.  death. She remained in her misery, trying to
persuade Jokanaan to fulfill her wish.

JOKANAAN Art thou not afraid, daughter of Jokanaan persisted in his refusal to fulfill
Herodias? Did I not tell thee that I had heard Salome's wishes. He reminded Salome
in the palace the beating of the wings the because of constantly begged him for things
angel of death, and hath he not come, the he didn't like. Jokanaan warns Salome that the
angel of death? SALOME Suffer me to kiss angel of death has come to the palace. With
thy mouth. this, Jokanaan hoped Salome would stop
forcing her will on him. On the other hand,
Salome did not break her desire to kiss

JOKANAAN Daughter of adultery, there is Jokanaan with his hatred for Salome, always
but one who can save thee. It is He of whom I calls Salome insulting calls. But after that,
spoke. Go seek Him. He is in a boat on the sea Jokanaan advised Salome to repent of her
of Galilee, and He talketh with His disciples. actions. Salome was told to go to meet her
Kneel down on the shore of the sea, and call Lord, Jesus. Jesus lived in a boat on the Sea of
unto Him by His name. When He cometh to Galilee with his disciples, Peter, James, John,
thee, and to all who call on Him He cometh, and Andrew. Jokanaan told Salome to go to
bow thyself at His feet and ask of Him the the seaside and kneel and call on the name of
remission of thy sins.  her Lord. That way, Jesus would meet Salome
and the others who called him. Jokanaan
hoped that Salome would humbly kneel and
ask God for forgiveness for her sins.

SALOME Suffer me to kiss thy mouth. Again, Salome didn't care what other people
said. Jokanaan's lengthy advice to Salome to
repent was also not heard by her. Salome
remained in her will. She felt a lot of pain
because of her great desire to kiss Jokanaan's

JOKANAAN Cursed be thou! daughter of an Jokanaan cursed Salome. She cursed her and
incestuous mother, be thou accursed!  called her the daughter of an incestuous
mother because her mother had been in an
incestuous relationship. An incestuous
relationship is a sexual intercourse between
two people in the family who are very closely
related. Salome's mother was married to the
sibling of his former husband. Therefore,
Jokanaan cursed Salome for her treatment of
SALOME I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan.  Salome still wanted to kiss Jokanaan. She
doesn't care about anything else that gets in
the way of her will.

JOKANAAN I will not look at thee. Thou art Jokanaan is getting annoyed with Salome for
accursed, Salome, thou art accursed. continuing to force his will on Jokanaan. He
[He goes down into the cistern.]  didn't want to see Salome in the slightest and
cursed her again. Then, Jokanaan went away
from Salome.

SALOME I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan; I Salome reiterated her promise to Jokanaan.
will kiss thy mouth.  She firmly promised to kiss Jokanaan

FIRST SOL We must bear away the body to First Sol invites the people around him to
another place. The Tetrarch does not care to move The Young Syr's body to another place
see dead bodies, save the bodies of those from where the people are gathered. This was
whom he himself has slain. done even though Tetrarch only cared about
the corpses of other people he had killed. He
didn't care about The Young Syr's corpse
caused by suicide.

THE PAGE OF HER He was my brother, and The Page of Her explained his close
nearer to me than a brother. I gave him a little relationship with The Young Syr. He admitted
box full of perfumes, and a ring of agate that that The Young Syr is very close to him. It
he wore always on his hand. In the evening can even be said that he considers The Young
we were wont to walk by the river, and among Syr more like his brother. The Page of Her
the almond-trees, and he used to tell me of the also recounted that previously he gave The
things of his country. He spake ever very low. Young Syr a gift in the form of a small box
The sound of his voice was like the sound of filled with perfume and a ring. The ring is
the flute, of one who playeth upon the flute. often used by The Young Syr. The two often
Also he had much joy to gaze at himself in the walked together at night, spending time
river. I used to reproach him for that. sharing stories by the river and among the
almond trees. The Page of Her praised his best
friend's voice as soft and comforting as the
sound of a flute. While sitting by the river,
The Young Syr was often amazed when he
saw himself. However, The Page of Her often
insulted The Young Syr for what he did and

SECOND SOL You are right; we must hide First Sol's proposal to remove The Young
the body. The Tetrarch must not see it.  Syr's corpse is approved by Second Sol. They
didn't want Tetrarch to see The Young Syr's
dead body.

FIRST SOL The Tetrarch will not come to First Sol explains to Second Sol that Tetrarch
this place. He never comes on the terrace. He will not come to meet them at that place. It
is too much afraid of the prophet. was impossible for Tetrarch to come to the
terrace because he was so afraid to meet

[Enter Herod, Herodias, and all the Court.] Herod, Herodias, and several others entered
HEROD Where is Salome? Where is the the room where Salome and the others had
Princess? Why did she not return to the gathered. Herod looked for Salome because
banquet as I commanded her? Ah! there she Salome did not return to the party soon. Her
is! stepfather wondered why she had not returned
when he had previously ordered her to return.
It wasn't long before Herod saw the Salome
he was looking for.

HERODIAS You must not look at her! You Salome's mother protested what Herod had
are always looking at her!  done. Herod always looked at Salome every
time he saw her. Herodias was very upset
when her husband treated his daughter like
that because she felt uncomfortable. Herodias
asks Herod to stop seeing Salome.

HEROD The moon has a strange look to- After looking at Salome, Herod saw Salome
night. Has she not a strange look? She is like a as a strange and crazy woman. Salome looks
mad woman, a mad woman who is seeking like a crazy woman who is lonely and then
everywhere for lovers. She is naked too. She wanders around looking for a lover. She
is quite naked. The clouds are seeking to looked naked and more conspicuous than
clothe her nakedness, but she will not let anyone else around her. Salome tried to cover
them. She shows herself naked in the sky. She it up, but she seemed to hesitate in doing so.
reels through the clouds like a drunken In the end, Salome deliberately kept herself
woman.... I am sure she is looking for lovers. standing out from the crowd. Salome couldn't
Does she not reel like a drunken woman? She stay still like someone who had drunk a lot of
is like a mad woman, is she not? alcohol. Herod said that Salome couldn't keep
quiet because she was looking for someone to
be her lover. Herod was convinced by his
opinion that Salome looked like an alcoholic.
He asks Herodias if Salome looks like a crazy

HERODIAS No; the moon is like the moon, Herodias does not agree with all of Herod's
that is all. Let us go within.... We have opinions. Herod's judgment, which describes
nothing to do here. Salome as the moon and compares it, is
refuted by Herodias. According to Herodias,
the moon is just a moon whose shape and
nature are the same as the moon they should
be. Then, Herodias invited Herod to leave the
room because she felt that she had nothing to
do with them.

HEROD I will stay here! Manasseh, lay Herod refused Herodias' invitation to leave
carpets there. Light torches. Bring forth the the place. Herod instructed Herodias to
ivory tables, and the tables of jasper. The air disregard the earlier issue. A rug, torches,
here is sweet. I will drink more wine with my some ivory tables, and some jasper tables
guests. We must show all honours to the were among his wants. Herod wanted his
ambassadors of Caesar. visitors to share in this beautiful ambiance. He
will entertain his guests with lots of wine.
Herod did this to pay homage to Caesar's

HERODIAS It is not because of them that you Herodias was not sure what Herod said that he
remain.  wanted to stay with his guests. He claimed
that Herod had other intentions hidden. Herod
might have wanted to stay just because he
wanted to remain able to freely stare at

HEROD Yes; the air is very sweet. Come, Herod persisted in his words wanting to stay
Herodias, our guests await us.  behind to entertain his guests. He felt
comfortable and fit into the atmosphere of the
Ah! I have slipped! I have slipped in blood! It air around him. He took Herodias to meet his
is an ill omen. It is a very ill omen. Wherefore guest, who was waiting for them.
is there blood here?... and this body, what
does this body here, Think you I am like the As they were walking, Herod suddenly
King of Egypt, who gives no feast to his stepped on something, which made him slip
guests but that he shows them a corpse? and startled. Herod fell into a pool of blood
Whose is it? I will not look on it. flowing from the corpse of The Young Syr.
This made him very scared because he felt
that what happened to him was a bad omen.
He was confused and wondered why there
was blood splattered on the floor he passed.
He was also surprised because there was a
corpse lying in front of him. This dire
situation should not have happened in a palace
having a party. Supposedly when there is a
party, the guests will be entertained with food,
drinks, and exciting entertainment to make the
guests happy. However, what actually
occurred was a horrifying suicide in which the
victim's corpse appeared to be planning a
party for the attendees. Herod was angry and
asked whose corpse was left alone. Herod did
not want to see the corpse and the pool of
blood that had disturbed him.
FIRST SOL It is our captain, sire. It is the First Sol answered Herod's question regarding
young Syrian whom you made captain of the the corpse he saw. First Sol says that the
guard but three days gone. corpse is that of their captain, The Young Syr.
Three days earlier, Herod had appointed The
Young Syr to be captain of the palace guards.

HEROD I issued no order that he should be Herod is still confused and wondering about
slain. the cause of the death of The Young Syr. As
Herod recalled, he had not previously issued
orders to his soldiers to kill The Young Syr.

SECOND SOL He slew himself, sire. Second Sol adds information on The Young
Syr's cause of death. He told Herod that none
of them had killed the captain because he had
killed himself.

HEROD For what reason? I had made him Herod is confused as to why The Young Syr
captain of my guard! could kill himself. According to Herod, the
previous days looked like nothing had
happened to The Young Syr. Herod thought
The Young Syr was doing well and happy
because he had just been appointed a guard
captain for Herod.

SECOND SOL We do not know, sire. But Second Sol explains to Herod that he also
with his own hand he slew himself. doesn't know why The Young Syr decided to
commit suicide. Later, Second Sol re-
emphasized that The Young Syr really died at
his own hands.

HEROD That seems strange to me. I had Herod considered this incident a strange
thought it was but the Roman philosophers occurrence. He never thought that The Young
who slew themselves. Is it not true, Tigellinus, Syr would kill himself. To Herod's
that the philosophers at Rome slay knowledge, only Roman philosophers
themselves? TIGELL There be some who slay committed suicide. He confirmed his claim to
themselves, sire. They are the Stoics. The Tigell that it was the Roman philosophers
Stoics are people of no cultivation. They are who killed themselves. Later, Tigell replied
ridiculous people. I myself regard them as that some of the Roman philosophers had
being perfectly ridiculous. committed suicide. Those who decided to
commit suicide were the Stoics. The Stoics
were those who adhered to the Hellenistic
school of philosophy that originated in
Ancient Greece in the early 3rd century BC.
The Hellenistic School of Philosophy is a
school that considers a philosophy of life that
maximizes positive emotions, reduces
negative emotions, and helps individuals to
hone their character virtues. However, Tigell
said that the Stoics were a group that never
acquired or developed qualities and skills.
According to Tigell, the Stoics are people
who have a personality that invites ridicule or
ridicule from others.

HEROD I also. It is ridiculous to kill oneself. Herod agrees with Tigell's opinion of
someone who kills himself. He considers
suicide an unreasonable act.

TIGELL Everybody at Rome laughs at them. Tigell tells Herod that suicide is such a
The Emperor has written a satire against them. ridiculous act that everyone in Rome laughs at
It is recited everywhere. those who commit suicide. Various phrases to
satirize the trend of suicide have been voiced
by the emperor in Rome. The satire was read
in every corner of the city.

HEROD Ah! he has written a satire against Herod was proud of what the Roman Emperor
them? Caesar is wonderful. He can do had done. He was amazed that the Emperor of
everything.... It is strange that the young Rome had boldly voiced the frequent suicides
Syrian has slain himself. I am sorry he has of his people. The death of The Young Syr is
slain himself. I am very sorry. For he was fair still an oddity for Herod. Herod laments that
to look upon. He was even very fair. He had The Young Syr died as a result of his own
very langourous eyes. I remember that I saw actions. This incident was so unfortunate that
that he looked languorously at Salome. Truly, Herod apologized for this incident. According
I thought he looked too much at her. to him, The Young Syr should not end his life
like this. He still deserves to live. The Young
Syr is also known as a fair person. His eyes
looked very tired. Herod once caught The
Young Syr looking at Salome with silent eyes.
Herod envies The Young Syr because he
focuses on Salome too much.

HERODIAS There are others who look too Herodias quipped Herod for his behavior. She
much at her. denies that The Young Syr is not the only
person who looks at Salome the most but her
own husband, Herod, who stares at Salome
more often.

HEROD His father was a king. I drove him Herod explains The Young Syr's family
from his kingdom. And of his mother, who background. The Young Syr was once the
was a queen, you made a slave, Herodias. So Crown Prince of a monarch who was driven
he was here as my guest, as it were, and for from his throne by Herod. While Herodias
that reason I made him my captain. I am sorry made his mother a slave. Herod thoroughly
he is dead. Ho! why have you left the body regrets what happened to The Young Syr.
here? It must be taken to some other place. I According to him, The Young Syr shouldn't
will not look at itaway with it! have had this unfortunate incident a second
time. Therefore, previously Herod made The
Young Syr his captain of the guards in the
hope that the young man had a better life.
Again, Herod feels guilty and apologizes for
the death of The Young Syr. Herod wants The
Young Syr's corpse to be moved to another
place because he doesn't want to see it again.

[They take away the body.]  The body of The Young Syr was taken by the
It is cold here. There is a wind blowing. Is soldiers and moved to another place. Herod
there not a wind blowing? HERODIAS No; experienced a chill. He felt a wind rushing
there is no wind. through him. He asked Herodias if he also felt
the cold air. However, the truth was that
Herodias didn't feel the wind at all like her
husband did.

HEROD I tell you there is a wind that Herod again reassured his wife that there was
blows.... And I hear in the air something that a wind blowing around him. In addition,
is like the beating of wings, like the beating of Herod's ears also heard something like
vast wings. Do you not hear it? HERODIAS I flapping wings swirling in the air. From his
hear nothing. voice, Herod felt that the wing was broad.
Then, Herod confirmed his hearing to
Herodias. However, Herodias did not hear any
sound other than hers and her husband's.

HEROD I hear it no longer. But I heard it. It The sound of the wind blowing and the
was the blowing of the wind. It has passed flapping of wings that Herod heard from time
away. But no, I hear it again. Do you not hear to time disappeared. However, soon the voice
it? It is just like a beating of wings. entered Herod's ears again. Herod again asked
his wife about this matter. On the other hand,
Herodias still didn't listen to anything her
husband said.

HERODIAS I tell you there is nothing. You Herodias reiterates to Herod that there is no
are ill. Let us go within. wind blowing nor sounds like the flapping of
wings. Herodias claims that Herod is sick, and
all that he says are hallucinations as a result of
his illness. Then Herodias took her husband
inside and forgot about the wind blowing and
the sound he had heard.

HEROD I am not ill. It is your daughter who Herod denied his wife's accusation that he was
is sick to death. Never have I seen her so pale. sick. According to him, the one who was ill
was Salome, his stepdaughter. In Herod's
eyes, Salome looked so sick that she looked
like someone who had died from being too
pale. Previously, Herod saw Salome as a
princess who always looked radiant and

HERODIAS I have told you not to look at Herodias again reminded her husband to stop
her.  looking at his stepdaughter Salome.

HEROD Pour me forth wine. [Wine is Herod ignored Herodias' rebuke. He asked for
brought.] a glass of wine to drink. Soon a bottle of wine
was brought before him.

Salome, come drink a little wine with me. I After getting the wine he wanted, Herod
have here a wine that is exquisite. Caesar invited Salome to drink the wine together. He
himself sent it me. Dip into it thy little red persuaded Salome by saying that the wine she
lips, that I may drain the cup. had was the best-tasting wine. This wine
Herod got himself directly from an emperor
from Rome. Herod asked Salome to try the
wine and after that, took turns drinking with
Herod until the wine was gone.

SALOME I am not thirsty, Tetrarch. Salome refuses Herod's invitation to drink

wine together. She didn't feel thirsty at that
time. Salome did not speak at length to Herod.
Very briefly and concisely, she rejected

HEROD You hear how she answers me, this Herod was annoyed with Salome's refusal. To
daughter of yours? his wife, he complained about his
stepdaughter's treatment of him. Herod
convinced himself by confirming to Herodias
if this was indeed her daughter.

HERODIAS She does right. Why are you Herodias did not blame Salome for her harsh
always gazing at her?  treatment of her stepfather. Herodias always
reminded Herod to stop staring at his
stepdaughter. Herodias was always confused
about why her husband kept staring at Salome
like he was in awe of his stepdaughter.

HEROD Bring me ripe fruits.  Herod asked his slave to bring ripe fruits to
[Fruits are brought.] him because he wanted to eat them. Despite
Salome, come and eat fruits with me. I love to having received Salome's refusal, Herod
see in a fruit the mark of thy little teeth. Bite persisted in his desire to invite Salome to eat
but a little of this fruit, that I may eat what is fruit with him. Herod will feel happy if
left. Salome is willing to eat the fruit that is
already available with him. As before, Herod
always wanted to enjoy the drinks and
leftovers from Salome's bite.

SALOME I am not hungry, Tetrarch. For the second time, Salome refused Herod's
invitation to dine with him. Salome told her
stepfather that she wasn't hungry.

HEROD [To Herodias.] You see how you Herod again protested Herodias because
have brought up this daughter of yours. Salome had treated him disrespectfully. Herod
thought that his wife did not care for and
educate her children properly. Herod claims
Herodias and Salome did wrong to him
simply because their actions were not in
Herod's favor.

HERODIAS My daughter and I come of a Herodias explained to Herod that their attitude
royal race. As for thee, thy father was a camel or treatment towards him was due to their
driver! He was a thief and a robber to boot! background, which came from the royal race.
Later, Herodias emphasized to her husband
that why she and her daughter's attitude was
unacceptable to her husband because they
came from different backgrounds. Herod was
only the son of a camel rider who liked to
steal and rob. Where this is very inversely
proportional to the Herodias and Salome

HEROD Thou liest!  Herod denied what his wife said. He said that
his wife did not tell him what really happened.

HERODIAS Thou knowest well that it is Herodias emphasized what she said earlier.
true.  She was sure what she was talking about was
the truth and Herod knew that what his wife
was talking about really happened.

HEROD Salome, come and sit next to me. I Herod kept trying to persuade Salome to sit
will give thee the throne of thy mother. down beside him. He tries to seduce Salome
by promising her a big deal if she is willing to
fulfill her stepfather's wishes. Herod will
abdicate Herodias' throne or power to Salome.
In other words, Herod wanted his
stepdaughter to become his consort in the

SALOME I am not tired, Tetrarch. Salome again refused her stepfather's request
to sit down together. She said that she was not
tired. So, she doesn't have to sit down to
relieve her fatigue.

HERODIAS You see in what regard she holds Herodias was always ready to make it clear to
you. Herod that Salome simply didn't want to be by
his side. Herodias tries to show her husband
how Salome looks after and restrains herself
from people she doesn't feel comfortable with
or even from people she hates.

HEROD Bring me- What is it that I desire? I Herod still ignored the warnings from his wife
forget. Ah! ah! I remember.  Herodias. He again asked his slave for
something, but he forgot what he wanted. It
wasn't long before he remembered what he

THE VOICE OF JOK Behold the time is Jokanaan spoke in his heart, saying that the
come. That which I foretold has come to pass.  time he had been waiting for had arrived.
The day that I spake of is at hand. Something that Jokanaan had predicted had
finally happened before his eyes. He had
talked about it before.

HERODIAS Bid him be silent. I will not Herodias was disturbed by what Jokanaan
listen to his voice. This man is forever hurling said. She didn't want to hear anything that
insults against me.  came out of the prophet's mouth because he
was all the time insulted Herodias.

HEROD He has said nothing against you. Herod did not support Herodias at all. Herod
Besides, he is a very great prophet.  believed that Jokanaan was a very noble
prophet who could not possibly utter vile
words to others, one of which was Herodias.

HERODIAS I do not believe in prophets. Can Herodias disagrees with her husband's claims
a man tell what will come to pass? No man regarding Jokanaan. Herodias did not believe
knows it. Also he is for ever insulting me.  in prophets at all. According to her, a man
But I think you are afraid of him.... I know may not be able to predict what will happen in
well that you are afraid of him. the future. It was impossible for her if anyone
knew what would happen in the future. What
Herodias knew about Jokanaan was that he
was someone who always insulted her.
Herodias thought and believed that Herod
supported Jokanaan because her husband was
afraid of his worshiped prophet.

HEROD I am not afraid of him. I am afraid of Herod denies Herodias's opinion of his fear of
no man. Jokanaan. He said that he was never afraid of

HERODIAS I tell you you are afraid of him. Herodias continued to claim that Herod was
If you are not afraid of him why do you not afraid of Jokanaan. Herodias said that if her
deliver him to the Jews who for these six husband had not feared Jokanaan, he would
months past have been clamouring for him? A surely have handed Jokanaan over to the
JEW Truly, my lord, it were better to deliver Jews. For the past six months, the Jews have
him into our hands. been eyeing Jokanaan. This is also approved
by the Jews. They thought that it would be
better if Herod handed Jokanaan over to them.

HEROD Enough on this subject. I have Herod was fed up with arguing between
already given you my answer. I will not himself, his wife, and the Jews. He had
deliver him into your hands. He is a holy man. decided early on that he would not hand
He is a man who has seen God. Jokanaan over to the Jews. Herod thought that
Jokanaan should not be scattered to the Jews
because Jokanaan was a holy person and had
seen the existence of God.

A JEW That cannot be. There is no man who The Jews did not believe Herod's words about
hath seen God since the prophet Elias. He is Jokanaan ever meeting God. According to
the last man who saw God face to face. In him, only the prophet Elias was the last time
these days God doth not show Himself. God he saw God face to face. Jews believe that
hideth Himself. Therefore great evils have after that God never appeared again to the
come upon the land.  world. Because God never again appears to
cause their land to be full of shocking bad

ANOTHER J Verily, no man knoweth if Elias Other Jews rectify previous Jewish sayings
the prophet did indeed see God. about the prophet Elias's experience face-to-
Peradventure it was but the shadow of God face with God. This Jew said that the
that he saw.  information of the Prophet Elias, who met
God directly, is information that is still
uncertain. Uncertainty regarding the prophet
Elias seeing God may be just a shadow of
God he saw at that time.

A THIRD J God is at no time hidden. He The third Jew has a slightly different opinion
showeth Himself at all times and in all places. than the first Jew. According to him, God
God is in what is evil even as He is in what is never hides; God is always present whenever
good.  and wherever. God never chooses, He will be
present on bad or good occasions. Jews
believe that God is always present near his
people whenever they need his God.

A FOURTH J Thou shouldst not say that. It is The fourth Jew stops the third Jew from
a very dangerous doctrine. It is a doctrine that saying the presence of God. The fourth Jew
cometh from Alexandria, where men teach the was worried that the third Jewish opinion
philosophy of the Greeks. And the Greeks are would be a dangerous form of teaching
Gentiles. They are not even circumcised. because this teaching came from Greek
philosophy, where most of the Greek people
were not Jews.

A FIFTH J No man can tell how God A Fifth Jew also put forward his opinion
worketh. His ways are very dark. It may be regarding the existence of God. The fifth Jew
that the things which we call evil are good, says that none of them or anyone else in the
and that the things which we call good are world really knows how God works because
evil. There is no knowledge of anything. We His steps are wholly invisible to the human
can but bow our heads to His will, for God is eye. Anyone will never be able to guess what
very strong. He breaketh in pieces the strong fate has been determined by Him. It could be
together with the weak, for He regardeth not that our prejudice against something is very
any man.  different from God's prejudice. Good things
can turn out to be bad things and vice versa.
No human being is more knowledgeable than
his Lord. Humanity cannot go against His
decision because they only need to be as
humble as possible and not exceed His power.
God never discriminates against his people.
He will always give destiny to anyone
according to his portion. The opinion of the
Fifth Jew is closer to the nature of God
compared to other Jewish opinions or beliefs.

FIRST J Thou speakest truly. Verily, God is The First Jew agrees with the mystery of how
terrible. He breaketh in pieces the strong and God works revealed by the Fifth Jew. He
the weak as men break corn in a mortar. But considered God to be a terrible person who
as for this man, he hath never seen God. No might bring terror to His people. At any
man hath seen God since the prophet Elias.  moment, God can destroy everything
regardless of who is stronger and who is
weaker. Everything would have happened if
He had willed. On the other hand, the first
Jew still remained in his early belief that
Jokanaan had never seen God. The only one
who saw God and was the last to see God was
the prophet, Elias.

HERODIAS Make them be silent. They Herodias was very disturbed by the debate
weary me between the Jews, who disputed the existence
of God. Herodias asked Herod to stop the
Jews from arguing. Their arguing was so
excessive that it made him very tired.

HEROD But I have heard it said that Instead of stopping the debate between the
Jokanaan is in very truth your prophet Elias.  Jews, Herod joined the sparring. He makes
very different assumptions from the Jews.
Herod said that he had previously heard that
the prophet Elias they spoke of was Jokanaan
himself. In other words, Herod believed that
the person who had last seen God was

THE JEW That cannot be. It is more than Jews do not believe in the assumptions made
three hundred years since the days of the by Herod. It is very unlikely that Jokanaan
prophet Elias. was the Prophet Elias because the events of
the Prophet Elias face to face with God have
passed for three hundred years. So it is
impossible that Jokanaan was the prophet,

HEROD There be some who say that this man Herod again convinced them that Jokanaan
is Elias the prophet. was Elias, the prophet. He firmly believed that
this information was accurate because many
people had said this. On the other hand, this
assumption cannot be stated as fact because
Herod does not explain in detail who is
talking about Jokanaan and the Prophet Elias.

A NAZ I am sure that he is Elias the prophet.  A Naz I shares the same opinion as Herod. He
had faith that Jokanaan was the prophet, Elias.

THE JEW Nay, but he is not Elias the The Jew still hold on to the belief that
prophet. Jokanaan was not the prophet Elias. He did
not want to believe the assumptions made by
Herod and A Naz I.

THE VOICE OF JOK Behold the day is at The Voice of Jok told several people before
hand, the day of the Lord, and I hear upon the him a warning that the day of final judgment
mountains the feet of Him who shall be the bringing final deliverance or catastrophe was
Saviour of the world. imminent. God will appear and walk from the
top of the mountains. According to The Voice
of Jok, God comes as the savior of the world
when the day comes. It is called the day of the
Lord because, according to his belief, on that
day, God was very meritorious to His people.

HEROD What does that mean? The Saviour Herod asks what The Voice of Jok has to say
of the world? TIGELL It is a title that Caesar about God's role in the last days as the savior
adopts of the world. Then Tigell explained to him
that the title was a title that was taken and
used by Caesar.
HEROD But Caesar is not coming into Herod was confused about the title Caesar that
Judaea. Only yesterday I received letters from Tigell was talking about. How could he know
Rome. They contained nothing concerning that when Caesar had not come to his
this matter. And you, Tigellinus, who were at kingdom at all a few days ago? Herod had
Rome during the winter, you heard nothing received a letter from Rome, but it did not
concerning this matter, did you? TIGELL provide any information regarding the title
Sire, I heard nothing concerning the matter. I Caesar. Whereas Tigellinus, who went to
was but explaining the title. It is one of Rome during the winter also did not hear
Caesar’s titles. anything about this in detail. Therefore, Tigell
only talked about Caesar's title without
discussing it further.

HEROD But Caesar cannot come. He is too Herod told Tigell that Caesar would not come
gouty. They say that his feet are like the feet because his leg hurt so much that it swelled up
of an elephant. Also there are reasons of state. to the size of an elephant's. In addition, there
He who leaves Rome loses Rome. He will not were other matters related to his country, so
come. Howbeit, Caesar is lord, he will come if Caesar could not attend. According to him,
such be his pleasure. Nevertheless, I think he the Romans who leave their place of origin
will not come will lose that place forever. Caesar is also an
honorable person with the highest rank, which
is not so easy to bring him on an occasion.
Therefore, Herod was sure he would not

FIRST NAZ It was not concerning Caesar that First Naz confirms to Herod that the prophet
the prophet spake these words, sire.  will not speak of words related to Caesar.

HEROD How?- it was not concerning Caesar? Herod was confused as to what they meant.
FIRST NAZ No, my lord. He misunderstood what Tigell and the First
Naz were talking about. Previously he had
thought the crux of their debate was about the
emperor. However, the first Naz denied that
they were not discussing Caesar.

HEROD Concerning whom then did he Herod then asked who exactly they were
speak? FIRST NAZ Concerning Messias, who talking about at that time. The First Naz
hath come.  replied that it was the Messiah they were
talking about. The Messiah also came at that
time. The Messiah in the Bible is the savior or
liberator of a group of people. This concept
comes from Judaism.

A JEW Messias hath not come. A Jew denies the First Naz assumptions
regarding the coming of the Messiah. He said
that the savior had not yet come.

FIRST NAZ He hath come, and everywhere The First Naz convinced everyone that the
he worketh miracles! Messiah had come. Everyone does not know
of his coming because the Messiah always
creates surprising divine miracles.

HERODIAS Ho! ho! miracles! I do not Herodias suddenly comes into their
believe in miracles. I have seen too many. [To conversation and says he doesn't believe in
the Page.] My fan.  miracles. He had experienced so many
problems, but he never got the miracle. He
went to say hello to The Page and asked The
Page to bring him his fan.

FIRST NAZ This Man worketh true miracles. The First Naz again reassured those around
Thus, at a marriage which took place in a little him of the miracles that the Messiah could
town of Galilee, a town of some importance, create. According to him, the Messiah had a
He changed water into wine. Certain persons true miracle in him. The First Naz cites the
who were present related it to me. Also He facts that support this assumption. The first
healed two lepers that were seated before the fact is that the Messiah once turned water into
Gate of Capernaum simply by touching them. wine at a wedding in Galilee. In addition, the
Messiah had also healed the illnesses suffered
by two people he met at the Gate of
Capernaum. It does so simply by touching
their bodies without great effort. However,
this fact is not enough to be used as evidence
that the Messiah really has miracles because
this is just a word of mouth whose validity is

SECOND NAZ Nay; it was two blind men Second Naz rectifies the fact explained by the
that he healed at Capernaum.  First Naz, which says that the Messiah healed
the leper, is wrong. Second Naz says that the
Messiah healed two blind men. Here it
appears that the fact that the Messiah has a
miracle is not valid information because there
is a variety of information that differs from
person to person.

FIRST NAZ Nay; they were lepers. But He The First Naz remains in the fact that he had
hath healed blind people also, and He was that the Messiah had healed people afflicted
seen on a mountain talking with Angels.  with leprosy. On the other hand, he also did
not deny the information conveyed by the
Second Naz about the Messiah who healed
two blind people. Then he added another clue
indicating that the Messiah had miracles,
claiming that he had seen the Messiah talking
to an angel on a mountain.

A SAD Angels do not exist. A Sad denies the First Naz’s claim that the
Messiah ever spoke to an angel. A Sad
believes that angels never existed.

A PHAR Angels exist, but I do not believe On the other hand, A Phar disagreed with
that this Man has talked with them. what A Sad said. He believed that angels
really existed, but he never believed that the
Messiah ever spoke to angels.

FIRST NAZ He was seen by a great multitude Naz tried to convince A Phar with the
of people talking with angels.  information he got from other people
regarding some people who saw the Messiah
talking to angels.

HERODIAS How these men weary me! They Herodias felt very tired of hearing the
are ridiculous! They are altogether ridiculous! unreasonable debates being discussed by
[To the Page.]  some of the people around her. She went back
Well! my fan?  to The Page and asked for her fan. Then The
[The Page gives her the fan.]  Page gave Herodias what she asked for.
You have a dreamer’s look. You must not Herodias tells them that they deserve to be
dream. It is only sick people who dream.  called dreamers, but they shouldn't be in
[She strikes the Page with her fan.]  dreams all the time; because only abnormal
people stay comfortable in their dreams.
Herodias suddenly hit his fan on purpose at
The Page.

SECOND NAZ There is also the miracle of The Second Naz then said another miracle
the daughter of Jairus. that he knew. It was the miracle of Princess
Jairus. The miracle of Princess Jairus is an
event where there is a twelve-year-old girl
who is suffering from bleeding, and hopes
that Jesus can heal her illness. It is said that
while Jesus was on his way to Jairus' house he
was harassed by a woman who touched his
robe to heal his bleeding. Then as they
continued their journey, they received a
message that the twelve-year-old girl had

FIRST NAZ Yea, that is sure. No man can The First Naz supports the facts spoken by the
gainsay it. Second Naz. According to him, no one can
argue that the magic of Princess Jairus is
indeed true.

HERODIAS Those men are mad. They have Herodias was fed up with the people's endless
looked too long on the moon. debate. To the extent that Herodias called
Command them to be silent them crazy people for looking at the moon for
too long. Herodias asked them to be quiet.

HEROD What is this miracle of the daughter Herod seemed bewildered by the talk of the
of Jairus? FIRST NAZ The daughter of Jairus miracle of Jairus' daughter. He didn't know
was dead. This Man raised her from the dead. anything about it. Then the First Naz explains
that Princess Jairus had died before but was
later brought back to life by the Messiah.

HEROD How! He raises people from the Herod still did not understand the miracles the
dead? FIRST NAZ Yea, sire; He raiseth the First Naz meant. He wondered about the truth
dead. of the Messiah bringing the dead back to life.
The First Naz replied that the miracle really
belonged to the Messiah.

HEROD I do not wish Him to do that. I forbid Herod disagrees with what the Messiah did.
Him to do that. I suffer no man to raise the He wished the Messiah would not raise the
dead. This Man must be found and told that I dead. Herod felt pain if someone brought the
forbid Him to raise the dead. Where is this dead back to life. He wanted to see the
Man at present? SECOND NAZ He is in Messiah as soon as possible to rebuke him for
every place, my lord, but it is hard to find his actions. He asked where the Messiah was.
Him. The Second Naz tells Herod that the Messiah
is always everywhere, but it will be difficult
to find him.

FIRST NAZ It is said that He is now in The First Naz informs Herod that the Messiah
Samaria.  is in Samaria now. Samaria is a place in the
middle of the Land of Israel, according to the

A JEW It is easy to see that this is not The Jew tried to refute the First Naz.
Messias, if He is in Samaria. It is not to the According to him what the First Naz said was
Samaritans that Messias shall come. The the Messiah was not the real Messiah.
Samaritans are accursed. They bring no Because if that's true the Messiah is very
offerings to the Temple. unlikely for him to come to Samaria. The
Samaritans were very vindictive and accursed
individuals. They never give sacred offerings
to their Lord. So it is impossible for the holy
Messiah to come to Samaria.

SECOND NAZ He left Samaria a few days Second Naz provided very different
since. I think that at the present moment He is information from the First Naz. Second Naz
in the neighborhood of Jerusalem. says that the Messiah no longer lives in
Samaria, because he has moved around

FIRST NAZ No; He is not there. I have just The First Naz denied the information
come from Jerusalem. For two months they provided by the Second Naz. In Jerusalem, the
have had no tidings of Him. First Naz could not find the Messiah. In
addition, the people of Jerusalem have also
not heard from him for two months ago.

HEROD No matter! But let them find Him, Herod did not care about the whereabouts of
and tell Him, thus saith Herod the King, “I the Messiah, but he wanted his soldiers to find
will not suffer Thee to raise the dead.” To the miracle worker. He asked anyone who met
change water into wine, to heal the lepers and the Messiah to convey King Herod's message
the blind.... He may do these things if He will. that King Herod would not allow the Messiah
I say nothing against these things. In truth I to raise someone from the dead. The miracle
hold it a kindly deed to heal a leper. But no that the Messiah had in the form of healing
man shall raise the dead.... It would be terrible others or turning water into wine was still
if the dead came back.  acceptable to Herod because he considered it
a form of kindness. He still supports other
miracles. However, to bring the dead back to
life Herod could not tolerate his actions
because they sounded so terrible.

THE VOICE OF JOK Ah! The wanton one! The Voice of Jok curses Salome by calling
The harlot! Ah! the daughter Babylon with her a naughty prostitute. Even so, he still
her golden eyes and her gilded eyelids! Thus praised the beauty of Salome's eyes. He was
saith the Lord God, Let there come up against talking about the Word of God. He didn't care
her a multitude of men. Let the people take how many people were against his existence.
stones and stone her.... But he will be happy and let everyone hate
Salome and stone her.

HERODIAS Command him to be silent!  Herodias ordered everyone to make The

Voice of Jok stop talking.

THE VOICE OF JOK Let the captains of the The Voice of Jok cursed Salome in front of
hosts pierce her with their swords, let them her mother. He was willing if the captain of
crush her beneath their shields. the host killed him with their swords and he
was destroyed with all the weapons of the

HERODIAS You hear what he says against Herodias complained about the curses that
me? You suffer him to revile her who is your came out of The Voice of Jok's mouth to her
wife! husband.

HEROD He did not speak your name. Herod doesn't think that everything The Voice
of Jok just said was to curse his wife,

HERODIAS What does that matter? You Herodias tried to emphasize to her husband
know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile. the curses uttered by The Voice of Jok.
And I am your wife, am I not?  According to her, although The Voice of Jok
did not clearly state her name, she felt that the
curse was true for her. Herodias also believes
that Herod also knows who The Voice of Jok
reviled. Then Herodias asked Herod if she
really was his wife.

HEROD Of a truth, dear and noble Herodias, Herod answered Herodias' question firmly
you are my wife, and before that you were the that she was his wife. On the other hand,
wife of my brother. Herod did not forget the fact that Herodias
was his brother's ex-wife.

HERODIAS It was thou didst snatch me from Herodias made it clear to her husband how
his arms.  she could become his wife because it was
Herod himself who snatched Herodias from
his brother.

HEROD Of a truth I was stronger than he Herod claimed that his brother was no
was.... But let us not talk of that matter. I do stronger than him. So, it was easier for him to
not desire to talk of it. It is the cause of the snatch Herodias from his brother. Herod no
terrible words that the prophet has spoken. longer wanted to argue about his relationship
Peradventure on account of it a misfortune with Herodias because it would provoke
will come. Let us not speak of this matter. Jokanaan to curse him again. This is not
Noble Herodias, we are not mindful of our necessarily the case but it is truly an
guests. Fill thou my cup, my well-beloved. impending misfortune. Herod politely asked
Ho! fill with wine the great goblets of silver, Herodias to entertain their guests. He asked
and the great goblets of glass. I will drink to for a cup of wine. Don't forget to ask him to
Caesar. There are Romans here, we must fill big silver and glass glasses with wine.
drink to Caesar.  Herod would drink it with the Romans as an
offering to Caesar.

ALL Caesar! Caesar! HEROD Do you not see Everyone in the room called out to the
your daughter, how pale she is? emperors. Herod warns Herodias to check on
his daughter because Salome's face no longer
looks radiant.

HERODIAS What is it to you if she be pale or Herodias wondered why Herod cared so much
not? about Salome. He felt that this was of no
importance to Herod

HEROD Never have I seen her so pale. Herod confessed that he had never seen
Salome paler than that time.

HERODIAS You must not look at her.  Herodias warns Herod that he doesn't always
have to see his stepdaughter.

THE VOICE OF JOK In that day the sun shall The Voice of Jok describes the state of the
become black like sackcloth of hair, and the world when the world ends. The world that
moon shall become like blood, and the stars of was initially illuminated by the sun will be as
the heaven shall fall upon the earth like unripe dark as the Israelite mourning garments. The
figs that fall from the fig-tree, and the kings of moon will shine more strikingly red as blood.
the earth shall be afraid.  The stars will fall to destroy the surface of the
world. This terrible event will frighten the

HERODIAS Ah! ah! I should like to see that Herodias mocked the words spoken by The
day of which he speaks, when the moon shall Voice of Jok. She acted as if she was
become like blood, and when the stars shall interested in what The Voice of Jok was
fall upon the earth like unripe figs. This talking about. On the other hand, Herodias
prophet talks like a drunken man.... but I continued to mock the prophet and said that
cannot suffer the sound of his voice. I hate his he spoke without realizing it. His voice
voice. Command him to be silent.  irritated Herodias even more and asked him to
shut up immediately.

HEROD I will not. I cannot understand what Herod claimed not to be afraid of the events
it is that he saith, but it may be an omen. of the last days described by The Voice of
Jok. He didn't fully understand what The
Voice of Jok was saying, but he thought it
was a sign or news that he brought to

HERODIAS I do not believe in omens. He Although her husband believed in the omens
speaks like a drunken man.  conveyed by The Voice of Jok, Herodias
chose not to believe it. Because Herodias saw
The Voice of Jok speak without full

HEROD It may be he is drunk with the wine Herod made the possibility that it could be
of God.  that The Voice of Jok had drunk the wine of
God which contained a special blessing from

HERODIAS What wine is that, the wine of Herodias was curious about the Lord's wine
God? From what vineyards is it gathered? In that her husband was talking about. He asked
what wine-press may one find it? what grapes were used, from which garden
the grapes were harvested, and what grape
presses were produced.

HEROD [From this point he looks all the Keeping his eyes on Salome, Herod asked
while at Salome.] Tigellinus, when you were Tigell a question about his experiences in
at Rome of late, did the Emperor speak with Rome. Herod was about to ask Tigell if the
you on the subject of...? TIGELL On what Emperor had spoken to him at that time.
subject, my lord? HEROD On what subject? Tigell didn't understand what the King really
Ah! I asked you a question, did I not, I have, wanted to ask. Herod didn't continue his
forgotten what I would have asked you. sentence because he forgot what topic he was
going to ask Tigell.
HERODIAS You are looking again at my Herodias again caught her husband staring at
daughter. You must not look at her. I have her daughter. Still, with her stance, Herodias
already said so.  would always warn Herod to stop staring at
her daughter just as she had said several times

HEROD You say nothing else. Herod asked Herodias to be quiet and not say
a word.

HERODIAS I say it again. Herodias promised to keep saying his

prohibition if Herod kept his eyes on his

HEROD And that restoration of the Temple Herod talks about the restoration of the
about which they have talked so much, will Temple which people around him often talk
anything be done? They say that the veil of about. Herod heard that the veil of the
the Sanctuary has disappeared, do they not? Sanctuary was no longer found. The
HERODIAS It was thyself didst steal it. Thou Sanctuary Veil is the Veil that separates the
speakest at random and without wit. I will not holy place from the holiest. Herodias
stay here. Let us go within answered her husband's question by accusing
him of being the thief of the Veil himself.
Herodias was fed up with everything her
husband was talking about. She was about to
take Herod inside because her husband was
speaking erratically and like a fool.

HEROD Dance for me, Salome. Herod never listened to his wife. He suddenly
asked Salome to dance for him.

HERODIAS I will not have her dance.  Herodias would not allow her daughter to
dance in front of her stepfather.

SALOME I have no desire to dance, Tetrarch. Salome again refused her father's request. She
admitted that she was not in the mood to
dance at the time.

HEROD Salome, daughter of Herodias, dance Herod again called his stepdaughter and
for me. forced her to dance for him.

HERODIAS Peace. Let her alone Herodias tries to reconcile the argument
between the stepfather and the stepdaughter.
Herodias begged Herod to leave her
stepdaughter and let her spend her time alone.

HEROD I command thee to dance, Salome. Herod ignored his wife's request. He then
asked Salome firmly that she would obey her
stepfather's wishes.
SALOME I will not dance, Tetrarch. Although forced to dance by her stepfather,
Salome still refused Herod's wishes.

HERODIAS [Laughing.] You see how she Herodias laughed at her husband for
obeys you.  constantly receiving a rejection. She proved to
Herod that Salome had completely disobeyed

HEROD What is it to me whether she dance Herod pretended not to care whether Salome
or not? It is nought to me. Tonight I am danced or not; it meant nothing to him. He
happy. I am exceeding happy. Never have I said that he was so happy that night that he
been so happy. didn't care about anything.

FIRST SOL The Tetrarch has a sombre look. But First Sol knows that Tetrarch's
Has he not a sombre look? SECOND SOL appearance looks unhappy but gloomy.
Yes, he has a sombre look.  Second Sol also thinks the same. He also saw
Tetrarch's gloomy appearance.

HEROD Wherefore should I not be happy? Herod denied that he was not gloomy. There
Caesar, who is lord of the world, Caesar, who was no reason to be unhappy because Caesar
is lord of all things, loves me well. He has just loved him very much. Caesar gave him the
sent me most precious gifts. Also he has most valuable gift, which was to summon his
promised me to summon to Rome the King of enemy, the King of Cappadocia, to Rome. He
Cappadocia, who is mine enemy. It may be will be crucified by Caesar when he arrives in
that at Rome he will crucify him, for he is Rome because Caesar is Lord and he can do
able to do all things that he has a mind to do. anything he wants to do. Therefore, there is
Verily, Caesar is lord. Therefore I do well to no reason for Herod to feel gloomy; he will
be happy. I am very happy, never have I been always feel very happy, and nothing in this
so happy. There is nothing in the world that world can spoil his happiness.
can mar my happiness.

THE VOICE OF JOK He shall be seated on The Voice of Jok says that he will sit on his
his throne. He shall be clothed in scarlet and throne and wear scarlet and purple. However,
purple. In his hand he shall bear a golden cup his victory brought so much blasphemy that
full of his blasphemies. And the angel of the the angel of God would punish him with
Lord shall smite him. He shall be eaten of worms that would eat him.

HERODIAS You hear what he says about Herodias believes that it is he who is talking
you. He says that you shall be eaten of worms. about Herod and confirms to Herod that he
will be eaten by worms.

HEROD It is not of me that he speaks. He Herod denied that it did not refer to him, for
speaks never against me. It is of the King of he had never been treated that way. He insists
Cappadocia that he speaks; the King of that what the worms will eat is King
Cappadocia who is mine enemy. It is he who Cappadocia, his enemy, and not him. He
shall be eaten of worms. It is not I. Never has believed that he would never oppose him
he spoken word against me, this prophet, save unless he committed the sin of taking his
that I sinned in taking to wife the wife of my brother's wife. then he attacked Herodias
brother. It may be he is right. For, of a truth, back, saying that she was barren.
you are sterile.

HERODIAS I am sterile, I? You say that, you Herodias denied that she was not sterile
that are ever looking at my daughter, you that because she gave birth to a princess. She
would have her dance for your pleasure? You reminded him about her daughter, whom he
speak as a fool. I have borne a child. You had asked a dance for his pleasure. Herodias
have gotten no child, no, not on one of your said that he was very stupid not to remember
slaves. It is you who are sterile, not I. that. In fact, he never had children from his
slaves, so he was barren instead of Herodias.

HEROD Peace, woman! I say that you are Herod, who felt pressed, tried to calm
sterile. You have borne me no child, and the Herodias. He said that if she was not sterile,
prophet says that our marriage is not a true she could not bear him a child; even the
marriage. prophet considered that their marriage was not
a true marriage but an incestuous marriage or
He says that it is a marriage of incest, a a marriage that would bring evil. He was
marriage that will bring evils.... I fear he is worried that it was the right thing, even
right; I am sure that he is right. But it is not though he was already convinced that it was.
the hour to speak of these things. I would be However, he didn't want to talk about it
happy at this moment. Of a truth, I am happy. because he was already very happy with his
There is nothing I lack. marriage.

HERODIAS I am glad you are of so fair a Herodias was entertained by his humor that
humour to-night. It is not your custom. But it night, which he never did to her. It was
is late. Let us go within. Do not forget that we getting late, and they entered their room. They
hunt at sunrise. All honours must be shown to also remembered that they had to get up early
Caesar’s ambassadors, must they not? to hunt, and they too had to show their honor
SECOND SOL The Tetrarch has a sombre to Caesar.

FIRST SOL Yes, he has a sombre look. First Sol's character is a soldier whose face
looks very gloomy and dark with no glow.
The character of this soldier is in accordance
with his role so that people will be afraid

HEROD Salome, Salome, dance for me. I Herod spoke to Salome if she asked her
pray thee dance for me. I am sad to-night. stepdaughter Salome to dance in front of her,
Yes, I am passing sad to-night. When I came comforting Herod who was still sad because
hither I slipped in blood, which is an ill omen; he had slipped on blood and many things that
also I heard in the air a beating of wings, a made Herod sad that night which Herod
beating of giant wings. I cannot tell what that thought was a bad omen or something that
they mean.... I am sad to-night. Therefore could threaten him. Really that night Herod
dance for me. Dance for me, Salome, I was very upset, Herod kept begging Salome
beseech thee. If thou dancest for me thou by promising that if Salome danced in front of
mayest ask of me what thou wilt, and I will her, Herod would grant all of Salome's
give it thee. Yes, dance for me, Salome, and requests. Herod spoke like this without
whatsoever thou shalt ask of me I will give it thinking, he immediately agreed that if
thee, even unto the half of my kingdom. Salome danced in front of him then all of
Salome's wishes were granted whatever it was
even half of the contents of her kingdom.

SALOME [Rising.]  Salome answered Herod's words by

Will you indeed give me whatsoever I shall convincing Herod's statement that would
ask of you, Tetrarch?  grant all of Salome's requests. From this,
Salome seems to be interested in Herod's
offer, which tells her to dance in exchange for
everything that Salome asks Herod to grant.

HERODIAS Do not dance, my daughter. Herodias answered the conversation between

Herod and her daughter Salome and
spontaneously forbade Salome to dance.
Maybe from here a mother's instinct is strong
to ban her daughter for some reason with
repercussions that will be received too

HEROD Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, Herod retracts and continues to seduce
even unto the half of my kingdom. Salome to dance and continues to promise
things that can tempt Salome by luring all he
will give even half of his kingdom

SALOME You swear it, Tetrarch? Salome responds to Herod’s persuasion by

convincing whether it is true and Herod
swears by the offer and the reward, Salome
looks interested in Herod's offer because he
thinks it is quite attractive.

HEROD I swear it, Salome.  Herod dared to swear to Salome and promised
that whatever Salome asked for would surely
be granted by Herod, it seems that Herod was
serious in his promise to offer things that were
not kidding to Salome

HERODIAS Do not dance, my daughter. Herodias as the mother of Salome forbade her
son to dance in front of Herod even with such
a reward

SALOME By what will you swear this thing, Salome continues to make sure that Herod is
Tetrarch?  true to his offer and promise until Herod is a
Tetrarch who owns a kingdom. Salome was
slightly interested in the offer that was in her
favor, but on the condition that Salome was
still under consideration to dance in front of
Herod. Because Herodias also made Salome's
mind in doubt because Herodias forbade
Salome to dance.

HEROD By my life, by my crown, by my Herod answered Salome and went back to

gods. Whatsoever thou shalt desire I will give swearing whatever he said. he would grant
it thee, even to the half of my kingdom, if whatever Salome asked for and Herod was
thou wilt but dance for me. O Salome, also willing if Salome asked for half of his
Salome, dance for me! kingdom to be given to Salome but back again
to the initial condition that Salome agreed and
wanted to dance in front of Herod to comfort
Herod who was sad that night caused by some
incidents that make his mind confused

SALOME You have sworn an oath, Tetrarch.  Salome reminded that Herod had taken an
oath which meant that it had to be fulfilled
according to what was promised. A royal
tetrarch had to be able to keep his word if
Herod was willing to give Salome whatever
she asked for even if it was half of her
kingdom, Herod was ready to give it.

HEROD I have sworn an oath Herod said that if he had sworn, it meant that
he would keep what he had promised Salome
according to what he said and this Herod was
also willing to take responsibility for his
words and promises to Salome.

HERODIAS My daughter, do not dance.  Herodias as Salome's mother continued to

forbid her daughter. Herodias was afraid that
something unexpected would happen that
could harm Salome. Therefore, Herodias
forbade Salome to dance in front of her
husband. Herodias doesn't know the elements
in this agreement, why Herod makes Salome
dance by promising something quite

HEROD Even to the half of my kingdom. Herod still convinces Salome to do his
Thou wilt be passing fair as a queen, Salome, bidding. A tetrarch king who owns a kingdom
if it please thee to ask for the half of my offers half of his kingdom to Salome. If she
kingdom agreed, Salome would become queen of the
kingdom and Herod would do justice by
honoring her as queen. This agreement that
Herod said was really not kidding. He dared
to promise by offering whatever Salome
asked for even half of her kingdom would be

Will she not be fair as a queen? Ah! it is cold Herod wondered, if Salome took over his
here! There is an icy wind, and I hear... kingdom and became queen if he would be
wherefore do I hear in the air this beating of fair in ruling. Herod was still carried away by
wings? Ah! one might fancy a huge black bird the tense atmosphere that night, there were
that hovers over the terrace. Why can I not see strange voices that without knowing the origin
it, this bird? The beat of its wings is terrible. of the source, made Herod feel uneasy. Herod
The breath of the wind of its wings is terrible. felt depressed that night with the things
It is a chill wind. Nay, but it is not cold, it is around him making his mind uneasy. A night
hot. I am choking. Pour water on my hands. with a cold wind, a sign of something
Give me snow to eat. Loosen my mantle. unnatural according to Herod. He hastily
Quick! quick! loosen my mantle. Nay, but saved himself from the discomfort
leave it. It is my garland that hurts me, my
garland of roses. The flowers are like fire.
They have burned my forehead

[He tears the wreath from his head, and Herod gasped for breath with relief which
throws it on the table.] Ah! I can breathe now. because of the situation made him depressed.
How red those petals are! They are like stains Herod tries to make himself feel free in
of blood on the cloth. That does not matter. It several ways that are considered to be able to
is not wise to find symbols in everything that get him out of that uncomfortable feeling. In
one sees. It makes life too full of terrors. It the end Herod could breathe a sigh of relief.
were better to say that stains of blood are as Some of these things Herod suspected
lovely as rose-petals. It were better far to say because of a problem that terrorized him so
that.... But we will not speak of this. Now I that he would mentally go down. However,
am happy. I am passing happy. Have I not the Herod was still curious about the blood that
right to be happy? Your daughter is going to made him slip, Herod said that this blood was
dance for me. Wilt thou not dance for me, as beautiful as the red rose petals. Herod kept
Salome? Thou hast promised to dance for me looking for the source that made him happy to
forget about this problem. Herod asked his
stepdaughter Salome to dance in front of him
to cheer him up.

HERODIAS I will not have her dance.  Herodias refuted Herod's statement about
Salome going to dance for Herod. Herod did
not allow even he had forbidden his daughter
to dance in front of Herod. Herodias as a
mother would never allow her daughter to do
that even with such a reward.

SALOME I will dance for you, Tetrarch.  But on the other hand, Salome retorted as if to
deny her mother's prohibition. Salome loudly
said if she was willing and would dance in
front of Herodias a Tetrarch with her power.

HEROD You hear what your daughter says. Herod looks like he's mocking Herodias, if
She is going to dance for me Salome really wants to dance for him. Salome
accepts her offer and will get a reward from

Thou doest well to dance for me, Salome. And Herod kept repeating his agreement if Salome
when thou hast danced for me, forget not to had danced for Herod Salome was asked to
ask of me whatsoever thou hast a mind to ask. say whatever she asked for and Herod would
Whatsoever thou shalt desire I will give it give even if Herod asked for half of his
thee, even to the half of my kingdom. I have kingdom Herod would give to Salome. Since
sworn it, have I not?  Herod had sworn by this attractive agreement
therefore Salome accepted this agreement

SALOME Thou hast sworn it, Tetrarch Salome told the Tetrarch king that he had
sworn in any name. He firmly swore on his
agreement, meaning that he was very willing
to keep his word responsibly what Salome
asked to be given.

HEROD And I have never failed of my word. Herod replied to Salome that if he never broke
I am not of those who break their oaths. I his promise, he was a Tetrarch king who
know not how to lie. I am the slave of my might break the oath he took. Herod tried to
word, and my word is the word of a king. The keep what he promised because he was a king
King of Cappadocia had ever a lying tongue, who had to be a role model for his people. A
but he is no true king. He is a coward. Also he king who lies according to him is not a true
owes me money that he will not repay. He has king figure as well as the king of Cappadocia
even insulted my ambassadors. He has spoken who once broke a promise with Herod, the
words that were wounding. But Caesar will king of Cappadocia has a debt to Herod and
crucify him when he comes to Rome. I know he breaks it so he doesn't pay the debt. The
that Caesar will crucify him. And if he crucify King of Cappadocia has been desecrated, and
him not, yet will he die, being eaten of worms. will be crucified dishonorably.
The prophet has prophesied it. Well!
Wherefore does thou tarry, Salome?

SALOME I am waiting until my slaves bring Salome was absolutely sure to accept Herod's
perfumes to me and the seven veils, and take offer to dance in front of her at last. Salome
from off my feet my sandals. tells Herod, Salome is waiting for the
costumes and perfumes she wears to dance
between Salome's slaves and her slaves will
help Salome prepare to dance.

[Slaves bring perfumes and the seven veils, Salome's slave immediately approached
and take off the sandals of Salome.] Salome with what Salome ordered, namely
perfume and her veil and ordered her to take
off the sandals that Salome was wearing.
HEROD Ah, thou art to dance with naked Herod is a bit critical of Salome dancing
feet! ‘Tis well! ‘Tis well! Thy little feet will barefoot. But, that's okay and Herod looks
be like white doves. They will be like little attracted by this because Salome's little feet
white flowers that dance upon the trees.... No, are like beautiful white doves dancing in a
no, she is going to dance on blood! There is row on the tree. With Salome's decision to
blood spilt on the ground. She must not dance dance barefoot it slightly surprised Herod for
on blood. It were an evil omen. fear of accidentally setting his foot on the
blood splattered on the ground which Herod
thought was a bad omen or unfavorable.

HERODIAS What is it to thee if she dance on Herodias heard what Herod said was quite
blood? Thou hast waded deep enough in it....  strange, until Herodias took Herod's words
and asked about the blood that was spilled and
what it had to do with whether there was an
advantage for Herod if Salome danced and if
he stepped on the spilled blood, because of
Herodias's feelings, Herod was quite
understanding in the meaning of blood and its
relation to what will happen.

HEROD What is it to me? Ah! look at the Herod seemed to change the subject of what
moon! She has become red. She has become Herodias said and Herod replied that the
red as blood. Ah! the prophet prophesied moon that had turned red was like blood.
truly. He prophesied that the moon would Herod thought this was caused by the prophet
become as blood. Did he not prophesy it? All Jokanaan who turned the moon like red blood.
of ye heard him prophesying it. And now the Herod's assumption about the red moon made
moon has become as blood. Do ye not see it?  him wonder if there was a prophet's role in
turning the moon.

HERODIAS Oh, yes, I see it well, and the Herodias also describes the atmosphere of the
stars are falling like unripe figs, are they not? sky and everything in it with the changes in
and the sun is becoming black like sackcloth the sky that may have meant in it. The sky
of hair, and the kings of the earth are afraid. looked chaotic at the moment, making the
That at least one can see. The prophet is kings of the earth feel uneasy including Herod
justified of his words in that at least, for truly the Tetrarch king who was afraid of such a
the kings of the earth are afraid.... Let us go tense situation that night. Perhaps it was the
within. You are sick. They will say at Rome prophet's doing that made the sky so tense,
that you are mad. Let us go within, I tell you. and Herod the Tetrarch king was frightened to
the point of madness, and asked Salome to
cheer him up by dancing.

THE VOICE OF JOK Who is this who There is the voice of Jokanaan, a prophet who
cometh from Edom, who is this who cometh wonders who came from Edom and Bozra
from Bozra, whose raiment is dyed with dressed in purple clothes that emitted a
purple, who shineth in the beauty of his beautiful light. Like an angel who walks with
garments, who walketh mighty in his a power sent as a sign that the palace is not
greatness? Wherefore is thy raiment stained doing well
with scarlet? 

HERODIAS Let us go within. The voice of Herodias said and suggested that it would be
that man maddens me. I will not have my best to go inside to take refuge from the
daughter dance while he is continually crying disapproval of the atmosphere that night with
out. I will not have her dance while you look many bad omens happening around the palace
at her in this fashion. In a word, I will not at that time, and Herodias did not allow
have her dance.  Salome to dance and strictly forbade her son
to do this in order to gain what Salome asked
and wanted

HEROD Do not rise, my wife, my queen, it Herod panicked again and heeded Herodias'
will avail thee nothing. I will not go within till prohibition to tell him to come inside. Herod
she hath danced. Dance, Salome, dance for did not allow his wife and Salome who he
me. called his queen to enter. For it was not to
Herod's advantage only to his detriment that
Salome did not dance for him. Herod
threatened he would go inside if Salome had
danced for him. He kept begging - begging
Salome to quickly dance in front of him at
that very moment

HERODIAS Do not dance, my daughter Herodias continues to forbid Salome to dance

even though Salome is ready to wear her
costume and take off her shoes. Herodias
never stopped telling Salome to warn her for
fear that something bad would happen to both
Salome and her mother.

SALOME I am ready, Tetrarch. Salome seemed to ignore her mother's advice

and told the Tetrarch king Herod that he was
ready to dance in front of Herod in his dance

HEROD [Salome dances the dance of the Salome did dance the seven veils dance that
seven veils.]  night and Herod really enjoyed Salome's
Ah! wonderful! wonderful! You see that she dance. Really fun and really awesome. Herod
has danced for me, your daughter. Come near, told Herodias that it was true that Herodias'
Salome, come near, that I may give thee thy daughter was dancing in front of him. Herod
fee. Ah! I pay a royal price to those who was happy and he would be willing to take
dance for my pleasure. I will pay thee royally. Salome at a high price. Herod was willing to
I will give thee whatsoever thy soul desireth. pay a dancer for his pleasure, just as Herod
What wouldst thou have? Speak. would give whatever was asked of Salome
who had been dancing for her pleasure. Herod
really did offer what Salome asked for at this
time, Salome should say all that is asked.
SALOME [Kneeling.] I would that they Salome stopped her dancing and knelt down
presently bring me in a silver charger... to Herod to grant his wish that Salome wanted
a silver charger. It is enough to challenge
Salome's request, Salome will not waste
Salome's opportunity at that time.

HEROD [Laughing.]  Herod heard Salome's request laughed at him

In a silver charger? Surely yes, in a silver and was surprised. Is it true that Salome asked
charger. She is charming, is she not? What is for a silver charger. The silver charger is
it that thou wouldst have in a silver charger, O something of a charmer according to Salome.
sweet and fair Salome, thou that art fairer than Herod seduces the beautiful Salome from all
all the daughters of Judaea? What wouldst the kingdom of Judea and is it true that
thou have them bring thee in a silver charger? Salome asked for the silver charger, Herod
Tell me. Whatsoever it may be, thou shalt exclaimed if anything Salome can ask for and
receive it. My treasures belong to thee. What say whatever she wants because all Herod's
is it that thou wouldst have, Salome? treasures are the same as Salome's treasure

SALOME [Rising.] The head of Jokanaan. Salome stood up from a bowed position in
front of Herod and said if she wanted the head
of Jokanaan a prophet who was imprisoned by
Herod. Herod was afraid of Jokanaan because
he did not know if Jokanaan spoke the word
of God and whether his many prophecies
about his impending doom.

HERODIAS Ah! that is well said, my Herodias heard Salome's request was very
daughter.  unexpected beyond the limits of thought. He
thinks it's a very kind and worth it request for

HEROD No, no! Herod refused Salome's request because he

thought it was unreasonable. Herod was afraid
of the imprisoned Jokanaan.

HERODIAS That is well said, my daughter. Herodias supports Salome's request which is
indeed very worth it and must be fulfilled
according to the promise made.

HEROD No, no, Salome. It is not that thou Herod looked panicked and seemed to refuse
desirest. Do not listen to thy mother’s voice. to accept Salome's request. Herod denied that
She is ever giving thee evil counsel. Do not the request was not in accordance with his
heed her. conscience. Herod was furious to see
Herodias supporting Salome's request which
he didn't agree with. Herod tells Salome not to
listen to her mother at that time which
according to Herod, Herodias is only
influencing evil advice for Salome and
certainly doesn't need Salome to listen to her

SALOME It is not my mother’s voice that I Salome answered Herod if it was not his
heed. It is for mine own pleasure that I ask the mother factor that Salome would pay attention
head of Jokanaan in a silver charger. You to but this request was purely at Salome's own
have sworn an oath, Herod. Forget not that request. And this request is on the basis of
you have sworn an oath. Salome's pleasure purposes. Salome wanted
Jokanaan to be attached to her silver charger.
Salome hopes that Herod will immediately
grant Salome's request because the Tetrarch
king has sworn to Salome about his promise.

HEROD I know it. I have sworn an oath by Herod replied to Salome if Herod knew that
my gods. I know it well. But I pray thee, he had sworn by the named god. A Tetrarch
Salome, ask of me something else. Ask of me king knows that promises made must be kept.
the half of my kingdom, and I will give it But Herod kept begging Salome for
thee. But ask not of me what thy lips have something other than what Salome had
asked. mentioned by asking for Jokanaan's head with
a silver charger. Herod bids Salome to ask for
something else for example half of his
kingdom Herod will give.

SALOME I ask of you the head of Jokanaan. Salome continues to insist on her initial
request that Salome wants Jokanaan. Salome
knew that the deal was whatever Salome
asked for, so that meant there was no limit in
saying what Salome asked Herod in return.

HEROD No, no, I will not give it thee. Herod thought that he would not grant
Salome's request, it was impossible for Herod
to give Jokanaan to Salome in return for
Salome's dance which had made her heart

SALOME You have sworn an oath, Herod. After listening to what Herod said earlier
otherwise would have given the head of
Jokanaan to Salome. Salome kept reminding
that Herod had sworn in front of Salome and
was witnessed by his mother and the heavens
and everything in it followed.

HERODIAS Yes, you have sworn an oath. Herodias agrees with what Salome said that
Everybody heard you. You swore it before Herod has sworn in the sense that he must
everybody. keep his promise whatever Salome's request,
Herod must be willing to give it. Herod had
also sworn by the many witnesses who
listened to his promise that he would be able
to grant what Salome asked for in return.

HEROD Peace, woman! It is not to you I Herod looked very annoyed at Herodias'
speak. words. And said if not with him Herod spoke.
But with Salome. So, Herodias did not need to
interfere in the affairs between Herod and his

HERODIAS My daughter has done well to Herodias again replied to Herod's words, that
ask the head of Jokanaan. He has covered me Salome had done what was asked with the
with insults. He has said unspeakable things consequence that Herod had to accept and
against me. One can see that she loves her fulfill what Salome asked for. Salome dances,
mother well. Do not yield, my daughter. He and asks for Jokanaan's head which is
has sworn an oath, he has sworn an oath.  considered a request Salome is worth it.
Salome has fought for her mother by
protecting Herodias at all times. Salome has a
high value of caring for her mother and is
very fond of her mother. Herodias continued
to support Salome's request because Herod
had sworn so it had to be fulfilled according
to his agreement.

HEROD Peace! Speak not to me!... Salome, I Herod was angry and annoyed at the
pray thee be not stubborn. I have ever been unreasonable request. Herod kept begging to
kind toward thee. I have ever loved thee.... It withdraw his request, by bringing up his past.
may be that I have loved thee too much. This request is very difficult for Herod to
Therefore ask not this thing of me. This is a fulfill because on the other hand Herod is also
terrible thing, an awful thing to ask of me. afraid of Jokanaan who is a prophet.
Surely, I think thou art jesting. The head of a Beheading and separating him with his body
man that is cut from his body is ill to look are a very terrible thing, Herod hope this
upon, is it not? It is not meet that the eyes of a request is only a joke not to be taken
virgin should look upon such a thing. What seriously. A virgin Salome had no luck with
pleasure couldst thou have in it? There is no Jokanaan's requested head. There is no
pleasure that thou couldst have in it. No, no, it pleasure and pleasure that will get Salome
is not that thou desirest. Hearken to me. I have according to Herod, Herod continues to
an emerald, a great emerald and round, that seduce Salome to revoke her request and offer
the minion of Caesar has sent unto me.  her with other things such as a large and
round antique Emerald that is Caesar's gift to

When thou lookest through this emerald thou This antique emerald can see things from a
canst see that which passeth afar off. Caesar distance, this antique object Caesar himself
himself carries such an emerald when he goes gave to Herod. When Caesar went to the
to the circus. But my emerald is the larger. I circus, he always took the very large emerald
know well that it is the larger. It is the largest he had with him. This antique continues to be
emerald in the whole world. Thou wilt take offered by Herod to Salome, in exchange for
that, wilt thou not? Ask it of me and I will his request for the heavy head of Jokanaan to
give it thee. be given by Herod.

SALOME I demand the head of Jokanaan.  Salome indirectly refuses Herod's offer of the
emerald antique and still his request is the
head of Jokanaan who is Salome's target.

HEROD Thou art not listening. Thou art not Herod was very harsh and weak; it was
listening. Suffer me to speak, Salome. Salome who ignored the offer of emeralds and
kept Jokanaan's head. Herod was very tired of
forcing Salome to change his request.

SALOME The head of Jokanaan! Salome retorted and remained confident in her
request that was Jokanaan's head and should
be granted without any reason.

HEROD No, no, thou wouldst not have that. Herod felt himself unable to fulfill Salome's
Thou sayest that but to trouble me, because request for Jokanaan's head. Salome's request
that I have looked at thee and ceased not this adds to the burden of Herod's mind breaking
night. It is true, I have looked at thee and even more. On that dreadful night, the
ceased not this night. Thy beauty has troubled thoughts of Herod, the Tetrarch king, were
me. Thy beauty has grievously troubled me, jumbled together. On the other hand, the
and I have looked at thee overmuch. Nay, but atmosphere threatens his life and Salome who
I will look at thee no more. One should not has danced for him to be entertained but with
look at anything. Neither at things, nor at a reward that Herod never expected, namely
people should one look. Only in mirrors is it the head of Jokanaan. Herod had imprisoned
well to look, for mirrors do but show us Jokanaan because he did not know whether
masks. Oh! oh! bring wine. I thirst.... Salome, Jokanaan spoke the word of God and whether
Salome, let us be as friends. Bethink thee... many of his prophecies about his destruction
Ah! what would I say? What was’t? Ah! I would occur in the future so Herodes was
remember it!... Salome- nay but come nearer afraid of Jokanaan. He was also tormented by
to me; I fear thou wilt not hear my words- a number of omens in the form of blood that
Salome, thou knowest my white peacocks, my made him slip that night, the wings of the
beautiful white peacocks, that walk in the angel of death flapping, his wreath burning
garden between the myrtles and the tall and bloody foretelling death that would strike
cypresstrees. Their beaks are gilded with gold, the palace. The unexpected events of that
and the grains that they eat are smeared with night bode ill for the Tetrarch king. The
gold, and their feet are stained with purple. atmosphere of the sky that seems to be a sign
When they cry out the rain comes, and the of rain coming with the moon Moon as a
moon shows herself in the heavens when they Woman, the moon appears here as Salome's
spread their tails. Two by two they walk twin and a symbol of woman. For Page, the
between the cypress-trees and the black moon is a woman who brings death. Of
myrtles, and each has a slave to tend it. course, the sign may be characterized by the
Sometimes they fly across the trees, and anon inflexibility of its metaphorical structure, the
they couch in the grass, and round the pools of cessation of the vortex between metaphorical
the water. There are not in all the world birds terms. Although usually the meaning is vague
so wonderful. I know that Caesar himself has and thus generates uncontrollable anxiety
no birds so fair as my birds. I will give thee among the listeners, it is nevertheless
fifty of my peacocks. They will follow thee "motivated" as a demonstration of bad luck.
whithersoever thou goest, and in the midst of Herod while offering another offer to Salome
them thou wilt be like unto the moon in the by telling if Herod has a peacock where no
midst of a great white cloud.... I will give king in the world has a peacock but Herod the
them to thee, all. I have but a hundred, and in king of this Tetrarch. Herod would give it all
the whole world there is no king who has he had for Salome as long as Salome broke
peacocks like unto my peacocks. But I will the oath that Herod had said to give Salome
give them all to thee. Only thou must loose anything she asked for. Because Herod was
me from my oath, and must not ask of me that very unable to grant the request to give
which thy lips have asked of me.  Jokanaan's head. So, Herod continued to make
deals against Salome's request.

[He empties the cup of Wine.]  Salome spontaneously spilled the cup
containing the wine because she was furious
to see the behavior of her stepfather who
could not keep his promise.

SALOME Give me the head of Jokanaan! Salome remained steadfast in her initial
request, according to her this request must be
realized according to what was said based on
the initial agreement.

HERODIAS Well said, my daughter! As for Herodias as the mother of Salome really
you, you are ridiculous with your peacocks.  admired her daughter's attitude which she was
right. Salome only behaved according to the
flow, so there was nothing wrong with
Salome saying that she wanted Jokanaan's
head. Herodias also mocked Herod who
seemed very funny and strange by offering the
peacock he had.

HEROD Peace! you are always crying out. Herod seemed to calm the very tense
You cry out like a beast of prey. atmosphere for him at that time. It's as if the
two women, Salome and Herodias, are just a
woman who can only cry who is considered
weak. Two women who seemed to be
cornered by shouting loudly and Herod with
his panic.

You must not cry in such fashion. Your voice Herod is very confused what to do on the
wearies me. Peace, I tell you!... Salome, think other hand he has also taken an oath but can't
on what thou art doing. It may be that this fulfill Salome's request who wants Jokanaan's
man comes from God. He is a holy man. The head by offering to replace it with another
finger of God has touched him. God has put one. Herod told Salome to think carefully
terrible words into his mouth. In the palace, as about what had been said from her lips. Herod
in the desert, God is ever with him.... It may again explains who Jokanaan is, according to
be that He is, at least. One cannot tell, but it is him a holy man comes from God and is
possible that God is with him and for him. If considered a mystical prophet, Jokanaan is a
he die also, peradventure some evil may befall taboo body. Herod forbade others to see him,
me. and he himself as Salome learned refused to
accept the cursed gaze. He is also "blind" in a
sense, failing to see those around him in his
inspiration by the divine word.

Verily, he has said that evil will befall some Herod warned that if a crime will befall
one on the day whereon he dies. On whom someone in the heart where someone returns
should it fall if it fall not on me? Remember, I to his god. Herod had slipped on the blood
slipped in blood when I came hither. Also did that was scattered on the ground and maybe
I not hear a beating of wings in the air, a this was a bad sign for the kings, especially
beating of vast wings? These are ill omens. the Tetrarch king. The wings of the grim
And there were other things. I am sure that reaper flapped, the blood where Herod
there were other things, though I saw them slipped, and the moon was blood red, his
not. Thou wouldst not that some evil should wreath was like fire and burned his forehead.
befall me, Salome? Listen to me again. Many omens that he thought were bad
happened that night and Herod again
convinced Salome whether Salome was right
with that request because Herod the Tetrarch
king was afraid that something bad would
happen to him and his kingdom.

SALOME Give me the head of Jokanaan! Salome continued to nod and kept asking for
Jokanaan's head. For whatever reason, Salome
was unfazed by what Herod had said. Salome
asked for Jokanaan's head in return because
she thought it was worth what Herod had

HEROD Ah! thou art not listening to me. Be Herod again influences Salome by showing
calm. As for me, am I not calm? I am off her wealth and possessions. Herod did not
altogether calm. Listen. I have jewels hidden show his panic and still tried to look calm.
in this place- jewels that thy mother even has Herod flaunts if he has a very beautiful gem
never seen; jewels that are marvellous to look no one knows it even Salome's mother as
at. I have a collar of pearls, set in four rows Herod's wife never knows where the pearl is.
Call it a pearl collar that is arranged in four

They are like unto moons chained with rays of Herod kept on pretending that whatever it was
silver. They are even as half a hundred moons he was trying to get Salome's attention to
caught in a golden net. On the ivory breast of change her request. Herod said if Salome was
a queen they have rested. Thou shalt be as fair a queen, it would be nice to be fair like the
as a queen when thou wearest them. I have other queens. Herod relentlessly continued to
amethysts of two kinds; one that is black like explain what he had to get Salome's attention
wine, and one that is red like wine that one to change her choice. Herod's unique items
has coloured with water. I have topazes are mentioned with very antique uses.
yellow as are the eyes of tigers, and topazes Everything will be given to Salome as long as
that are pink as the eyes of a wood-pigeon, she changes her wish, namely Jokanaan's
and green topazes that are as the eyes of cats. I head. The antiques that he has are items that
have opals that burn always, with a flame that not all of them have, namely two amethysts,
is cold as ice, opals that make sad men’s three types of topaz with different colors,
minds, and are afraid of shadows. I have opals that never go off, onyx, moonstones,
onyxes like the eyeballs of a dead woman. I sapphires, hrysolites and beryl, and
have moonstones that change when the moon chrysoprases and rubies and finally sardonic
changes, and are wan when they see the sun. I stones. and water hyacinth, and chalcedony
have sapphires big like eggs, and as blue as
blue flowers. The sea wanders within them,
and the moon comes never to trouble the blue
of their waves. I have chrysolites and beryls,
and chrysoprases and rubies; I have sardonyx
and hyacinth stones, and stones of
chalcedony, and I will give them all unto thee,
all, and other things will I add to them. 

The King of the Indies has but even now sent Herod maintains his argument for continuing
me four fans fashioned from the feathers of to influence Salome by telling her all that he
parrots, and the King of Numidia a garment of has. One of them he has a crystal that is not
ostrich feathers. I have a crystal, into which it allowed to be seen by women, the law is also
is not lawful for a woman to look, nor may haram. He keeps a turquoise task in his narche
young men behold it until they have been coffin which can result in infertility in women
beaten with rods. In a coffer of nacre I have if placed on his forehead can imagine things
three wondrous turquoises. He who wears he doesn't and he carries it with both hands.
them on his forehead can imagine things This turquoise is a very valuable treasure for
which are not, and he who carries them in his Herod the Tetrarch king. There is another
hand can turn the fruitful woman into a chest that contains two amber cups, its
woman that is barren. These are great function is if the enemy intentionally fills the
treasures. They are treasures above all price. cup with poison it will turn into a silver apple.
But this is not all. In an ebony coffer I have In another chest also Herod has a pair of
two cups of amber that are like apples of pure sandals with a glass design. Herod also had an
gold. If an enemy pour poison into these cups item that he got from the land of Seres,
they become like apples of silver. In a coffer namely a coat and bracelet with embellished
incrusted with amber I have sandals incrusted stones. He also has a stone from the city of the
with glass. I have mantles that have been Euphrates which is jade. Of all the items that
brought from the land of the Seres, and Herod has, it has been explained and all can
bracelets decked about with carbuncles and function properly according to his antiquity.
with jade that come from the city of So, Salome only had to choose what she asked
Euphrates.... What desirest thou more than for from all the items Herod had mentioned.
this, Salome? Tell me the thing that thou Salome should choose and say what she asks
desirest, and I will give it thee. All that thou except for one thing that has been mentioned
askest I will give thee, save one thing only. I before which is the head of Jokanaan which
will give thee all that is mine, save the life of Herod should have killed Jokanaan and this is
one man. I will give thee the mantle of the very unnatural.
high priest. I will give thee the veil of the

THE JEWS Oh! oh!  The Jews who listened to the words of the
Tetrarch king looked so shocked that they
could only agree by nodding as if they
believed everything Herod said.

SALOME Give me the head of Jokanaan! Salome ignored all what Herod said, Salome
remained confident in her decision to ask for
Jokanaan's head. Without listening to any
reason that came out of Herod's mouth.

HEROD [Sinking back in his seat.]  Herodias was astonished and tired of the
Let her be given what she asks! Of a truth she situation so absorbing his energy that he
is her mother’s child.  leaned back in the most comfortable position
in the chair he was sitting on. Herod seemed
to give up on everything he had said that the
results were not tangible, Salome remained
firm in her decision. Because Salome is not
much different from Herodias, namely her

[The first soldier approaches. Herodias draws The atmosphere heated up and Herodias
from the hand of the Tetrarch the ring of spontaneously pulled the ring from her
death, and gives it to the soldier, who husband's finger, the Tetrarch king and
straightway bears it to the Executioner. The handed the ring which was considered the ring
Executioner looks scared.]  of death to the soldier, namely to the
Who has taken my ring? There was a ring on executioner. The executioner who received
my right hand. Who has drunk my wine? the ring of death was terrified. Herod
There was wine in my cup. It was full of wine. unknowingly if Herodias took the ring from
Some one has drunk it! Oh! surely some evil the right finger, kept asking the other soldiers
will befall some one. who had taken the ring and who had drunk the
cup of wine. And he said the one who drank it
would have bad luck.

[The Executioner goes down into the cistern.] The executioner immediately acted and
Ah! wherefore did I give my oath? Hereafter blamed the tetrarch king for why he had to
let no king swear an oath. If he keep it not, it swear and the afterlife witnessed if it was
is terrible, and if he keep it, it is terrible also.  Herod who swore. Which is where the
promise must be kept, with whatever
consequences it is done or not this promise is
still terrible for the kingdom.
HERODIAS My daughter has done well.  Herodias defended his daughter if Salome had
indeed carried out her orders well and indeed
the agreement was like that Herod was willing
to give whatever Salome asked for.

HEROD I am sure that some misfortune will Herod spoke if he had an inkling that if this
happen.  action would be carried out, some misfortune
would befall the palace and all that was in it.

SALOME [She leans over the cistern and Salome climbed on the tank and bent down
listens.] There is no sound. I hear nothing. and listened to a somewhat disturbing voice.
Why does he not cry out, this man? Ah! if any The man who spoke did not speak in a loud
man sought to kill me, I would cry out, I voice but only spoke briefly. Salome
would struggle, I would not suffer.... Strike, continues to fight for her rights. Even with
strike, Naaman, strike, I tell you.... No, I hear emotions Salome wouldn't suffer, she was
nothing. There is a silence, a terrible silence. sure of it. An executioner named Naaman was
asked to beat because Salome did not hear any
sound. only silence and serenity as if a very
terrible atmosphere

Ah! something has fallen upon the ground. I There was a disturbing sound that something
heard something fall. It was the sword of the had fallen on the ground and it was the
executioner. He is afraid, this slave. He has executioner's sword. The executioner was
dropped his sword. He dares not kill him. He even more afraid why this sword had fallen,
is a coward, this slave! Let soldiers be sent. what sign and whether it was an order to
immediately kill Jokanaan. The executioner
didn't dare to do that, he rather left this to the

[She sees the Page of Herodias and addresses Herod saw Herodias Page and rushed to call
him.]  him to come over to Herod. Herod asked
Come hither. Thou wert the friend of him who about the dead people if they were Herodias
is dead, wert thou not? Well, I tell thee, there Page's friends. Herod immediately ordered
are not dead men enough. Go to the soldiers Herodias Page to immediately call the
and bid them go down and bring me the thing Tetrarch royal army immediately down with
I ask, the thing the Tetrarch has promised me, all the goods that had been ordered by the
the thing that is mine. Tetrarch king. By bringing all the items that
become weapons to fulfill Salome's request.

[The Page recoils. She turns to the soldiers.] Herodias page backed away to turn towards
Hither, ye soldiers. Get ye down into this the soldiers and immediately ordered what the
cistern and bring me the head of this man. Tetrarch king had ordered. to immediately
Tetrarch, Tetrarch, command your soldiers mobilize all the soldiers by bringing
that they bring me the head of Jokanaan Jokanaan's head to give it to Salome in
exchange for what she asked for

[A huge black arm, the arm of the The action immediately kicks in with the
Executioner, comes forth from the cistern executioner's big black arm popping out of the
bearing on a silver shield the head of tank and ready to chop off Jokanaan's silver
Jokanaan. Salome seizes it. Herod hides his shield of the head. Salome rushed to catch the
face with his cloak. Herodias smiles and fans head and Herod hid it under the cloak he was
herself. The Nazarenes fall on their knees and wearing. Herodias was relieved and smiled
begin to pray.] elegantly. The Nazarene Jews blushed and
were afraid to kneel and pray

Ah! thou wouldst not suffer me to kiss thy Salome was overjoyed to get Jokanaan's head
mouth, Jokanaan. Well! I will kiss it now. I and immediately executed him. Salome
will bite it with my teeth as one bites a ripe wanted to kiss Jokanaan's mouth by biting
fruit. Yes, I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan. I Jokanaan's teeth like eating a ripe fruit ready
said it; did I not say it? I said it. Ah! I will kiss to eat. Salome was determined to kiss
it now.... But wherefore dost thou not look at Jokanaan's mouth right then and there. With
me, Jokanaan? Thine eyes that were so the expression on Jokanaan's face which was
terrible, so full of rage and scorn, are shut now closed which was usually a face filled
now. Wherefore are they shut? Open thine with anger and very scary. Jokanaan's long
eyes! Lift up thine eyelids, Jokanaan! tongue as long as a snake was red. Jokanaan
Wherefore dost thou not look at me? Art thou was no longer able to move, just resigned to
afraid of me, Jokanaan, that thou wilt not look what Salome had treated him and definitely
at me?... And thy tongue, that was like a red couldn't refuse it anymore. This is Salome's
snake darting poison, it moves no more, it chance to take revenge on Jokanaan who had
speaks no words, Jokanaan, that scarlet viper made Salome's heart ache when Jokanaan was
that spat its venom upon me. It is strange, is it alive. Jokanaan once mocked Salome as a
not? How is it that the red viper stirs no prostitute and a naughty woman like her
longer?... Thou wouldst have none of me, mother, Herodias. Salome was the daughter of
Jokanaan. Thou rejectedst me. Thou didst Herodias Judea. Salome had authority over
speak evil words against me. Thou didst bear Jokanaan at that time because Salome was
thyself toward me as to a harlot, as to a very vengeful. But on the other hand,
woman that is a wanton, to me, Salome, Jokanaan is a man who Salome loved during
daughter of Herodias, Princess of Judaea! her life even though many men hated Salome.
Well, I still live, but thou art dead, and thy By lamenting Jokanaan's head Salome while
head belongs to me. I can do with it what I describing Jokanaan's facts. Jokanaan was
will. I can throw it to the dogs and to the birds dead and couldn't even open his eyes to see
of the air. That which the dogs leave, the birds Salome. Jokanaan's head is wrapped in
of the air shall devour.... Ah, Jokanaan, Herod's robes like a man ready to return to the
Jokanaan, thou wert the man that I loved alone divine. Jokanaan was able to see and meet
among men! All other men were hateful to God but could no longer see Salome. Salome
me. But thou wert beautiful! Thy body was a expresses her feelings if Salome can see it
column of ivory set upon feet of silver. It was because of love and vice versa if Jokanaan
a garden full of doves and lilies of silver. It can see Salome that Jokanaan is really in love
was a tower of silver decked with shields of with Salome. However, the fact of the matter
ivory. There was nothing in the world so was not being able to see Salome. Salome
white as thy body. There was nothing in the really really loves Jokanaan that's why she
world so black as thy hair. In the whole world asked Jokanaan's head to see and kiss her
there was nothing so red as thy mouth. Thy mouth. Salome really needs Jokanaan who is
voice was a censer that scattered strange considered the only man she can praise and
perfumes, and when I looked on thee I heard a adore. Salome, a daughter of Judea but
strange music. Jokanaan boldly mocked Salome. With great
Ah! wherefore didst thou not look at me, regret many memories with Salome. But
Jokanaan? With the cloak of thine hands, and Salome loves Jokanaan even though Jokanaan
with the cloak of thy blasphemies thou didst always mocks Salome for no reason. And
hide thy face. Thou didst put upon thine eyes Salome believes that the mystery of Love is
the covering of him who would see his God. greater than the mystery of Death
Well, thou hast seen thy God, Jokanaan, but
me, me, thou didst never see. If thou hadst
seen me thou hadst loved me. I saw thee, and I
loved thee. Oh, how I loved thee! I love thee
yet, Jokanaan. I love only thee.... I am athirst
for thy beauty; I am hungry for thy body; and
neither wine nor apples can appease my
desire. What shall I do now, Jokanaan?
Neither the floods nor the great waters can
quench my passion. I was a princess, and thou
didst scorn me. I was a virgin, and thou didst
take my virginity from me. I was chaste, and
thou didst fill my veins with fire.... Ah! ah!
wherefore didst thou not look at me? If thou
hadst looked at me thou hadst loved me. Well
I know that thou wouldst have loved me, and
the mystery of Love is greater than the
mystery of Death.

HEROD She is monstrous, thy daughter; I tell Herod said that Jokanaan was terrible. With
thee she is monstrous. In truth, what she has her eyes closed, Salome dared to approach by
done is a great crime. I am sure that it is a talking to Jokanaan who even though
crime against some unknown God.  Jokanaan couldn't interact with her.

HERODIAS I am well pleased with my Herodias is proud of Salome with a resolutely

daughter. She has done well. And I would stay mature attitude. Because indeed he is also
here now innocent, he only carries out orders with what
Herod has ordered with a mutually agreed
agreement. And Herodias decided to live
together with Salome

HEROD [Rising.] From the peak of the problem and began to

Ah! There speaks my brother’s wife! Come! I rise, Herod warned Herodias if the place was
will not stay in this place. Come, I tell thee. not good and should find another place to live.
Surely some terrible thing will befall. By avoiding things that are not desirable will
Manasseh, Issachar, Ozias, put out the happen. With such a situation, Herod began to
torches. I will not look at things, I will not be wary of falling on the place where he was.
suffer things to look at me. Put out the And should always remain vigilant to turn off
torches! Hide the moon! Hide the stars! Let us the burning torch, because the symbol of
hide ourselves in our palace, Herodias. I begin death has become the sign it appears. Should
to be afraid.  be hidden for the common good, the moon
appears here as Salomé's twin and the symbol
of women. For Page, the moon is a woman
who brings death. Salomé triumphantly
imagined the moon as a virgin, as a goddess
who never defiled herself as her sister did.
Interestingly, Herod saw not a virgin on the
moon but the opposite: a naked drunken
madwoman who was looking for a lover
everywhere and would not let a cloud cover
her nakedness. As Salomé noted earlier,
desire in Herod's view is too obvious. Again,
Herodias rejects the cast's penchant for
symbolism. When Herod saw a mad woman
on the moon, he could only sneer: "the moon
is like the moon, that's all."

[The slaves put out the torches. The stars But all the royal soldiers' slaves carried
disappear. A great cloud crosses the moon and torches and the stars in the sky began to
conceals it completely. The stage becomes disappear, large clouds covered the sky and
quite dark. The Tetrarch begins to climb the passed towards the moon as if there was no
staircase.]  light shining on the earth. And the world was
also pitch black, the kings especially the king
Tetrarch quite worried about this unsafe

THE VOICE OF SAL Ah! I have kissed thy Salome's inner voice said that she had kissed
mouth, Jokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth.  Jokanaan's mouth and maybe this was a
punishment with this tense situation.

There was a bitter taste on thy lips. Was it the Salome felt a bitter taste in Jokanaan's mouth
taste of blood?... when Salome kissed her maybe it was the
taste of Jokanaan's blood, a prophet.

Nay; but perchance it was the taste of love.... But there is another opinion if it might be a
They say that love hath a bitter taste.... But love for Jokanaan. Because love was bitter
what matter? what matter? I have kissed thy and Jokanaan had that bitter taste in his mouth
mouth, Jokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth.  that Salome had smelled. Salome had
thoughtlessly kissed Jokanaan

[A ray of moonlight falls on Salome and But the cloud-covered moon shone again to
illumines her.] illuminate Salome and Jokanaan at that
moment of dread

HEROD [Turning round and seeing Salome.] Herod the Tetrarch king was very annoyed
Kill that woman!  with Salome's annoying behavior and he
turned his body towards Salome and
immediately said and ordered all his soldiers
to kill Salome.

[The soldiers rush forward and crush beneath The soldiers of the Tetrarch kingdom on the
their shields Salome, daughter of Herodias, messenger of Herod rushed to carry out orders
Princess of Judaea.]  and immediately surrendered Salome who
was under the shield where she was located to
Jokanaan, Salome the daughter of Herodias
Judea instantly died beside Jokanaan's head at
that very moment.

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