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Quantity Take-Off for building elements have advanced into an automated alternative after
the emergence of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Quantity Take-Off features have
been built in many BIM Software and one of the known software is Autodesk Revit.Autodesk
Revit, released in 2000, is a building information modelling software for architectural design,
mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineering, structural engineering, and
construction, and enables coordination between disciplines (Autodesk, 2016). Revit is
designed to accommodate the problems arising in the architecture, engineering and
construction (AEC) industry such as communication, coordination and change management,
and is purposely developed to support BIM unlike other software. Revit has the ability to
manage changes instantly and create relationship between parametric objects (Dzambazova et
al., 2009). As mentioned previously, Revit also provides features which could assist Quantity
Surveyors to automatically extract quantities from the model (Farah, 2005).
Background of Research
It is apparent that the construction industry has evolved over the years. History has recorded
countless use of different types of materials and tools for the structures. The industry has also
evolved in the technology aspect in planning and designing the works. From the traditional
building design of two-dimensional drawings, now designing has advanced into 3-D, 4-D, 5-
D and even 6-D modelling. The technology usage and dependency among parties involved in
this industry such as Architects, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Contractors and even Real
Estate Managers, without doubt, has grown parallel to the evolution of construction industry.
Building Information Modelling, or simply known as BIM, is the most recent technology
used in construction industry. Dzambazova et al. (2009) stated that Building Information
Management is not the future, but the present, and Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the
past. This goes back to year 2002, in the issue of LaiserinLetterTM, Jerry Laiserin had
described BIM as “the next generation of design software”.Krygiel and Nies (2008) described
BIM as an information about the entire building and a complete set of design documents
stored in an integrated database. Smith and Tardiff (2009) explained that BIM not only
represents the geometry of the building but also offer a complete detailed information which
can be used by all parties involved throughout the whole life cycle of a project.
In using BIM, one must acquire a software to view and work with BIM.Currently, there are
many software packages which assist the use of BIM and each software is designed to serve
certain purposes. For example, BIM Authoring Tools such as Autodesk Revit (Autodesk,
2016), ArchiCAD (Graphisoft, 2016), and Bentley Suite (Bentley, 2016) are tools which
create the BIM model. All information derived from the model is used for quantity take-off,
analysis and scheduling purposes. Besides that, there are also BIM Analysis Tools which
analyse, predict and validate the model behaviour, for instance, Autodesk Robot (Autodesk,
2016), and Solibri Model Checker (Solibri, 2016). Meanwhile, quantity take-off and
estimating tools such as Glodon (Glodon, 2016), CostX (Exactal, 2016), and Vico Takeoff
Manager (Vico Software, 2016) have the ability to replace traditional method of
measurement and provide more accurate quantities. Although there are many different types
of tools, it is obvious that BIM Authoring Tool is the main software and without this tool,
other software packages will simply be insignificant. In order to view and edit the BIM
Model in other software, the model must be converted into compatible format. Industry
Foundation Classes (IFCs) of buildingSMART International is used to collaborate the model
into open-standard data formats for this purpose. IFC is the open and neutral data format for
openBIM (buildingSMART, 2016).
Revit as one of the developing BIM Authoring Tool which originates from the phrase
“Revise Instantly” (Dzambazova et al., 2009) is one of the leading software generating BIM
Model. According to Autodesk News Release Feb 21st 2000, Autodesk Inc. had bought
Revit as Revit can complement Autodesk’s applications, a parametric building modeller that
assists designers in coordinating and integrating information a building. Besides that, it also
contain quantity take-off features. Since then, Autodesk Revit continues to develop and is
used widely by Architects, Structural Engineers, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
Engineers, Designers, and Contractors.
Although there are many other software for BIM applications, it can be seen that Revit is
exceptionally different and unique. Dzambazova et al. (2009) explained that Revit was
relatively new and purposely developed to support Building Information Modelling (BIM)
unlike other software established before BIM technology. For example, Revit has the
intelligence to detect changes and automatically update the model to adapt with the changes.
The phrase “Revise Instantly” literally means Revit is built to manage changes instantly.
Revit uses parametric objects which are basically similar objects that have different
properties. Although some other software also offer this same feature, what sets Revit apart
is its ability to create a relationship between the parametric objects known as parametric
change engine (Dzambazova et al., 2009). It allows other elements to change their
dimensions, shapes and height when a user changes a certain element. This feature will
enhance the accuracy and workability of the BIM Model.
Research Objectives
The research objectives were outlined in accordance to the research questions. Hence, the
output of the study would be able to answer the research questions. Therefore, two objectives
were outlined:
-To identify limitations of the quantity take-off features provided in Autodesk Revit.
-To determine the acceptability of these limitations in various cost estimating stages.
Scope of Research
The main aspect of the present study is to discover the quantity take-off features offered in
Revit. The limitations of these features were the main study variable which will be matched
with the acceptability for various cost estimating stages. As most previous researchers focus
on the BIM Model itself, studies on the software are limited.Hence, these two variables'
relationship is deemed necessary and serve as a platform for optimizing the software and,
consequently, improving BIM technology in Malaysia. As Revit is not capable in generating
Bills of Quantities, the research focuses on the quantity take-off activity without having
concern on the further process except the acceptability for various cost estimation stages.
Quantity Take-off in BIM Software
Quantity extraction of a model consists of four major activities: taking off, squaring,
abstracting, and billing (Wijayakumar and Jayasena, 2013). Taking off activity is the most
important activity in applying BIM Model as it will result in other latter three activities.
Quantity extraction is one of the stages in which a project must undergo to produce item
description. Drogemuller and Tucker (2003) clarified that there are four stages in the
generation of item description. The first stage is to identify the relevant components in the
building, followed by extracting the quantity of the relevant components and generating the
item description. Last but not least, the occurrences of the components are then counted.
Senate Properties (2007) had outlined three main levels of quantity take-off when using BIM
which are quite similar with Drogemuller and Tucker (2003). The initial level is identifying
object quantities. Objects are created by designer and a group of objects creates a model.
These objects which contain properties are reported by using tools found in the BIM
Authoring Tool such as creating lists and schedules. This level is followed by estimating item
quantities. The objects named with specific properties will subsequently form an item. For
instance, quantity of objects with similar name such as ‘EW1’ will be grouped and used for
the quantity of external wall. The next level is the production of quantities. In this level,
taker-off will use formulas and factors on the items previously measured and develop
quantities of sub-items. There are several methods in taking off quantities namely key
figures, space-based take-off, building element take-off, enhanced building element take-off,
item take-off and quantity take-off by location.
Furthermore, Senate Properties (2007) also described three different scopes of BIM-based
quantity take-off. One of the scopes is that the BIM Model is designed at the same level of
detail. In this situation, taker-off is able to calculate the whole model using same method.
Besides that, another scope is where only part of the model is designed in a detailed manner.
Taker-off could only calculate the detailed part and use formulas to obtain the total quantities
of a building. The third scope is providing alternative quantity take-off for a single BIM
Model. This method is possible as taker-off will link the primary BIM objects to different
production recipes as described in the third level of quantity take-off.
Quantity Take-off in Autodesk Revit
There are no right and wrong in executing quantity take-off in software as each software use
different tools and mechanism. Revit software, a BIM Authoring Tool is capable in
generating quantity information extraction (Wijayakumar and Jayasena, 2013). After quantity
information is extracted, it will then be exported to Microsoft Excel.Although quantity take-
off done in Revit is not as advanced as in other specialized software, the simplicity allows
users to have better control and it is suitable for certain costing workflows. Wijayakumar and
Jayasena (2013) also gave an example in which many firms create quantity take-offs in Revit,
transfer the data to spreadsheet and pass it to cost estimator.
Generally, quantity take-off features had been built in Revit to assist Quantity
Surveyors.Khemlani (2007) had listed out the main features in Revit which are associated
with quantity take-off. The main features are ‘copy/monitor’ feature for collaboration,
‘groups’ feature in modelling, ‘enhanced hide/isolate’ feature and ‘colour scheme
enhancements’ feature in viewing. Collaboration in Revit can be done as Revit is able to
check interferences between linked models such as architectural, structural, electrical and
mechanical models because it allows to the creation of relationship between disciplines by
having copy/monitor feature. In modelling, Revit has a ‘groups’ feature which combines
similar elements into a larger entity. This means that a change in one element will affect other
elements in the same group. Besides that, the ‘enhanced hide/isolate’ feature allows users to
choose which items to view. For example, separate a large floor plan into smaller segments
to understand better. Another feature which assists in viewing is the ‘colour scheme
enhancements’ feature. This feature has the ability to create and manage colour schemes
independently for better viewing. Generally, Wijayakumar and Jayasena (2013) had stated
that following the measurement rules set out by SMMs and methods of modelling used in a
project are the most challenging aspects in quantity take-off. They also added that issues in
quantity take-off do not arise from count measurement but from area measurement as it is
deemed to be the most challenging and difficult to extract.
Cost Estimating Stages in a Project
It is important for the taker-off to be familiar with various cost estimating stages in a project
to produce an accurate overall building quantities according to the stages. In general, cost
estimation is divided into three main phases (AACE, 1997). The first phase is the conceptual
phase which is used for feasibility and concept study.The accuracy range in this phase is
expected to be in between 15% and 50% of the real end cost. Next phase is the budget phase
which consists of budget, authorization and control activities. The typical cost accuracy is
from 10% to 30%. Last but not least, the detailed phase which leads to 5% - 20% of cost
accuracy. The most important activity in a construction project such as controlling, bidding
and checking cost estimate in Tender Document, falls in this phase. Sabol (2008) concluded
that in conceptual phase, preliminary estimate is created, followed by “fair cost” estimate
which is developed in budget phase, and lastly, definitive estimate is obtained in detailed
phase. Quantity take-off done during earlier phase, will lead to less detailed and less
accuracy of cost estimation (Firat et al., 2010).
Cheung et al. (2012) then proposed the use of Low Impact Design Explorer (LIDX) for
multiple assessment which includes cost estimation purposes. They explained four levels of
data used accordingly in cost estimation process. Level 1 estimate is represented by mass
model used for feasibility study. In this stage, most building elements are measured by
Ground Floor Area (GFA) while external works are measured by site area. This is agreed by
Jungsik et al. (2015) as they explained that schematic estimation is obtained by cost per
square meter. Next, Level 2 estimate is a stage where cost estimation obtained in Level 1
estimate is upgraded. After that, Level 3 estimate will then focus on more detailed geometric
information of the model to calculate the building elements. For example, wall will be
measured using the surface area of the wall. Lastly, Level 4 estimate will concern more on
the specifications of building elements such as wall types and construction. Firat et al. (2010)
had stated that Building Construction Information Model (BCIM) is developed after a rough
cost estimate and more detailed quantity take-off is performed to ease the contractors making
an offer to construction owner. This multi-level cost estimation ensures that cost estimates
will be updated simultaneously as the design develops and suitable for quantity take-off in
Building Information Modelling (BIM) software (Cheung et al., 2012).
Research Design
This part will discuss on the type of qualitative approach which has been chosen for the
study. Generally, researcher focused on a fieldwork approach to achieve the objectives which
can be associated with three practical approaches. These approaches are survey approach,
case study approach and problem-solving approach (Naoum, 2007). For this research, a case
study approach was considered to be the most suitable method. According to Naoum (2007),
case study approach is used when in-depth analysis of a person, a group of persons, an
organization or a particular project are presented to support the researcher’s objectives. Since
the nature of case study approach is subjected to only one aspect, the findings will focus to
one particular event rather than a generalization. Therefore, in this research, researcher
aimed to use Autodesk Revit as a case study in which the capability of this software in
quantity take-off was analysed. Hence, the outcome of the research focused only Autodesk
Revit software and in-depth analysis on this software could be obtained by using case study
This approach is parallel to the approach adopted in the studies done by Monteiro and
Martins (2013) and Tse et al. (2009). Both studies circulated on the issues regarding quantity
take-off process in BIM project. Monteiro and Martins (2013) had done a research on a
project known as SIGABIM project by using ArchiCAD and Vico Software as the tool in the
case study whereas Tse et al. (2009) had conducted a research on a two-storey indoor
swimming pool model created in Revit.
Case study approach is further broken down into three types of design, namely, descriptive
case study, analytical case study, and explanatory case study (Naoum, 2007). The descriptive
case study deals with collecting respondents’ opinions or attitudes towards a detailed case.
On the other hand, analytical case study aims to create relationship between the variables in
the detailed case. Explanatory case study is quite similar with analytical case study but aims
to find a causal relationship and concerns on more theoretical approach. For the purpose of
this research, analytical case study is chosen. In analytical research, researcher must
determine an element which can influence another element. The element which affects
another element is known as independent variable while the other element is called dependent
variable. Hence, the list of limitations found in Autodesk Revit’s quantity take-off features is
an independent variable while the acceptability of these limitations in various cost estimation
stages is the dependent variable.
Data Collection Procedure
In collecting data, observation method was used, as mentioned earlier. Before collecting data,
researcher considered the parameters for this research as outlined by Creswell (1994).
Firstly, the setting of the research which concerns on where the research will take place.
Since the nature of this research did not take place in a specific setting or location, it could be
considered that Revit software is the setting for this research as it is the main focus. Secondly,
the actors or the individuals that were important in the validation process. The actors were
Revit experts who are willing to share their expertise and Quantity Surveyors who embrace
the auto-quantification method using special software. Next is the events, in other words, the
content of the observation. The content is directly related to the research objectives. Lastly,
the process which is the evolving nature of the events. This means that the content of the
data collection was subjected to changes as researcher gains deeper knowledge when
collecting data.
In the observation method, researcher focused on the quantity take-off features offered in
Revit software only.This means that researcher had specifically chosen the features in Revit
as the settings. Researcher conducted the observation as a participant on the setting. This
observation method was applied to reach the first objective of this research which is to
identify the limitations of the featured provided in Revit software for quantity take-off. In
order to identify the limitations, researcher must have a first-hand experience in using the
quantity take-off features to have more meaningful findings. Semi-Detached House and
National Cancer Institute BIM model were used in the process of observing as it is
impossible to observe Revit software without a model. Naturally, the researcher was not part
of the setting which means that researcher was not involved with the development of the
project using Revit. Researcher only observed and analysed Revit software using the BIM
model without having any connection with the project.
Meanwhile, in the validation process, researcher will limit the population to only those who
have expertise in using Revit software and Quantity Surveyors who are familiar with the
quantification of building elements in special software. The validation process was done in
two separate purposes. The first purpose revolves around the first objective which is to
identify the limitations of features provided in Revit for quantity take-off. In this case,
researcher selected individuals which have expertise and knowledge in using
Revit.Meanwhile, the second purpose was for the second objective which is to determine the
acceptability of the limitations found in various cost estimating stages. Researcher did not
interview the same individuals as in the first validation process because those individuals
may not have sufficient knowledge to validate the findings for second objective. Therefore,
experienced Quantity Surveyors are chosen for this stage as they have deeper knowledge on
quantity take-off and cost estimation.The Quantity Surveyors chosen must be aware and
familiar with the auto-quantification system in BIM software. The Quantity Surveyors
chosen are from JUBM Sdn. Bhd.
Backgrounf Information of the Project Models
As explained in subsection 3.4.2, Semi-Detached House and National Cancer Institute were
used in the process of observing as it is impossible to observe Revit software without a
model. For the Semi-Detached House, it is a 2-storey house building of a residential project.
The model is part of the project to build 28 units of Semi-Detached House (Type A), 4 units
of Semi-Detached House (Type B), and 2 units of Semi-Detached House (Type C). The total
gross floor area is 262 square metres.
On the other hand, National Cancer Institute, situated in Putrajaya, is the first government
project using Building Information Modeling throughout the construction process. It is fully
operational since 31st August 2013. It is designed to accommodate patients with specific
health and medical care and fully equipped with treatment facilities and special rooms. The
total gross floor area is 75,555 square metres.
Limitations in Quantity Take-off Features in Revit
As explained in the previous chapter, Schedule System was the main quantity take-off feature
used while heavily depending on the parametric elements and dimensioning tool. The
schedules which were applied in carrying out quantity take-off for Structural Works are
Structural Foundation Schedule, Structural Framing Schedule, Structural Column Schedule,
Floor Schedule, Stairs Material Take-off, Roof Schedule, Rebar Schedule, and Fabric
Reinforcement Schedule. Meanwhile, for Architectural Works, the schedules are Room
Schedule, Floor Material Take-off, Wall Schedule, Ceiling Schedule, Door Schedule,
Window Schedule, Staircase Schedule, Railing Schedule, and Roof Schedule. As explained
in sub-section 3.6 and shown in Appendix, the limitations found in each schedules were
highlighted and grouped together into different categories. The categories were further coded
as A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, and A9. The limitations found according to the
respective categories are as shown in Error! Reference source not found..
Table 1
No. Limitations Code
1 Schedules cannot detect certain items A1
2 Schedules do not provide information on certain items A2
3 Schedules do not provide information on the location of the items A3
4 Certain schedules cannot identify any particular area specified by users. A4
5 Certain quantities extracted are not fully auto-quantified. A5
6 Quantities are not extracted according to SMM2 rules A6
7 Users cannot recheck the calculation made using New Parameter. A7
8 Users cannot create a formula which involves multiplying with COUNT A8
9 Summation of certain portion of data cannot be done in the schedules. A9
Acceptability of Limitations in Various Cost Estimating Stages
the limitations were considered as acceptable when the limitations do not give any effect to
the quantity take-off requirements for a particular stage and vice versa. Meanwhile,
acceptable with conditions means that the limitations were only acceptable if users
manipulate the data provided to produce quantities according to the requirements. On the
other hand, features which produced incorrect quantities and could not be manipulated was
considered to be not acceptable in cost estimating preparation, while any features which are
not capable of producing a quantity for any item are considered as not applicable to be used
in cost estimating stages.
The limitations are generally acceptable in the preparation of cost estimate during the first
stage. This is because the first stage usually calculate the cost based on the functional units
or gross floor area. Since Revit is capable of producing accurate floor area for any given
spaces, the quantities extracted from Revit are adequate for this stage. Besides that,
quantities produced for staircase element in Revit are also adequate and no manipulation of
data needed for this stage as the cost is only based on the number of staircases built in the
The following stages which are cost estimate during concept design and developed design,
normally use approximate quantities method to obtain the cost. Although the limitations were
mostly acceptable with conditions, it is discovered that quantity take-off of certain items were
not applicable in Revit for these stages. Quantity take-off activity cannot be applied for items
which were related to limitations A1, A2, and A4, in which schedules cannot detect certain
items, schedules do not provide information on certain items and schedules cannot identify
any specific area. For items related to limitation A1, certain items can be measured by
manipulation of data whereas others cannot be measured in Revit such as cover fillets and
bonding ties for walls and fixing cramps for doors and windows. Other limitations which are
A3, A5, A6, A7, A8 and A9 are acceptable if manipulation of data is carried out as explained
in previous sub-sections.
For cost estimate during technical design which requires taker off to carry out detailed
measurement for the purpose of Bills of Quantities, the acceptability is similar to the previous
stages which use approximate quantities method. The taker off must have adequate
construction knowledge and skills in using Revit to measure items related to the limitations
that were acceptable with conditions. For example, categorizing the data into the user’s
preferences and linking the schedules with Microsoft Excel will require proper understanding
and experience of users in using Revit.
Based on the analysis done, it can be seen that studies how both a BIM model and BIM
software accommodate the quantity take-off process could be done to further explore this
issue. Furthermore, guidelines for all parties such as Architects, Engineers, and Quantity
Surveyors on the quantity take-off process in a BIM project could also be developed to
ensure all parties are aware with the requirements. This is especially vital for Architects and
Engineers to ensure the models are designed by taking into account the quantity take-off
requirements. By creating models that comply with the quantity take-off requirements,
extraction of quantities can be done easily and correctly, while producing accurate cost of the
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