CAS Completion Form - JASTI ADITYA ADITYA JASTI - Baking-2

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Greenwood High

Supervisor Review - Prepared: November 21, 2022


Name of Experience: Baking

Dates: Nov 04, 2022 to Nov 05, 2022

Experience Description: Made croissant in hope to get better at baking

1. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global signi7cance
2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
3. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Supervisor Name: sujana sree

Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at Greenwood High. Please take the time to 7ll out this evaluation form

Supervisor Comment:
I came to visit Adi and saw that he was making croissants when i had come to visit. He had made a few blunders with the batter
along the way so i helped him add some ingredients that he forgot.

This experience was


Not Completed

sujana sree

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