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Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference

SSFA, Vol.9, 2010, pp.15—27


R.K. Saxena, J. Ram and D. Kumar
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur 342005, India; bishnoi;

Abstract: This paper deals with the investigation of the Saigo-Maeda transform
of the product of the Bessel functions of the first kind. The results are established
in terms of generalized Lauricella function due to Srivastava and Daoust. The
results given by Kilbas and Sebastian [4, 5] follow as special cases of our findings.

Keywords and Phrases: Fractional integrals, Bessel function of the first kind,
generalized hypergeometric series, generalized Lauricella series in several vari-
ables, Appell function-F3 , cosine and sine trigonometric functions.

AMS Subject Classification: 33C10.

1. Introduction

Fractional integral formula for Saigo-Maeda transform involving H-functions

are given by Saxena and Saigo [10]. Recently fractional integral formulas for
product of Bessel functions are given by Kilbas et al. [4, 5]. The object of
this paper is to investigate the Saigo-Maeda transforms of the product of Bessel
functions of the first kind. The results investigated in this paper provide extension
of the work of Kilbas & Sebastian [4,5].
Generalized fractional calculus operators involving Appell function-F3 are defined
by Saigo and Maeda [7] by
α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ x−α ′  
I0,x f (x) = (x − t)γ−1 t−α F3 α, α′ , β, β ′ ; γ; 1 − t/x, 1 − x/t f (t) dt
Γ (γ) 0
′ ′
where α, α , β, β , γ ∈ C and x > 0 , Re (γ) > 0 and
  ′  ∞
α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ x−α  
Ix,∞ f (x) = (t − x)γ−1 t−α F3 α, α′ , β, β ′ ; γ; 1 − x/t, 1 − t/x f (t) dt
Γ (γ) x
16 R.K. Saxena et al.

where α , α′ , β , β ′ , γ ∈ C , Re (γ ) > 0 , F3 (α, α′ , β, β ′ ; γ; z, ζ) is the

familiar Appell hypergeometric function of the third kind defined by [1]:
∞  ∞
 ′ ′
  (α)m (α′ )n (β)m (β ′ )n z m ξ n
F3 α, α , β, β ; γ; z, ξ = (|z| < 1, |ξ| < 1)
m=0 n=0
(γ)m+n m! n!
where (z)m is the Pochhammer symbol defined for z ∈ C and m ∈ N0 =
N ∪ {0} , N = {1, 2, 3, ...} by (z)0 = 1, (z)m = z (z + 1) ... (z + m − 1), Γ Γ(z+n)
(z = 0) (m ∈ N ).

Note 1. For recent results on Saigo—Maeda operators,see [9].

Some special cases of (1.1) and (1.2) are given below:

α = λ + µ, α′ = β ′ = 0, β = −η, γ = λ (1.4)
we obtain the relationship
λ+µ,0,−η,0,λ λ,µ,η
I0,x = I0,x (1.5)

which is defined by
λ,µ,η x−λ−µ λ−1 t
I0,x f(x) = (x − t) 2 F1 λ + µ, −η; λ; 1 − f(t) dt (1.6)
Γ(λ) 0 x
which is of the Saigo fractional integral operator I0,x [6]. (1.6) reduces to the
Riemann-Liouville fractional integral, if we put µ = −λ [3,8]:
λ,−λ,η 1
I0,x λ
f(x) = I0,x f(x) = (x − t)λ−1 f(t) dt (x > 0) (1.7)
Γ(λ) 0

Compositions of integral transforms (1.1) and (1.2) are investigated in this

paper with the product of Bessel functions of the first kind Jv (z), which is defined
for complex z ∈ C (z = 0) and v ∈ C (Re (v) > −1) by [2, 7.2 (2)].
(−1)k 2z

Jv (z) = (1.8)
Γ (v + k + 1) k!

It will be shown that such compositions are expressed in terms of the generalized
Lauricella function due to Srivastava and Daoust [11].
Generalized Fractional Integration of the Product of Bessel Functions 17

This paper is organized as follows. Formulas for compositions of integral

transforms (1.1) and (1.2) with the product of Bessel function (1.8) are proved
in terms of generalized Lauricella function [11] in Sections 2 and 3 respectively.

The corresponding results for the Saigo fractional integral (1.6) and Riemann-
Liouville fractional integral (1.7) are also presented in Section 2 and 3. Special
cases giving compositions of fractional integrals with the product of cosine and
sine functions are considered in Section 4.

2. Left-Sided Fractional Integration of Bessel Functions

The power function formulas for Saigo - Maeda operators are given below:
Lemma 2.1.[6]
(i) If Re (γ) > 0, Re (ρ) > max [0, Re(α + α′ + β ′ − γ), Re (α′ − β ′ ) ] , then
′ ′
α,α ,β,β ,γ ρ−1 Γ(ρ)Γ(ρ + γ − α − α′ − β)Γ(ρ + β ′ − α)

I0,x x = xρ−α−α +γ−1
Γ(ρ + γ − α − α′ )Γ(ρ + γ − α′ − β)Γ(ρ + β ′ )
(ii) If Re (γ) > 0, Re (ρ) < 1+min [Re(−β), Re (α + α′ − γ) , Re (α + β ′ − γ) ] ,
′ ′ Γ(1 + α + α′ − γ − ρ)Γ(1 + α + β ′ − γ − ρ)Γ(1 − β − ρ)

α,α ,β,β ,γ ρ−1
Ix,∞ x = xρ−α−α +γ−1
Γ(1 − ρ)Γ(1 + α + α′ + β ′ − γ − ρ)Γ(1 + α − β − ρ)
The left-sided generalized fractional integration (1.1) of the product of Bessel
functions (1.8) is given by the following theorem:

Theorem 2.1. Let n ∈ N, α, α′ , β, β ′ , γ, σ, vj ∈ C and aj , ρj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n)

be such that
 
Re(γ) > 0, Re(vj ) > −1, Re σ + ρj vj  > max 0, Re(α + α′ + β ′ − γ), Re(α′ − β ′ )
then there holds the formula
     ρj vj 
n n aj x
 Γ(l)Γ(m)Γ(η)
α,α ′ ,β,β ′ ,γ ′
I0,x tσ−1 Jvj (aj tρj ) (x) = xσ−α−α +γ−1 
Γ(vj + 1) Γ(r)Γ(p)Γ(q)
j=1 j=1
3:0,...,0 [l:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ], [m:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ], [η:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] : a21 x2ρ1 a2n x2ρn
×F3:1,....,1 [r:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ], [p:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ], [q:2ρ 1 ,...,2ρ n ] : [v1 +1:1],.....,[vn +1:1] : ; − , ...., −
4 4
18 R.K. Saxena et al.

n n
where l = σ + j=1 (vj ρj ) , m = σ + γ − α − α′ − β + j=1 (vj ρj ),


′ ′
η = σ+β −α+ (vj ρj ) , r = σ + γ − α − α + (vj ρj ) ,
j=1 j=1


p = σ + γ − α′ − β + (vj ρj ) , q = σ + β′ + (vj ρj ) ;
j=1 j=1

where F3:0;....;0 [.] is the generalized Lauricella function [11].

Proof. In order to prove (2.4) apply equation (1.8), then by using (1.1) and the
definition of Srivastava—Daoust function [11], reversing the order of integration
and summation, we obtain
  

α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ  σ−1
I0,x t Jvj (aj tρj ) (x)

         

 k1 a1 tρ1 v1 +2k1 ∞
 kn an tρn vn +2kn
α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ (−1) 2 (−1) 2
= I0,x tσ−1   .......   (x)
Γ(v1 + k1 + 1) k1 ! Γ(vn + kn + 1) kn !
k1 =0 kn =0

∞  v +2k  v +2k
 (−1)k1 a21 1 1 (−1)kn a2n n n
= ........
Γ(v1 + 1) (v1 + 1)k1 k1 ! Γ(vn + 1) (vn + 1)kn kn !
k1 ,...,kn =0
α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ
× I0,x tσ+(v1 ρ1 +....+vn ρn )+(2ρ1 k1 +....+2ρn kn )−1 (x).

By using (2.3), for any kj ∈ N0 (j = 1, ..., n)

   

Re σ + vj ρj + 2 ρj kj  ≥ Re σ + vj ρj  > max [0, Re (α + α′ + β ′ − γ) Re (α′ − β ′ )]
j=1 j=1 j=1

and applying (2.1) with x and ρ replaced by t and σ + nj=1 ρj vj + 2 nj=1 ρj kj
respectively for j = 1, ..., n it yields
  

′ ′
α,α ,β,β ,γ tσ−1
I0,x Jvj (aj tρj ) (x)

∞  v +2k  vn +2kn

 (−1)k1 a21 1 1 (−1)kn a2n
= ........
k1 ,...,kn =0
Γ(v1 + 1) (v1 + 1)k1 k1 ! Γ(vn + 1) (vn + 1)kn kn !
Generalized Fractional Integration of the Product of Bessel Functions 19
 n   n 
Γ σ + j=1 (vj ρj + 2ρj kj ) Γ σ + γ − α − α′ − β + j=1 (vj ρj + 2ρj kj )
Γ σ + γ − α − α′ + nj=1 (vj ρj + 2ρj kj ) Γ σ + γ − α′ − β + nj=1 (vj ρj + 2ρj kj )
Γ σ + β ′ − α + nj=1 (vj ρj + 2ρj kj ) ′ n
×    xσ−α−α +γ−1+ j=1 (vj ρj +2ρj kj )
Γ σ + β ′ + j=1 (vj ρj + 2ρj kj )
  ρj vj 
n aj x
′  2
σ−α−α +γ−1  
= x
Γ(vj + 1)
Γ σ + nj=1 (vj ρj ) Γ σ + γ − α − α′ − β + nj=1 (vj ρj ) Γ σ + β ′ − α + nj=1 (vj ρj )
Γ σ + γ − α − α′ + nj=1 (vj ρj ) Γ σ + γ − α′ − β + nj=1 (vj ρj ) Γ σ + β ′ + nj=1 (vj ρj )
∞ σ + nj=1 vj ρj σ + γ − α − α′ − β + nj=1 vj ρj
2ρ1 k1 +...+2ρn kn 2ρ1 k1 +...+2ρn kn
×  n   n 
k1 ,...,kn =0 σ + γ − α − α + + − − +
′ v ρ σ γ α ′ β v ρ
j=1 j j j=1 j j
2ρ1 k1 +...+2ρn kn 2ρ1 k1 +...+2ρn kn
    k1  2 2ρn kn
n 2 2ρ1
a x a x
σ + β ′ − α + j=1 vj ρj − 14 − n4
2ρ1 k1 +...+2ρn kn 1
×    ......... .
σ + β ′ + nj=1 vj ρj (v1 + 1)k1 ....(vn + 1)kn k1 ! kn !
2ρ1 k1 +...+2ρn kn

In accordance with the definition of Srivastava—Daoust function [11], we obtain

the result (2.4). This completes the proof of the theorem.

Special Cases of (2.4):

Now, if in Theorem 1 we set α′ = β ′ = 0, β = −η, α = α + β, γ = α, then

we arrive at
Corollary 2.1. Let n ∈ N, α, β, η, σ, vj ∈ C and aj , ρj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be

such that Re(α) > 0, Re(vj ) > −1, Re σ + nj=1 ρj vj > max [ 0, Re(β − η)].
     ρj vj 
n n aj x
I0,x t σ−1 ρ
Jvj (aj t j ) (x) = x σ−β−1  2
 Γ(l)Γ(m)
Γ(v j + 1) Γ(ξ)Γ(p)
j=1 j=1
2:0,...,0 [l:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ], [m:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] : a21 x2ρ1 a2n x2ρn
× F2:1,....,1 [ξ:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ], [p:2ρ 1 ,...,2ρn ] : [v1 +1:1] ,......, [vn +1:1] : ;− , ..., −
4 4

l=σ+ ρj vj , m = σ + η − β + ρj vj ,
j=1 j=1
20 R.K. Saxena et al.


ξ = σ−β + ρj vj , p = σ + α + η + ρj vj ;
j=1 j=1
where F3:0;....;0 [.] is the generalized Lauricella function [11].

Now, if we set β = −α in Corollary 2.1 then we obtain the following

Corollary 2.2. Let n ∈ N, α, σ, vj ∈ C

aj , ρj ∈ R
+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such
that Re(α) > 0, Re(vj ) > −1 and Re σ + j=1 ρj vj > 0. Then
     vj 
a j x ρj
 2 Γ σ + nj=1 ρj vj
0 Ixα tσ−1 Jvj (aj tρj ) (x) = xσ+α−1     
Γ(vj + 1) Γ σ + α + nj=1 ρj vj
j=1 j=1

[σ+ j=1 ρj vj :2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] :
1:0,...,0 a21 x2ρ1 a2n x2ρn
× F1:1,....,1 ;− , ..., −
[σ+α+ nj=1 ρj vj :2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] : [v1 +1:1] ,....., [vn +1:1] : 4 4
3. Right-Sided Fractional Integration of Bessel Functions

The following result gives the right-hand sided generalized fractional integra-
tion involving Appell function F3 of the product of Bessel functions.
Theorem 3.1. Let n ∈ N, α, α′ , β, β ′ , γ, σ, vj ∈ C and aj , ρj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n)
be such that
 

Re (γ) > 0, Re (vj ) > −1, Re σ − ρj vj  < 1+min [Re (−β) , Re (α + α′ − γ) , Re (α + β ′ − γ)]
then there holds the formula
    
n   n  aj vj

aj  Γ (g) Γ (h) Γ (k)
α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ  σ−1 ′
Ix,∞ t Jvj ρj  (x) = xσ−α−α +γ−1  2x j
t Γ (vj + 1) Γ (u) Γ (v) Γ (w)
j=1 j=1

[g : 2ρ1 , ..., 2ρn ] , [h : 2ρ1 , ..., 2ρn ] , [k : 2ρ1 , ..., 2ρn ] :
× F3:1,....,1 ;
[u : 2ρ1 , ..., 2ρn ] , [v : 2ρ1 , ..., 2ρn ] , [w : 2ρ1 , ..., 2ρn ] : [v1 + 1 : 1] , ..., [vn + 1 : 1] :

a21 a2n
− 2ρ1 , ...., − 2ρn ;
4x 4x
where g = 1+α+α′ −γ −σ + nj=1 (vj ρj ) , h = 1+α+β ′ −γ −σ + nj=1 (vj ρj ) ,

k = 1−β−σ+ (vj ρj ) , u = 1−σ + (vj ρj ) ,
j=1 j=1
Generalized Fractional Integration of the Product of Bessel Functions 21


v = 1 + α + α′ + β ′ − γ − σ + (vj ρj ) , w = 1+α−β −σ+ (vj ρj ) ;
j=1 j=1

and F3:0;....;0 [.] is the generalized Lauricella function [11].

Proof. The proof of (3.2) can be developed on similar lines to that of (2.4) if
we use (2.2) instead of (2.1).

Special Cases of (3.2)

If we set α′ = β ′ = 0, β = −η, α = α + β, γ = α in Theorem 2 the

following result is obtained:

Corollary 3.1. Let n ∈ N, α, β, η, σ,vj ∈ C and aj ,ρj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be

such that Re(α) > 0, Re(vj ) > −1, Re σ − nj=1 ρj vj < 1+min [Re(β), Re(η)].
Then, we have
    
n a  n  aj vj

 Γ(p)Γ(q)
j ρ
α,β,η  σ−1 2x j
Ix,∞ t Jvj ρj  (x) = xσ−β−1 
t j=1
Γ(v j + 1) Γ(r)Γ(s)

2:0,...,0 [p:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] , [q:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] : a21 a2n
× F2:1,....,1 [r:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] , [s:2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] : [v1 +1:1] ,......, [vn +1:1] : ; − 2ρ , ..., −
4x 1 4x2ρn

p= 1+β−σ+ ρj vj , q = 1 + η − σ + ρj vj ,
j=1 j=1


r =1−σ+ ρj vj , s = 1 + α + β + η − σ + ρj vj ;
j=1 j=1

where F3:0;....;0 [.] is the generalized Lauricella function [11].

If we put β = −α in Corollary 3.1 it gives:

Corollary 3.2. Let n ∈ N, α, σ, vj ∈ C and ρj ∈ R+ (j= 1, ..., n) be such

 aj , 
that Re(vj ) > −1 and 0 < Re(α) < 1 − Re σ − nj=1 ρj vj . Then, we have

     

 aj vj
 a  Γ 1 − σ − α + nj=1 ρj vj
α  σ−1
I− j  (x) = xσ+α−1   2x j
t Jvj  n 
tρj Γ(vj + 1) Γ 1 − σ + ρ v
j=1 j=1 j=1 j j
22 R.K. Saxena et al.
[1−σ−α+ nj=1 ρj vj :2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] :
1:0,...,0 a21 a2n
× F1:1,....,1 ; − 2ρ1 , ..., − 2ρn
[1−σ+ nj=1 ρj vj :2ρ1 ,...,2ρn ] : [v1 +1:1] ,....., [vn +1:1] : 4x 4x
4. Fractional Integration of Cosine and Sine Functions

When v = − 12 and v = 12 , the Bessel function Jv (z) in (1.8) coincides with

 2 1
cosine- and sine- functions, apart from the multiplier πz 2
; due to the relations
 1  1
2 2 2 2
J 1 (z) = sin(z) , J− 1 (z) = cos(z)
2 πz 2 πz
By virtue of the relations given in (4.1), it is not difficult to establish the
following theorem and their corollaries.

Theorem 4.1. Let α, α′ , β, β ′ , γ, σ ∈ C andaj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n), and setting

v1 = ... = vn = − 21 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1, such that

Re(γ) > 0, Re(σ) > 0, Re(σ + γ − α − α′ − β) > 0,

Re (σ) > max 0, Re(α + α′ + β ′ − γ), Re(α′ − β ′ ) ,
then from Theorem 2.1 we deduce the following result:
  

α,α ,β,β ′
,γ ′ Γ(σ) Γ(σ + γ − α − α′ − β) Γ(σ + β ′ − α)
I0,x tσ−1 cos (aj t) (x) = xσ−α−α +γ−1
Γ(σ + γ − α − α′ ) Γ(σ + γ − α′ − β) Γ(σ + β ′ )

3:0,...,0 [σ:2,....,2] , [σ+γ−α−α′ −β:2,....,2] , [σ+β ′ −α:2,....,2] : a21 x2 a2n x2
× F3:1,....,1 [σ+γ−α−α′ :2,....,2] , [σ+γ−α′ −β:2,....,2] , [σ+β ′ :2,....,2] :[ 2 :1] ,....., [ 2 :1] :
1 1 ; − , ....., −
4 4

Corollary 4.1. Let α, β, η, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that

Re(σ) > 0, Re(α) > 0, Re(σ + η − β) > 0, Re (σ) > max [ 0, Re(β − η)] with
setting v1 = ... = vn = − 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1, then from Corollary 2.1, there
holds the formula
  
α,β,η  σ−1 Γ(σ)Γ(σ + η − β)
I0,x t cos (aj t) (x) = xσ−β−1
Γ(σ − β)Γ(σ + α + η)

2:0,...,0 [σ:2,....,2] , [σ+η−β:2,....,2] : a2 x2 a2 x2
× F2:1,....,1 [σ−β:2,....,2] , [σ+α+η:2,....,2] : [ 12 :1] ,....., [ 12 :1] :
; − 1 , ....., − n
4 4
Generalized Fractional Integration of the Product of Bessel Functions 23

Corollary 4.2. Let α, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that Re(α) > 0

and Re(σ) > 0 with setting v1 = ... = vn = − 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1, then from
Corollary 2.2, we deduce
  
0 Ixα tσ−1 Γ(σ)
cos (aj t) (x) = xσ+α−1
Γ(σ + α)
1:0,...,0 [σ:2,....,2] : a2 x2 a2 x2
× F1:1,....,1 [σ+α:2,....,2] : [ 12 :1] ,....., [ 12 :1] :
; − 1 , ....., − n
4 4

Theorem 4.2. Let α, α′ , β, β ′ , γ, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n), and setting

v1 = ... = vn = 21 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1 be such that
Re(γ) > 0, Re(σ) > 0, Re(σ + γ − α − α′ − β) > 0,

Re (σ) > max 0, Re(α + α′ + β ′ − γ), Re(α′ − β ′ ) ,
then Theorem 2.1 yields the following result:
    
n n n

α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ  σ−n−1 π 2 ′
I0,x t sin (aj t) (x) = n  aj  xσ−α−α +γ−1
j=1 j=1

Γ(σ) Γ(σ + γ − α − α′ − β) Γ(σ + β ′ − α)

Γ(σ + γ − α − α′ ) Γ(σ + γ − α′ − β) Γ(σ + β ′ )
3:0,...,0 [σ:2,....,2] , [σ+γ−α−α′ −β:2,....,2] , [σ+β ′ −α:2,....,2] : a21 x2 a2n x2
× F3:1,....,1 ; − , ....., −
[σ+γ−α−α′ :2,....,2] , [σ+γ−α′ −β:2,....,2] , [σ+β ′ :2,....,2] : [ 2 :1] ,....., [ 2 :1] :
3 3
4 4

Corollary 4.3. Let α, β, η, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that

Re(α) > 0, Re(σ) > 0, Re(σ + η − β) > 0, Re (σ) > max [ 0, Re(β − η)] with
setting v1 = ... = vn = 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1, then from Corollary 1.1, we
    
n n n

π  aj  xσ−β−1 Γ(σ) Γ(σ + η − β)
α,β,η  σ−n−1
I0,x t sin (aj t) (x) = n
2 Γ(σ − β) Γ(σ + α + η)
j=1 j=1
2:0,...,0 [σ:2,....,2] , [σ+η−β:2,....,2] : a2 x2 a2 x2
× F2:1,....,1 [σ−β:2,....,2] , [σ+α+η:2,....,2] : [ 32 :1] ,....., [ 32 :1] :
; − 1 , ....., − n
4 4
24 R.K. Saxena et al.

Corollary 4.4. Let α, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that Re(α) > 0

and Re(σ) > 0 with setting v1 = ... = vn = 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1, then from
Corollary 2.2, we deduce
    
n n n

0 Ixα tσ−n−1 π2 Γ(σ)
sin (aj t) (x) = n  aj  xσ−β−1
2 Γ(σ + α)
j=1 j=1

1:0,...,0 [σ:2,....,2] : a2 x2 a2 x2
× F1:1,....,1 [σ+α:2,....,2] : [ 32 :1] ,....., [ 32 :1] :
; − 1 , ....., − n
4 4
Similarly, setting v1 = ... = vn = − 21 , v1 = ... = vn = 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1,
and taking (4.1) into account, then from Theorem 3.1, Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2,
we arrive at the following results:

Theorem 4.3. Let α, α′ , β, β ′ , γ, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that

Re(γ) > 0, Re (α + α′ − γ − σ) > 0, Re (α + β ′ − γ − σ) > 0, Re (−σ − β) >
0 and
Re (σ) < min Re (−β) , Re α + α′ − γ , Re α + β ′ − γ .
Then there holds the formula
  
′ ′ j  ′ Γ(α + α′ − γ − σ) Γ(α + β ′ − γ − σ) Γ(−σ − β)
α,α ,β,β
Ix,∞ ,γ  σ
t cos (x) = xσ−α−α +γ
t Γ(−σ) Γ(α + α′ + β ′ − γ − σ) Γ(α − β − σ)

3:0,...,0 [α+α′ −γ−σ:2,....,2] , [α+β ′ −γ−σ:2,....,2] , [−σ−β:2,....,2] : a21 a2n
× F3:1,....,1 [−σ:2,....,2] , [α+α′ +β ′ −γ−σ:2,....,2] , [α−β−σ:2,....,2] : [ 21 :1] ,....., [ 12 :1] :
; − 2 , ....., − 2
4x 4x

The above result has been obtained from Theorem 3.1 by setting v1 = ... =
vn = − 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1 and using (4.1).

Corollary 4.5. Let α, β, η, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that

Re(α) > 0, Re(β − σ) > 0, Re (η − σ) > 0, Re (σ) < min [Re(β), Re(η)].
Then we obtain
  
n a 
α,β,η  σ j  Γ(β − σ)Γ(η − σ)
Ix,∞ t cos (x) = xσ−β
t Γ(−σ)Γ(α + β + η − σ)

2:0,...,0 [β−σ:2,....,2] , [η−σ:2,....,2] : a21 a2n
× F2:1,....,1 ;− , ....., − (4.9)
[−σ:2,....,2] , [α+β+η−σ:2,....,2] : [ 12 :1] ,....., [ 12 :1] : 4x2 4x2
Generalized Fractional Integration of the Product of Bessel Functions 25

Corollary 4.6. Let α, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that 0 <

Re(α) < −Re(σ). Then we have
  

α σ j  Γ(−α − σ)
I− t cos (x) = xσ+α
t Γ(−σ)

1:0,...,0 [−α−σ:2,....,2] : a2 a2
× F1:1,....,1 ; − 12 , ....., − n2
[−σ:2,....,2] : [ 12 :1] ,....., [ 12 :1] : 4x 4x
The Corollaries 4.5 and 4.6 are obtained from Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 by set-
ting v1 = ... = vn = − 12 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1 with using (4.1).

Similarly, we obtain

Theorem 4.4. Let α, α′ , β, β ′ , γ, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that

Re(γ) > 0, Re(α+α′ −γ −σ) > −1, Re (α + β ′ − γ − σ) > −1, Re (−σ − β) >
−1 and Re(σ) < 1 + min [ Re (−β) , Re (α + α′ − γ) , Re (α + β ′ − γ)]. Then
there holds the formula
    
   n n

α,α′ ,β,β ′ ,γ  σ+n−1 aj  π2 ′
Ix,∞ t sin (x) = n  aj  xσ−α−α +γ−1
t 2
j=1 j=1

Γ(α + α′ − γ − σ + 1) Γ(α + β ′ − γ − σ + 1) Γ(1 − σ − β)

Γ(1 − σ) Γ(α + α′ + β ′ − γ − σ + 1) Γ(α − β − σ + 1)
3:0,...,0 [α+α′ −γ−σ+1:2,....,2][α+β′ −γ−σ+1:2,....,2][1−σ−β:2,....,2] : a21 a2n
× F3:1,....,1 [1−σ:2,....,2] [α+α′ +β ′ −γ−σ+1:2,....,2] [α−β−σ+1:2,....,2] : [ 23 :1],.....,[ 32 :1] :
; − , ....., −
4x2 4x2

Corollary 4.7. Let α, β, η, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that

Re(α) > 0, Re(β−α) > −1, Re(η−σ) > −1, Re (σ) < 1+min [Re(β), Re(η)].
Then we obtain
    
a n
 n n

α,β,η  σ+n−1 j π 2 Γ(β − σ + 1) Γ(η − σ + 1)
Ix,∞ t sin  (x) =
 aj  xσ−β−1
t 2 j=1
Γ(1 − σ) Γ(α + β + η − σ + 1)

2:0,...,0 [β−σ+1:2,....,2] , [η−σ+1:2,....,2] : a2 a2
× F2:1,....,1 [1−σ:2,....,2] , [α+β+η−σ+1:2,....,2] : [ 23 :1] ,....., [ 32 :1] :
; − 12 , ....., − n2
4x 4x
26 R.K. Saxena et al.

Corollary 4.8. Let α, σ ∈ C and aj ∈ R+ (j = 1, ..., n) be such that 0 <

Re(α) < 1 − Re(σ). Then we obtain
    
 a  n n

α  σ+n−1 j  π 2 Γ(1 − α − σ)
I− t sin (x) = n  aj  xσ+α−1
t 2 Γ(1 − σ)
j=1 j=1

1:0,...,0 [1−α−σ:2,....,2] : a2 a2
× F1:1,....,1
[1−σ:2,....,2] : [ 32 :1] ,....., [ 23 :1] :
; − 12 , ....., − n2
4x 4x
The Corollaries 4.7 and 4.8 are obtained from Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 by set-
ting v1 = ... = vn = 21 and ρ1 = ... = ρn = 1 and taking (4.1) into account.


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