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"Air pollution refers to the condition in which the existence of toxic substances in the
atmosphere, generated by various human activities and natural phenomena such as
volcanic eruptions, results in damaging effects on the welfare of human beings and
the living environment" (Omasa 2002). As stated here, this is a very serious problem
which is difficult to treat due to the nature of airborne particles.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), outdoor air pollution is

classified into four main categories: particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and
sulfur dioxide. Additionally, air pollution is further divided into primary and
secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are released directly into the atmosphere
from a source, where secondary pollutants occur as a result of complex chemical
reactions taking place from two pollutants reacting with each other

Assuming a causal relationship between current levels of air pollution and
morbidity/mortality, it is crucial to estimate the public health relevance of the
problem. The derivation of air pollution attributable cases faces inherent
uncertainties and requires influential assumptions. Based on the results of the
trinational impact assessment study of Austria, France, and Switzerland, where
prudent estimates of the air pollution attributable cases (mortality, chronic
bronchitis incidence, hospital admissions, acute bronchitis among children,
restricted activity days, asthma attacks) have been made, influential uncertainties
are quantified in this review.

1) Our objectives for doing this project is to express our disapproval of air pollution
as it has been the biggest cause of global warming so far. Things like greenhouse
gases and car exhaust are the most common causes for air pollution.
2) Although Singapore is not causing so much air pollution, there are countries like
China which produces a lot of air pollution.[ Most of the time Beijing is covered with
haze and the air quality there is so bad that people are forced to wear a mask, to
prevent themselves from inhaling the bad air. ]

3) If we do not stop air pollution, the icecaps in the north pole will eventually melt
and the sea level will rise, thus flooding the low lying countries. (Like Singapore!)
--> It will kill cute animals like Polar bears. [ Sad :( ]

4) All of us have a part to play! Air pollution is also destroying the Ozone Layer and
lots of animals thus we want to reduce it.

5) We think that by doing a campaign, we can warn people of the cons of air pollution
and tell them what they can do to stop it.

Polluted air is costing us lives

1. Minimize air pollution from cars.

2. Walk, bike or use public transportation.

3. Save energy.

4. Maintain your wood stove or fireplace.

5. Recycle & buy recycled products.

6. Consume less & choose sustainable products.

7. Eat local, organic produce & less meat.

8. Grow your own food.

In the region of the town of Silistra there are no big industrial enterprises, sources of
harmful emissions in the surroundings. After the starting in exploitation of the
Metallurgical Works in Călăraşi [correction of Kalarash] in 1987 began the
complaints of the population as result of episodic pollutions of the atmospheric air in
the region. Productions of similar character emit in the atmosphere dust, sulfur
dioxide, carbonic oxide, nitric oxides, hydrogen sulfide, fluorides, ammonia, pyridine,
aromatic and polyaromatic carbohydrates, phenol and aerosols of heavy metals. For
this purpose on the territory of the town of Silistra two stationary stations of HEI are
functioning for systemic observation and evaluation of the atmospheric pollution for
the indices: dust, sulfur dioxide, nitric dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, phenol and aerosols
of heavy metals. All data are statistically processed by means of statistical
programme packet "STATGRAPH".

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions,
chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as
particles. Ozone, a gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities. When ozone forms air
pollution, it's also called smog.air pollution is manmate factor which causes by man.
there are many air pollution problem on the earth this problem affect the existence
of various living organism in order to save this organism and maintain the
environmental balance there is need for environmental conservation in
environmental conservation is not done there will be complete in balance in
ecosystem resulting in loss of many animal and plant species

Some air pollutants are poisonous. Inhaling them can increase the chance you'll have
health problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at
greater risk from air pollution. Air pollution isn't just outside - the air inside
buildings can also be polluted and affect your health.

Air pollution is caused when we release impurities such as dangerous chemicals,
vehicle smoke, and other pollutants brought about by human activities. Many people
are unaware of the serious problems they expose the world to by releasing such
substance in the air. When breathed in chemicals introduced causes serious diseases
such as cancer, increases asthma symptoms, and introduces strange substances in
the body, which significantly lowers human life.

1.Causes health problems in human beings. It also has adverse effects on plants.

2.Increases the amount of greenhouse gases like carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide in the air.

3. Acid rain, which causes large scale damage

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