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Historical Background

WESTWAY When the food riots began in America,

Britain had adopted an emergency
coalition government as the last North
Sea oil ran out. By imposing strict fuel
Campaigning Car Wars and food rationing, the government
maintained order and prevented the
disruptions seen in the U.S.
in England By the time America had legalised
manslaughter in arena games, Britain's
by Marcus L. Rowland 'emergency' government was conflscating
the last privately-owned firearms, later
Introduction game components to set up Westway 's imposing a total ban on any form of
Westway is a Car Wars campaign set in complex terrain; however, the primary weapon.
Britain at the same time as the conven- tnrust of this setting is for a role-playing At approx.imatcly the same time that
tional game. Referees will need no more type campaign, with continuing charac- autodueUists began to spread to American
than the original game to use this cam- ters and a specific theme. Several themes highways, there were a few brief reports
paign setting; however, the Sunday Drivers are suggested throughout the scenario. To of American arena combats on British
supplement may be used to enhance the fu.lly flesh out any one of these campaign T.V., and British car manufacrurers later
role-playing aspect of the campaign, and approaches would require the space of produced armed vehicles for the U.S.
the Expansion Set will be useful for setting tne entire supplement, so instead are given market.
up odd terrain. In addition, those wishing basic notes on some forces of combatants. Within the last year, Britain's police
to expand the campaign outside the area adventures, and settings. The referee will forces began to notice an alarming trend.
discussed below may find il helpful to have to decide on the scope of the cam- Cars and weapons built for the U.S.
obtain a good large-scale map of London. paign and then flesh out the details appro· market were being stolen, and despite
Suitable maps are the 'AA Motorists Map priate to that scope. police opposition, armed clashes were
of Central London' and the 'Geographers The material presented below includes occurring on British roads. An idea had
AZ London Street Atlas; both of which tne campaign's historical background, de- begun to spread ...
are priced at approximately £1 at the tails of character generation for the Brit· Local News Broadcast, London , No w:
time of writing. Players outside the U.K. ish environment, and a detailed map of '. .. The Metropolitan PoliceCommissiOti-
should be able to obtain suitable maps tne campaign area, plus additional infor- er has announced that several am1ed
from British Tourist Board offices. mation for the referee's use only. Exactly police cars will be assigned to patrol
Referees wishing to use this simply as how much information is revealed is left London's roads. Under recent legislation,
a glorified arena need only have enough to the referee's discretion. these vehicles may fire em suspects
without warning. Unofficial reports sug·
gest that the first {Xltrols wi/1 be assigned
to the elevated section of A40 Wesrway

Tables motorway, linking Central London to the

Westem suburbs. n1is three-mile stretch
has been the $Cene of several violent
incidems recently, including a running
boule between two duellists thar led to
TABLE ON£: VEHICULAR WEAMNS the death of nearly a dozen motorists and
three policemen.
w~ A- bility Price Ammo CPS Today's weather will be fille with
Nachinepn 4+ £2,000 £40 occasional $/tort $/towers ... '
Flamethrower S+ 150 35
RodtetlallDCher 6 (4+) 1,7SO 80
Recoilless rifle 6 1.900 15 Standards and Assumptions
Anti-wit pn 6 3,200 120 Wesrway uses standard Car Wars
ul£r not available com bat lti:hntques. However. some details
NiDodroppcr 4+ (2+) 900 110 (85)
Spltedroppcr 3+ (2+) 175 27
of vehtcle design and annament proce·
Smolteocreen 4+ (3+) 350 IS (8) dures are varied, 111 response to the
Paint spnoy 2+ (lutomatlc) 450 12 unusual conditions found in Britain at
Oil jet 2+ (automatic) 310 10 this time. A few details of character
Heavy rocket not available generation are also varied for the British
TABLii TWO: HAND WEAPONS (I) Money. II is assumed tl1a1 all
beginning British characters have an
Weapon AVIUt blllty Price Ammo CPS initial su m of money; It Is suggested that
Submachlne pn 4+ £150 £30.00
Rine 3+ 270
this sum be approxin1a1ely £7.500 to
Shotgun 2+ 190 1.00 £10,000.
H""vy pistol 4+ 210 1.50 Since autodueUing began in Brit ain, an
Lisht pistol 3+ 150 l.OO unknown source has been sending sums
Gtenodc 4+ 63 of money to the victors of combats
LAW 7+ 1,200
VLAW 6+ 450
witnessed by at least one other au toduel·
list. This money, generaUy £500 jn used
The uipod-mount rccoWcss and machiM sun are not available. notes. is believed 10 be distributed
by representatives of the American
Autoduel Association, and is doubled
for Aces and tripled for characters
R.oll who are double Aces or beuer. There
Weapon G Dul. to hit Cool Shoes CPS Malfunction ts no sponsorship of characters, and
Crossbo., 3 2 hits 8 £90 I £2 2 no rcductton in prices for those with high
Molotov• 2 I die 9 16 lor less presttge.
Y-catapult 4 •• 10 95 4 ( 2) see below
Spear JUnt 2 3 hits 9 50 I 4 2 (2) Prestige. There ts no TV coverage
Satchel dwJett 2 ld+2 9 30 3 or less of autoduellists, and prestige is only ap·
plicable to the character's status amongst
The "G" columll lndlaotes how m&lly pclladn' worth of encumbrance the item rq>laces his or her peers. Combat will affect pres-
on an lndioidual's " - allc>waac:e. tige provided that tt tS wtlnessed by at
• Nolotov cocktails arc made from a mixture of synthetic: chemical fuels, acid. and oxi- least one autodueUisl apan from the
dislns ••ts. with 2.....,nd add fu1£1 Oned; hence t1mr cost. victor. Once suffic1ent prestige is estab·
•• The Y-atapult """ powerfuloprinp to Ore (tretlldn to the bearet's fllht or JefL It is lished, characters will fmd II easier (though
worn u a llOROal knapaQ and can be uoed on foot or while ridina a bike. T,.o models no cheaper) to obtain illegal weapons and
arc available, otiC flrlllltwo JtCMC)n t o each tide (sincJy or u a poup or fow-l, the other
flrin(l one Nolotov cocktail to either tide (u a pair only). Both types malfunction on a vehicles:
roD or 2. llle Molotov nriant on 2-4. U wries four pmades or two Molotovs at a time: Ace (or prestige 2(}t): add I to avail·
this does not odd to the eacumbraace value. ability roll
t Naxlmw-n ....,.. 20', tal<U. two rounds to relood. Double Ace or bcHer (or prestige
t t A comblnallon o f 1 Nolotov cocktail and 1ddilional explosives in a shoulder bq. The 40+): add 2 to availability roll.
char8e hu the ame explosive force as a mine.
(3) Equivment. When applied 10 stand·
ard legal vehicle components (lyres,
TABLE FOUR: TA BLE FIVE: MISCELLANY power plant, etc.), the pound has the
STOCK CARS same purchasing power as the dollar.
~ AYiilability Cost
However, the avallabUity and price of all
Veltlcle Price F.x Ira masa&illOs as weapoll £ 72
Klller Kut £ 7,000 TuptinJ computers llOt IVIUable illegal equipment should be found on
Mlni-Shennall 12,000 Gua turret 3+ 1,800 Tables One through Five.
Stillpr 8,100 SmaU turret 2+ 1,100 Availability should be rolled with a
ShOillll lOO 5.l2S Body lliDOW" 2• •oo single die, with modifiers for prestige as
The stripped $hoJUll 100 Is above. Availability and prices in brackets
available 1eplly for £2,100. refer to home·madc versions of nonnal
weapons or ammunition, which will jam
or malfunction on a to-hit roll of 2. modifier of . I on their reOex roll in their lower circular section (A on the second
Similar difflcultie.s are experienced in first British combat only, due to the insert map) is I20' in diameter and two
obtaining hand weapons and ammunition, novel conditions encountered (driving on lanes wide. All traffic is supposed to
again listed by availability, price, and the left, et.c.). One benefit to American travel clockwise. This section incorpor·
ammunition price on Table Two. visitors is the fact that the British govern· ates an emergency vehicle bay (B) and a
A few home-made weapons are also ment is maintaining an artifically-inflated four-Jane down ramp (C) leading, South.
availabile, their sources being so wide· exchange rate of £1 .22 to the dollar. The upper section (D) is a fairly steep
spread that there is no availability prob· Minimum transa(]antic ferry fees are: humped bridge (four Janes with no emer·
!em. All these weapons have a possibllity S700 for a motorcycle gency Janes). The South exit fr<>m tbis
of malfunctioning when used, rolled on $900 for a motorcycle with sidecar, intetsection (C) runs down to the M41
two dice. See Table Three. $I, I 00 for a car or smaJJ van, (5), a four-Jane divided road linking the
Stock vehicles are not legally available. $I ,300 for larger vehicles. West way to Shepherds Bush junction (7).
A few models have reached the black The fare includes the vehicle, driver, The M4J is also restricted, but the speed
market, all available on a roll of 6; see and one passenger for a one-way trip. The limit is 60 mph. The central barrier be·
Table Four. round-trip price for each vehicle class is tween each half of the M4 I is :a raised
With the following exceptions, vehicle 1~ times the above price. strip of rough ground. Between Wood
and weapon accessories have an equival· American visitors may also opt to have Lane and the M4 I are two important
ent price (in pounds) to their dollar price. their weapons disguised in the manners junctions, Shepherds Bush Green (6) and
Items which are not listed are either described in the section above on camou· Shepherds Bush junction (7). Shepherds
freely available or automatically become llage. The cost is ld6 x 10% of each Buslh Green is a large triangular uea with
available if the weapon system concerned weapon disguised; for the turret conceal· three-lane wide stieets around a small
is available. AU items are listed by cost ments described, convert pounds to dol· central park and children's playground.
and availability on Table Five. Jars if the camouflage is done in the U.S. There are several other turnings from this
(4) Camouflage. With the exception of (Camouflage jobs done in the U.S. will area leading to relatively narrow streets.
turrets, the prices listed above for all not enable someone to sneak a fully· Shepherds Bush junction is another cir·
vehicle-mounted weapons systems include armed vehicle into England; it will merely cula.r road intersection, linking t:he M41
some sort of camouflage (false spotlights, alert the British authorities that some· and Shepherds Bush Green and several
hatch covers, dummy exhausts, etc.) de· thing odd is going on unless the duellist minor roads. The central area of this
signed to avoid attracting police attention. tells them in advance that this has been junction is a flat lawn, liberally sprinkled
Weapons controls are also disguised. Tur· done for security reasons stateside.) with weeds.
rets must be covered in some way, the Returning to the main Westway, the
most common method being the use of a The Westway two miles East of junction (4) a six·
dummy roof rack and luggage which must Referees may optionally reveal all data lane d ivided elevated highway with emer·
be jettisoned before combat. The 1ettison' in this section to players. Additional gency Janes to either side. The road has 3'
action counts as firing a weapon for driv· notes are contained in the referee's sec· high central and crash barriers, high in ten·
er or gunner. These dummy racks are se· lion, but should only be revealed to play· sity mercury lights rising from the central
cured by four electrically-operated bolts, ers as the situations they cover arise. crash barrier at 100' intervals, and 25'
and thrown back and clear by powerful The Westway , in its entirety, is a long high signal and directional gantrys. This
springs. These units can be obtained from road linking central London to its West· section is marked (8) at either end on the
the su,ppliers of turrets, at a cost of £275, ern suburbs. All sections West of the map. An elevated section of railway line
which includes appropriate swilches. The mapped are (page 22) are unrestricted (9) parallels this section for approximate·
unit will malfunction on a roll of 2 (two roads usable by vehicles of all classes, ly 'l<l mile. There are other railway Jines
dice), requiring manual removal before with maximum speed limit 40 mph. under and to the sides of the Westway
turret weapons can be used. A more There is a central crash barrier but no side (I 0), so tbat there is a drop of nearly 70'
expensive unit (at £550) is a luggage rack barriers, and there are numerous side beneath the road at several points. East
which rotates on the turret and allows for streets and junctions. A short section is of the six-lane section there are two
unimpeded firing; it docs not malfunction. illustrated (map notation 1). East of this two-lane entrance and exit ramps (I 1),
(5) Visitors. The referee may choose section the elevated Westway begins {2), and the road narrows to a four-lane
to a!Jow established American player· and certain vehicles (pedal cycles, some divided highway with emergency lanes
characters to enter this campaign. Ameri· classes of car, etc.) all learner drivers, and at either side. This section contim.1es East,
can dueUists visiting Britain with their all pedestrians are banned. The main ap· terminating in a short elevated bridge
vehicles are forced to disable all weapons proach to this section is a four-Jane ele· (I 2) over Edgeware Road, and then
systems. Lasers, computers, and all hand vated road rising 30' above ground level. running into Morlyebone Road, a six·
weapons will be impou nded by customs. Secondary approaches are ramps up from lane road with numerous side streets
It com 15·90% (one die x 15%) of the Wood Lane (3), a marrow, twisting road and junctions running through central
British cost of a weapon to illegally restore linking various minor roads, and tem1in· London.
it to full working order, with parts avail· ated to the North by Harrow Road (I 3) Running from this Eastern end of the
able on the same roll as the complete and to the South by Shepherds Bush West way is Harrow Road (13), a busy,
weapon; legal restoration of weapons Green (6), both described below. twisting road which has junctions with
when a vehicle leaves the country costs The main elevated section of the West· Wood Lane and several other roads North
d6 x 5% of the British cost. American vis· way has a legal speed limit of 80 mph, of the Westway.
itors' prestige may be applied to the pur· but due to traffic it is usually impossible Several buildings are close enough to
chase of weapons in Britain, but prestige to reach this speed between the Western the We~tway to be noteworthy. There is a
earned in Britain will only count 1/ 3 to· approaches and the first major intersec· large bus depot buill under and to the
wards the character's status on returning to lion (4). This junction is built at two sides of the West way (I 4) and a railway
America. American drivers suffer a die levels 30' and 60' above the ground. The locomotive shed ( 15) a few feet to its

----;;- Housing

l Housing


~ ----.-.-.-J

Housing, etc.


Industry 1 I
I 4 B
map l
--------- I I

I - - - - ....1
- I
-- J

Typical section of Westway: I
A • 3' crash barriers
B • 3 main lanes each side

C • emergency lanes I . I
1 Scale : 5x maon map I
0 • lamps L _________ _ .J

0 % 14 l>l 1
side. The railway terminates at Padding· od to determine the exact location. There are two other police vehicles in
ton Statton freight terminal {16A} and On the Westway itself or the M41, a the area, unmodified double-decker buses
passenger termmal (168). repair crew will consist of several dump used as mobile road blocks. They are not
Another important building in this trucks and vans, at least two bulldozers, amted or armoured, move at a maxunum
area IS Paddmgton Green Police Station and 4d workers. A minimum of 100' of 45 mph, accelerate at 5, and can block
(I 7), rumoured to be the headquarters of road will be affected, with the crew OCCU· three lanes of road. Each bus cardes six
a new ehte antt·dueUist unit. pymg one or two lanes. The work area officers armed with riOes, all unarmoured.
will be bordered by wooden crash barriers, All police vehicles are linked to a cen-
Referee Information which can be broken by a blow or cumu· tral control room in Pal!c;!ington Green
(I) Traffic density. At any given time lative blows inflicting 8 points of damage police station by scrambled radio.
there will be a normal traffic density on to a single point. Barriers are not fire· If police vehicles are damaged or de·
all main roads of one vehicle per 50' of proofed and will eventually (several min· stroycd, it will take at least a week 10 ob·
road surface. This trarfic is approximately utcs) burn to the ground if ignited by lain replacements. This is partly because
60% private cars and bikes and 40% other Oamethrowcrs or Molotov cocktails. of normal bureaucratic red tape and partly
traffic. This density doubles at peak If emergency lanes are not closed, traf- because the government does not entirely
hours. fic may be diverted into them. trust the police, believing that they might
(2) Laws. Ignoring police intervention Repair crews on other main roads in form the nucleus of an attempted coup 1f
10 combat, the other main Jaws governing the area will be much smaller and will heavily armed.
the West way and M4 I are their maximum block one·th~rd 10 one-half the road for Exact placement of police vehicles and
speed lumts and vehicle prohibitions a maxmtum length of 50'. equtpment is left to the referee's discre·
already mentioned. Speed limits are nearly Repa1r crews on slip roads and inter· lion . but II is suggested that they will
always tgnored, and any vehicle exceeding scellons wtll be of medium size, consist· probably be dispersed around the road
them will only be intercepted on a roll of ing of one heavy vehicle, a truck, and 2d system on mobile patrol. The buses
2 (die modifier -I per 20 mph over limit) workers. However, such work may mean would normally be kept parked at strate·
or less, provided they arc not breaking that the entire section is closed off (e.g .. gic points (one near the East end of the
other laws. Vehicles are not supposed to
stop at any point on these roads, and any
halted vehicle may attract police interest
- roll of 2 or less. die modifier ·I per
minute stopped. Stopped vehicles inter-
est the police since they arc often a sign
of impending combat. Police intervention
~ roUed with two dice. Sec below for
pohce intervention 10 combat.
(3) Weather. Summer con ditions are
variable, with sporadic outbreaks of mod·
erately heavy rain. The referee should
check weather conditions for every half
mile the combatants' vehicles travel. On a
roU of 3 or less (two dice), it will start
raining. II cavy rain acts as a +0 I hazard
and as a -I modifier on rolls to hit at all a repair crew on down ramp 13 would Westway, the other to the West) in side
ranges. Once rain starts it will typically probably mean that it was closed entire· streets with access to the main system.
last 5·1 0 minutes (much longer than most ly), with wooden crash barriers and warn· One additional vehicle may be added
nomtal combats) and roads wiU remain ing signs across each end of the section. at the referee's discretion: a spotting heli·
slippery (01} for another 30 minutes. (5) TI1e Police. Despite the recent up· copter linked to the scrambled radio sys·
(4} Road Repairs. The Westway was surge of violence, the police are still rela· tcm. This craft would not be able to land
built in the late 1960s and early 1970s. lively inexperienced in the control of on any of the main roads in the area be·
and is usable because of frequent repair autoduellists. They have purchased the cause street lamps would obstruct 11 , but
work. For each week of the campaign, followmg vehicles and weapons: two Pir· it could land on the central area of Shep-
the referee should roll two dice. On a roll anhas (stock models), one Security Six herds Bush JUnction. on the railway lutes
of 3 or 4 one crew is at work. on a roll of (stock), two Mini·Shermans (one stock , South of the Westway, or on the roof of
2 two crews are at work. Additional one modified Wtth R.L.), and two Shogun the bus garage (see below). Such a hell-
crews may be posted to repair damage IOOs (stock). copter would be based at Paddmgton
caused by combat. All of these vehicles are in civilian Green Police Station, and could carry
Approximate locations for routine colours and camouOaged to hide tlteir three men in addition to the pilot. The
maintenance crews should be rolled on weapons. The Security Six has been mod· government would not let the police arm
Ute following table, with one die: ificd to look like a mobile ice-cream trad- a helicopter, but its passengers might well
1-2 Elevated section of Westway, East· er, with the turret disguised as a giant ice· be armed.
bound cream cone. This camouOage need not be (6) Wcslway. Referee's information.
34 Elevated section of Westway, West· jettisoned before combat. The van also Unless otherwise stated below, all data
bound has passenger accomodation for four previously presented is accurate. However.
5 Other main roads armoured police, all armed with sub· the following additional notes may be
6 Slip roads or intersections of main macltinc guns and grenades. All other helpful.
West way (e.g., ramps) drivers and crew are armed with heavy Wood Lane (3) has numerous curved
The referee may use any preferred metb· pistols and arc armoured. secuons and crosses several railway and
The bus garage ( 14) uses the West way
as its main roof, although it extends to
either side. The administrative section to
the North rises 20' above the West way.
and has a flat roof reinforced for use as
an emergency helipad. There arc no win·
dows in the building wall facing the West·
way. The Southern part of the garage has
a glass roof 5' below the West way surface.
This roof will not support any form of
vehicle, but has a catwalk that will sup·
port pedestrians.
The loc<Omotive shed (15) also has a
glass roof with catwalk, and is the same
Paddington Green Police Station (17)
is a 20-storey building incorporating gar·
ages. cells (on the 4th and 5th floors),
administrative offices. police housing, and
the main anti-duellist control room (18th
floor). The building was built in the 1970s,
at the height of an IRA bombing campaign,
and the walls of the lowest five floors are
made of extremely thick ferro-concrete.
The building's roof has a helipad.
Throughout the elevated Westway sys·
tem and the M41 , central crash barriers
can withstand single blows of eight points
or Jess and cumulative blows to a total of
12 DP. Side barriers are slightly weaker,
withstanding six points in single blows
and ten points in cumulative blows.
The lamps used on au sections of the
M41 and the Westway can withstand five
canal bridges. Visibility is thus usually the Southbound lane. The central area points of damage in single impacts or
limited to a maximum of JOO'. Despite has a brick facing on the Northbound side eight points in cumulative impacts, and
these conditions, it is usually possible to and a crash barrier on the Southbound will block up to four lanes if they fall.
maintain speeds of 40-60 mph. side. The area is very rough ground, with Fallen lampposts are a +03 hazard, but
The circular junction (4) is two lanes bushes concealing several concrete posts are not impassable.
wide. Cars entering it cannot see the and large rocks. At several points, the road surfaces of
opposite side, since there is a large direc· The elevated railway line (9) is an elec- au elevated sections are crossed by expan·
tiona! sign fiXed to the inner crash bar- trified local line (London Transport Mel· sion plates, 3' wide metal sheets running
rier facing each approach. The emergency ropolitan Line) running parallel and 5' the width of the section. Any manoeuvre
vehicle bay (B) is not used by the police, below the West way. Trains use this line carried out on these plates is at +OJ haz-
since its rear wall has been destroyed and every ten minutes. ard for cars and vans, +02 hazard for
the entire bay greatly weakened. It is thus The ramps (II) crossing the railway bikes. The plates are found one road sec·
possible that a car could drive directly line near Paddington Station are both lion before each junction and at 1000'
into a 30' drop. It is also possible that the very steep two-lane constructions. Both intervals elsewhere.
entire bay could ooUapse under the involve 90-degree turns, and maximum The signal gantrys found at approaches
weight of a heavy vehicle. Roll three dice, speed limit is 30 mph. The layout of sec- to intersections are steel structures rising
subtracting I for each 1,000 lbs of vehicle ondary roads South of these ramps means 25' above t.he road surface, supported on
weight. On a roll of 2 or Jess the bay will that it takes a minimum of two minutes heavy girders running tftrough the crash
coUapse. A section of the inner crash bar· to travel from one to the other - the barriers into the main concrete structure
rier opposite the up ramp from the M41 shortest route involves a hairpin bend of the road. Each gantry support can take
has also been destroyed, and is replaced against oncoming traffic and four other up to 15 points of damage (singly or in
by a sheet of corrugated iron that can turns. Both have five-ton weight limits cumulative blows), but if one support is
only withstand five points of impact dam· and might collapse under heavier vehicles destroyed , the entire gantry will collapse,
age. A group of gypsies happen to operate - roll three dice, subtracting I for every blocking aU Janes. The gantrys are fitted
a scrapyard under this junction and will ton over the limit. On a roll of 1 the ramp with electrical directional and warning
strip any vehicle falling through these will collapse. signals, ladders on each support, and ser·
gaps. These breaches have not yet been There is no central crash barrier on the vicing catwalks. The central spans will
repaired because of the difficulty of clos- short bridge over Edgeware Road ( 12) collapse if they receive ten or more OP.
ing this important junction f<lr a suitable although there is a 6" high central strip.
period. Harrow Road (13) is often obstructed, Running the Campaign
The central section of the M41 (5) is and vehicles using it are subject to numer· Depending on the number of players
at least 3' higher than the Northbound ous delays. The Westway was built pri· available, the campaign can either be run
road surface, but at the same height as marily to bypass this road. as a simple duellist situation, with au
NPCs (police, innocent bystanders, etc.) stock or modified vehicles of conventional against the autoduellists, could hire
played by the referee, or as a two-sided design, or one very unorthodox vehicle American autoduellists to come and do
campaign with some players autoduellists (e.g., a heavily armed truck). Their prime the dirty work for them. Imported duel·
and others police. aim will always be to loot their victims, lists would receive free passage for them
If the first of these options is chosen, and they will not use flamethrowers or and their vehicles, free camouflage treat-
the referee should start with minimal rockets. ments, temporary rank with the police,
police ·intervention, to let the players get (4) Civil War. Tite government have free repairs and replacements for spent
used to the unusual play conditions, then been slow to ann the police since they ammo, and a minimum salary of £500
escalate police intervention in subsequent fear a heavily-armed force might stage a a week. The referee would have to put
clashes. No victory conditions are speci- coup. The referee may decide that these together the best means of generating
fied, 3Jld any car leaving the map js as- fears are justified amd allow the police random encounters with specific crusades
sumed to have evaded pursuit - it will and autoduellists to ally against the gov· against the au toduellists and gypsies.
not be chased by police. It must be em- ernment. This is best played as a continu-
phasised that characters gain no extra ing campaign; referees will need a full Afterword
prestige by killing police in this situation, map of J..ondon and a lot of co\loters, Residents of Lom!on will know thai
since p-olice are all assumed to be relative- sufficient to represent a full-scale civil my description of the West way is more or
ly inexperienced drivers. war. Primary targets of a coup would be less accurate, although I have simplified
If police player-characters are used, the Houses of Parliament , Downing Street, a few details to improve playability. In
they have no difficulty in obtaining weap- and the BBC Television Centre off Wood particular, Wood Lane and the M41 are
ons (apart from red tape) and will gain Lane. The exact details are left to the ref- somewhat longer than indicated , parts of
prestige and skills from combat as out- eree's imagination. Harrow Road run under the Westway
lined previously. However, police player- (S) Arena. If there's no referee, the itself, and several minor roads have been
characters will gain double prestige if West way area can still be used as an arena omitted. All buildings shown exist in
they succeed in arresting autoduellisis for conventional combats (played under 1982 - I have assumed that the crises
without killing them. If this option is normal Olr Wars rules) - a deserted road described will prevent any major changes
used, au toduellists leaving the map evade system in the heart of a devastated city. in the future- and there really is a colony
pursuit provided they arc at least ISO' If this method is chosen, each player of gypsies living under the Westway (de·
ahead of the nearest police vehicle and should add a few areas of heavily dantaged spite an incredibly high lead level), al·
travelling at the same speed o r faster , and road (e.g., collapsed ramp, holes in crash though there has never been any sugges-
vice versus. Combat would otherwise con- barriers, etc.), and all NPC vehicles and tion that they are engaged in the activ·
tinue until these conditions are met. repair crews are omitted. ities described above.
ll is possible to develop several other (6) Hired Guns. The London police, All governments and police forces
themes from this campaign with the aid having lost too mamy officers operating mentioned above are purely imaginary.
of the Olr Wars role-playing scenario
Sunday Drivers (77te Space Gamer SO and
separate publication).
(1) Assault on Paddington Green. If
sufficient numbers of autoduellists are
arrested or killed , the survivors might
mount a raid on the headquarters of the
anti-duellist squad, at Paddington Green
The Gypsy Vehicle
Police Station. The referee will need to
design a suitable building, which must in·
elude all the facilities described above.
Here arc basic notes on the gypsy Gunner (2), recoilless rifle (2), has
Apart from anti-duellist squad members,
vehicle, enough to improvise around it 360-degree line of fire, bu1 not like a
any pollee encountered will only be armed
if it's encountered on the road. This turret - must choose new facing in
on a single die roll of I initially, but there
vehicle was const·ructed entirely from relation to vehicle (front, right, left,
is a die modifier of -I on this roll for each
scrap parts; an accurate price is not back) at the beginning of each LUrn ,
five minutes the autoduellists are in the
readily available. and may not rotate more than 90° in
Body size: MaiJitenance truck chas- a turn. Rear romp: As per Sunday
(2) Vigilantes. Local citizens may de· Drivers; however, in addition, a gunner
sis, 30-space cab plus 45-space cargo
cide that they do not like autoduellists
capacity. may release eight drums of oil (one at
or the police, and decide to end both
Nonnal equip·ment: 4x machine a time or collectively) rolling down the
problems by force. They will be armed
guns, forward in two linked pairs, each rear ramp. These drums, when hit, act
with conventional and improvised hand
gun with an extra magazine; 2x rna· as 1)3 hazards. Ramming bumper: ex-
weapons only, but may improvise with
chine guns in cab turret ; 2x super tra 40 points of front armour which
the aid of local resources such as bull·
power plant; 12x puncture-resistant only intercepts damage to the vheicle's
dozers, drums of tar, and other repair
tyres, 90 pts armour on cab. front on a roll of I on Id6; used pri-
crew equipment.
Unusual equipment: Crane jib. a marily for crashing into things. Full set
(3) Gypsy Raid. If insufficient wrecks
utility maintenance cupola wiUt crane of car stripping gear; carnouOage tar-
occur, the gypsy scrap merchants may
auachment, capable of rising 25' over paulin (dropped for combat).
decide to alter the odds by arrangiing a
road surface (observe heigltt-targcting Other pertinents: Acceleration: S
few accidents. Methods could include
rules from Sunday Driven); has 5· mph. Wei&ftt: 16,000 lbs. Additional
traps, ltljacking, or conventional autoducl·
space capacity, in this case loaded with cargo capacity: 4,000 lbs. HC: 0.
ling techniques. If ihe latter are used, the
gypsies will either utilise two or three

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