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Communication 374

Flayers Presents,

An Analysis of Advertisements
Created by HelloFresh & LifeLock
2022 DEC 11
Our Team

Jacob Harms Katie Elliott Ashton Slotvse

The Best and Worst Ad
We were given the assignment to find ads that
we thought were the most, and least effective. For
the assignment, we are going to analyze these two
ads, and then suggest ways we could improve
upon them.

Situation Overview for Each Ad
Part - 1 Analysis Part 2 - Improvement
1. Introduction to each company. 1. What will be the communication
2. Where was each ad found? objectives based on the Facets Model
3. Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, what kinds of Effects? Why?
of needs are reflected in each ad? 2. Who will be the target audience (i.e.,
4. How would you have conducted SWOT analysis for segmentation and targeting)? Why?
the brand or product promoted in each ad? 3. Explain your positioning strategy.
5. What are each ad’s communication objectives 4. Explain your creative strategy.
Regarding the elements of the Facets Model of 5. Complete the creative brief.
Effects, what task is the ad performing? Why? 6. Explain your media strategy.
6. What is the Segmentation and targeting of each
7. Each ad’s target audience profile.
8. What is each ad’s positioning strategy? Why?
9. What message strategies are used in each ad?
10. Conclusion: What are the good and bad things in 3
each ad? Why?
Company #1:

HelloFresh is a meal kit company based

in Berlin, Germany. It is the largest meal-
kit provider in the United States, and also
has operations in Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, Europe, and Japan. It offers meal
boxes delivered to your door which
include all the ingredients and recipes for
a chosen number of meals per week.

Where the Ad was Found
Our ad was found as a banner ad that appeared on the
side of an internet webpage. In the same campaign,
HelloFresh partnered with other companies, and a small
card with another offer can be found along with some
mailed products (internet-purchased items like clothes for
example). In the same campaign, there is also an email ad
that can be opted into which is offered when using
another company's service (Capitol One Shopping for

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
One of the needs that the HelloFresh
ad appealed to was a major
physiological need (food). Eating healthy Self-Actualization Needs
is harder in today's age and there is a
level of self-respect, and a desire to Esteem Needs
become a better version of yourself that
goes into the decision to start eating
healthier. HelloFresh can be seen as a
Belonging & Love Needs
gateway to that better life, so for this
reason by the display of healthy and
fresh food in the ad along with the name Safety Needs
HelloFresh we determined that this ad
also appealed to esteem, and self-
actualization needs.
Physiological Needs

Product that is convenient, healthy, and simple. We found that the company used some deceptive
Subscription-based. The product is simple and does not advertising to get initial sales. This hurts the brand's
need that much creativity on the company's part to image for a company that benefits heavily from word-of-
maintain its value. mouth and is hurtful for a company that relies on
repeated purchases. Another weakness is that some

unique meals are no longer available.

There are a lot of people critiquing and talking badly
There is a large portion of the population that wants to about the company online. People are becoming more
live healthier. There are rural areas that can benefit from anti-corporation and HelloFresh is the largest meal kit
this product that seem to be less targeted. supplier. Very hard to monitor their 1500 suppliers of
ingredients - therefore these companies are less
supervised and can utilize immoral practices (monkey
labor, using growth hormones, etc.). The package is in
the hands of the shipping companies and if they get
behind, the food could go bad. 7
HelloFresh Communication Objectives & Facet Model

The Hello Fresh ad targets Cognition, emotion

(only slightly) “Share with your loved ones”, and
Behavior on the Facets Model of Effects. The ad
targets cognition because it displays a deal on top
of another deal getting the customer to think that
they have a large deal. The ad also targets
behavior since it is a “limited offer” deal, and
because the ad itself is a direct link to the
company's website where there is more
information and you can purchase the product.

Segmentation and Targeting
The main segmentation that we Target Audience
found was internet users, vs non-
Because of the Facets model of effects
internet users.
facets that HelloFresh chose to appeal to
The targeting that HelloFresh used
in this ad, it targets and appeals to those
in this particular ad was internet web
who use cognition to make decisions. The
pages. This limits the people that the
ad can target to people who are on ad also doesn't draw lines or try to limit its
the internet, and it limits the main target audience to any demographic.
function of the ad (which can lead One other way the ad could target a
you to their website by clicking on it) group of people could be with the
to the people who know how to use inclusion of "Share with your loved ones",
the internet. which is an appeal to those who have
people around them who they would like
to please. 9
HelloFresh Positioning Strategy
The name HelloFresh along with
the picture in the ad position the HelloFresh Message Strategy
company as a fresh and healthy
One of the message strategies
product. Another way the ad
that the ad uses is that it displays a
positions itself is "Share with your
double discount, which they tout as
loved ones", this communicates
a limited offer. This makes it seem
that HelloFresh is caring as a
as though the customer is more
lucky than just seeing a single
discount, and puts pressure on
them that the discount is not going
to last forever.

Conclusion, What Were the Good and Bad Things
About the HelloFresh Ad?
Good Bad
The ad is a strong trigger that Since we decided this ad was one
gets people to act. The ad also of the best ads we had seen, there is
doesn't limit its target audience to not much bad we could find. One
any major group or demographic, thing however that we did notice, is
so it appeals to many people. that the ad most likely would not
Finally, the ad is simple and appeal heavily to new customers as
cognitively easy to understand there was not much information on
offering a good one-time deal, from the service - meaning someone who
a company people know, making it had never heard of HelloFresh and
effective at getting people to try what they are would care less about a
the product. deal, limiting the ad's reach.
Part 2: Improving the
HelloFresh Ad

Our Communication Objectives based on the
Facets Model of Effects
Our communication objectives will be cognition
and behavior just like the original ad. We want the
pull to be based on solid cognitive reasons to try
the product (deals, convenience). We would also
use an internet ad that takes you directly to the site
to make it easier to try the product, supporting the
behavior facet in the Facets Model of Effects.

Our Target Audience
We do not want to limit the ad's
reach to any demographic or social
group, however, we would like to
target the ad toward people who
the product would be beneficial for. Our Positioning Strategy
This would mean targeting people
who would want more convenience We would position ourselves as a good
for their meal planning and grocery company for meal kits by including in our
shopping. ad that we have 2500 recipes, but other
than what our product is and the deal we
are providing, we are opting to keep the
ad simple.
HelloFresh Creative Brief
Problem- The company could use more customers
Target audience- People that want to eat healthy and people that would
want a meal subscription box.
Brand position- Health experts, sustainable, caring about people, good
product, professionals, international operation
Communication objectives- Communicate the product’s use and value
proposition/ selling idea- Healthy and convenient for having to manage
meal prepping
Media considerations- Brand Quality, Involvement in Community
Creative direction- Increase brand quality, become more involved in the
community, and reach new customers by increasing different types of media
and improving current ads.

Our Creative Strategy
In the overall strategy we are trying to increase brand quality, and create new customers. We
could improve the internet ad by adding information about what HelloFresh is to give background to
new customers.
Another of the ads in HelloFresh’s campaign was an email ad. This ad explained that it was a meal
kit that had everything you needed for dinner, that it would take 30 minutes to make the meals with
step-by-step instruction, that the box was full of fresh food, and that there were insulators and ice
packs in the box to keep the food fresh. That was all in an email which you can opt into.
The ad we chose was found on the internet and could be seen by anyone, however, it did not
explain much about what the product is or how it works. Part of our strategy for improving the
internet ad would be to make it larger (we think the cost is worth it) and include information for new
customers in the ad.
After looking into some of the blogs about HelloFresh, we found this, “However, some common
themes in negative reviews are produced arriving in poor condition, missing ingredients, and
difficulty canceling the service.” (Shoemaker, 2022) Our goal would be to increase the brand’s
reputation by making it easier to cancel, by closely monitoring our food suppliers, and by
emphasizing good customer service from within the organization to improve the public’s opinion of
Our Media Strategy
We think that one of the most effective (as well as cheap) ways to reach the target
audience is through word-of-mouth recommendations. We would go about doing this by
increasing the brand reputation and product. We would also opt not to be deceptive in
our advertising brand-wide. Some of HelloFresh’s ads have offered free shipping as a
pull, but on closer inspection, they only offer free shipping for the first shipment out of
multiple shipments on the same order, which means a 10.99 charge for each shipment
after the first. As a customer, you might feel tricked by this and lose trust in the company.
We would try to manage ourselves in a way that would be hard to criticize and easy to
admire to increase public opinion, and the media coverage will follow.
For our media, we would try to run promotions using contests. Some examples that we
thought of were: A submission contest for new recipes to be added to the meal options
or a family how-to video contest where families could submit home videos showing how
they prepare their meals together, and a body transformation contest (using HelloFresh).
Company #2:
LifeLock is a security company that offers, "Standard,
Advantage, and Ultimate Plus ID theft protection plans [that]
offer a wide variety of ways to guard against identity theft,
including Social Security number alerts, data breach
notifications, stolen funds reimbursement, credit monitoring in
case someone steals your credit card or open a credit file in
your name, credit file locks, and payday loan checks."

Where the Ad was Found
A version of this ad could be found in a variety of
different advertising mediums. Forms of this ad
could be found on billboards, the company
website, a large van that drove around New York,
and a commercial that can still be found on
YouTube today.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

The major need the LifeLock ad

addresses the safety need in Maslow's
Self-Actualization Needs
Hierarchy of needs. “Unmet safety needs
could independently affect depressive Esteem Needs
symptoms, or these unmet needs could
indirectly lead to increased depressive
symptoms”. (Crandall, 274)
Belonging & Love Needs

Safety Needs

Physiological Needs

Strengths Weaknesses
There are multiple plans to choose from with All the accounts are in the same area so if they
varying levels of security and prices. Legal defence can hack the system then they get a large
is provided in the event of identity theft. number of identities. (puts a target on your
back). Not completely secure.

Opportunities Threats
Growing usage of internet increases ID theft which in turn As technology changes the threats will change making it
increases the need for the product. more difficult to protect information.

LifeLock Communication Objectives & Facets Model
The LifeLock ad targets the emotion, cognition,
and persuasion. It targets the emotional aspect of
the Facets model by using potential fear that the
message of the ad could arouse. It also targets the
cognition portion in that it helps develop an
understanding of features and benefits. Lastly, it
targets the persuasion aspect of the Facets Model
by trying to convince the consumer that the
product is secure since the CEO of the company is
willing to put his own social security number on the

Segmentation and Targeting
LifeLock Target Audience
This ad focused on using the two
The ad seems to target all adults living a
main market segmentation types.
comfortable lifestyle looking to protect their
The first is demographic
identities. The ad would also appeal to people
segmentation which helps focus on
who are aware of the risks of identity theft.
individuals with higher income that
might be looking for better ways to
protect their assets. The other is
the Life-Stage segmentation where
they can get older people who are
often a victim of cybercrime, they
can also attract younger users who
are aware of growing technology

LifeLock Positioning Strategy
The ad positions itself as being
highly secure by using the CEO's
reputation, and personal security as
a show of confidence.

Messaging Strategy
This ad uses many strategies but
the main one that sticks out to us is
the use of psychological appeal. In
the ad, the appeal is towards the
security that you get from the idea
that your identity and finances are
safe, but it also appeals to the fear
that can come with it. 24
LifeLock Overview, The Good and the Bad
Something good about this ad was it showed that
the company and CEO really believed in the
product. It also looked to address a real growing
need for Identity protection. The worst thing about
this ad is the fact it gave the opportunity for ID
thieves to use the CEO’s ID multiple times without
thinking about the negative look it would have on
consumers if it backfired.

Improving the LifeLock Ad

In order to drive in new customers you will need to first LifeLock
persuade them to pay attention to the ad. Drawing them in
initially will allow them to determine if the product is worth
purchasing. The reward of buying this product will be Objectives based on
protecting the buyer’s identity and feeling safe. There will
also be the point of cognition, which is to get the potential
customer to think about this product and make sure they
understand that it provides a higher level of security towards
their identity.
Behavior and emotion will go hand in hand. The emotions
may spark concern, fear, or urgency and a wanting to
purchase the product. The behavior will be following through
with the want to purchase LifeLock, trying it, and determining
if they will recommend it to others.
For example, LifeLock will be able to tap into behavior and
the emotional portion due to the fear that can come from
getting your identity stolen.
Our Target Audience

Our target audience is everyone at risk of identity

theft. This could be millennials, boomers, or any
adults that are concerned about their identity
being stolen. It could be young adults looking to
protect their families information or older adults
looking to protect their assets.

Our Positioning Strategy

The positioning strategy we would develop would rely on the

consumer feeling safe and secure. We would work to demonstrate
the protection LifeLock has to offer that contains varying levels of
financial, legal, and security resources. 28
Our Creative Brief
Problem- People get their Identities stolen which can affect people's lives in
many ways.
Target audience- Adults, people at risk for identity theft
Brand position- Safety, and security
Communication objectives- Communicate that LifeLock has a multi layer high
tech system designed to secure your identity
Proposition/ selling idea- Make people aware of the dangers, how many
people are, and can be affected, and and who can be affected - theft is serious
and can be financially detrimental if you don’t have proper protection.
Media considerations- Ads should be placed in magazines, on TV, and on social
media sites as well.
Creative direction- Sell the point that we will be there for them in a time of need
if they have our product.
Our Creative Strategy
We would not rely on displaying the CEO's SSN on the ad. It
exposes the product to a larger amount of risk and to critics of
our services. We would focus on highlighting the levels of
security that LifeLock has to offer and limiting the use of jargon
in our advertisement. In our ad, we would remind people that
most insurance does not cover direct financial loss as a result of
identity theft. We would also suggest some examples of people
groups that can be/are affected by identity theft, and the
extent to which they can be affected.

Our Media Strategy
For our media strategy, we want to send the message that we
have an effective product, which meets a need in society. To do
this we would make posts about statistics of identity theft, as well
as explain how our system is secure without giving away the
system to prevent hacking. We would try to appeal to cognition
and post about the benefits of our subscriptions and how more
people would benefit if they had them,
Compared to the ad we chose to analyze we would more
soberly assess our product, therefore we would take the position
that although identity theft is possible at all times, we are
providing a product that is designed to make that risk as low as
possible and that if it does happen, we will cover the consumer to
an extent beyond simply the point of security (which is what truly
shows our confidence). 31
Ads Used
Best Worst

21 different types of marketing messages to consider. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from

Crandall, A., Powell, E. A., Bradford, G. C., Magnusson, B. M., Hanson, C. L., Barnes, M. D., Novilla,
M. L. B., & Bean, R. A. (2020). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a Framework for Understanding
Adolescent Depressive Symptoms Over Time. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 29(2), 273–281.

Hampshire, K., & Jeff, K. (2022, August 22). Lifelock Identity Theft Protection Review 2022 | U.S.
News. US News. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from

Moriarty, S. E., Mitchell, N., & Wells, W. (2012). Advertising & Imc: Principles & Practice (9th ed.).
Prentice Hall/Pearson.

Shoemaker, S. (2022, Aug 9). HelloFresh Review: A Dietitian’s Honest Opinion. Healthline. 33

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