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Date: _____________

Reference Number: Memorandum Circular No. 2021-074

Date: July 5, 2021
Rev. No. 00

1. Background

The Seal of Good Local Governance for Barangay (SGLGB) is a progressive

assessment system that gives distinction to the remarkable performance of
barangays in various governance areas, putting primacy integrity and good
performance in pursuit for meaningful local autonomy and development.

The first round of pilot testing of the SGLGB was conducted in 2019, pursuant to
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2018-194 dated November 6, 2018 with the
subject: “Seal of Good Local Governance for Barangay”. 1,034 barangays
nationwide were assessed as pilot barangays wherein a total of 207, or 20%
barangays have passed the assessment. On the other hand, the second round of
pilot testing was conducted in 2021, in compliance to DILG Memorandum Circular
2021-074 dated July 6, 2021 with the subject: “2021 Pilot Testing of Seal of Good
Local Governance for Barangay (SGLGB)” wherein 1,344 barangays nationwide
were assessed, and 549, or 40% barangays have passed.

For this year, the Department shall implement the third and last round of pilot testing
of the SGLGB, to gauge the effectiveness and appropriateness of the parameters
developed in assessing the barangays. The indicators shall introduce COVID-19
related parameters. Moreover, this year’s assessment shall be led by the City and/or
Municipal governments while actively engaging partner-stakeholders in the process.
The results of the pilot testing will serve as additional information in the regular
review and evaluation of the Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG) pursuant to
Section 2 (c) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11292.

Finally, with the implementation of the Supreme Court Ruling on the Mandanas-
Garcia Petitions which takes effect this year, the need to exercise oversight
functions are more pronounced amongst LGUs. Hence, there is a need to identify
performance gaps that may serve as bases for the development of capacity
development interventions pursuant to DILG MC No. 2021-067, “Adoption of a

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Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Framework in the Planning, Design and
Implementation for LGUs”, and the implementation of SGLGB has become

2. Purpose

This Memorandum Circular is being issued to prescribe the general policies,

procedures, and timelines in the implementation of the 2022 SGLGB Pilot Testing to
ensure that all concerned are able to abide with the prescribed processes for the
overall implementation of the program, such as the following:

2.1. Validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the parameters developed in

assessing barangay governance, including the COVID-19-related parameters;
2.2. Identify practical/potential issues, concerns and challenges that might arise in
the full implementation of the program;
2.3. Advocate community awareness and strengthen key partnerships among
2.4. Evaluate the readiness of barangays to fully participate;
2.5. Involve other partner-stakeholders in the assessment/validation processes to
fully exercise their oversight functions over the barangays;
2.6. Empower barangays, during the pilot testing, to thrive and excel in governance
areas being evaluated through the program; and,
2.7. Identify or gather recommendations on the appropriate strategy for its national

3. Legal Bases

3.1. Section 5, Article II of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
declares that the maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty,
and property, and the promotion of the general welfare are essential for the
enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy;

3.2. Section 1, Executive Order No. 138 entitled: Full Devolution of Certain Functions
of the Executive Branch to Local Governments, Creation of a Committee on
Devolution, and for Other Purposes, states that National Government (NG) is
fully committed to the policy of decentralization enshrined in the Constitution and
relevant laws which are aimed at 1) developing capabilities of local governments
to deliver basic social services and critical facilities to their constituents, increase
productivity and employment, and promote local and economic growth; and, 2)
ensuring accountability, competence, professionalism and transparency of local
leaders through the development of institutional systems that uphold good
governance and strengthen their capacities for managing public resources.

3.3. Section 3 (h) and 3 (m), and Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise
known as the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991, provide that there shall be
a continuing mechanism to enhance local autonomy not only by legislative

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enabling acts but also by administrative and organizational reforms, that the
national government shall ensure that decentralization contributes to the
continuing improvement of the performance of local government units (LGUs)
and the quality of community life, that each LGU shall exercise its powers
essential to the promotion of the general welfare;

3.4. Section 17 (b) (2) of Republic Act No. 7160, declares the provision of the
minimum basic services and facilities in the barangay;

3.5. Section 5 (a) and 5 (b) of Rule II of the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of Republic Act No. 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the
Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, mandate the Department to assist
the President in the exercise of general supervision over local governments and
advise the President in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations, and other
issuances on the general supervision over local governments and on public
order and safety;

3.6. Section 2 of Rule V of the IRR of the SGLG Law which provides that DILG-
BLGS shall oversee the SGLG assessment in the provinces, cities, and
municipalities, while the DILG-NBOO shall oversee the assessment in the
3.7. INCLUDE 2021-067

4. Scope/Coverage

4.1. This Memorandum Circular covers all Provincial Governors, City and Municipal
Mayors and Vice-Mayors, Punong Barangays, Sanggunian at all levels, Liga ng
mga Barangay sa Pilipinas, DILG Regional, Provincial, and HUC Directors,
Minister of the Interior and Local Government, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao (MILG-BARMM), City/Municipal Local Government
Operations Officer, LGU Department Heads, and Representatives from
accredited CSOs at the C/M.

4.2. The National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) SGLGB National Working
Team (NWT), composed of the Research and Profiling Division (RPD), that will
serve as the lead Division in the implementation of the program, and
representatives from the Community Capacity Development Division (CCDD)
and Citizen’s Affairs and Political Development Division (CAPDD), as its

4.3. The 1,634 pilot barangays (1 per C/M) nationwide, to be identified by the
respective C/M SGLGB Assessment Teams. A city or municipality may assess
more than 1 barangay, however, for the purpose of the pilot testing, the data of
one barangay only shall be encoded in the SGLGB Information System

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4.4. For the CY 2022 Pilot Testing, the performance year to be assessed is FY 2020.

5. Assessment Criteria and Indicators

5.1 Performance Areas and Indicators

For the year 2020, the “3+1” principle still applies, where a Barangay must pass
ALL of the three (3) core areas, namely: 1) Safety, Peace and Order; 2)
Financial Administration and Sustainability; and 3) Disaster Preparedness; and at
least one (1) of the three (3) essential areas, namely: 1) Social Protection and
Sensitivity; 2) Business-Friendliness and 3) Competitiveness; or Environmental
Management. It should be emphasized, however, that for a barangay to qualify,
it should not obtain a Zero (0) score in any of the abovementioned areas.

The Performance Areas are described as follows:


1. Safety, Peace and Order – good performance in terms of maintaining peace

and order in the community with the implementation of activities and provision
of support mechanisms to ensure the protection of constituents from the
threats to life, health, and security. This ensures living in a drug-free and
COVID-free communities. The indicators are as follows:

1.1. Functionality of the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC;

1.2. Functionality of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC;
1.3. Implementation of Barangay Drug Clearing Program;
1.4. Performance Rate in the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards
1.5. Maintenance of Record of Barangay Inhabitants (RBIs;
1.6. Organization and Strengthening Capacities of Barangay; and,
1.7. Mechanisms on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19.

2. Financial Administration and Sustainability – outstanding practice of

accountability and transparency by adhering with accounting and auditing
standards and compliance with the Barangay Full Disclosure Policy (BFDP).
The indicators for this area are as follows:

2.1. Compliance with the Barangay Full Disclosure Policy (BFDP;

2.2. Increase in Local Resources;
2.3. Approval of the Barangay Budget on the specified timeframe;
2.4. Allocation of the Barangay Budget to statutory programs and projects
as mandated by laws and/or other issuances; and,
2.5. Conduct of Barangay Assembly for the second semester of CY 2020.

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3. Disaster Preparedness – proactive stance before, during and after disaster,
through actions such as development and/or implementation of appropriate
program and plans on disaster risk reduction and management; building the
competencies of concerned personnel; and ensuring operational readiness
with the availability of equipage, supplies and other resources intended for
early warning and/or response. The indicators are the following:

3.1. Functionality of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Committee (BDRRMC);
3.2. Extent of risk assessment and Early Warning System; and,
3.3. Extent of preparedness for effective response and recovery.


4. Social Protection and Sensitivity – high sensitivity to the needs of

disadvantaged/challenged sectors like women, children, senior citizens,
indigenous peoples and persons with disability (PWDs), among others, the
provision of support to basic education, access to social welfare services,
and participation of the sector(s) in local special bodies. The indicators are as

4.1. Mechanism for Anti-Violence Against Women (VAW);

4.2. Access to health and social welfare services in the barangay;
4.3. Functionality of the Barangay Development Council (BDC);
4.4. Effective barangay investment planning and budgeting;
4.5. Representation of CSOs in the Barangay Based Institutions (BBIs);
4.6. Implementation of the Kasambahay Law; and,
4.7. Mechanism for Annual Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and

5. Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness – remarkable efforts in

encouraging business and employment, through the systems, structures
and/or legislation in place to support the promotion of such in the locality. The
indicators are as follows:

5.1. Power To Levy Other Taxes, Fees or Charges;

5.2. Integration of the Issuance of Barangay Clearance in the Permitting
Processes of Cities and Municipalities;
5.3. Approval of a resolution authorizing the City/Municipal Treasurer to
collect fees for Barangay Clearance for Business permit and locational
clearance purposes; and,
5.4. Issuance of Barangay Clearance not covered by DILG MC No. 2019-
77 such as: residency, indigency, etc, within seven (7) working days.

6. Environmental Management – conscientious preservation of the integrity of

the environment by complying, at the minimum, with the provisions of

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Republic Act No. 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000. The indicators are the following:

6.1. Existence of a Solid Waste Management Facility;

6.2. Provision of support mechanisms for waste segregation; and,
6.3. Organization of Barangay Ecological Solid Waste Management

6. Assessment Forms and Tools

Only the prescribed forms shall be used in the data gathering, assessment,
validation and certification. Hence, alteration/modification of the forms is highly
discouraged for uniformity and accountability. These forms are the following:

6.1. SGLGB Form No. 1 – Data Capture Form (DCF)

6.2. SGLGB Form No. 2 – Technical Notes
6.3. SGLGB Form No. 3 – Certification of Submitted Means of Verification
6.4. SGLGB Form 4 – Certification from the C/M Budget Officer or Accountant
6.5. SGLGB Form 5 – Certification from the C/M Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Officer
6.6. SGLGB Form 6 – Certification from the C/M Health Officer
6.7. SGLGB Form 7 – Certification from the C/M Environment and Natural
Resources Officer or C/M Solid Waste Management Board representative
6.8. SGLGB Form 8 – Certification from the Punong Barangay
6.9. SGLGB Form No. 9 – ICC/CC/Municipality Consolidated Performance
Assessment Form (ICC/CC/M CPAF)
6.10. SGLGB Form No. 10 - Highly Urbanized City Consolidated Performance
Assessment Form (HUC CPAF)
6.11. SGLGB Form No. 11 – Provincial Consolidated Performance Validation
Form (PCPVF)
6.12. SGLGB Form No. 12- Regional Consolidated Performance Validation
Form (RCPVF)
6.13. SGLGB Form No. 13 - National Consolidated Performance Validation
Form (NCPVF)

7. Compositions, roles and responsibilities of the ICC/CC/Municipal Assessment

Team (ICC/CC/MAT), Highly Urbanized City (HUC) Assessment Team (HUCAT),
Provincial and Regional Validation Teams (P/RVT) and National Quality
Committee (NQC)

7.1 Composition:

7.1.1 ICC/CC/Municipal Assessment Team (ICC/CC/MAT)

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Team Leader
 City Administrator; in the case of municipalities, the Municipal
Administrator or his/her equivalent as designated by the Mayor

Assistant Team Leader

 City/Municipal Planning and Development Officer/Coordinator

 City/Municipal Chief of Police of the Philippine National Police
 City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer
 City/Municipal Budget Officer
 City/Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer
 Business Permit and Licensing Officer or Representative
 City/Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer
(C/MENRO) or representative from the City/Municipal
Environment and Solid Waste Management Board (C/MSWMB)
 Liga ng mga Barangay Sa Pilipinas (LnB) ICC/CC/Municipal
Chapter President
 1 representative from accredited CSO from the C/M

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Recommend the issuance of an Executive Order (EO) creating the

2. Assess the performance of the barangays based on their Means of
Verification (MOVs);
3. Approve and sign the ICC/CC/Municipal Consolidated Performance
Assessment Form (CPAF, SGLGB Form 9); and,
4. Approve and sign the Data Capture Form (DCF).

The C/MLGOO shall serve as the Secretariat with the following


1. Ensure that pilot barangays have submitted all the necessary MOVs
needed for the assessment;
2. Present to the ICC/CC/MAT, during the assessment meeting, the
barangay entries and its MOVs;
3. Accomplish the DCF based on the scores obtained by the barangays
as agreed upon by the ICC/CC/MAT.
4. After the approval of the CICC/CC/MAT of the barangay entries,
encode the assessment data in the SGLGB IS, together with the
uploading of the MOVs;

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5. Generate and facilitate the signing of the ICC/CC/Municipal
Consolidated Performance Assessment Form (CPAF, SGLGB Form 9)
that will be submitted to the Provincial Validation Team (PVT) through
6. Facilitate the re-assessment of the barangay entries, if recommended
for document revision by the PVT;
7. Re-submit, through the SGLGB IS, the revised ICC/CC/M CPAF, in
case there are revisions; and,
8. Ensure the completion of the assessment, certification and encoding
within the scheduled timeframe.

7.1.2 Highly-Urbanized City Assessment Team (HUCAT)

Team Leader
 City Administrator

Assistant Team Leader

 HUC Planning and Development Officer/Coordinator

 City Chief of Police of the Philippine National Police (PNP)
 City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWDO)
 City Budget Officer
 City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer
 Business Permit and Licensing Officer or Representative
 City Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO) or
representative from the City Environment and Solid Waste
Management Board (CSWMB)
 LnB HUC Chapter President

Roles and responsibilities:

1. Recommend the issuance of an Executive Order (EO) creating the

2. Assess the performance of the barangays based on their Means of
Verification (MOVs); and,
3. Approve and sign the HUC CPAF (Form 10).

The DILG City Field Office shall serve as the Secretariat with the
following functions:

1. Ensure that pilot barangays have submitted all the necessary MOVs
needed for the assessment;
2. Present to the HUCAT, during the assessment meeting, the barangay
entries and its MOVs.

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3. Accomplish the DCF based on the scores obtained by the barangays
as agreed upon by the HUCAT;
4. After the approval of the HUCAT of the barangay entries, encode the
assessment data in the SGLGB IS, together with the uploading of the
5. Generate and facilitate the signing of the HUC CPAF (SGLGB Form
10) that will be submitted to the Regional Validation Team (RVT)
through the SGLGB IS;
6. Facilitate the re-assessment of the barangay entries, if recommended
for document revision by the RVT;
7. Re-submit, through the SGLGB IS, the revised HUC CPAF, in case
there are revisions; and,
8. Ensure the completion of the assessment, certification and encoding
within the scheduled timeframe.

7.1.3 Provincial Validation Team (PVT)

Team Leader
 Provincial Administrator

Assistant Team Leader

 Provincial Planning and Development Officer/Coordinator

 LnB/ Provincial Chapter President
 Representative from accredited CSO from the Province

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Check and validate the SGLGB assessment data submitted by the

ICC/CC MAT to ensure its correctness; and,
2. Recommend to the ICC/CC/MAT the re-assessment/re-submission
of revised/supplemental documents of barangay/s already
assessed, in case there are errors in the data submitted.

The DILG Provincial Office shall serve as the Secretariat with the
following functions:

1. Present to the PVT, during the validation meeting, the barangay

entries and its MOVs;
2. After the approval of the PVT of the barangay entries,
authenticate/approve the assessment data in the SGLGB IS;
3. Generate and facilitate the signing of the Provincial Consolidated
Performance Validation Form (PCPVF, SGLGB Form 11) that will
be submitted to the RVT through the SGLGB IS; and,

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4. Ensure the completion of the provincial validation within the
scheduled timeframe.

7.1.4 Regional Validation Team (RVT)

Team Leader
 Regional Director/MILG BARMM

Assistant Team Leader

 Chief of the Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation
Division (LGMED) for the DILG ROs/Chief of the Barangay
and Community Affairs Division (BCAD) for the MILG-

 LnB Regional Chapter President
 Representative from accredited CSO from the region

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Present to the RVT, during the validation meeting, the barangay

entries and its MOVs;
2. Check and validate the SGLGB assessment data, through SGLGB
Forms 10 and 11, submitted by the HUCAT and PVT, respectively,
to ensure its correctness;
3. Recommend to the HUCAT the re-assessment/re-submission of
revised/supplemental documents of barangay/s already assessed,
in case there are errors in the data submitted. It shall be noted,
however, that only barangay entries of the HUCs may be returned
for revision by the RVT. In case of the ICC/CC and municipalities,
returning of data for revision is the responsibility of the PVT; and,
4. Generate and certify the Regional Consolidated Performance
Validation Form (RCPVF, SGLGB Form 12), to be submitted to the
National Quality Committee (NQC) through the SGLGB IS.

The DILG Regional SGLGB Focal Person shall serve as the

Secretariat with the following functions:

1. Present to the RVT, during the validation meeting, the barangay

entries and its MOVs;
2. After the approval of the RVT of the barangay entries,
authenticate/approve the assessment data in the SGLGB IS;
3. Generate and facilitate the signing of the Regional Consolidated
Performance Validation Form (PCPVF, SGLGB Form 12) that will
be submitted to the NQC through the SGLGB IS; and,

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4. Ensure the completion of the regional validation within the
scheduled timeframe.

7.1.5 National Quality Committee (NQC)

 Undersecretary for Local Government

 NBOO Director
 LnB National President

 Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP)
 Representative from accredited CSO from the National Level
 Director of the Bureau of Local Government Supervision
 Director of the Bureau of Local Government Development

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Participate in meeting/s, conference/s, deliberation/s, and other

activities related to the 2022 Pilot Testing of SGLGB;
2. Certify the National Consolidated Performance Validation Form
(NCPVF, SGLGB Form 13) prepared by the SGLGB National
Working Team, which contains the official list of SGLGB passers, to
be indorsed to the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government,
for his final approval; and,
3. Issue supplemental policies, through a resolution, in relation to the
implementation of FY 2022 Pilot Testing of the SGLGB, if needed.

7.1.6 National Working Team (NWT)

Team Leader
 RPD Division Chief

 All RPD staff

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Develop policies and formulate parameters/indicators for the entire

implementation of the SGLGB;
2. Conduct Online Training of Trainers (TOT) and Online Orientation

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of the NQC;
3. Conduct on-site visits to random pilot barangays nationwide;
4. Monitor and evaluate the overall performance of the 2022 SGLGB
Pilot Testing;
5. Provide technical and administrative support to the NQC; and,
6. Prepare the National Report to be submitted to the SILG.

In addition, three (3) representatives from the CCDD and CAPDD,

respectively, will be designated to form part of the NWT, but will only be
involved in the conduct of on-site visits and provision of technical and
administrative support to the NQC.

8. Phases of Implementation, Schedule and Responsibilities

To guide the barangays and those involved in the implementation, the following
prescribes the assessment process:

8.1. Online Training of Trainers (TOT) - Each DILG Regional/Provincial/HUC Office

shall send their SGLGB Focal Person or a duly authorized representative, in the
absence of the latter, to the Online TOT on the Revised SGLGB Guidelines and
the SGLGB Information System, which is scheduled in July 2022 (further details
will be communicated formally once finalized).

8.2. Online Orientation of the Assessment Committee for the DILG Central
Office - The NQC and NWT members shall attend the SGLGB Online
Orientation on July 2022 (further details will be communicated formally once

8.3. Assessment: Data Gathering, Validation and Certification from August to

October 2022 - Assessment can be done through online or face-to-face,
depending on the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging
Infectious Diseases Local Health Protocol of the concerned HUC and
ICC/CC/Municipality. The Pilot Barangays shall ensure the submission of the
documents to the ICC/CC/MAT and HUCAT through the DILG Field Offices. On
the other hand, to ensure the reliability and quality of data, the Data Validation
and Certification shall be done by the Provincial Governments, with the
assistance of the DILG Provincial Offices, and DILG Regional Offices.

8.4. Online Data Entry (October 2022) - The SGLGB IS shall be utilized to
electronically process data. Specifically, the Officer who is tasked to input
necessary data is the ICC/CC/Municipal LGOO or DILG HUC SGLGB Focal
Person. The DILG Provincial, Regional Offices and MILG-BARMM, through their
LGMEDs and BCAD, shall ensure the correctness of the submitted data and
means of verification (MOVs) before certifying the SGLGB passers that will be
submitted to the NQC. The following procedures shall be adhered to:

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8.4.1. Submission of Data. After the assessment, the electronic data shall be
submitted through the SGLGB IS, to the following: For ICC/CC/Municipality – submit the data to the PVT, through

the DILG Provincial Office. The PVT shall then validate the data
entries. If the data entries and MOVs are in order, the said team
shall forward it to the RVT, or return to the ICC/CC/MLGOO for
the correction of entries and delivery of other related actions
required. The RVT, through the DILG Regional Office, shall
identify the pilot barangays that have passed the “3+1” criteria of
the SGLGB. The list of the passers shall be submitted to the
NQC, for the final selection of National Passers. For HUC – submit the data to the RVT, through the DILG
Regional Office. The RVT, through the DILG Regional Office,
shall then identify the pilot barangays that have passed the “3+1”
criteria of the SGLGB. The list of the passers shall then be
submitted to the NQC, for the final selection of National Passers.

8.5. National Validation and On-site Visits to Random Pilot Barangays

(November 2022) - The NWT, together with the NQC, shall conduct the online
national validation, covering an acceptable sample size of the submitted regional
barangay entries. Said team and committee may also conduct on-site visits to
random regional barangays passers, subject to the availability of funds from the
NBOO or other sources. The online validation and random visits will be
conducted to verify the accuracy of the data submitted by the ROs.

8.6. Final Selection and Indorsement (December 2022) - Based on the final
recommendation by the NQC, the Official List of 2022 SGLGB Passers of the
Pilot Testing shall be determined and indorsed, for approval, to the Secretary of
the Interior and Local Government, through the Undersecretary for Local

8.7. Announcement of Results (January 2023) - For this pilot testing, only
certificates of recognition will be given by the DILG Central Office to the passers
and pilot barangays. However, provinces, cities and municipalities, are not
constrained to give rewards or incentives to their barangay passers. Results
shall be announced by posting in the DILG official website and communicated to
the DILG ROs.

8.8. Conduct of Exit Conference (February-March 2023) - The cities and

municipalities shall conduct exit conference with the pilot barangays to serve as
a venue for dialogue where SGLGB results may be communicated and areas for
improvement may be identified and agreed upon for LGU action.

9. Monitoring and Submission of Reports and other Requirements

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9.1. The DILG Regional Offices and MILG-BARMM shall oversee the overall
performance assessment, validation and monitoring of LGUs within their
respective jurisdictions, through the Division Chiefs of LGMED and BCAD, with
the assistance of the designated SGLGB Regional and Provincial Focal
Persons. It shall see to it that the process and requirements are faithfully
adhered to from data collection to announcement of national passers and shall
make sure that data provided are complete and credible. To facilitate these
tasks, regional folders and monitoring sheets shall be made available in the
SGLGB Information System with link:;

9.2. The SGLGB National Working Team of NBOO-RPD, as the overall lead in the
performance assessment and monitoring of barangays nationwide, shall monitor
the progress of the SGLGB implementation and shall take appropriate action/s
to address concern/s encountered along the process. It shall be responsible in
updating the top management on the status and results of the SGLGB pilot
testing, as well as, in providing feedback to its regional counterparts and partner
agencies; and,

9.3. The SGLGB National Quality Committee shall be responsible for the final stage
of quality assurance of the SGLGB. The results shall be presented by the NWT
to the said Committee for final vetting and recommendations, based on the
observations on the outcome of the assessment. Said vetting of the NQC shall
then be forwarded to the SILG for his final approval.

10. Disqualification

The SGLGB gives primacy to integrity and accountability in local governance, hence,
in case a barangay proclaimed to be a National Passer is found to have received a
disclaimer, adverse, qualified or unqualified opinion/observation from the
Commission on Audit (COA) during the assessment period, said barangay will be
officially disqualified.

11. Repealing Clause

DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-074 dated 05 July 2021 and other issuances
which are inconsistent herewith are hereby amended or repealed accordingly.

12. Policy Review and Evaluation

This issuance shall be periodically reviewed to address gaps in the effective

implementation of the SGLGB. If necessary, further guidance, through the issuance
of official communications may be adopted, in relation to the gaps encountered while
undertaking the program implementation.

13. Annexes

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Annex Form
A SGLGB Form No. 1 - Data Capture Form (DCF)
B SGLGB Form No. 2 - Technical Notes
C SGLGB Form No. 3 - Certification of Submitted Means of Verifications
D SGLGB Form No. 4 – Certification from the C/M Budget Officer or
E SGLGB Form No. 5 – Certification from the C/M Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Officer
F SGLGB Form No. 6 – Certification from the C/M Health Officer
G SGLGB Form No. 7 – Certification from the C/M Environment and Natural
Resources Officer or City/Municipal Solid Waste Management Board
H SGLGB Form No. 8 – Certification from the Punong Barangay
I SGLGB Form No. 9 – ICC/CC/Municipality Consolidated Performance
Assessment Form
J SGLGB Form No. 10 – Highly Urbanized City Consolidated Performance
Assessment Form
K SGLGB Form No. 11 - Provincial Consolidated Performance Validation
L SGLGB Form No. 12 – Regional Consolidated Performance Validation
M SGLGB Form No. 13 – National Consolidated Performance Validation

14. Effectivity

This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.

15. Approving Authority


16. Feedback

For related queries, kindly contact the National Barangay Operations Office –
Research and Profiling Division (NBOO-RPD) at telephone numbers: (02) 8925-
0328, (02) 8925-1137 and/or (02) 8763454 local 4406, or email address:

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