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Collis Bousliman SLO’s

English 1120

A. Here's what I have learned this semester for this SLO: I have learned how to analyze,
compose, and reflect on arguments in a variety of genres, considering the strategies,
claims, evidence, and various mediums and technologies that are appropriate to the
rhetorical situation.
One of the writing assignments I completed this semester, "Doping in sports: from past to
future," required me to analyze the rhetorical situation and genre of the topic at hand. I needed
to consider the audience and purpose of my writing, as well as the appropriate medium and
technology to use in order to effectively argue my point. I also had to consider the claims and
evidence I would use to support my argument, and how these would fit within the genre of an
argumentative essay.
Through this process, I have learned how to effectively analyze the rhetorical situation and
genre of a given topic, and how to use this knowledge to compose a clear and persuasive
argument. I have also learned the importance of considering the appropriate medium and
technology to use in order to effectively communicate my argument to my intended audience.
This skill will be valuable in any future writing assignments or professional situations where I
need to argue a point effectively.
B. Here's what I have learned this semester for this SLO. Writing is a social act, and it is
important to understand the role of discourse communities in shaping the way we
communicate. This semester, I have written two essays - "Doping in Sports: From Past to
Future" and "The Take (2004) Review" - that have allowed me to explore different
discourse communities and the ways in which they impact our writing.
In my essay on doping in sports, I wrote about the discourse community of athletes and the
ways in which their use of performance-enhancing drugs has shaped the way we think about
sports. I was able to explore the local, national, and international levels of this discourse
community, and how their actions and beliefs have influenced the way we view sports and their
In my review of "The Take (2004)", I wrote about the discourse community of movie critics and
how their opinions and evaluations impact the way we perceive and consume films. I was able
to explore how this community operates at the local, national, and international levels, and
how their evaluations and reviews can shape the way we think about a particular film.
Overall, this semester has taught me the importance of understanding the role of discourse
communities in shaping the way we communicate and write. It has also shown me how these
communities operate at different levels and how they can influence our beliefs and opinions.
C. Here's what I have learned this semester for this SLO. In writing my essays "Doping in
sports: from past to future" and "The Take (2004) Review", I have learned to use
multiple approaches for planning, researching, prewriting, composing, assessing,
Collis Bousliman SLO’s
English 1120

revising, editing, proofreading, collaborating, and incorporating feedback in order to

make my compositions stronger in various mediums and using multiple technologies.
For example, in my research for "Doping in sports", I used multiple sources, including books,
articles, and online databases, to gather information on the history and current state of doping
in sports. I also used prewriting techniques such as brainstorming and outlining to organize my
ideas and develop a clear thesis statement.
In the composing and revising stages, I used multiple technologies, including word processing
software and online grammar and citation checkers, to make my essay more polished and
professional. I also sought feedback from my peers and instructor to improve my essay and
address any weaknesses.
In my review of "The Take (2004)", I used a similar process, but also incorporated collaborative
techniques, such as peer review and group discussions, to enhance my understanding of the
film and develop a more nuanced analysis.
Overall, I have learned to use a variety of approaches and technologies in the writing process to
make my compositions stronger and more effective.
D, E. Here's what I have learned this semester for this SLO. In my writing assignment on
"Doping in sports: from past to future", I have improved my fluency in the dialect of
Standardized Written American English at the level of the sentence, paragraph, and document.
Through this assignment, I have learned to use proper grammar and sentence structure, as well
as organize my thoughts into coherent paragraphs and a cohesive document.
In addition, in my review of the film "The Take", I have also analyzed and described the value of
incorporating various languages, dialects, and registers in my own and others' texts. Through
this assignment, I have learned to consider the audience and purpose of my writing, and how
the use of different languages and registers can enhance the effectiveness of my message.
Overall, I have gained a better understanding of the importance of grammar and usage in
written communication, and the ways in which language can be used strategically in different
F. Here's what I have learned this semester for the SLO of incorporating various
languages, dialects, and registers in my writing. Through my writing assignments and activities, I
have learned the value of incorporating different languages, dialects, and registers in my own
and others' texts. In my research paper on doping in sports, I incorporated various languages
and dialects in my analysis of the global nature of the issue and the impact on athletes from
different cultural backgrounds. I also considered the impact of using different languages and
dialects on the effectiveness of my argument and the audience's reception of my writing.
G. Here's what I have learned this semester for this SLO: I have learned that composing
in multiple genres and mediums using various technologies can be a valuable tool in advancing
Collis Bousliman SLO’s
English 1120

my goals as a writer. By experimenting with different writing styles and technologies, I have
been able to develop my skills and adapt to different writing contexts. This has allowed me to
become more versatile as a writer and to better understand the unique challenges and
opportunities that each genre and medium presents.
For example, in my essay on doping in sports, I was able to apply my research skills and critical
thinking abilities to analyze the topic from multiple perspectives. By writing this essay, I was
able to better understand the complex ethical and moral issues surrounding doping in sports
and to develop my ability to articulate my own ideas on the subject.
In my review of the documentary "The Take," I was able to apply my creative writing skills to
express my thoughts and opinions on the film. By writing this review, I was able to develop my
ability to engage with the ideas and themes presented in the film and to convey my own
interpretation of the movie.
Overall, I have learned that composing in multiple genres and mediums using various
technologies can be a valuable tool in advancing my goals as a writer. By experimenting with
different writing styles and technologies, I have been able to develop my skills and adapt to
different writing contexts, which has allowed me to become more versatile and effective as a

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