Eng 9 - S.A. 2.1 - Macbeth

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Basic Education Department English 9

Davao-Bukidnon Highway, Ulas, Davao City Summative Assessment # 2.1
School Year 2022 – 2023 30 points

Name:___________________________________________________ Score: _________________

Section:_________________________________________________ Date: __________________

I. Identify what is asked in the following item. Choose the correct answer from the choices below. Write the
letter of the correct answer in the blank provided. (10 points)

__________ 1. What reason did Macbeth give for not killing Duncan?
a) Duncan was his uncle.
b) Duncan was his guest.
c) Duncan would not die young.
d) Duncan was stronger than he was.

___________ 2. What vision did Macbeth have before he killed King Duncan?
a) He saw a bloody axe lodged in Duncan’s brow.
b) He saw a floating head urging him to spill blood.
c) He saw a pale maiden weeping in the moonlight.
d) He saw a floating dagger pointing him to Duncan’s chamber.

___________ 3. Why did Malcolm and Donalbain flee?

a) They feared the weird Witches.
b) They wanted to join the English army.
c) They thought that Macbeth would kill them next.
d) They were afraid they would be accused of murdering their father.

___________ 4. How did Lady Macbeth explain Macbeth’s strange behavior at the banquet?
a) He had eaten an insane food.
b) He was intoxicated by alcohol.
c) He was suffering from an illness.
d) He had become obsessed with his new power.

___________ 5. On returning to the three Witches, what was the last apparition that Macbeth saw?
a. a procession of trees
b. a ghost from his past
c. a blood-covered child
d. a procession of future kings

___________ 6. How did Macduff receive the news of his family’s murder?
a) He got depressed.
b) He committed suicide.
c) He sought out Lady Macbeth for consolation.
d) He blamed himself and vowed to take revenge upon Macbeth.

___________ 7. What did the weird Witches promise to Macbeth?

a) a large family
b) everlasting life
c) victory in battle
d) the kingdom of Scotland

___________ 8. Why was Macduff able to kill Macbeth despite the Witches’ prophecy?
a) He killed the witches first.
b) He was a powerful warlock himself.
c) He received a charm from the Witches.
d) He was born by Caesarean section/ he was ripped off his mother’s womb.

____________ 9. How did Macbeth die?

a) He accidentally fell on his own sword.
b) Macduff beheaded him after killing Macbeth.
c) One of his own soldiers mistakenly killed him.
d) He was attacked by a group of Macduff’s soldiers.
__________ 10. What was Macbeth’s tragic flaw?
a) lust
b) envy
c) ambition
d) hesitation

II. Write true if the statement is correct. If not, write false. (10 points)

___________ 1. Macbeth had a son named Fleance

___________ 2. Banquo’s ghost attended the banquet.
___________ 3. King Duncan was suspicious of Macbeth.
___________ 4. Lady Macbeth did not see Banquo’s ghost.
___________ 5. Macbeth and his wife conspired to kill Macduff.
___________ 6. Macbeth’s chief fear was punishment after death.
___________ 7. The murderers succeeded in killing Banquo and Fleance.
___________ 8. The witches predicted that Banquo’s heirs would be kings.
___________ 9. At the end of the play, Macduff became the new King of Scotland.
___________ 10. Even though she was warned of treachery, Lady Macbeth was killed by some soldiers.

III. Write an answer in not less than 75 words for each question. (10 points)

Criteria Score
(The question was answered comprehensively. Textual evidence is
provided, and opinions are clearly explained.) 3 points
(Logical progression of details; clear transitions between ideas) 1 point
(Use of proper spelling, mechanics, grammar, and word choice) 1 point

1. Is Macbeth a tragic hero? Why? Explain your answer with three reasons.

2. In the story of Macbeth, it was clear that ambition was the major key to his success. In your own
thoughts, how did excessive ambition lead to Macbeth and Lady’s Macbeth downfall?

The test ends here!

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett

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