ECCE (Simple Past-Past Perfect)

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ECCE - UNIT 1 (Simple Past and Past Perfect)

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________________

1. Directions: Use the PAST PERFECT or the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in the list to
complete the sentences. Include any words in parentheses. Use each verb only once.



● By the time Jason arrived to help, we (already) ______________________ moving

● The apartment was hot when I got home, so I __________________ the air
● Alexander Graham Bell (already) _____________________________ the telephone
by the time I was born.
● The farmer's barn caught fire sometime during the night. By the time the firefighters
arrived, the building ___________________ to the ground. It was a total loss.
● The suit I bought cost more than a week's salary. Until then, I (never)
________________________ so much on one outfit.
● Yesterday a hornet __________________ me under my arm. That really hurt! When
I put on my shirt after working in the garden, I hadn't seen that there was a hornet in
● We were not happy with the plans that the architect showed us for our new house.
Obviously, he (never) __________________________ a home like the one we
● When I saw that Mike was having trouble, I _____________ him. He was very
● My wife and I went to Disneyland when we visited Los Angeles last spring. Prior to
that time, we (never) _________________ to such a big amusement park. It was a
lot of fun.
● Last year I experienced how tedious long plane trips can be. I ________________ in
an airplane for fairly long distances before, but never as long as when I went to
Australia last June.
● Mr. Khan has had experience teaching chemistry and physics, but he (not)
_________________ mathematics until this year. He's found that he enjoys teaching
● Promptly at five, I went to Iris' office to offer her a ride home from work, but when I
got to her office, I couldn't find her. She (already) ___________________________.

2. Directions: Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST PERFECT of the verbs in
parentheses. In some cases, both forms are correct.
● Yesterday I (go) _____________ to my daughter's dance recital. I (be, never)
_____________________ to a dance recital before. I (take, not) ________________
dancing lessons when I (be) ______________ a child.

● Last night, I (eat) __________ four servings of food at the "all-you-can-eat" special
dinner at The Village Restaurant. Until that time, I (eat, never) _________________
so much in one meal. I've felt miserable all day today.

● A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, is presently working in the international sales

division at an electronics firm. She's just returned from a trip to Japan. She was
asked to go to Japan because she can speak Japanese. When she (be) ____________
a business student at Boston University, she (study) ________________ Japanese
for four years. She (have, never) _____________________ the opportunity to use
her Japanese until she went to Tokyo last month. While she was there, she (speak)
________________ Japanese every day and (enjoy) __________________ every
minute of it. She's anxious to return.

● A: I (see) _____________ you in the school play last night. You (do) ___________
a terrific acting job. (Act, you, ever) ______________________ in a play before this
B: Yes. I (start) _______________ acting when I was in elementary school.

● Last year, I (go) ___________ mountain climbing for the first time. It was exciting
and terrifying at the same time. We (move) _____________ slowly and carefully,
and it (take) _________________ three days to get to the top. Imagine our surprise
when we climbed onto the summit and found another group of climbers. They
(arrive) ___________________ several hours ahead of us. They were having dinner
and listening to Beethoven. We (laugh) _______________, and they (invite)
______________ us to join them. The climb (be) ____________, to say the least, an
unforgettable experience.

● When I first (travel) _____________ abroad to study, I (live, never) ____________

_________ in a dormitory before. During the first year, I (have) ________________
a roommate from Switzerland who (become) _________________ a very good
friend. Prior to that time, I (live, never) __________________ with anyone from
another culture.

● In 1955, my parents (emigrate) ______________ to the United States from Turkey.

They (travel, never) _________________________ outside of Turkey and were, of
course, excited by the challenge of relocating in a foreign country. Eventually, they
(settle) _______________ in California. My sister and I were born there and (grow)
_____________ up there. Last year, I (go) ______________ to Turkey for the first
time to visit my relatives. I (want, always) ________________________ to visit
Turkey and learn more about my own family background. My dream was finally

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