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Choosing this topic emphasize the curiosity of student if mobile technology

usage does affect their academic performance. The purpose of this research is to

analyze the data which will be collected after the survey. And be informed of

such information. In the timeline of mobile technology, students opinion, mobile

technology’s roles in student’s are to be blend in for what to future my offer. On

the other hand, its role is to guide students on all different matters and aspects of

their lives. As pointed out from other researches, it can help students create and

develop from such scratch.

Android smart phone is a device that contribute source of data and

information the student’s study especially for their assignment, project t, research

and other matter. Students gave more time in using android smart phones so

they cannot focus properly on their studies. Nowadays, using android smart

phones is one of student‘s distraction, it is much essential for student to use

phone than to read books. Student enter the library not to read but relax and

have fun.

The fast growth of technology has developed electronic device such as

android smart phone that the function does not limit only for massaging but this

device allows long distance communication. Android smart phone can be called

as minicomputer as the feature and function provided are like computer in it’s

misinform and its handy.¹

Android smart phones is continuously eroding, and it is not a competing

desktop or laptop as that’s closing in on windows, it’s the rising tide of android
and IO. When apply created the first touchscreen android smart phone in 2007, it

is clearly had the potential to change the way people looked at technology.

People more often use android smart phone specifically today’s generation than

reading books or journals in making their research. Reading has become a thing

of the past. Seeing someone reading books might look out of place are famous,

because today android smart phone are now more important and more useful for


As time passes, youth become fascinated with this device. Android smart

phones offers many function but youth are more attracted in chatting and

searching for new mates though learning. Android smart phone seems to be the

first thing users look for the morning and the last thing they look at before they


As everyone knows we are surrounded by new technology called

cellphones .E Everywhere you look there is someone talking, playing games,

paying bill or browsing the internet with their cellphones. Even children are

acquainted with tools and amenities of the android smart phones or cellphones.

Due to so many facilities provided by android smart phone, nowadays, more

abundant part of users become less knowledgeable about the history, the effect

in the future and disease it might Couse in our health.

Mobile technology has drastically changed culture norms and individual

behaviors. According to some research, android smart phones effect our society.

Cellphones have influenced society in both positive and negative ways regarding

teenager’s life, social interaction, emergencies and crime and health.

Android smart phone is a mobile developed phone that has the ability go a

computer. This device provides users which equipped with internet access.

Cameras with high quality and management tool.

Android smart phone is a mobile developed phone that has ability of q

computer. This device provide users with advance communication and

computing ability than the traditional android smart phone which equipped with

internet access, cameras with high quality and management tool.

Technology like computers especially android smart phones are helpful to

a student academic performance because it has no many function that will help

them make their school works easier and more efficient for instances like

learning the history of things. Decade ago, student go to libraries to dig deep

about our history but now, with the advent of computers, learning about our

history is easy and accessible through searching it in digital books and

encyclopedias, or online sources. The most common activity of android smart

phone users includes texting and using the phone as a portable GPS. This has

enormous implication within the spheres of business as people can be available

to work through their phones even when they are nowhere near an office with the

rise in the use of higher technology device such as android smart phones and

tablets along with the use of clouds services, virtual offices are becoming more

common especially as companies look to drive down cost for operation. 4

Mobile technologies have brought about a paradigm shift for learning

because learners can perform authentic activities in the context of their learning

anytime and anywhere whenever they have accessed the information. The most
prevalent mobile communication device to date is the android smart phone.

Android smart phones facilitate interaction among people either by verbal

conversation by text and image messaging and spur the creation of social

network, enhance such network. 5

Student tend to maintain social relationship with others by interacting with

them through diverse technologies either synchronously or asynchronously

students prefer their communicative interaction to take the form of long

chatting/fast interaction speeds, including quick feedback.

Android smart phones has made the young generation to be so occupied

with its technology that it become a trademark by the young generation It is

very true that the young generation today is fond of using android smart phones.

Young generation today use their android smart phones as their hobby in their

everyday life. Before sleeping, they use first their android smart phones until they

got asleep. In the morning, before they wakeup they use and check their android

smart phones. That is why android smart phones become their trademark. This

situation can be observed clearly as the technology savvy generation are so

dependable on the advance touchscreen technology were just by a touch the

application on android smart phone can be used at any moment with

accessibity of internet all a day long.

Android smart phones had almost changed the style of interaction

between human being with their advance technology. The global use of android

smart phone effects the people and societies in various content technology. The
global use of android smart phone has made life more convent with multiple

features that can help users to manage most of their daily life work just by a click.

Android smart phone are very prevent in society. It allows students to text,

check and interact on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Emails, Online Games, and others. This are extremely distracting

because they not paying attention in their class because of android smart phone.

The Researcher’s intention for this study is to know how many students

of OAS POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL is using android smart phone is using

android smart and also to help them realize the true effect of android smart

phones. They might be enjoying using android smart phones but they do not

know what really the effects of using android smart phones are.

The study seeks to find out the effects of using android smart phone to the

Academic Performance of Grade 12-A and B of Oas Polytechnic School. Thud it

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in term of?

A. Age

B. Sex

C. tittle of cellphone

2. What are the effects of using android smart phones among the Grade 12-

A students of Oas Polytechnic School?

3. What is the implication of using android smart phones to their Academic


4. What solution can be offered to the identified effects of using android

smart phones among the Grade 12 GAS -A of polytechnic school?


The study “The effects of Using android smart phones to the Academic

Performance of the Grade 12- GAS A students of Oas Polytechnic School “is

very beneficial to the different group of people. Through this research, the

proponents will provide the answers, clarifications, and solutions that surely be

helpful in removing confusion and setting a standard in using android smart

phones. Thus, this will be beneficial to the following people.

THE DEPED. The study will help the Department of Education to help the

students to minimize the use of android smart phones inside the classroom. They

will also help the teachers to prohibit the students in using android smart phones.

THE SCHOOL. The study will help/guide their students on how they are going to

use the android smart phones responsibly. The school also will monitor their

students on how they ate going to deal with using android smart phones.

THE STUDENTS. The study will provide the students to know and understand

the effects to using android smart phones to their Academic Performance

wherein it will also help them to know the solutions on how to avoid the effects of


THE PARENTS. The study will provide the parents to help and to guide their

children in using android smart phones. This will make way to know their children

more and it helps to build a stronger and better relationship between them.

THE SOCIETY. The study will give the society a new knowledge and ideas about

the effect of android smart phones and on how they run their lives about it.

THE RESEARCHERS. The study will help to improve the Researchers skills in

conducting research.
This will serve as their training ground to be more efficient in doing future


THE FUTURE RESEARCHERS. The study will serve as their guide and

reference for their research and basis related literature.


The scope of this study is focused on to the Grade 12-A students of OPS, the

effects Oas Polytechnic School. It also focuses on the demographic profile of the

Grade 12 GAS-A, the effects of using android smart phone among the Grade 12-

Gas A, students, the implication of it to their academic performance and the

solutions to the identified effects, of using android smart phone. In addition, it is

focused on the effects of using android smart phone to the Academic

Performance among the Grade 12 a students.

The main respondents of the study are the 86 Grade 12 A students of Oas

Polytechnic School SY 2022 -2023.


1. Alexander Markowitz 2.BMC Research Notes 2015 8:312… Application on

the android smart phone, Research on this area: Given a hug societal

debate on the impact of android smart phones usage on our daily lives.

Published on 06.03 in vol. 15, No. 3 (march 2013). October 16, 2019

( 2:15 p.m. )

2. Rambitan, Vandalia M. (2015)The effect of Multiphase on Critical thinking

Skill in Relation to the concepts of Biodiversity. America journal of

Education Research 3. (2): 243-249.October 15 , 2019 ( 3:23 p.m.)

3. Skierkowski, D, & wood, R.M (2012). To text or not text ? The importance

of Text messaging among college – aged youth. Computers in Human

Behavior . 28 (2).744 -756. October 15, 2019 ( 4:28 p.m.)

4. Salwar, Muhammad Dan sorrow, Tariq Rahim 2013 . impact of mobile on

society. European Journal of Research. Vol. 98. March, 2013, pp 216-

226. October 15, 2019



This chapter is the presentation of review of related literature and studies,

synthesis of the state of the art, gap bridged by the study, theoretical and

conceptual frameworks and the definition of terms.


A study conducted by ( Tindell and Bohlander, 2011), as the use of mobile

devices, such as cellphone, has proliferated in academic settings in recent years,

new challenges are faced by institution of higher education and their facilities.

The authors surveyed 269 senior high school students from 21 academic majors

at s small northeastern university to again a better understanding of the

frequency and manner in which cellphones are used in college classrooms.

Focusing on the use of text messaging in the classroom, students reported on

their own and other’s use of cellphones. It was found that 95% of students bring

their phone to class every day, 92% use their phones to text messaging during

class time, and 10% admit they have texted during an exam on at least one

occasion. The majority of the students are surveyed believe that instructors are

largely unaware of the extent to which texting and other cellphone activities
engage students in the classroom these activities include browsing the internet,

sending pictures, or accessing social networking sites. The authors discuss these

and other findings and their students are not paying attention to their class

lectures as they spending too much time on texting. 1

Wherein TInder and Bohlander stated that using android smart phone

inside and practicing dishonest .A study he stated that the students prefer to use

instant messaging email and web surfing in library online recourses. Student

seem to be motivated on updating their status on Facebook rather than

downloading their class assignment ²

In a study stated the positive impact of android smart phone in education

context, it enables to access various learning resources and provide

opportunities for individual to continue their education by distance learning.

Mobile phone has impacted student life in various areas especially education.

Mobile phone use for education purposes introduce student to world of

knowledge as students are able to abstain various information by a click. Mobile

phone equipped with internet enabled feature provide students the ability to be

connected always and is easier for them to obtain academic related materials

online anytime ³

Chandler believe classrooms that integrate technology within ever day

social learning e will gain potential to promote more academically related I within

the school ⁴

According to DO 70, s. 1999 and DO 83, s .2003 of Department of

Education, the use of cellphones have diverted the attention of students from
their studies. Moreover, report show that text messaging are causing disturbance

to the classes and being used to cheat during class hours and within schools.⁵

Dietz and Henrich found that since the increase of technology in the

classroom (e,g use of cellphone )there has been an increased report of a decline

in overall grades and decrease in seatwork satisfaction with instruction.

Comprehension has also lessened when students use electronic device for non-

education purposes ⁶

In a study conduction their study revealed that the students do not fully

utilize android smart phone for learning motivate but utilize to make calls taking

pictures and browsing internet.⁷

Elder shows that students who used android smart phone in class score

lower than student who did not use android smart phone and they even not able

to recall much information of lecture.⁸


According to Erin Schreiner along with their books and school supplier,

most high school and many younger students make their daily trip to school with

their trusty mobile phone android smart phone connect student to one another,

to education resources, and to a potential host of distractions. The presence of

cellphones presents both opportunities and challenges for today students.

Android smart phone can be helpful academic tool, or a hurtful academic

disruption depending upon the attitude and use pattern of the students and the

policies of the school as they attend ⁹

According to Burns and Lohenry the students and equipped with the

cellphones enter high school classrooms daily .Realizing the impact of the

technology on fellow learner and faculty represents an area of concern. A pilot

study was conducted to determine student and faculty perception regarding

cellular phone use in the classroom. A convenience sample was comprised of

graduate students and faculty in health science and on composes in Arizona and

Illinois. Results revealed that the majority of students indicated that they refrained

from using the cellphone during class time. Students indicated that they used the

text message feature and checked cellphone message. Both student and faculty

cellphone rang during class time. Cellphone were identified by both groups as a

source of distraction during class time. Cellphone etiquette along with policies

regarding cell phone use in the classroom offer suggested methods for alleviating

the distance that cellphone currently offer. 10

Improving awareness regarding cellphone distraction may offer value for

healthcare providers bridging professional behavior in the academia to the

healthcare arena.11

This examined phone usage and identified the effects internet – enabled

android smart phones have on the academic performance of students at the

tertiary institutions using the Federal polytechnic students of ILARO, Ogun state

in Nigeria as a case study. The research work was performed so as to

understand and also find the correlation between the academic performance of

students and the usage of the android smart phone during class hours which is

generally believed to be an avenue of distractions to students. The information

from this work was carried out using structured questionnaire administration to 45

student to get their individual views. In addition, 15 extensive interviews were

done concurrent to have a grounded knowledge of the student with the data

gathered during the course of this study. Their finding indicated that students are

influence negatively to a great extent by the android smart phone because

attention is focused on chatting, music, and others while their academic activities

are neglected and left to suffer. Also, this study discovered that the use of

android smart phone is uncontrollable among students which are the leading

Couse of poor academic performance among students ¹²

In a study society has come to point where the idea of living without cell

phone seems ludicrous. Students desire cellphone in order to sustain contact

with friends. The parents of students want their children to have them for security

purposes. Children, teens and even young adults are prone to distraction with

cellphones. In the classroom and out of school, cellphones provide student an

instants network of communication and entertainment. Inside the classroom,

students are distracted from the lessons to text, play games and, if they are very

daring, calling other people. Cellphone ringers, alarms and the attention of every

student in the room and the teacher ¹³

According to the National school Safety and Security Service, text

messaging can be an aid for cheating students. Also the camera in a cellphone

can be used to photograph other students in a way that is a violation of privacy ¹⁴

Study reported that the risk of mobile phone addiction can be associated

to life satisfaction via academic performance and perceived stress. It shows that
students that achieve low academic performance will likely experience less life

satisfaction and more likely prone to mobile phone addiction.¹ ⁵ On the other

hand, found that calling and texting were positively correlated with a self-report

measure of academic difficulty among a sample of female Taiwanese University


A model of the relationship between psychological characteristic android

smart phone addiction and use of android smart phone ¹⁶


The research and the study are related to the other. The research stated

that the students make their daily trip to school with their trusty android smart

phone aside from their books and school supplies. It is stated that android smart

phones can be a helpful academic tool, hurt academic disruption depending upon

the attitude and is pattern of the student and the policies of school as they attend.

His study proved that the effects of using android smart phone either in a helpful

tool or hurtful academic disruption.

For the student used to bring and equipped their and cellphone in

classrooms when they entering daily. A pilot study was conducted to determine

student and faculty perception regarding cellphone use inside the classroom. It is

indicated that the student are using their cellphones during class hour where it is

identified as a source of distraction during class hour. It is also indicated on how

they will improve their awareness regarding cellphone distraction. In short, the
student are the only one source why distraction is created because of

irresponsibly using of android smart phone

What really stands out is they examined phone usage and identified the

effects internet enabled android smart phone have phone on the academic

performance of the students. Where they generally believed that using android

smart phone during class hours is an avenue of distraction to the students.

Where they generally believed that using android is in using android smart phone

smart phone during class hours is and avenue of distraction to the students. The

student’s attention is in using android smart phones and they are more focused

on chatting. Music and other as they neglected their academic activities.

For Heath Wright, he point out that the idea of living without cellphones

seems ludicrous. He also identified that the children, teen’s even young adults

are prone to detraction with cellphones. Wherein inside their classroom the

students are detracted from their lessons to tent, play games and calling other

people. He also said that whenever there is a cellphone ringer, and alarms the

attentions of the students and teacher is in the sound from the android smart

phones. So, in short, using android smart phones inside the classroom is a

biggest distraction to the students and also to the teacher.

They study are somehow similar to each other. The pointed out that there

is risk of mobile phone addiction to the satisfaction of students to their academic

performance where the students show that they achieve low academic

performance and they will experience low satisfaction and more likely prone to

android smart phone addiction. For Hong, Chiu and Hong found that the students
have academic difficulty and they found that calling and texting is positively

correlated to their academic performance. In short, android smart phones are the

only risk to the student’s performance where students achieve low academic

performance and they achieve low satisfaction.


All of the related literatures and studies are different from the present

study in terms of its objectives, respondents, scope and delimitation,

methodology, and the procedure of the study. Although the preceding reviews of

related literature show significant relatedness in the impacts of using android

smart phones to the Academic Performance among Grade 12-GAS A students in

Oas Polytechnic school towards the effects of the android smart Phones, most of

the studies conducted were about the impacts of android smart phones on how

can it be helpful or hurtful to the student’s academic performance.

This study is different among all the previous studies in the sense that this

is about the effects of using android smart phones to the academic performance

among the students. Locally, there are lack of students focusing on effects of

android smart phones to the academic performance here in the Philippines. This

study is not just all about the effects of using android smart phones but specially,

it is about the Effects of android smart phones to the performance of the students

to their academics that they have today.


According to the latest numbers from the Pew Research Center’s Internet

and American Theory 56 percent of American adults now own a mobile phone.

Even more notable, is the android smart phones rate of adoption over time. In

May 2012, when Pew began conducting the study, only 35% of American owned

a mobile phone. By February 2012, that number had jumped to 46%. In many

ways, the android smart phones have fundamentally altered the way that we

interact with the world around us, giving us access to media as diverse as maps,

social networks, email, and games away from our computers. In this process,

telephones have transitioned from their traditional paradigm of one-to-one mass

media communication to many other modes, from one-to-many communications

like websites to many-to-many communications by way wikis or forums. This

theory described that people rely on cell phones to communicate, share, include

and validate. Although being able to contact others is one of the most liked

qualities of cellphones, being continuously available for others’ contact is also

one of its most disliked quality that badly affect their interpersonal relationship.

Over time the pressures will be recurring in nature and from this extreme

tendency, the relationship sustains. For instance, consider the point between

harmony and separation.

The outcomes of media usage depend on why and how they decided to

use the media. Therefore, there are two main components that discuss UG

Theory which are media that choose to be engaged and gratification that get

from the media. By explaining about UG Theory, mainly this theory works
operationally through the social and psychological needs for individual use media

to satisfy their needs and to achieve their goals. UG Theory is commonly used

to .1 Explain how the psychological and social needs of people give rise to their

expectations and motivations to choose and to use the mass media that will best

meet their expectation. 2 Explain how people use the media to meet their specific

needs, 3 Understand the motives for their dependency on a particular media, and
identify the consequences that resulted from the needs, motives and

dependency on a particular media.


A smart phone is a cellular telephone with an in integrating computer and

other features not originally assisted with telephone such as an operating

system, web, brewing and the ability to run, smart phones can be used by

individuals in both a consumer and a business context, and are now almost

integral everyday modern life



Questionnaire Proper using of

Effects of using Descriptive Method
Android smartphones Ranking Android smart
Percentage phones
Likert Scale
Weighted Mean

Based from the foregoing principle, the conceptual paradigm of the study

is formulated as shown in figure 2.

The input of the conceptual paradigm show that the findings of this study

is upheld with the view point of using android smart phones of Grade 12-GAS A

of Oas Polytechnic school towards the effects to their study.

As a process, the proponents made and used the descriptive method,

survey and this was also guided with the questionnaire to know the main effects

of using android smart phones to the students. Through the use also of ranking,

percentage, liker scale and weighted mean, the proponents will help them to gain

ideas and data from the study.

And as an output, is the Proper using of android smart phones of the

Grade 12-GAS A Students of Oas Polytechnic school

A. Internet and American Theory Effects of using android

B. Theory of Baxter and Simon smart phones to the

C. UG Theory of Elihu Katz Academic Performance of Grade

12-GAS A Students.

1. Alfawareh, H.M., and Jusoh S. (2014). Android smart phones usage

among university students:

2. Najran University case. International Journal of Academic Research, 6 (2).

321-326 July 31, 2019 (4:51 p.m.)

3. Burns and Lohenry (2010) Cellular Phone Use in Class: Implications for

teaching and learning a Pilot study. Sept. 2010 July 31, 2019 (4:53 p.m.)

4. Chandler-Olcott and Mahar (2003) Effects of android smart phones July

31, 2019 (5:58 p.m.) Dietz and Henrich (2014) “EFFECT OF STUDENT


(6:00 p.m.)

5. DO 70, s 1999 and DO 83, s 2003 (Prohibiting students of Elementary and

Secondary Schools from using Cellular Phones and Pagers During Class

Hours) July 31, 2019 (6:02 p.m.) Elder, A.D (2013). College students’

cellphone use, beliefs and effects on their learning . College student

Journal, 47(4). 585-592 July 31,2019 (6:05 p.m.)

6. Erin Schreiner (2018) “Effects of android smart phones on students” July

31, 2019 (6:12 p.m.)

7. Hanson, T.L., Drumheller, K., Mallard, J ., Mckee, C., and Schlegel, P.

(2012). Cellphones, text messaging and Facebook: Competing Tine

demand of today’s College students. College teaching, 59(1). 23-30.

August 1, 2019 (7:08 a.m.)

8. Heath Wright. Negative Effects of Cellphones on Education.

9. Hong, chiu and Hong (2012) The Relationship Between cellphone Use

and Academic Performance in a simple of U.S. College Students. August

1, 2019 (7:12 a.m.)

10. Hong, F, Y., Chiu, S.I., and Hong. D.H (2012) A Model of the relationship

between psychological characteristics, android smart phone addiction and

use of android smart phones by Taiwanese university female students.

11. Samaha and Hawi 2016. Relationships among mobilephone addiction,

stress, academic performance and satisfaction with life.

12. Sarwar and Soonaro 2013. Positive impact in Education Context.

13. Soyemi J, Oloruntoba, S.A and Okafor B (2015) Analysis of android smart

phone Impact on Student Academic Performance in Tertiary Institution.


This chapter discusses the research methodology and design used in

gathering and analyzing the data, the respondents, the questionnaire, the data

gathering tools, the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of

data. It shows the procedure of how the study was conducted.


The study is primarily descriptive type of research in which the

questionnaire was used in the data gathering. This method gave quantitative

description and analysis of circumstances and situations of the effects of using

android smart phones to the academic performance among the Grade 12 – GAS

a student of Oas Polytechnic School, Oas, Albay.


The respondents of the study are the fifthy- two (52) Grade 12- GAS A

students of Oas Polytechnic School, Oas, Albay.


The instrument used in gathering data is the questionnaire. The

questionnaire was composed of three parts which are concerned on the sub-

problems of the topic: The first part was the effects of using android smart

phones that are versioned by the Grade 12- GAS A students. The second part
was about the implications that affects their academic performance. And the third

part was about possible solutions to be developed to improve their self-esteem.


The researchers of the study randomly choose the sections of Grade 12-

GAS A students of Oas Polytechnic School to be their respondents. Before the

research proper was conducted, researchers prepared the questionnaires

together with approval of the principal and the research instructor.

The research questionnaires will be distributed personally to the

respondents and after a series of follow up, 100 percent retrieval will be attained.


The data gathering tools used in the study are:

Frequency Count



Weighted Mean

Likert Scale

In the interpretation and analysis of the data, the researcher used the

following tool:

Frequency Count- to record the reasons and scores the facilitate the result in

statistics from analysis and interpretation

Ranking- an orderly arrangement of the data from lowest to highest and vice


Percentage- to express the sizes of the figure in comparison to others. This will

explain and elaborate the meaning and interpretation of the response.


Where: P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Total Number of the Responds

Weighted Mean- used to determine the average of the data gathered.


F= Frequency

D= Deviation

N= Total Frequency

Likert Scale- a scale to give interpretation to the weighted mean of each item.

0= should be neglected

1-2.0= inconsiderable

1-3.0= needs further understanding

1-4.0= considerable

1-5.0= very considerable


The researchers presented the questionnaire that was been approved by

the researchers and their adviser. After the researcher’s having been cleared and

polished. This instrument submitted for the familiarization.

The research personally distributed the questionnaire to the 52 students of

OPS engaged in using android smart phones.


The following statistical tools were used in the analysis of date: Frequency

Distribution. This was used in organizing the scores, which facilitated statistical


1. Mc Lead, S.A. (2019, August 03) Likert Scale. Simply Psychology.

October 17, 2019 (7:22 a.m.)

2. Terr, David. “Weighted Mean” . From Math World---A Wolfram Resource,

created by Eric W. Weinsten. October 17, 2019 (7:27 a.m.)

3. Weinstein, Eric W. “: Percent” . From Math World---A Wolfram Web


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