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Butuan City

A Case Study on Baan’s Accident Prone Highway

Baan Km.3 Butuan City








Immersion 216- Inquiries Investigation and Immersion


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………...……………………………………1
Executive Summary

The purpose of this case study is to investigate the so called Death road of Baan Km 3. To be
exact the area between Mazda and Filenvest Butuan. We the researchers want to know why the
area is prone to accidents. We know that the barangay council have already made precautions
towards the matter but it has become to no effect at all sometimes it is even the reason for some
accidents. Precautions they have done is first signage that indicates that this area is accident prone
then they put up plastic barriers which have caused minor accidents then there was the modification
of the roads. Despite this new tools accidents still continues on the road.

Km.3 Baan is Known to be one of the developing Barangays of butuan it position in the east side
of Butuan have made it a new playground for investors to Build up new branches or infrastructure.
There are already many reports involving the road for the past few years this include the incident
of involving one of the Teachers of BP. Pueblos and also the incident of Late Reverend Fr. Ruel
U. Griar and Nine other people where six of which including Fr. Griar have died, The incident
happened exactly at the area between Mazda and Filinvest when a speeding Vehicle hit the back
of the SUV Fr. Griar was driving making it spin around and killing the people inside. The tragic
incident and story of Fr. Griar is just one of many reported incident involving the Death Road of
Km. 3 Baan. This study aims to investigate as to what are the reasons to all these accidents so that
future readers will understand and hopefully learn the reasons of the death road.

Overspeeding is a common cause of death and injury in Baan Km3, Butuan City. According to the
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding remains the number
one factor in more than 25% of fatal accidents each year. This year, many people die, but the
number of deaths and injuries is uncountable. It is the leading cause of death among adolescents
and young people. As time passes, the vehicle continues, and the number of everyday road
accidents increases.

Butuan City is the regional city of the Caraga Region. It is composed of 86 barangay and is one of
the most prone to road accidents in the region. Speeding, driver error, drunk driving, and road
conditions are the leading risk factors for road crashes in the city. The lack of studies and research
and records of road accidents is the reason why the number of accidents is not decreasing each
year. Another reason is there is very little effort in terms of time and budget that the local
government allocates toward improving road safety in the city. There were no traffic signals, no
strict regulation of motor vehicles, no speed limit, and no overpass bridge, which were all major
issues that required immediate action.

Many fatal pedestrian accidents occur at road crossings and are faulted by a breakdown in
communication between pedestrians and drivers. As a result, it is critical to research how types of
communication in traffic, such as eye contact, affect crossing decisions. Over 50% of traffic-
related casualties occur worldwide to vulnerable road users like pedestrians (World Health
Organization, 2020). The majority of pedestrian deaths take place away from intersections in urban
areas (Administration, 2020, SWOV., 2020). A possible cause of these casualties is a breakdown
in communication with other road users such as car drivers (European Road Safety Observatory,
2018). Färber (2016) noted that road users communicate via informal means, such as eye contact,
in addition to relying on formal traffic rules. This tragic death and injury is a public health issue
that requires immediate action. A public problem that cannot be stopped, but can be lessened and
prevented. The purpose of this study is to fill the gap of knowledge and identify the risk factors of
road accidents in Baan Km3. This helps identify and improving the city's understanding of road
safety awareness among drivers, commuters, and local transportation organizations. And also Find
possible solutions to the problem such as suggestions from the Barangay officials. Road accidents
are a cause of concern for the city. They have negative effects on people, families, and
communities, as well as the government. Traffic accidents are a complicated issue that affects not
only lives, but also, very often, human resources, public orders, and enormous quantities of private
and public property.

The researchers have interviewed five (5) citizens within the area of Baan Km. 3, Butuan City.
Through the open-ended questioning technique, the researchers were able to collect each selected
participants’ responses with regards to the alarming vehicular accidents on Baan’s crossroads. The
gathered responses were then converted into a proper set of data. This is to identify the root or the
common cause of the casualties and to provide imposable recommendations and solutions. All five
(5) participants confirmed to have witnessed such accidents, noting that the most common vehicle
involved in the matter are motorcycles and private services. The number of casualties that have
occurred within this year alone is reportedly ‘uncountable’, as to what most of the participants
mentioned – with major reasons and causes such as drunk driving, over speeding, and overtaking
in the wrong lane. These unfit and obstructive causes are greatly affecting the citizens who have
had no other choice than to cross the six-lane street of Baan Km. 3. Senior citizens and students
who regularly cross the road for basic purposes are growing more cautious and alarmed as the
accident rate keeps getting higher. According to some of the respondents, they either witness or
acquire news of fresh road accidents at least once in a month, if not with intervals. Meanwhile,
one participant stated the positive side to this issue; accordingly, people around the area are being
more cautious and are aware of the matter. Although this have increased the level of stress and
anxiety, it is — accordingly, a positive effect that instilled the citizens' awareness and careful
actions. The location suited this study for its relevant and precise motive. Baan Km 3. is notorious
for its hazardous wide road which is prominently one of the main factors that has caused the
accidents. Vehicle drivers always take advantage of the six-lane highway as it is free from
obstructive space. Whether these drivers may be under the influence of alcohol or not, their driving
speed is what concerns the citizens the most, taking that the road is free from limited space and
close buildings. With these reckless and carefree actions, such casualties are afflicting the
pedestrians as well as other drivers and passengers.

As we can see in the graphs we can safely say that accidents along the Km3 Baan Highway is
rampant. Every respondent we have interviewed had a story about incidents on the road. On the
second graph is the number of accidents they have witnessed or known of during this year and
with the percentage of uncountable meaning too many too count or the respondent cannot give an
exact number we can see why this case study is needed to be done and further be investigated.

This are the graphs for us to know the questions who and why, why did the accidents occurred and
who are responsible and involved. On the first graph we can see that Over speeding, Drunk Driving
and Overtaking are the common cause for accidents along the highway. And on the second graph
we can safely say that the type of vehicle commonly involved in the accidents are Cars.

The researchers have scan trough the data that they have received from the respondents during
the interview. They have determined that the Km3 Baan Highway is a place for accidents. The
researcher have noted that one of the major reasons as to why there are many vehicular accidents
along the highway is mostly because of Humans themselves especially the Drivers we can also
safely determine that the accidents are due to Human incompetency and not because of the

The Barangay Officials

The Barangay officials of Km3 Baan are doing initiatives in making sure that accidents are
evaded in the area they believe that this has come Futile considering the Huge amount of
accidents on the road but the Brgy. Officials have also planned out solutions for the Highway
that they have shared with the researchers.

Overpass - Is to provide safe road crossings for pedestrians by helping them to avoid conflicts
with motor vehicles. Overpass have been a huge help in avoiding accidents like side sweeps and
run overs of pedestrians. The Officials of Km.3 Baan believe that this is one of the solutions for
their Barangay. But because of the lack of budget this has just yet to be realized by our city.

Center Island - It is used mainly to protect pedestrians and to divide the roads. For the officials
of Km.3 baan they believe that the center Island solution is a good one since if constructed
pedestrians will be now more at ease and Vehicles will now avoid overtaking. But this was not
approved by city stating that the highway does not qualify for a center Island.

To The Drivers

The drivers must also be checked from time to time considering That Km3 Baan’s road is a
highway we can say that many vehicles pass there every day. The Drivers must be also checked if
they are legible for driving. Checkpoints must be implemented to so that drunk or unstable drivers
will be filtered out before entering the highway. But the most practical solution is to make sure
that all drivers are educated properly in Driving the etiquette’s on the road and how to drive safely
not just for him but also the people around him.

During the start of the study the researcher wants to know the why who and how around the
accidents on the Km3 Baan Highway. As the researchers investigate they have determined that
most of the accidents are cost by Human mistakes both the driver and sometimes the locals. The
cases of road accidents involving pedestrians and vehicle drivers are concerning the individuals of
Baan Km. 3 which is greatly affecting their means of using the highway as to their necessities.
This matter is continuously challenging the pedestrians and the drivers themselves to which
infrastructure proposal is a sufficient and effective solution. During the in-depth interview, the
respondents expressed their preference for the managing authorities to provide the appropriate and
essential solution to the problem, taking into account that most of the afflicted persons are the
pedestrians. Drivers themselves do have the responsibility to be aware of their actions and behavior
in the midst and before driving; as well as the pedestrians who should consider to be more cautious
and alert. The researchers also formulated solutions to the problem with the help of the barangay
officials like the footbridge or Overpass and also the Center Island but we believe that the best
way to avoid further accident is to always be cautious and to the driver be professional and have
manner in driving.

1. Have you witnessed any vehicular accidents in this area? Person A: yes, 1 time Person B: yes Person C:
yes Person D: yes Person E: yes

2. How many accidents have happened in this area within this year? Person A: 3 Person B: uncountable
Person C: uncountable Person D: 3 Person E: 10

3. What are the common causes of casualties? Person A: over speeding, overtaking Person B: drunk
drivers Person C: over speeding, drunk drivers Person D: overtaking Person E: side-swift

4. What type of vehicles are commonly involved in the accidents? Person A: SUV, motorcycle Person B:
motorcycle, service vehicles Person C: motorcycle (single-motor) Person D: private vehicles Person E:
motorcycle (single-motor)

5. How does this matter affect you as a citizen in this area? Person A: positive; it raised awareness and
sent a precocious message to the citizens, negative; people from outside of the area are still clueless of
the hazardous matter Person B: citizens, particularly parents and children – are scared and alarmed
Person C: citizens, particularly parents and children – are scared and alarmed Person D: it affected the
senior citizens who have become more cautious and are greatly alarmed Person E: some are becoming
more cautious while others simply care less
Pictures with the Participants of the interview
References 12

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