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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the

instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Learning Area:
DLP No.: Grade Quarter: Duration: Date:

Learning Competency/ies: Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to Code:
support life
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) S11/12ES-Ia-b-3

Key Concepts / Understandings to 1. The uniqueness of Earth, being only planet in the solar system with properties necessary to support
be Developed 2. (properties(water, oxygen etc.) making Earth unique)***
Adapted Cognitive Process
Knowledge Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015)
The fact or
condition of knowing Identify the characteristics of planet Earth necessary to support life which make it unique from
Remembering other planets.
something with familiarity
gained through experience
or association The ability Applying
and capacity acquired through
deliberate, systematic, and Analyzing Differentiate the unique characteristics of planet Earth from its neighbouring planets.
sustained effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming Creating
from one's knowledge, practice,
aptitude, etc., to do something
Attitude Valuing Demonstrate responsibility in conserving the unique characteristicS of Earth necessary to
support life.
Values Valuing Join in protecting the unique characteristics of Earth necessary to support life.
Teaching Guide for Senior High School
3. Learning Resources EARTH SCIENCE; Lesson 4: The Universe and Solar System pp. 1 - 10
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Ask the learners the four-letter word that describes the following images. Ask volunteer to answer the puzzle.

How is the word "LIFE" related to our

topic for today?

5 minutes

4.2 Activity Activity 1: Compare and Contrast the Planets based on the pictures :Think-Pair-Share
Give the similarity and difference between the three terrestrial planets as shown in the picture. Ask volunteer pair to
orally discussed their findings. (Note: This picture will be shown in the slide and in the activity sheets)

Venus, Earth, and Mars. Images from NASA

Activity 2: Collaborative Work. Compare and Contrast the Planets based on its Chemical and Physical Properties.
Ask the learners to go to their respective group and perform the activity as indicated in the slide Table 1. Table 1:
Comparison of the features of Venus, Earth, and Mars. (Please see Attachment for this table)
Explain first the difficult words indicated in the Table before the learners perform the activity.
After the task, ask a representative from each group to present their observations.
Activity 1: Compare and Contrast the Planets based on the pictures :Think-Pair-Share
Give the similarity and difference between the three terrestrial planets as shown in the picture. Ask volunteer pair to
orally discussed their findings. (Note: This picture will be shown in the slide and in the activity sheets)

20 minutes
Venus, Earth, and Mars. Images from NASA
Activity 2: Collaborative Work. Compare and Contrast the Planets based on its Chemical and Physical Properties.
Ask the learners to go to their respective group and perform the activity as indicated in the slide Table 1. Table 1:
Comparison of the features of Venus, Earth, and Mars. (Please see Attachment for this table)
Explain first the difficult words indicated in the Table before the learners perform the activity.
After the task, ask a representative from each group to present their observations.
4.3 Analysis Ask the learners the following questions by soliciting volunteers to answer each questions:
What must be the characteristics of a planet to make it habitable?
Among the three planets you have compared and contrasted, which one is habitable? Why?
10 minutes Why is our planet Earth unique among from the other terrestrial planets?
How will you preserve the unique characteristics of our planet Earth?

*The teacher will provide a copy of Table 2 - "Factors that Make a Planet Habitable" to each of the group and ask
them to read the document carefully and compare their answers they have given at the start of the activity.
*Discuss Table 2 - "Factors that Make a Planet Habitable" using a powerpoint presentation.
4.4 Abstraction *Ask the learner their previous knowledge of the other terrestrial planets' characteristics if they can support life.
* Let the learners' recognize the unique characterisitics of Earth which differentiate it among other planets by reading
aloud the Electronic-book " Earth and Life Science Pro Quexbook".

The properties necessary to support life are:

1. Liquid water on the surface which is 70% of Earth's surface. It is a superb solvent that other substances regularly
and easily dissolve into it. This allows water to carry nutrients to cells, and carry wastes away from them.
2. Plate Tectonics is vital for a world to host life - that is, a planet whose shell is broken up into plates that constantly
move around. Plates cover the entire Earth, and their boundaries play an important role in geologic happenings.
3. Atmosphere: consist of ozone layer, contains 21% oxygen, 78%nitrogen and 1% argon. Ozone layer blocks some
of the Sun's dangerous rays from reaching the Earth. These three main gases traps the heat from reradiating back to
the outerspace, making the Earth a comfortable temperature. The amount of oxygen is enough not to create fire
which is very essential to animals.
There are still many properties that are not mentioned, teacher must not limit the number of properties, but rather
30 minutes engage learners into the effective discussion.
Properties might also be in some planets, but earth is said to be unique, that no other planet is like Earth. (This is just
what we may be known, for now.)
Emphasize to the class that we should join and demonstrate responsibility in conserving the unique characteristics of
our planet Earth. Ask volunteers to give their opinions on how to conserve out mother Earth.

Interstellar Crash Landing (National Science Foundation, n.d.,)

4.5 Application (

Ask the students to imagine themselves in an interstellar voyage. Their spaceship suffers mechanical problems and
will be forced to land. Fortunately they are passing through the Yanib System , which is composed of a sun-like star
surrounded by seven planets, some of which have moons . The profiles of planets and moons of the Yanib System
are listed on Table 3 (Each group shall be provided with a copy of Table 3). Students are to decide the best place to
land their ship.
Students will present their output creatively using the following differentiated intructions:
Group 1 & 2: Poem (To be read alound in the class)
Group 3 & 4: Draw in a manila paper (Show to the class their drawing and explain)
35 minutes Group 4 & 5: Role Play
Group 7: News Reporting (Prepare a visual Aid)
Creativity = 15 points
Group Collaboration = 15 points
Accuracy of Presentation = 20 points
50 points

4.6 Assessment This is a Think-Pair-Share Assessment:

Using the Android Phone Application: Earth & Life Pro, answer the test "QUEX" in
Anlysis of Learners' Chapter I. Origin and Structure of Earth, Learning Essential 1.3, Level 1 & 2.
10 minutes Products Note: The student cannot proceed to Level 2 if the score of level 1 is below 8.
4.7 Assignment
EARTH. Join at least 2 activities and make a narrative report. Make sure that you take a
picture before, during and after each activity. Note: As 1 Set, you may adopt 1 Purok and
help maintain the cleanliness, orderliness and make it green for a period of 2 months.
Enriching / inspiring the  SCORING RUBRICS:
5 minutes day’s lesson Organization of thoughts = 10 points
Grammar/Sentence Construction = 10 points
Content Integration = 10 points
Relevance to the topic = 10 points
TOTAL = 40 points

4.8 Concluding Activity "EARTH" the only known planet with characteristics necessary to support life even if cosmologists, astronomers and
other scientists exerts their efforts and intelligence in finding a planet similar to Earth. We will never know if these
5 minutes scientists can find other planet similar to us in the future, thus, as of today, We the inhabitants of Earth should start
loving our planet and start preserving its unique characteristics before its too late.

5.      Remarks
6.      Reflections
C.   Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
A.  No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
the lesson.

B.   No. of learners who require additional activities

D.  No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
for remediation.
E.   Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F.   What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G.  What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Number: 09338130104 Email address:
"Factors that Make a Planet Habitable"
(Please refer to the data of the EARTH as the basis of livable planet)

The properties necessary to support life are:

1. Liquid water on the surface which is 70% of Earth's surface. It is a superb solvent that other substances
regularly and easily dissolve into it. This allows water to carry nutrients to cells, and carry wastes away from

2. Plate Tectonics is vital for a world to host life - that is, a planet whose shell is broken up into plates that
constantly move around. Plates cover the entire Earth, and their boundaries play an important role in geologic

3. Atmosphere: consist of ozone layer, contains 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1% argon. Ozone layer
blocks some of the Sun's dangerous rays from reaching the Earth. These three main gases traps the heat from
reradiating back to the outerspace, making the Earth a comfortable temperature. The amount of oxygen is
enough not to create fire which is very essential to animals.


Earth has the following:
* the existence of water at the Earth's surface - neither too much nor too little - that is in liquid form.
* proximity to the sun - neither too much heat nor too little.
*system of plate tectonics that enables the carbon-silicate cycle regulating temperature.
* the right size - large enough to hang on to its temperature, but not so large to hold on to too much
atmosphre and consequently too much heat.
*its protection by "big brother Jupiter," whose gravity helps divert and vacuum up incoming debris and keep
Earth safe.
*the only moon and it's stabilizing effect on our planetary rotation, which prevents the poles from shifting

Ask the students to imagine themselves in an interstellar voyage. Their spaceship suffers mechanical problems and
will be forced to land. Fortunately they are passing through the Yanib System , which is composed of a sun-like star
surrounded by seven planets, some of which have moons . The profiles of planets and moons of the Yanib System are
listed on Table 3 (Each group shall be provided with a copy of Table 3). Students are to decide the best place to land
their ship.
Students will present their output creatively using the following differentiated intructions:
Group 1 & 2: Poem (To be read alound in the class)
Group 3 & 4: Draw in a manila paper (Show to the class their drawing and explain)
Group 4 & 5: Role Play
Group 7: News Reporting (Prepare a visual Aid)

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