Action Research

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Types and Varieties of action research

1. Individualized Action Research

 Single classroom issue
 Supervisor, co-teacher/s, parents
 Instruction, assessment
2. Collaborative Action Research
 Single issue or a common problem
 Supervisor, community, parents, organization
 Instruction, assessment, policy
3. School-Wide Action Research
 School problem or area of collective interest
 School commitment, leadership, partners
 School restructuring, policy change, program evaluation
4. District-Wide Action Research
 District issue or organizational structure concerns
 District commitment, leadership partners
 Allocation of resources, policy change, structure evaluation

Varieties of Action Research

1. Diagnostic: researcher steps into an existing problem and diagnoses the situation.
2. Participatory: data is used to make recommendations for the resolution of the problem.
3. Empirical: conclusion are exclusively derived from concrete, verifiable evidence.
4. Experimental: conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of variables and a hypothesis.

Action Research vs. Formal Research

Action Research Formal Research

Goal Solve problems of local Develop and test theories for
concerns wide population
Sources of data Opinions of researcher are Opinions of researcher are NOT
considered as data considered as data
Sampling Technique Purposive samples Random samples with large
Research Design Flexible, quick time frame Rigorous, done over long
Application of Results Practical significance Theoretical significance
Output Driven by intervention Driven by results, hypothesis-
testing, and findings
Conclusion Covers only specific context and Entails general truth and
locale universal knowledge and
Recommendations Stated in one statement or brief Horizontal mapping with
paragraph findings, conclusion ls, and SOP

Action Research Models and Paradigm

1. Action Research Interacting Spiral (Ernest)
2. Lewin’s Action Research Spiral (Mertler, 2009)
3. Calhoun’s Action Research Cycle (Emily F. Calhoun, 1994)
4. Bachman’s Action Research Cycle (Lorenz Bachman, 2001)
5. Piggot-Irvine’s Action Research Model
6. Action Research ( Eileen Ferrance)
7. Action Research Spiral (Kemmis & Mctaggart)
8. Susman’s action research Model
9. Action Research Process (Henderson, et. Al, 2012)

Action Research Processes and Procedures

1. Identify the problem

2. Define intervention
3. Apply intervention and collect data
4. Analyze data and findings
5. Take action based on results
6. Share findings

Research Proposal vs. Research Report

Research Research
Proposal Report
Communicates Communicates
Plan for study Results and
what was done
States what will States the
be done analysis of data,
and conclusions
Denotes future Denotes past
actions actions
Both use third person pronounce
to maintain formality of the paper

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