How To Get Rid of Dizziness - Medications and Remedies

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5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Medications and remedies for

Medically reviewed by Suzanne Falck, M.D., FACP — Written by Amber Colyer on August
21, 2017

Medications Lifestyle changes When to see a doctor Causes


Dizziness can mean different things to different people

and can be caused by multiple reasons or situations.

Some people describe dizziness as feeling lightheaded, while some say it

is a feeling of movement, either of themselves or the world around them.
Another group might say dizziness is a feeling of being unbalanced, while
others may have trouble describing it as anything other than plain

Some of those who experience dizziness have accompanying nausea,

vomiting, or a sense that they might faint.

Dizziness is not a disease or condition in its own right, but rather a

symptom of another issue affecting someone.

Dizziness often goes away over time. In some cases, however, dizziness
will not resolve on its own. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to treat it.

A doctor will take into account what is producing the symptom and then
suggest treatments that can include medications, therapies, lifestyle
changes, or even surgery.

Fast facts on dizziness and how to get rid of it: 

5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Dizziness can be gradual, sudden, and have various

causes. If it is severe or lasts for longer than a week,
someone should see a doctor.
Dizziness can be treated with medication.
Dizziness is sometimes caused by dehydration. Drinking
water can help alleviate it in many cases
Dizziness can often get better without treatment.



5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Dizziness may have many potential causes. Determining the root cause may help to
establish the best treatment options.

Most of the time, no medication is needed, but there are some drugs that
can be used to treat the underlying causes of dizziness. Depending on
the cause, these can include:

anti-anxiety medications, when dizziness is caused by panic

disorders or by mental health issues

anticholinergic drugs or antihistamines, which may reduce dizziness

or offer relief from vertigo

medications for migraines, if the dizziness is linked to migraines

Each of these medications can treat an underlying cause of dizziness,

such as fluid buildup in the ear, anxiety, the side effects from a particular
drug, or other reasons. Lifestyle changes or a further visit to the doctor
may be necessary if these treatments do not help alleviate the dizziness.

Lifestyle changes

Acupuncture is one Apossible treatment
DVERTISEM ENT that may help relieve dizziness. 3/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

If medication is not helping to treat dizziness, an individual may need to

try some lifestyle changes.

These changes could be as simple as drinking more water or other non-

alcoholic liquid to keep well-hydrated, or lying down when feeling dizzy.

Steps people can take to relieve dizziness include:

lying down and closing the eyes


drinking plenty of water and keeping hydrated

reducing stress plus alcohol and tobacco intake

getting plenty of sleep

There are several therapeutic approaches that can also be used to help
relieve dizziness, such as head position maneuvers, balance therapy, or

Head position maneuvers: A method called the Epley maneuver

may help with feelings of dizziness. It involves moving the position
of the head in specific ways to reposition small calcium crystals that
are causing the dizziness. People should discuss the approach with
a doctor before using it.

Balance therapy: There are several exercises that people can do to

train their bodies to become less sensitive to movement. These can
help if dizziness is caused by a problem with the inner ear.

Psychotherapy: If someone has dizziness that is related to an

anxiety disorder, psychotherapy may help them to relieve this

A lifestyle change can be simple yet make a huge difference in reducing


5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

When to see a doctor

Someone with dizziness that does not resolve on its own after at least a
week should see a doctor immediately.

According to a paper in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery &

Psychiatry, “The clinician’s first job is to sort out whether the dizzy patient
is having attacks of vertigo, or attacks of some other paroxysmal

Because dizziness is sometimes a symptom of a bigger issue, it is

important for a doctor to diagnose the problem if the dizziness does not
fade or become more manageable.

A doctor should be seen if the person experiences:

persistent or severe headaches or migraines

falling over regularly or a struggle when walking

frequent or ongoing vomiting and nausea

loss of consciousness
shortness of breath or a struggle breathing

any head injury

a severely stiff neck


If the dizziness is ongoing, frequent or severe, a doctor should be seen



Causes 5/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

When trying to get rid of dizziness, it is important to remember that it is a

symptom of another issue and not a medical disorder in itself.

Drinking water and staying hydrated can help to prevent dizziness, as dehydration may
cause dizziness.

Dizziness can be caused by a wide variety of different factors, such as:

consuming alcohol

benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

low blood pressure

low blood sugar



panic disorder or panic attacks

middle ear infection

motion sickness

Meniere’s disease

an inflammation of the inner ear called labyrinthitis 6/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

There are many other instances and underlying causes of dizziness.

Certain medications can also cause dizziness as a side effect. People

should always check the side effects of any medications they are taking
to see if they may lead to dizziness.


Vertigo causes a similar feeling to dizziness but is a standalone condition.

A person experiencing vertigo will feel like the environment around them
is moving or spinning. Dizziness is a sensation while vertigo is the illusion
of movement.

When someone feels as though they are moving in a similar manner, it is

called subjective vertigo.

Diagnosing dizziness is often straightforward. Doctors will check to see if
the person feels disorientated, woozy, or unbalanced. They will then look
for other symptoms before checking for the underlying cause of the
dizziness. A doctor will try to narrow down what is causing the dizziness
so that they can treat that condition.

The doctor will ask a series of questions about when the dizziness began
and other symptoms a person may have experienced.

They might then decide to check the inner ear, blood pressure, and other
physical characteristics of the person, to make sure they are hydrated,
their blood sugar is at a healthy level, and to check for other possible
causes of the dizziness.

Once the doctor has decided about the probable cause of the dizziness,
they will be able to suggest a treatment plan for the individual.

Last medically reviewed on August 21, 2017

5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Neurology / Neuroscience Pharmacy / Pharmacist Psychology / Psychiatry

Rehabilitation / Physical Therapy

 6 sources

 v  FEEDBACK: 

Everything you need to know about

Medically reviewed by Meredith Goodwin, MD, FAAFP — Written by Markus
MacGill on January 6, 2022

What is vertigo? Symptoms How long it lasts Causes

In pregnancy Is it hereditary? Treatment Home remedies
Exercises Types Diagnosis Summary

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A person with vertigo experiences a sense of spinning

and dizziness. Vertigo is a symptom of a range of
conditions. It can happen when there is a problem with
the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway.

Dizziness, including vertigo, can happen at any age, but it is common in

people aged 65 years  or over.

People may experience vertigo temporarily or long term. It can occur

during pregnancy or as a symptom of an ear infection. People with an
inner ear disorder, such as Ménière’s disease, sometimes also experience

Keep reading to learn more about vertigo, including the various potential
causes, treatments, and some useful exercises.
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

What is vertigo?

Science Photo Library – VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Getty Images

Vertigo is a common sensation  of spinning dizziness. A person may feel

as though the room or surrounding environment is spinning in circles
around them. Many people use the term to describe a fear of heights, but
this is inaccurate.

Vertigo can happen when a person looks down from a great height, but
the actual term vertigo usually refers to any temporary or ongoing spells
of dizziness due to problems in the inner ear or brain.


Vertigo is not an illness but a symptom of an underlying condition. Many

different conditions can cause vertigo. 9/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

A person with vertigo feels as though their head or the space around
them is moving or spinning .

Vertigo is a symptom, but it can also lead to or occur alongside other


These may include:

balance problems


a sense of motion sickness

nausea and vomiting

ringing in the ear, called tinnitus

a feeling of fullness in the ear


nystagmus, where the eyes move uncontrollably, usually from side

to side

How long does vertigo last?

Vertigo can last for varying amounts of time , from just a few seconds to 
several days, depending on the underlying cause. Most often, it lasts a
couple of seconds or minutes. 10/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Various conditions can lead to vertigo, which usually involves either an
imbalance in the inner ear or a problem with the central nervous system

Conditions that can lead to vertigo include the following.


This disorder can happen  when an infection causes inflammation of the

inner ear labyrinth. Within this area is the vestibulocochlear nerve.

This nerve sends information to the brain about head motion, position,
and sound.

Apart from dizziness with vertigo, a person with labyrinthitis may

experience hearing loss, tinnitus, headaches, ear pain, and vision

Learn more about labyrinthitis here.

Vestibular neuritis

An infection causes vestibular neuritis , which is inflammation of the

vestibular nerve. It is similar to labyrinthitis but does not affect a person’s
hearing. Vestibular neuritis causes vertigo that may accompany blurred
vision, severe nausea, or a feeling of being off-balance.

Find out more about vestibular neuritis here.


This noncancerous skin growth develops in the middle ear, usually due to
repeated infection. As it grows behind the eardrum, it can damage the
middle ear’s bony structures, leading to hearing loss and dizziness.

Learn more about cholesteatoma here. 11/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Ménière’s disease

This disease causes a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, which can lead to
attacks of vertigo with ringing in the ears and hearing loss. It tends to be
more common in people between 40–60 years old .

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

estimates  that 615,000 people in the United States currently have a
diagnosis of Ménière’s disease, with doctors diagnosing about 45,500
new cases annually.

The exact cause is unclear, but it may stem from blood vessel
constriction, a viral infection, or an autoimmune reaction. There may also
be a genetic component, meaning that it runs in some families.

Find out more about Ménière’s disease here.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

The otolith organs are structures within the inner ear that contain fluid and
particles of calcium carbonate crystals.

In BPPV, these crystals become dislodged and fall into the semicircular
canals. There, each fallen crystal touches sensory hair cells during

As a result, the brain receives inaccurate information about a person’s

position, and spinning dizziness occurs. People typically experience
periods of vertigo that last less than 60 seconds, but nausea and other
symptoms may also arise.

Learn more about BPPV here.

Other factors

Vertigo can also occur with:

migraine headaches

a head injury 12/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

ear surgery

perilymphatic fistula, when inner ear fluid leaks into the middle ear
due to a tear in either of the two membranes between the middle
ear and inner ear

shingles in or around the ear — herpes zoster oticus

otosclerosis, when a middle ear bone growth problem leads to
hearing loss

ataxia, which is the result of muscle weakness

a stroke or a transient ischemic attack, which people sometimes
refer to as a ministroke

cerebellar or brain stem disease

acoustic neuroma, which is a benign growth that develops on the
vestibulocochlear nerve near the inner ear
multiple sclerosis

Vertigo in pregnancy
Nausea and dizziness are usual problems during pregnancy. Hormonal
changes appear to play a role, as they affect the characteristics of the
fluid in the body and cause blood vessels to relax and widen.

These changes increase the blood flow to the developing baby, but they
also mean a slow return of blood in the veins to the rest of the body. As a
result, an individual’s blood pressure is lower than usual, which reduces
blood flow to the brain. This can cause temporary dizziness.

Changes in fluid characteristics in the inner ear can lead to symptoms

such as:

instability with loss of balance

tinnitus andA Dhearing difficulties

a feeling of fullness in the ear 13/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Low blood sugar in pregnancy can also lead to dizziness. People who are
anemic may be more prone to dizziness than others.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes bring about alterations  in the

inner ear. These can cause issues with balance and symptoms of nausea
and dizziness. Changes in body weight and posture during pregnancy
may also contribute to balance problems.

In a 2017 review  involving four case studies, the authors suggest that
hormonal changes may lead to BPPV during pregnancy. Estrogen,
specifically, may also play a role.

Is it hereditary?
Vertigo itself is not necessarily hereditary. However, it could be a
symptom of various hereditary conditions and syndromes. Therefore, a
doctor may ask a person with vertigo about their family medical history.

Scientists have recently discovered six gene variants  they associate

with vertigo. These genes play a role in inner ear development,
maintenance, and problems.

Examples of conditions that can trigger vertigo and appear to involve

genetic factors include:

familial episodic ataxia

migrainous vertigo 14/24
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bilateral vestibular hypofunction

familial Ménière’s disease

Vestibular migraine can involve vertigo. Find out more about this
condition here.


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Some types of vertigo resolve on their own, but a person may need
treatment for an underlying issue.

A doctor may, for example, prescribe antibiotics for a bacterial infection or

antiviral drugs for shingles.

Medications are available that can relieve some symptoms. These drugs
include antihistamines and antiemetics to reduce motion sickness and

An individual may need surgery if other treatments do not help. If

someone has BPPV or acoustic neuroma, doctors may recommend

Antihistamines are available over the counter or to purchase online. 


Treating Ménière’s disease 15/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

A doctor may prescribe medication for people with Ménière’s disease.

These may include  meclizine, glycopyrrolate, or lorazepam, which can
help relieve dizziness due to this condition.

Other options include:

limiting sodium intake and using diuretic therapy to reduce fluid


trying pressure pulse treatment, which involves fitting a device to

the ear

having a doctor inject antibiotics or corticosteroids into the middle

avoiding caffeine, chocolate, and alcohol and not smoking tobacco

Home remedies
Individuals can take measures at home to help resolve vertigo and limit its

Lifestyle changes

Steps that can help reduce the effects of vertigo include:

lying still in a quiet, dark room when the spinning is severe 

sitting down as soon as the feeling of dizziness appears 16/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

taking extra time to perform movements that trigger symptoms, such

as getting up, looking upward, or turning the head
squatting instead of bending over to pick something up

using a cane when walking

sleeping with the head raised on two or more pillows

making adaptations in the home

turning on lights when getting up at night to help prevent falls

Anyone who experiences vertigo or other types of dizziness should not

drive or use ladders.

Herbal remedies

Some herbal solutions may help improve symptoms. These include:

cayenne pepper

Ginkgo biloba


There is not enough evidence to confirm that herbal remedies can relieve
vertigo. However, a clinical trial is currently underway to investigate the
effects of Gongjin-dan.

A 2015 study  found that 30 minutes of acupuncture helped reduce

symptoms in 60 people who visited an emergency department with
dizziness and vertigo. However, more research is necessary to confirm
the effectiveness of this treatment method.

People should ask their doctor before using any alternative treatments.
They should also consult a doctor if vertigo starts suddenly or worsens, as
they may need treatment for an underlying condition.

Learn more about home remedies for vertigo. 17/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Exercises can help relieve symptoms in some cases.

The Epley maneuver for BPPV

A technique known as the Epley maneuver  can help some people with
vertigo that stems from BPPV.

It aims to move calcium carbonate particles from the semicircular canals

back to the otolith organs of the vestibule, where they are less likely to
cause symptoms in the inner ear.

For BPPV involving the left inner ear:

1. Sit on a bed and place a pillow behind the body where the
shoulders will be while lying down.

2. Rotate the head 45 degrees to the left.

3. Keeping the head in position, lie down on the back with the
shoulders on the pillow so that the head tilts back slightly and
touches the bed. Hold for 30 seconds.
4. Rotate the head to the right by 90 degrees and hold for 30 seconds.

5. Turn the body and head, in their current positions, 90 degrees to the
right. Hold for 30 seconds.

6. Slowly sit up and lower the legs on the right-hand side of the bed.
7. Hold for a couple of minutes while the inner ear makes adjustments.


5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies


There are different types  of vertigo, which vary in their cause.

Peripheral vertigo

This type of vertigo accounts for about 80% of cases. Peripheral vertigo
usually results from problems in the inner ear.

Tiny organs in the inner ear respond to gravity and the person’s position
by sending messages via nerve signals to the brain. This process enables
people to keep their balance when they stand up.

Changes to this system can produce vertigo. BPPV and inflammation are
common causes. Other causes include Ménière’s disease and acoustic
neuroma, among others.

Central vertigo

Central vertigo relates to problems with the CNS. It usually stems from a
problem in a part of the brain stem or cerebellum. Approximately 20% of
cases are of this type. 
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Possible causes include vestibular migraine, demyelination, and tumors

involving the affected CNS region or regions.

A problem with the cervical spine can also lead to vertigo. Learn more

A doctor needs to determine the underlying cause of the dizziness.
Therefore, they may carry out a physical examination, ask the person how
their dizziness makes them feel, and take their medical history.

The doctor may also carry out some simple tests, including:

Romberg’s test : The doctor asks the person to stand with their
arms by their sides and feet together, then to close their eyes. If the
person then becomes unsteady, this could signal a CNS problem.

Fukuda-Unterberger’s test : The doctor asks the person to march

on the spot for 30 seconds with their eyes closed. If they rotate to
one side, this may indicate a lesion in the inner ear labyrinth, which
could cause peripheral vertigo.

Depending on the results of these and other tests, the doctor may
recommend a head CT or MRI scan to obtain more details.


Q: 20/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

I am 64 years old, and I have recently started feeling dizzy and

sick all of the time. I have had tests on my ears, but the doctors
have not found anything. I am a gardener, but I am finding it hard
to work or do my daily tasks. What could it be, and what can I do?

The cause of your dizziness may take time to figure out. There
could be multiple contributing factors, such as aging, dehydration,
environmental factors, or an underlying medical disorder.

Keeping a journal may help you pinpoint certain times or

situations during which you experience symptoms of dizziness.
Journaling details about the surrounding environment, the type of
dizziness — for example, whether the room spins, whether you
feel off-balance, etc. — and any other symptoms, such as nausea,
vomiting, or fatigue, may provide insight as to what is happening
in your body during these episodes.

A doctor can work with you to help understand why you have
these symptoms.

Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly
informational and should not be considered medical advice.

Vertigo is a feeling of spinning dizziness, but it may also mean someone
feels lightheaded, sick, or has ear problems.

Vertigo is a symptom of various conditions where someone has a

problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway.

Conditions that may cause vertigo include labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis,

Ménière’s disease,
A D V Eand benign
RTISEM ENT paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
Some individuals experience vertigo when they are pregnant. 21/24
5/31/22, 1:15 PM How to get rid of dizziness: Medications and remedies

Sometimes vertigo resolves on its own. Other times a doctor recommends

medication or lifestyle changes to help. They may also advise surgery
under some circumstances.

Last medically reviewed on January 6, 2022

Ear, Nose, and Throat Neurology / Neuroscience

 20 sources

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