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Programa de Formación Profesional

Confección de prendas de

Aplicable a partir del 202020


Confección de prendas de vestir


Curso: Inglés Técnico Semestre: II

Objetivo General: Comprender e interpretar conceptos técnicos fundamentales, identificar y verificar las características de herramientas, materiales e
instrumentos de medición, adquirir destreza en el uso de un vocabulario de acuerdo a especialidades técnicas y traducir e interpretar manuales de operación,
mantenimiento de máquina o equipos de la carrera.

• Reconocer y usar un vocabulario sobre OPERATIONS AND PROCESSES. • Reading technical texts.
procesos y operaciones afines a cada • Patterns: • Describing operations & processes.
Familia Ocupacional. Simple Present Tense. • Filling the blanks.
-ing form. • Completing the sentences.
Present Perfect Tense & Passive voice. • Use of English-Spanish dictionary.
• “Predictive maintenance attempts to detect the onset of a degradation
1-4 mechanism with the goal of correcting that degradation prior to significant
deterioration in the component or equipment”.
• “Calculate and measure the electrical and electronic circuit parameters
using test equipment and computer applications”.
• “Operations has a primary responsibility to produce a product through the
management of all process inventories and by operating process
equipment the way it is supposed to be operated”.

• Reconocer máquinas, accesorios, EQUIPMENT, ACCESORIES, TOOLS & INSTRUMENTS. • List accessories, equipment, tools and industrial
herramientas y/o instrumentos que se instruments and relate them to operations and
• According to the student’s career.
usan en procesos productivos, talleres processes.
5-6 y/o laboratorios. • Use of English-Spanish dictionary.

Contenidos Curriculares
Confección de prendas de vestir

• Reconocer las especificaciones técnicas TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. • Operation and Maintenance manuals.
de equipos o instrumentos industriales. • Description of equipment. • Filling the blanks.
• Dimensions and units: Weight, height, width, depth, pneumatic feed. • Completing the sentences.
• Storage & environmental conditions required. • Use of English-Spanish dictionary.
• Electric specifications.
7-10 • Industrial services requirement (compressed air, steam, treated water, etc.)
- Data process.
• Properties of engineering materials: Malleability, ductility, elasticity,
• Materials: Stainless steel, copper, galvanized iron, fiberglass, neoprene,
and others.

• Identificar las partes EQUIPMENT PARTS. • Translating into Spanish the main parts of the
principales de equipos. • Identify the parts of the equipment and their functions. equipment.
• Making a picture indicating the elements of an
11-14 equipment.
• Defining the functions of each part.
• Use of English-Spanish dictionary.

• Reconocer los dispositivos de seguridad SAFETY INFORMATION. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. SAFETY LABELS • Translating into Spanish the main safety
de un equipo y su operación. AND SIGNS. SAFETY AND PROTECTION DEVICES. information of the equipment.
• Identify equipment safety accessories: guards, emergency stop, etc. • Making a picture indicating the safety elements
• For example: of an equipment.
• The electric circuit is equipped with a safety key. • Defining personal protective equipment.
• The machine is also equipped with an emergency stop button. • Translating into Spanish caution and warning
• The screens and guards have the role of protecting the operator. pictograms.
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. • Use of English-Spanish dictionary.
• Identificar los equipos de protección
personal recomen-dados para la • Identify protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or • Making a picture indicating personal protective
operación de equipos y/o control de equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection, equipment.
procesos. referred to in equipment operation manual.
• The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical,
heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter.
• Pattern: must be used…

Contenidos Curriculares
Confección de prendas de vestir

• Reconocer los procedimientos FORBIDDEN USES AND HAZARDS. • Operation and Maintenance manuals.
estrictamente restringidos en operación • In the operations manual identify the strictly prohibited for an equipment or • Filling the blanks.
de un equipo o en un proceso, a fin de process.
• Completing the sentences.
evitar riesgos de calidad, seguridad e • should never be permitted….
impacto ambiental. • Use of English-Spanish dictionary.
• Patterns: simple present tense, ---ing form, for example:
• The following is strictly prohibited:
• Using the machine and, particularly, the tool improperly.
• Removing chips with your hands.
• Climbing on the machine.
• Using the machine in a dark place.
• Reconocer procedimientos, parámetros, OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT • Translating into Spanish the main safety
servicios industriales, etc., requeridos information of the equipment.
• Intended use and materials.
para el funcionamiento de equipos • Making a picture indicating the safety elements
industriales, dentro de los estándares o • Description of controls & operation parameters.
of an equipment.
especificaciones por el proveedor u • Adjustments. • Defining personal protective equipment.
objetivos de la empresa. • Placement of the operator. • Translating into Spanish caution and warning
• The work cycle. pictograms.
25-30 • Change of supplies or consumable accessories. • Use of English-Spanish dictionary.
• Unexpected electrical or mechanical interruptions. • Making a picture indicating personal protective
• Stopping the machine. equipment.
• Cleaning.
• Patterns: Present simple tense.
• Use of modal verbs: should, must, have to, can/could.
• Use of sequence words: Next, finally, last, to begin with, first, then, after
that, second, etc.
• Traducir e interpretar manuales de READING A TECHNICAL HANDBOOK or ARTICLE. • Reading comprehension.
operación de equipos o procesos de la • Description of a machine or a process. • Translating a technical handbook or article.
carrera. • Installation instructions, start up, preventive maintenance.
31-36 • Presentation, exhibition (PPT).
• Patterns: Imperative form.
• Verbs DO and MAKE.
• If clauses.
37-40 Evaluación Semestral

Contenidos Curriculares
Confección de prendas de vestir

Contenidos Curriculares

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