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The Implementing Regulation of the

International Convention on Load

Lines of 1966 AD., as amended

Page 1 of 17 The Implementing Regulation of the International Convention on Load Lines of 1966 AD., as amended
Chapter (1) 4
General Provisions 4
Article (1): Definitions 4
Article (1): Scope of application 5
Chapter (2) 7
Inspections and Certificates 7
Article (3): Flag State Obligations 7
Article (4): Photos of inspections 7
Article (5): Exemptions 8
Article (6): Issuance of certificates 8
Article (7): Duration of Certificates 8
Article (8): Acceptance of Certificates issued by contracted parties to the Convention 9
Article (9): Issuance of Certificates on behalf of the Administration of a State party 9
to the Convention
Article (10): Forms of Certificates 9
Article (11): Equivalents 10
Article (12): Special agreements with the parties to the Convention 10
Article (13): Delivery of Information to the Organization 10
Article (14): Preservation of Ship conditions after inspection 10
Article (15): Approvals for Experimental purposes 10
Article (16): Authorization of accredited classification bodies 10
Article (17): Investigation of accidents 11
Article (18): Control of ships 11
Chapter (3): Conditions for determining freeboard of ships 12
Article (19): Information to be provided to the Captain 12
Article (20): Load line marks 12
Article (21): draught marks and meters 12
Article (22): measurement of freeboard 14
Article (23): strength of the hull, durability and sound balance of ships 14
Article (24): Force Majeure 15
Chapter (4): Penalties 16
Article (25) Penalties 16
Article (26): repeated violation 17
Article (26): Decertification 17
Article (28): Renewal of certificates and licenses 17
Article (29): Grievance 17
Chapter (5): Final provisions 18
Article (30): Regulation Effect 18
Article (31): Superintendence and Execution 18
Article (32): Delivery of Information 18
Article (33): Fees 18
Article (34): Entry into force 18

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Chapter (1)
General provisions

Article (1): Definitions:

The following terms, whenever appear in this Regulation, shall have the meaning assigned
below, unless the context requires otherwise:
1/ State: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2/ Maritime Authority: the Public Transport Authority, represented in the Maritime
Transport Sector, any of its affiliates or its representatives, or whoever it authorizes
to do any work on its behalf.
3/ Organization: The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
4/ Convention: The International Convention on Load Lines of 1966 AD. as amended by
the 1988 Protocol and the decisions of the International Maritime Organization. Any
reference to this convention shall mean in the same time a reference to this
convention along with its amendments by the Protocol and the decisions of
International Maritime Organization;
5/ Regulation: The Implementing Regulation of the International Convention on Load
Lines of 1966 AD as amended;
6/ Certificate: The International Certificate of International Loading Lines issued
pursuant to the provisions of this Convention;
7/ International voyage: A sea voyage from a port inside the Kingdom to a port in
another state or conversely.
8/ Regulations: the articles stipulated in the annexes of the Convention and the codes
attached thereto;
9/ Instructions: the instructions annexed to the Convention;
10/ "Existing ship" means a ship which is not a new ship.
11/ "New ship" means a ship the keel of which is laid, or which is at a similar stage of
construction, on or after the date of coming into force of the Convention.
12/ Experimental Purpose Ships: the ships undertaking research and training voyages or
conducting science purpose researches;
13/ A "fishing vessel" is a ship used for catching living resources of the sea.
14/ Ship Length: means a distance equal 96 percent of the total length on a waterline at
85 percent of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keel, or the
length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline,
whichever be greater. In ships designed with a rake of keel the waterline on which
this length is measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline. The length of a ship
is measured by meter.
15/ Freeboard. The freeboard assigned is the distance measured vertically downwards
amidships from the upper edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the related
load line.
16/ Draught: the vertical distance of the ship submersible under water amidships from
the set loading line and the upper edge of the summer loading line to the bottom
point in its keel;
17/ Inspection: Inspection of the ship, its hull, or any part of its components, engines,
equipment or apparatus for seaworthiness verification and the fulfillment of all
conditions and requirements in accordance with the international maritime
legislation and conventions ratified by the Kingdom that has entered into force
internationally and to draw up a report describing its technical condition based on the
18/ Accredited Classification Bodies: the classification bodies approved by the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia to inspect ships flying the Saudi flag and classify them in terms of their

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types and purposes on behalf of the Kingdom's government and authorized by the
Maritime Authority under a formal delegation agreement.
19/ Administration of a State party to the Convention: the competent Maritime Authority
in a State party to the International Convention on Load Lines;
20/ Flag State Control Officer (inspector): the person carrying out the control and
inspection of ships flying the State flag; and
21/ Port State Control Officer (inspector): the person carrying out the control and
inspection of ships flying the flag of a foreign State existing in the Kingdom's ports or
its territorial water.

Article (2): Scope of Application

1/ The provisions of the present Regulation and the Convention requirements shall
apply to the existing and new ships as follows:
a/ Saudi ships, wherever exist;
b/ foreign ships if exist in Saudi ports or territorial waters and foreign ships licensed to
operate in the Kingdom.
2/ The regulations contained in Annex No. (2) of the Convention apply to existing and
new ships operating on international voyages to which the Convention applies. The
regulations contained in Annex (1) of the Convention apply in particular to new ships
operating on international voyages.
3/ The provisions of this Regulation and the Convention do not apply to the following:
(a) ships of war;
(b) new ships of less than 24 meters in length;
(c) existing ships of less than 150 tons gross;
(d) pleasure yachts not engaged in trade; and
(e) fishing vessels.

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Chapter (2)
Inspections and Certificates

Article (3): Flag State Obligations

1/ The Maritime Authority shall implement the provisions of this Regulation and the
Convention as amended and its annexes, which form an integral part thereof, and any
reference to the Convention shall be considered a reference to its annexes.
2/ No ship to which the present Convention applies may embark on an international
voyage unless it has been inspected, marked and awarded the International LL
Certificate or an exemption, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.
3/ Any ship to which the provisions of this Regulation and the Convention apply may not
determine a loading line that exceeds the minimum loading line determined according
to the requirements of Annex No. (1) of the Convention.

Article (4): Types of inspections

The Maritime Authority conducts survey and inspections of ships and determines the load
marks and their marking on the hull of the ship in accordance with the Convention
requirements and grants exemptions thereto. The Maritime Authority must ensure the
efficiency and effectiveness of operations of survey, inspections, determination of the loading
marks and lines for ships through supervision and control of the work of these accredited
bodies by:
1/ A ship shall be subjected to the surveys and inspections set out by the Convention
requirements, as follows:
a) A survey before the ship is put in service, which shall include a complete inspection of
its structure and equipment. This survey shall be carried out in a manner ensures that
the arrangements, material and scantlings fully comply with the requirements of the
present Convention.
b) A periodical survey at intervals specified by the Maritime Authority, but not exceeding
five years, which shall be carried out in a manner ensures that the structure,
equipment, arrangements, material and scantlings fully comply with the
requirements of the Convention.
c) A periodical inspection within three months either way of each annual anniversary
date of the certificate, to ensure that alterations have not been made to the hull or
superstructures or any fundamental changes to its engines or assistive appliances
would affect the calculations determining the position of the load line and so as to
ensure the maintenance in an effective condition of fittings and appliances for:
(i) protection of openings;
(ii) guard rails;
(iii) freeing ports; and
(iv) means of access to crew's quarters.
2/ The periodical inspections referred to in paragraph (1)(c) of this Article shall be
endorsed by the Maritime Authority on the International Load Line Certificate (1966)
or on the International Load Line Exemption Certificate issued to a ship exempted
under Article (29) of the Convention.

Article (5): Exemptions

1/ The Maritime Authority may grant an exemption to a ship, subject to the
requirements of the Convention, when engaged on international voyages between
the near neighbouring ports of two States or a ship which embodies features of a
novel kind. Exemptions are granted in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs
(1) and (2) of Article (6) of the Convention, provided that the Organization is informed

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of the details of such exemptions and their reasons for circulation to the governments
that are parties to the Convention for information.
2/ The Maritime Authority may grant an exemption to a ship that does not operate on
international voyages and the nature of its work requires individual international
voyages away from any of the requirements of the Convention, provided that it fully
complies with adequate safety requirements and verification of such compliance by
the Maritime Authority or its delegate.

Article (6): Issuance of certificates

Certificates are granted by the Maritime Authority or by the classification bodies authorized
by it; nevertheless, the Maritime Authority remains responsible for issuing that certificate.

Article (7): Duration of Certificates

1/ The Maritime Authority grants certificates for duration it determines for no more than
five years from the date of issue.
2/ The Maritime Authority grants approval to extend the validity of the original
certificate for a period not exceeding five months before the expiration of the
certificate validity in the event that it is not possible to grant a new certificate to the
ship after its periodic survey referred to in paragraph (1/b) of Article (4) of this
Regulation. The grant of extension is limited to cases in which no alterations have
been made to the hull, equipment, fixtures, materials, or hull panels that affect the
ship's pontoon.
3/ The Maritime Authority revokes the certificate in the following cases:
a/ The occurrence of physical changes in the ship’s hull or its superstructures, or
substantial changes to its engines, which require determination of a draught and a
new loading line for the ship.
b/ Failure to perform effective maintenance of the fixtures and appliances mentioned in
item (c) of Paragraph (1) of Article (4) of this Regulation.
c/ The structural strength of the ship is impaired to the point of becoming unsafe.
d/ Failure to ratify the certificate indicating that the ship was surveyed in accordance
with the provisions of Paragraph (c) of Article (4) of this Regulation.
4/ The duration of the international exemption certificate for loading lines granted by
the Maritime Authority to an exempt ship under paragraph (2) of Article (5) of this
Regulation may not exceed five years from the date of issue, taking into account the
a/ The exemption certificate must be subject to renewal, ratification and cancellation
procedures as stipulated in this article with regard to certification procedures.
b/ The period of the exemption certificate granted to a ship not engaged on international
voyages exempt pursuant to paragraph (4) of Article (6) of the Convention is limited
to the related voyage for which it is issued.
5/ The certificate issued by the Maritime Authority to a Saudi ship becomes invalid once
that ship is transferred to the flag of another state.

Article (8): Acceptance of Certificates issued by contracted parties to the Convention.

The Maritime Authority shall recognize any certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of the
Convention by the maritime administrations, bodies or authorities in the states party to the
Convention, and it shall have the same treatment for all the purposes of the Convention and
of validity similar to that of the certificate issued by the Maritime Authority.

Article (9): Issuance of Certificates on behalf of the Administration of a State party to the

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1/ The Maritime Authority, upon the request of the Administration of any party to the
Convention, has the right to conduct an inspection of a ship that is subject to the
provisions of the Convention and to grant it the relevant certificate or delegate the
same to a body accredited by it and to grant it such certificate if it is proven that that
ship complies with the requirements and provisions of this Regulation and the
2/ The Maritime Authority shall expeditiously provide the Maritime Administration of
the State party to the Convention referred to in the previous paragraph of this article
with the following:
a) A copy of the certificate;
b) A copy of the inspection report used to calculate the buoyancy force.
c) A copy of the calculations of the loading lines of the relevant ship.
3/ The certificate issued under Paragraph 1 of this Article must include the following
a) A statement indicating that it was issued at the request of the administration of a
state party to the Convention that the ship is flying or will be flying its flag.
b) A statement denoting that it has the same legal validity as the certificate issued by the
Maritime Authority for Saudi Ships and enjoys the same degree of recognition.
4/ the Certificate may not be granted to any ship flying the flag of a state not a party to
the Convention.

Article (10): Forms of Certificates

1/ The Maritime Authority issues certificates in Arabic, such certificate includes a
translation into English.
2/ The forms of certificates shall be identical to those forms provided in Annex No. (3) of
the Convention.

Article (11): Equivalents

The Maritime Authority may allow the installation of equipment, materials, devices, or tools
on a ship that is different from the requirements of the Convention in the event that the
experiments show evidence of the effective performance of those materials, equipment or
tools on the ship in a manner equivalent to the required performance at minimum with the
requirements of the Convention, provided that the Organization is informed of the related
details, in addition to dispatching a report on any experiments conducted for the purpose of
circulation to the governments of state parties to the Convention.

Article (12): Special agreements with the parties to the Convention

The Maritime Authority, when concluding an agreement between it and all or some of the
parties to the Convention, shall send a copy of this Convention to the Organization for
circulation to the parties to the Convention.

Article (13): Delivery of Communication of Information to the Organization

The Maritime Authority shall send and deposit to the Organization the following:
1/ Samples of its certificates issued under the provisions of the Convention for
circulation to the parties to the Convention.
2/ The texts of laws, regulations, instructions and decisions related to matters falling
within the framework of the implementation of the Convention.
3/ A list of the names of all classification bodies authorized by the Maritime Safety
Authority to work on its behalf to carry out the surveys and inspections and issue the
certificates required under the Convention for circulation to the parties to the

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Article (14): Maintenance of Ship conditions after inspection survey
Upon completion of the survey and inspection referred to in Article (4) of this Regulation, no
change shall be made in the structure, equipment, arrangements, fittings, materials, or
scantlings of the ship subject of inspection without obtaining the written approval of the
Maritime Authority.

Article (15): Approvals for Experimental purposes

The Maritime Authority may grant certain approvals for experimental purposes related to a
ship to which the Convention applies, and to inform the Organization of the relevant details
for circulation to the governments of states parties to the convention.

Article (16): Authorization of accredited classification Societies

1/ The classification society approved by the Maritime Authority for the purpose of
inspections and certification must fully comply with the requirements stipulated
under Article (13) of the Convention, taking into account the guidelines adopted by
the Organization through the Maritime Safety Committee in its Resolution No. (249)
(92) and the Marine Environment Protection Committee in its Resolution No. (237)
(65) approving the Code of Classification Bodies.
2/ The Classification society approved and authorized by the Maritime Authority shall
provide the latter with a copy of the survey report related to the certificates issued
and the exemptions granted to the ship on behalf of the Maritime Authority, and a
certified copy of all certificates and exemptions issued by that ship.

Article (17): Investigation of accidents

1/ The Maritime Authority conducts investigations into any accidents that Saudi ships
are exposed to wherever occurred and foreign ships when they exist in the State's
territorial waters which are subject to the provisions of the Convention in order to
develop recommendations to address deficiencies and make the necessary changes
to the Convention through the Organization to avoid such accidents in the future.
2/ The Maritime Authority shall send information related to the results of investigations
into maritime accidents to the Organization. The identity or nationality of the ships
concerned shall not be disclosed in the Organization’s reports or recommendations
related to that information, moreover responsibilities shall not be assumed or
foreshadowed in any way on the ship or persons involved with the accident.

Article (18): Control of ships

1/ The Port State Control Officers of the Maritime Authority shall ensure that the ship
complies with the requirements of this Regulation and the provisions of the
Convention by holding the valid certificate in effect and in conformity with the actual
specifications of the ship and its compliance with the position of the ship and the
marks of the loading lines on it, in a manner that ensures fulfilling the following
a/ the ship is not loaded with more than the load specified in the certificate.
b/ the marks of the loading lines on the side of the ship are compatible with the data of
its certificate.
c/ the ship is permitted to sail without posing a threat to the safety of life and navigation
as a result of its cargo.
2/ If the ship holds a valid certificate of exemption from the requirement of the valid
certificate, then the inspection procedures should be limited to the purposes of

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ensuring that the sailing of the ship does not pose any risk to the passengers or crew
3/ If the Port State Control Officer of the Maritime Authority finds that there is a violation
of the provisions of the Convention calling for the ship be prevented from sailing, he
must immediately inform the Maritime Authority and the consul or the diplomatic
representative of the Flag State in writing about all the circumstances related to this
situation and the justifications for the decision to preventing the ship from sailing and
records the same in the form approved by the Marine Authority for this purpose.

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Chapter (3): Conditions for determining freeboard of ships

Article (19): Information to be provided to the Ship Master

1/ The ship owner or the company that manages or operates it must provide sufficient
information to its captain in an approved form to enable him to arrange loading and
maintain stability of the ship in a way that ensures the avoidance of excessive
structural stress on the hull of the ship. The Maritime Authority may exempt the ship
from applying this requirement on any type, length, design or specific model of ships,
after verifying that the safety of their navigation is secured in a manner that does not
pose any risk to the ship, passengers or crew members.
2/ The owner of the new ship or the company that manages or operates it shall provide
sufficient and updated information in an approved form to its captain about the ship’s
stability in accordance with the requirements of the International Code of Sound
Stability issued by the Organization by the decision of the Maritime Safety Committee
No. (MSC. 267) (85), as amended to guide him about the ship's changing service
conditions, and to provide the Maritime Authority with a copy of that information.

Article (20): Load line marks

1/ (1) Ships with mechanical means of propulsion or lighters, barges or other ships
without independent means of propulsion, shall be assigned freeboards in accordance
with the provisions of Regulations 1-40 inclusive of Annex (1) of the Convention.
2/ Ships carrying timber deck cargoes may be assigned, in addition to the freeboards
prescribed in paragraph (1) of this Regulation, timber freeboards in accordance with
the provisions of Regulations 41-45 inclusive of Annex (1) of the Convention.
3/ Ships designed to carry sail, whether as the sole means of propulsion or as a
supplementary means, and tugs, shall be assigned freeboards in accordance with the
provisions of Regulations 1-40 inclusive of Annex (1) of the Convention.
4/ the Maritime Authority may, in certain circumstances, require determination of an
additional freeboard as necessary considering the type and nature of the ship's work
and the sailing areas, in a way that guarantees all the safety requirements of its
5/ The Load Line Mark shall consist of a ring 300 millimeters (12 inches) in outside
diameter and 25 millimeters (1 inch) wide which is intersected by a horizontal line 450
millimeters (18 inches) in length and 25 millimeters (1 inch) in breadth, the upper
edge of which passes through the centre of the ring. The centre of the ring shall be
placed amidships and at a distance equal to the assigned summer freeboard
measured vertically below the upper edge of the deck line (as illustrated in Figure 1

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Figure (1): Load Line Mark

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6/ The lines which indicate the load line assigned in accordance with the Regulation (5)
of Annex (1) of the Convention shall be horizontal lines 230 millimeters (9 inches) in
length and 25 millimeters (1 inch) in breadth which extend forward of, unless
expressly provided otherwise, and at right angles to, a vertical line 25 millimeters (1
inch) in breadth marked at a distance 540 millimeters (21 inches) forward of the
centre of the ring (as illustrated in Figure 2 below).
7/ The following load lines shall be used:
(a) The Summer Load Line indicated by the upper edge of the line which passes through
the centre of the ring and also by a line marked S.
(b) The Winter Load Line indicated by the upper edge of a line marked W.
(c) The Winter North Atlantic Load Line indicated by the upper edge of a line marked WNA.
(d) The Tropical Load Line indicated by the upper edge of a line marked T.
(e) The Fresh Water Load Line in summer indicated by the upper edge of a line marked F. The
Fresh Water Load Line in summer is marked abaft the vertical line. The difference
between the Fresh Water Load Line in summer and the Summer Load Line is the
allowance to be made for loading in fresh water at the other load lines.
(f) The Tropical Fresh Water Load Line indicated by the upper edge of a line marked TF, and
marked abaft the vertical line.

Figure (2): Load Line Marks and lines used

Article (21): draught marks and meters

All ships shall show the draught measurement- at the front and stern on both sides by
carving or welding on steel ships, or craving on boards to a depth of not less than 3 mm in
wooden ships, or in a comparable way in hulls made of non-steel or timber materials,
painted in black on a light background, or in white or yellow on a dark background- while
leaving spaces with a distance of (10) centimeters, with height numbers indicating that its
full immersion means increasing the draught by (10) centimeters.

Article (22): measurement of freeboard

1/ The freeboard of ships shall be measured according to the requirements of Annex
No. (1) Chapter (111) of the Convention.
2/ The requirements of regulation (28) para (1) apply the measurements set out in
Table (A) of Appendix (1) Chapter (3) of the Convention to determine the
measurements of freeboard of ships of type (A) specified in that regulation.
3/ The requirements of regulation (28) para (2) apply the measurements set out in Table
(B) of Appendix (1) Chapter (3) of the Convention to determine the measurements of
freeboard of ships of type (B) specified in that regulation.

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4/ Article (29) of the Convention and its Appendix No. (1) applies to the correction of
freeboard deck on the ship.
5/ The Maritime Authority may complete the tables of freeboard measurements on
ships exceeds (360) meters in length for ships of type ((A) and on ships exceeds
(209.3) meters for ships of type (B).

Article (23): strength of the hull, durability and sound balance of ships
1/ The Maritime Authority or its delegate shall verify that the overall structure strength
of the ship is adequate for the draught proportional to the freeboard and the loading
line determined for the ship. A ship built and maintained in accordance with the
requirements of the classification society approved by the Maritime Authority is
considered to be of adequate durability for inspection and certification purposes.
2/ The ship is designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the appropriate
requirements of a classification society approved by the Maritime Authority, or in
accordance with the national standards applicable by the Maritime Authority in
accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, the Convention and its appendices;
and meets an acceptable level of durability. The provisions above apply to all
structures, equipment and fittings for ships subject to the requirements and
provisions of the Convention and its appendices for which no explicit standards
related to durability and construction have been established.
3/ The ship must meet a standard of sound stability acceptable to the Maritime Authority
comparable to the requirements of the International Code of Sound Stability issued
by the Organization under the Maritime Safety Committee Decision No. MSC 267 (85)
as amended.

Article (24): Force Majeure

When applying the provisions of this Regulation and the Convention, consideration should be
given to any violation or delay the ship may be exposed to as a result of a force majeure such
as adverse weather conditions.

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Chapter (4): Penalties
Article (25) Penalties
Without prejudice to any stricter penalty stipulated under any other law or regulations in force
inside the Kingdom, anyone commits a violation to the provisions of these regulations shall be
punished with the following penalties:
1/ The company operating the ship- if not notified of an accident that requires the
intervention of the maritime authority to conduct an investigation or carry out an
additional survey, or requires coordination with other States if the accident occurred
outside the Kingdom- with a fine of ten thousand Saudi riyals.
2/ any ship that violates the exemption rules granted thereto or uses it after the expiry
of its duration will be fined twenty thousand Saudi riyals, and the fine may mount to
thirty thousand Saudi riyals in the event that the ship sails despite the refusal of
exemption by the Maritime Authority.
3/ any ship that uses an equivalent that does not achieve the same efficiency required
in the original equipment shall be fined twenty thousand Saudi riyals.
4/ Any sails without taking the corrective action determined by the Maritime Authority
or the classification society will be fined thirty thousand Saudi riyals, and the fine may
amount to fifty thousand Saudi riyals in case of potential risk exposed to the persons
or assets on the ship.
5/ any ship that does not carry out the required surveys and inspections on time or
during the permissible period will be fined ten thousand Saudi riyals for each
occurrence separately.
6/ any ship violates any of the requirements for determining the board lines or buoyancy,
will be fined ten thousand Saudi riyals for each violation of any of the requirements,
the penalty shall be multiplied by multiple violations.
7/ any ship does not keep any of the records, certificates, or documents required under
this Convention or the related codes will be fined five thousand Saudi riyals, the
penalty shall be multiplied by multiple violations.
8/ The Master of the endangered ship will be fined five thousand Saudi riyals in the event
of failure to implement the stability instructions provided to him.

Article (26): Repeated violation

The Maritime Authority may double the penalty and the financial fine for one time only in the
event that the violation is repeated during the validity duration of the certificate, with the
permissibility of de-registration of the ship if required, or revoke the navigation license or
suspending it in the event of committing any of the violations set out in this Regulation.

Article (26): Decertification

The Maritime Authority may withdraw, suspend or cancel the certificates or the navigation
license of the ship if it violates the requirements and provisions of this Regulation, the
Convention and its annexes.

Article (28): Renewal of certificates and licenses

Certificates and licenses for ships and the Company are renewable only after settlement of
all financial dues and fines related to exercising the activity.

Article (29): Grievance

Grievance against penal decisions may be made in accordance with the rules in force in the
Kingdom, taking into account the following:
1/ it in accordance with permissible to raise an objection to the decision on the violation
before the competent authority within sixty days from the date of knowledge thereof

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by any means. The objection does not result in suspending the execution of the fine
collection except in the event that the objector submits a letter of guarantee issued
by a recognized authority.
2/ Failure to object to the decision on the violation during the period mentioned in the
first paragraph will render this decision final and enforceable.

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Chapter (5): Final provisions

Article (30): Regulation Effect

The Convention and its annexed codes, together with other Regulations shall be deemed
complementary to the provisions of this Regulation, which shall be referenced and construed
in accordance with the Convention.

Article (31): Superintendence and Execution

1/ The Maritime Authority supervises the implementation of the provisions of this
Regulation, which form part of the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.
2/ The regulations and decisions in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall be applied
in all matters not provided for in this Regulation.

Article (32): Delivery of Information

The Maritime Authority should dispatch the Organization the following:
1/ Forms of certificates issued under the provisions of the Convention for circulation to
the states parties thereto.
2/ The texts of relevant legislation, regulations, decisions and instructions within the
framework of implementing the Convention and its amendments.
3/ A list of the names of the classification bodies approved and authorized by the
Maritime Authority to act on its behalf in carrying out the surveys and inspections and
issue the certificates required under the Convention for circulation to the states
parties thereto.
4/ A copy of the Conventions to the organization for circulation to the Convention parties
when concluding a bilateral or regional Conventions or memoranda of understanding
with any party to the Convention that contain special rules under the Convention.
5/ Any exemptions and exceptions granted by it and their justifications.
6/ Periodic reports on all national instructions and activities related to the Convention.

Article (33): Fees

All services to which this Regulation applies will be subject to all fees applicable in the
Kingdom in present or in future.

Article (34): Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force as from the date of its publication.


“This document was translated from the original Arabic text. If any difference between the two languages in the
interpretation or understanding of any provision of the regulation arise, the Arabic text shall prevail”

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