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Ship Lists

Build (Must Select 1)

Build Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Corsair Max Size 4 All Wind directions may alter your speed by an additional +/-1. -1 Cannon.
+2 Defence. -1 Cargo space.
This Ship counts as 1 Size smaller for the purposes of Shallows.
Crap Ship This Ship costs -5 Resources. -2 Attribute Points.
Exploration Food & Water consumed 2 days slower.
+25% Daily Travel Distance.
+1 Rng, all Weapons.
Merchant This Ship may gain +1 additional Speed when Directly with Wind. -1 Cannon.
+1 Resilience (+2 if you’re an NPC).
+6 Cargo space.
+25% Daily Travel Distance.
Ship of the Line +1 Cannon. -1 Max Speed.
+2 Morale. -1 Defence.
Your Ship counts as 1 Size larger for the purposes
of Shallows.

NPC Build Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Flying Monster NPC You may only be Boarded by ships that you’re Boarding. You Die if any Attribute is reduced to -2.
You Fly (you ignore most Ship Environments). Crit Locations against you ALWAYS roll 1d6.
Double all Wind effects on your Current Speed.
+2 Max Speed.
Strong Hit: Fly High (Ship Skill Roll, Hit or Success) Alter your Speed by 1 and until the start of
your next Turn all future attacks against you, and by you, have -2 Rng.
Ghost Ship NPC You may only be Boarded by ships that you’re Boarding. You vanish/Die if any Attribute is reduced to -4.
Strong Hit: Vanish (Ship Skill Roll, Hit or Success) Teleport 1 to 3 spaces in any non-rear -4 Resilience.
direction, do not change your facing.
Sea Monster NPC You ignore the Wind, you may always alter your Speed by +3 to -3. You Die if any Attribute is reduced to -2.
Strong Hit: Submerge (Ship Skill Roll, Hit or Success) Gain +1 Armour and -2 Hit until the Crit Locations against you ALWAYS roll 1d6.
start of your next Turn (Stacks). Your Max Speed = 1 + Sails (normally Wind + Sails).
You count as 2 Sizes larger for the purposes
of Shallows.
Undead Ship NPC +10 Morale. You will never Surrender due to Sailors Damage.
+1 Armour. -2 Armour while you have 0 Morale.

Ship Traits

Bulk Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Expanded Hold Min Bulk 3 +4 Cargo space.
Min Size 2
Heavy Prow Min Size 2 +1 Front Armour. -2 Defence.
+1 Crit Dmg, Ram. -25% Daily Travel Distance.
Metal Supports As long as you have Morale; ignore the first 2 (1 if you’re an NPC) Critical Hits against your ALL Bulk Repairs cost 1 additional Metal Trade Box.
Bulk each combat, -25% Daily Travel Distance.
Hunk of Junk Max Bulk 3 NPCs may underestimate this Ship. NPCs like to mock this Ship.
Not NPC This Ship costs -10 Resources (-5 after this Trait is accounted for). -2 to all Repair Rolls.
More Guns! +2 Cannon. -2 Cargo space.

Deck Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Accessible Max Size 3 It’s easy to move cargo on and off your Ship.
All characters gain +2 to all Trade Good Plunder Rolls.
+2 Cargo space.
Cluttered Deck +2 Cargo space. -2 to all Ship Skill Rolls.
This Ship costs -10 Resources (-5 after this Trait is accounted for).
Creature Pens 3 Kn This Ship may take Creature Auxiliaries. -2 Cargo space.
Impressive Min Deck 3 This Ship looks really impressive!
+Size Resilience.
+1 to all Recruit and Enlist Repair Rolls.
Swivel Cannon If you only make 1 Cannon Ammunition Attack during your Turn it gains +2 Cannon OR +1d6 Hit.

Sails Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Cotton Sails 2 Kn +1 Max Speed. ALL Sail Repairs cost 1 additional Cloth Trade Box.
+50% Daily Travel Distance.
Enchanted 4 Kn If you have a Magician on board your Ship you MAY always treat your Ship as Directly Parallel Wind.
+25% Daily Travel Distance.
Extra Staysails Min Sails 3 +1 Defence.
Max Size 3 This Ship may gain +2 additional Speed when Directly Parallel with Wind.
Steel Spars +2 Armour vs all Sail Damage against your Ship. ALL Sail Repairs cost 1 additional Metal or Wood
Trade Box.
Tattered Sails Max Sails 2 Strong Hit: Dread (Ship Skill Roll, Success) All enemies take 2 Morale Damage. -50% Daily Travel Distance.
This Ship costs -10 Resources if you’re not an NPC (-5 after this Trait is accounted for).

Swabbies Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Powder Monkeys Min Swa 3 +1 Cannon.
Press-Ganged This Ship costs -10 Resources if you’re not an NPC (-5 after this Trait is accounted for). Your first two Promote Strong Hits each Combat
do nothing.
Skilled 1 Kn This Ship counts as having 2 Facilities that take up 0 Cargo space. If this Ship takes 2 Swabbies Dmg (or lots of your
crew die) from a single attack, this Trait is lost.
Well Treated 1 Kn +10 Morale. Food & Water consumed 1 day faster.
At any time during a Combat: gain 1 free Promote Strong Hit.

Gunners Requirements Benefits Disadvantages
Cannoneers 2 Kn +1 Cannon.
Conserve Shots Double a single Cannon Ammunition’s Ammo. -1 Cannon.
Heavy Cannon +4 Mor Dmg, Cannon Ammunition. -2 Rng, Cannon Ammunition.
Long Barrels +2 Rng, Cannon Ammunition. -2 Hit, Cannon Ammunition.

Cutthroats Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Hard as Nails Min Cut 3 +2 Resilience.
Strong Hit: Hard as Nails (Ship Skill Roll, Hit or Success) Reduce all Sailors Attribute Damage
against your Ship by 1 until the start of your next Turn.
Hunters 2 Kn Food & Water consumed 2 days slower.
All characters’ Supplies are consumed 1 day slower while their crew are with them.
Riflemen +2 Rng, Assault.
+1 Max Rng, Assault.
Ruthless Killers +2 Hit, Assault. All characters have -2 to all Plunder Rolls if their
+1 Crit Dmg, Assault (+4 Mor Dmg if you’re an NPC). crew are around.

Size Requirements Benefits Disadvantages

Schooner This Trait cost no Resources (normally 5). -1 Size.
90 degree tack reduces your Speed by 1 (normally 3). -25% Daily Travel Distance.
Corvette +1 Attribute Point.
90 degree tack reduces your Speed by 2 (normally 3).
Frigate +1 Size.
Two Decker Not Corsair +1 Front Armour. +10 Resources cost (in addition to this Trait’s cost).
+2 Size. Cannot make 90 degree tack.
+25% Daily Travel Distance. This Ship takes up 2 spaces (normally 1), rotate this
Reduce all Attribute Damage by 1 (after Armour) to a minimum of 1. Ship from the front space (keeping it still).
Three Decker Not Corsair +3 Size. +20 Resources cost (in addition to this Trait’s cost).
or Exploration +25% Daily Travel Distance. Cannot make 90 degree tack.
+1 Armour. This Ship takes up 3 spaces (normally 1), rotate this
Ship from the centre space (keeping it still).

Ship Weapons (M ay Select up to 3 C annon Ammunition & 1 Auxiliary)

Command Hit Rng Max Rng Mor Dmg Crit Dmg Ammo Min Size Weapon Type Acquire Resources
Ram +Speed* 1, Front 1 Bulk+Speed Size Inf - Ram. Auto -
Strong Hit (5-6), Crit Location: 1d3, *On a Hit you deal equal Crit Damage to yourself (Front Armour) and reduce both of your Speeds by 2,
*Auto Hit if your target has 0 Speed, Crit Location: 1d3.
Auxiliary Sloop 2 8 2 4 12 2 or NPC Auxiliary, Boat. 3x 14w 8
Defence: 16, Armour: 5, Movement: 4, Bodies: 1.
Auxiliary Cutter +1d6 3 9 3 4 12 3 or NPC Auxiliary, Boat. 3x 16w 10
Defence: 14, Armour: 5, Movement: 3, Bodies: 1.
Allied Ship +1d6 3 9 3 4 12 - Auxiliary, Boat. GM Permission -
Defence: 14, Armour: 5, Movement: 3, Bodies: 1. Available for a GM determined amount of time, GM should increase the difficulty of the Combat.
Flying Creatures -4 1 2 1 3 Inf 2 or NPC Auxiliary, Creature. Trait or NPC 2
Defence: 18, Armour: 2, Flight Movement: 3, Bodies: 1, Crit Location: 1d3+2.
Sea Creatures -2 1 1 1 3 Inf 3 or NPC Auxiliary, Creature. Trait or NPC 6
Defence: 16, Armour: 4, Aquatic Movement: 1d6, Bodies: 1, Crit Location: 1d3+1.
Strong Hit: Rip Hole (Hit) Target Ship gains Leaking.

Close Combat Hit Rng Max Rng Mor Dmg Crit Dmg Ammo Min Size Weapon Type Acquire Resources
Assault 1 4 Cutthroats 4 Inf - Assault. Auto -

Logistics Hit Rng Max Rng Mor Dmg Crit Dmg Ammo Min Size Weapon Type Acquire Resources
Arcane Shot +2 1 1 3 3 1 1 Auxiliary, Magical. 2 Kn 2
Defence: 24, Armour: 2, Movement: 2d3, Bodies: 12*, *Bodies launch and act individually, Crit Location: 1d3+3.
Arcane Vortex -4 1 2 10 5 1 2 Auxiliary, Magical. 6 Kn 5
Defence: 20, Armour: 3, Movement: 1d3, Bodies: 3*, *Bodies launch and act individually.
Fire Barrels +10 1 1 6 4 1 2 Auxiliary, Mine. 14w 3
Defence: 16, Armour: 4, Movement: 0, Bodies: 6*, Splash 1, Energy, Burn, Crit Location: 1d2, *Bodies launch and act individually.
Strong Hit: On Fire (Hit) Target Ship gains On Fire.

Gunnery Hit Rng Max Rng Mor Dmg Crit Dmg Ammo Min Size Weapon Type Acquire Resources
Round Shot Gun +1 14 5 4 15 1 Cannon Ammunition. 12w 4
Crit Location: 2d6 choose the lowest, If you capture a Ship with Round Shot Cannon Ammunition: this Weapon regains 1d6 Ammo.
Bomb -2d6 Gunners 12 6 5 5 2 Cannon Ammunition. 12w 4
Crit Location: 2d6 choose the lowest.
Shrapnel Canister Gun -1 8 7 4 6 1 Cannon Ammunition. 12w 4
Crit Location: 1d3+3.
Grapeshot +1d6 Gun -2 6 8 4 8 1 Cannon Ammunition. 12w 4
Crit Location: 1d3+3.
Chain Shot Gun -1 9 4 4 8 1 Cannon Ammunition. 12w 4
Crit Location: 1d2+2.
Spider Shot -2 Gun -1 8 6 4 6 1 Cannon Ammunition. 12w 4
Crit Location: 1d2+2.
Light Mortar Shell -1d6 Gun x3 25* 3 4 3 2 Cannon Ammunition, Mortar. 14w 6
*Min Rng 6.
Solid Mortar Shell -1d6 Gun x2 20* 4 4 2 2 Cannon Ammunition, Mortar. 14w 6
Strong Hit (5-6), *Min Rng 6.
Shrapnel Shell -1d6 Gun x2 16* 5 4 1 2 Cannon Ammunition, Mortar. 14w 6
Strong Hit (5-6), Crit Location: 1d3+3, *Min Rng 5.
Dragon’s Piss Shell -1d6 Gun x2 18* 6 3 1 2 Cannon Ammunition, Mortar. 14w 4
Strong Hit (5-6), Crit Location: 1d3+2, Energy, Burn, *Min Rng 6.
Strong Hit: On Fire (Hit) Target Ship gains On Fire.

Cannon Ammunition Modifications (M ay Select any Amount, Cannon Ammunition Only)

Modifications Hit Rng Max Rng Mor Dmg Crit Dmg Ammo Min Size Weapon Type Acquire Resources
Practiced +1 14t +0
Well Drilled +1 1 Kn +0
Steady Shot +1 1 Kn +1
Extra Ammo +1 +2
Large Shots -1 +1 4 +1
Well Crafted +2 14t +2
Master Crafted +1 +2 16t +3
Forward Mounted -1 -1 -1 16t +1
This Weapon’s Port Broadside is in your Front Arc, This Weapon has no Starboard Broadside.
Rear Mounted -1 -1 -1 NPC +2
This Weapon’s Port Broadside is in your Rear Arc, This Weapon has no Starboard Broadside.

Auxiliary Modifications (M ay Select any Amount, Auxiliary Only)

Modifications Hit Rng Max Rng Mor Dmg Crit Dmg Ammo Min Size Weapon Type Acquire Resources
Practiced +1 1 Kn +0
Well Drilled +1 1 Kn +0
Extra Ammo +1 +2
Large Shots -1 +1 +1 +1
Well Crafted +2 14t +2
Master Crafted +1 +2 16t +3
Extra Bodies Xx 14w +X
Bodies: +X.
Spread Shot -1 +0
Splash +1.
Long Shot -2 +1 +2 +2


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