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mid term psy101 notes (1).


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patient. Thiswasdoneinorde<olet theevilspiritsordemonsescapefromthe

suAerer’sbody. In 1590, Rudolf Goeckel used the term “psychology”. This word is the combination of two Greek words “ psyche” and “ logos”,
the former means the

“ soul” and the later “ discursiveknowledge”.Thusliterally, psychologymeansthe scienceof

soul. Aristotle gave a very impo<ant place to soul in human life. Life has no meaning without soul. Psychology was also deOned as the “science of
been deOned as the science of consciousness deOned by Wilhelm Wundt

Modern physiologists and Watson, the founder of the behavioristschool of thought, deOned psychology

as a
science of behavior, both of animals and humans

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