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to balance study, family, work and leisure le a Your tame effectively isan Important key to a fulfling university Career. This chapter provides ides for organising your activities and tps yo ‘help you focus on important tasks. -- Key topless > Diaries, timetables and planners Listing and prioritising '® Routines and good work habits > Hoiv to avoid putting things off Key torms Perfectionism Prioritising Writer's block tra ceful people tend to have the ability to focus onthe right tasks atthe right time, ‘meet their targets, and the knack {putines and tips that can help you improve your erganisation, prioritisation ana time keeping, Weigh up the following ideas and try to adopt those most sulted te Your needs and personality, 2&2 student, you will need to balance the time you devote to study, family, work and Social activities. Although you probably have mare freedom over these choices thon ‘any others, making the necessary decisions is still a challenging task. Table Bt ‘demonstrates just how easy tis for students study time to evaporste, ane Organising your activities more methadicaly is an obvious way to Gain useful time. Diaries and student planners Use a dary or planer to keep track of your day-to-day schedule (for exemple, lectures, sport atvites) and to note submission deadlines for unverlty nerk, © Mork Your way back from key dates, creating milestones such as nish ibcary work for essay’ or ‘prepare first draft of essay’ (© Refer to the diary or planner frequently to keep yourself on track and to plan cut Ach day and week. Try to get into the habit of ooking at the next day's activities the night betore and the next week's work at the end ofthe week. Ifyou use diary 8 Time management 49 ‘Table 8.1 Some of the ways In which students’ study time evaporates. Do you recognise any of these traits in yourself? Personality Fp, Fypical working ways--end the problems that may result | The late- cighter Luke likes to work into the small hours. He's got an essay to wmte with a deadline tomorrow morning, but just couldn't get down to domg it earlier ‘on It's 2G0 aim. and now he's panicking Because the library’s shu, he cant find a reference to sunport one of his points; he's so tired he won't be able to review his writing and correct the punctuation and grammaticai errors, and he feels so shattered that he'll probably sieep mn and miss the 9 00 am. deadline. Oh wel the essay was only worth 25 per cent - hell just have to ‘make up the lost marks in the exam ‘The extension seeker Eleanor always rationalses being late with her assignments She always has {good reasons for being late, and it’s never her Fault. This § beginning to ‘wear rather thin with har tutors. Ths time her printer packed up just before Submission, last time she had tonsilitis and the time before she had to visit her granny in hospital, She's asked for an extension, but wil lose 10 per cont lof the marks for every day her work sate it's only a smell amount, but as she's a borderline passin this subject, it could make all the difference ‘The stressed- ‘out non-starter ‘Shahid has to give a presentation to his tutorial group Oniy thing is. he's ‘50 intimidated by the thought of standing up in fren of them, that ne can't ‘focus on writing the talk. oniy he had his PowerPoint sides and notos ready, he'd feel a whole ot more confident about things, but he can't get ‘going because of his nerves. Maybe if he just goes out fora walk, helt feel better placed to start when he comes back and then, maybe another cup of coffee The last= [Loma isa last-minute person and she can oniy get motivated when things ‘got close to the wire She produces her best work close to deadlines when the adrenaiie is flowing. However, her finakyear dissertation is Supposed to be a massive 10,000 words, there's only a week fo go end she hasnt felt nervous enough to get started until now “The know-it-all ‘Ken has all under control The lecture notes are al onthe Web, so there's really no need to goto the lectures. He'l catch up on sleep instead and study by himself ater on. Then hel just stl to the exam locking cool, get stuck im and amaze everyone with his results, Trouble is, the professor gave out a shat changing the learning outcomes at her first lecture, missed out one of ine topics (which Ken has revised carefully) and told the other students that the exam format now involves two compulsory questions perfectionist ‘Pat wants to do.realy wel at uni She signed up for a vocational degree and has plans to land a plum job on graduation to start her climb up the career tree, Mum and Dad want her to co really well m her assignments and i's viel ‘that the essay that she's working on starts with a crackng frst sentence. ‘Just ca’t phrase it night though = she's tried 15 diferent ways and crossed {them ail out Time i running out now, and she will have to put off going to the Globetrotters Dance Wel, who reeds a social fe anyway The juggler ‘Jeffs a mature student and ws working part-time to make ends meet ‘Aithough it started as 10 hours 2 week, i's now up to 25. He's juggling his shifts 20 he ean attend lectures and tutorials, and might beable todo a bit ‘of coursework inthe breaks at work, providing the staffroom is empty. He = ‘art get into the library to work on the short-ioan material, s0 het have to» miss that out And he's so tired at the end of each day, he just cart summon the energy to read the cove texts. Doesn't know how long he can keep this ~' [pace up nae TOOLKIT B_ Managing yoursel withthe ‘week-to-view’ type of layout, you willbe able to see ahead each time you ook att, 4 Number the weeks, so you can sense how time is progressing over longer periods, such as a term or semester. ‘© Consider also numbering the weeks in reverse ‘count down’ fashion to key events such as end of semester/term exams and assignment submission dates, — o Some universities and many bookshops sell academic diaries that cover the year from | ‘September to August, Aiternatively, some sell academic planners, such as The Smarter Student Planner, which pravide templates for planning that allow you to keep track of assignment dates, plan for exam revision as weil as providing reviows of key points of ‘graminar, spelling, punctuation and maths. Timetables Create a detalled timetable of study when you have a big task looming (e.g. before exams, or when there is a large report or literature survey to write up). The use of revision timetables is covered further in Ch 64, and the same principles apply to other tasks. You could: (© break the task dowo into smalter parts; © space these out appropriately; © schedule important activities for when you generally feel most intellectually active (e.g. mid-morning). One advantage of a timetable is that you can see the progress you are making if you ross out or highlight each minitask as it is completed. Wall planners {hese are another way of charting out your activities, withthe advantage, lke a timetable, that you can see everything in tront of you, i Advantages of being organised j If you organise your time well, you wil: " koop on schedule and met deadines, | 5 reduce stress eauted by ofeing of ack of contol ove your work schedule, | 1 complete work with ess pressure end ul your potenti iL '™ build your confidence about your ability to cope; |= avoid overlapping assignments and having to juggle more than one piece of work ata time, Being organised is especially important for large or long-term tasks because it seems easier to put things off wnen deadlines seem a long way off, | | Sethe ‘At times you may run into problems because you have a number of different tasks that aa re be done. s much better to write these tasks down in aist each dey. rather than risk forgetting them. You will then have 2 good picture of what needs to be done and will be better able to prioritise the tasks. Once you've created alist, rank the tasks by ‘numbering them from 1, 2, 3 and so on, in order from ‘important and urgent’ to ‘neither important nor urgent’ (see Figure 8.1). Your ‘important’ criteria ‘will depend on many factors: for example, your own ‘goals, the weight of marks given to each assessment, ‘or how far away the submission date Is. Each day, you should try to complete as many of the listed tasks as you can, starting with number one. If Figure 8.1 The urgent- you keep each day's list achievable, the process of Important approach to striking out each task as it is completed provides a prioritising Place each activity feeling of progress being made, which turns into one somewnere on the axes in of satisfaction ifthe list has virtually disappeared by relation to its importance andthe evening, Also, you will become less stressed once urgency. Do all the activities : won tak menzar3, —Oharionty tasks ae tackled and last 4. High «Urgency «Low Low -» importance» High Carry over any uncompleted tasks to the next day, ‘add new ones to your list and start again - but try to complete yesterday's unfinished jobs before starting new ones of similar priority, or they will end up being delayed for too long. { Deciding on priorities seared pve mgt en aie i ‘a Importance implies some assessment ofthe benefits of completing atask against ‘the loss ifthe task isnot finishes. 1m Urgency reiates to the length of time before the task must be completed For example, in normal circumstances, doing your laundry wil be neither terribly tnportant nor particularly urgent, but if you start to run out of clean underwear, You may decide otherwise. Hence, pranities ate not static and need to be reassessed frequently. ‘and good work Many people find that carrying out specific tasks at special periods ofthe day or ties If the week helps them get things accomplished on time. You may already adopt this Spproach with routine tasks like doing your laundry every Tuesday morning or visitng 52 TOOLKIT B Managing yours? ‘on Sunday afternoons. You may find it 10 add work-related activites to your list of es far example, by making Monday evening lime for library study, Working on whatever ment is next on your list. “Good working habits can help with time ‘anagement best (Figure 6 2). When you have worked this routine activities when you are less alert, ‘© Make the most of small scraps of time. Use ‘otherwise unproductive time, such as when with you to write down your thoughts. © Keep your documents organised. if your papers are well filed, you won't waste time looking for something required for the next step. (© Make sure you always have a plan. Ofte essay, report or project helps you to cl a fairly detalied pian will save you time in the ong run. f@ Do important work when you are at your most luctive. Most of us can state when we work ‘ut for yourself, timetable your activities to suit: academic work when you are 'most awake’ and ‘commuting or before going to sleep, to jot down ‘ideas, edit work or make plans. Keep a notebook the reason projects don’t go well is because there is ‘no scheme to work to, Laying out a plan for an the likely structure behind your efforts. Writing out Pin/am, Figure 8.2 Are you a morning, afternoon, evening or night person? Rate yourself (marks ‘out of 10) according to when you find yourself most alert and able to study productively. © Extend your working day. If you can deal with early rising, you may find that setting your alarm earlier than normal provides a few extra minutes or hours to hhelp you achieve a short-term goal. Pee One of the hardest parts of time management is getting started on tasks. Procrastination is all too easy, and can involve the following: ® convincing yourself that other Iowpriority work is more important or preferable; © switching frequentiy among tasks, and not making much progress in any of them: © talking about your work rather than doing it; @ planning for too fong rather than working; ‘> having aifticuity starting a plece of writing (having ‘writer's block’; © spending too long on presentational elements (e.9. the cover page or a diagram), rather than the ‘meat’ of the project. 8 Time management 53 ‘This is simply putting off 2 task for another occash Procrastination isthe thief of time’. A particuar type of procrastination involves displacement activity doing things that help you to avoid a difficult or distasteful task. For example: «Do you really need to check and answer all your texts and emails before getting down to work? «© Do ou really need to watch that TV programme or have another spel at that ‘computer game? ‘© Why are you cooking tonight, studies much quicker? ‘@ Why are you drawing such a neat diagram, get on to the next topic? «© Why are you so keen to chat to your frlends rather than go tothe library? «© iny are you shopping today, when you couls easly leave it uni later? “The first step in preventing the syndrome of procrastination, and especially placement activity sto recognise what your subconscious fs doing, You ned fe cree o conscious effort to counteract this side of your personality, By analysing You ehoviour and possibly setting yourself time or other targets with rewards’ to tempt vou into mesting these. For example, take a break when I've written the nest section, 200 words...” {You might also make o ist of things that nee to be done and prioritise these inte vnediate, soon’ and ater’ categories. Convince yourself that you wil not start water’ categories untll you have fuffiled all those items on the the smaller things out that will happen is that rather than eating fast food and getting down to your when creating a less tidy one will et you ‘on the ‘soon’ and ‘immediate’ list. And con't be tempted to think that if you get of the way that will free up your mind for tne bigger issues more lower-category issues will creep Into your attention. belaying completion ofa task In itself a form of procrastination is another aspect of fe management that many find cifcut I's especial problem for those afticted Oy perfectionism, Good time managers recognise when t finish tasks, even fie task is peter perfect’ state. At university, éoing this can mean thatthe sum of results #7 ot ple sssignments is bette, because Your attention is divided more appropiate rather than focusing on a single task at the expense of others. ‘Tips or getting started on tasks and completing them on time are provided in Table 82. TOOLKIT 8 Managing yours? ‘Fable 8.2 Ten tips for getting start ‘on geademic tasks and completing them on time 7 improve your study environment Your focus ond concentration wil depend on the ‘ Create tidy workplace. Although tidying up can be a symptom of procrastination, __ ngeneral 1s easier t start studying ofan empty desk and in an unclttered room "4 Reduce noise Some ike background must, white others don't - but ls generaly ether ‘people's noise thet really interrupts your tran of thought A solution might be to go fo a | gut place ike 2 irary |» Escape. Why not fake al you need toa diferent acation where tere wif bea mirumum © of interruptions? Your focus wil be enhanced the task you need to co isthe only thy you ca do, 2 take with you onty the notes and papers you require 2 Avoid alstractions if you are easily tempted away from tasks by your friends, you" have ‘toleem to decine the'r invitations politely Hang up a do net disturb sgn, and explain why to your friends: disappear off to a quieter location without teling anyone where you wil be, ‘or smith off your phone, TV or email program. One strategy might Be to say to friends, can't come just now, but how about having a short break In ha an hour?” '3 Work in short bursts white your concentration is at a maximum. After ths, ve yourself bret break. perhaps by going for a short walk and then start back again “4 Find a way to start Breaking initial barriers is vital When writing, this is @ vary common problem because of the perceived need to begin witha ‘high impact’ sentence that reads impressively. This 's unnecessary, and starting witha simple definition or restatement ofthe question or problem is perfectly acceptable: you lack the motivation to begin work, try {inking brietiy about the bigger picture’ your degree and career. and how the current task 16a smal but essential stop to achieving your goals. '5 Focus on the positive You may be so anxious about the end point of your task that ths affects your abiity to start it. For example, many students are so nervous about exam or ‘speaking in public that they freeze in their preparation and put the whole thing off One way ‘o-caunter this would be to practise ~ perhaps through mock exams or rehearsing an oral resentation witha friend Focus on positwe aspects - things you do know, rather than those ‘you don't or the good results you want to tell people about, rather than those that fated to provide answers, 6 In written tasks, don't feel you have to work ina linear fashion, Wore-processing safkware silows you work out of sequence, which can help get you going, Sa, fora large report. t "might help to start on a part that is mechanica, suen as a reference ist or results section Sometimes it's a good idea to draft the summary, aostract ot contents Iist first because this wl give you a plan to work to, 7 Cut up targe tasks. Ifyou feel overwhelmed by the size ofa job and this prevents yau from Starting i, break the task down to manageable, achievable chunks. Then, try to complete something every day. Maintaining momentum in this way wil allow you to white away the Jobin smal pieces, 8 Work alongside others if you arrange to work alongside others, you can spur each other on with sympathy, humour and the promise ofa drink or coffe after each study period '9 Ask for help. You may feel that you lack a particular ski to attempt some component ofthe ‘task (eq meths, spelling, or the ality to use a software program) and that this 's holding ‘you back. Cor't be afraid to ask for help. Rather than suffering in isolation, consult a fellow Student, lecturer, of sks adviser, or vist one ofthe many websites that offer assistance, 10 Don’t bo too much of perfectionist. We al want to do well But doing your very best lakes time ~2 commodity that should be carefully rationed so that al tasks are given ther fair share Perfectionism can prevent or delay you getting started if you feel your inal efforts ‘need to be faultless (see 4 above). Also, achieving faul4ree work requires progressively ‘more effort, wit less return as you get nearer to perfection The time you need to spend {__ tovattain the highest standards wil probably be better used on the next task _teattain the ohest standards will probably be better used on the next task 8 Time management 55 Practical tips for managing your time Invest in Items to support your thme management. Helpful ters ‘could include @ ‘dary, all planner, persona data assistant (PDA), mobile phone ‘with diary facility, and alarm clock ~ then use them! snvestigate how you really use your tlme. Time-management ‘experts often ask avert te write down what they do for every minute of several days ‘and thereby work caer tre the productive time disappears tof you are unsure exact) what you waste Caton. you might tke to Keep 2 detailed record fora short peri using a suitable ‘coding for your activities. When you have identifi the time-wasting aspects of Your Gay, you can then act to cut these down (or out). Those of 2 Me" numerical bent rk out percentages spent on might wish to construct a spreadsheet to do this and wo! eae nt activities, Once you nave completed your timesheet, anaivse it te see whether vou spend excessive amounts of time on any one activity of Te riot have the balance Tight, as you think about this, remember that universities Sse ‘you willbe carrying a ademic-related activities for roughly 40 hours per week: create artifical deadlines. Set yourself finishing date that is ahead of the formal srpetesion deadline for your assignment, That way you wil have ine tme to review your work, correct errors and improve the quality of presentation. uid flexibility into your planning. We often end up rusting things Heese the tinexpected has interrupted a timetable thet is too tiohtiy scheduled. To avoid this, aenpestely introduce empty slots into your plans to alow for these ‘contingencies. ‘ry te prioritise the Items on your ‘to do list. I you produce © dally list of tasks, sex sometime thinking about how you wish to prioritise and ore! them through the Gay. You might adopt @ numerical system or one using stars> for example. _your lifestyle needs radical surgery. You may find that He vant because your time is dominates by a single activity. This might be sociaising, caring for others, outside employment ct travelling, for example. Tr anese cases, you may need to make fundamental changes fo You lifestyle to place (Qreater emphasis on your stules. In some cases a student counsellor might be able” to help you decide what needs to be done. [Ask yourself whether in this chapter seems rel

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