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According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, heat transfer
is only possible in the direction from a higher temperatures to a
lower one. It becomes zero if temperatures are equal.

Heat transfer through envelope components is complex and

dynamic. The direction and magnitude of heat flow are affected
by solar gains from the sun, outdoor temperature, indoor
temperature, and exposed surface area.

Building envelope components have three important

characteristics that affect their thermal performance:
• their U-factor or thermal resistance;
• their thermal mass or ability to store heat, measured as
heat capacity (HC);
• their exterior surface condition/finish
(for example, are they light in color to reflect the sun or dark to
absorb solar heat?).
• These concepts are
explained in greater detail
below. Also discussed
below is the use of radiant
barriers to reduce heat
transfer in certain
• In order to build energy
efficient buildings it is very
important to understand,
predict and calculate
accurately the heat flow
through the building
• The other two heat transfer 'paths' envelope.
through the building envelope are the• The heat transferred
solar radiation through windows and through solid structures is
convection which is the heat carried estimated by the use of U
by intentional air flows (ventilation) or R and psi values.
or unintentional air leakages.

Thermal conduction is the process of heat transfer from one part of a
body at a higher temperature to another (or between bodies in
direct contact) at a lower temperature. This happens with negligible
movement of the molecules in the body, because the heat is
transferred from one molecule to another in contact with it. Heat can
be conducted through solids, liquids and gases. Some materials
conduct more rapidly than others.

The convection is the transfer of heat from one part of a fluid (gas
or liquid) to another part at a lower temperature by mixing of fluid
particles. Heat transfer by convection takes place at the surfaces
of walls, floors and roofs.

As air above the

road warms up,it
rises and replaced
by cooler
air,forming a
The raditor
warms the room
by warming the
air around it.then
the warm air
transfer heat to
the rest of the
room through the

Radiation is the heat transfer from a body by virtue of its
temperature; it increases as temperature of the body increases.
It does not require any material medium for propagation. When
two or more bodies at different temperatures exchange heat by
radiation, heat will be emitted, absorbed and reflected by each
Evaporation generally refers to the removal of water by
vaporization from aqueous solutions of non-volatile substances.
It takes place continuously at all temperatures and increases as
the temperature is raised. Increase in the wind speed also
causes increased rates of evaporation. The latent heat required
for vaporization is taken up partly from the surroundings and
partly from the liquid itself. Evaporation thus causes cooling.

Heat exchange
processes between a
building and the
external environment

Heat exchange
processes between
a human body and
the indoor

• The roof absorbs the highest amount of solar radiation during
summer. On a hot summer day, the surface temperature of the roof
could reach up to 65 °C.
• The roof also has the largest exposure to the sky dome and hence can
be used effectively for night sky radiation.
• Night sky radiation is based on the heat that is lost through long wave
radiation from a body towards another body of lower temperature,
which plays the role of a heat sink.
• In the case of a building, the cooled body is the building and the heat
sink is the sky, since the sky temperature is lower than the
temperatures of most objects on the earth.
• Similarly, if we expose the water on the terrace, it gets cooled because
the temperature of the night sky is much less than the temperature of
the water. Water is cooled by exposing water to night sky thru
corrugated sheet

Nocturnal radiation cools roofs as much as 18°F (10°C) below

ambient on clear nights and the chilled air adjacent to the roof
has the ability to reduce or even displace conventional air
conditioning from sunset to sunrise. As warm night air touches
the cooler surface of the collector, it transfers its heat to that
surface and the cooled air is then drawn in through the
perforated surface

• Radiative cooling to the night sky is based on the principle of heat loss
by long-wave radiation from one surface to another body at a lower
• The metal roof is used at night during spring, autumn and acceptable
summer periods to perform sensible cooling.
• Various exotic night sky radiation cooling concepts have been tested
in the past. These have included very expensive “roof ponds” or,
complex cycles or, movable roof insulation with massive roofs so that
heat is not gained during daytime hours.
• During the day, the main zone is de-coupled from the attic, i.e. there is
no air exchange and, due to the thick ceiling insulation, there is
minimal heat transmission as well. Currently heat gain to the attic
space is minimized by the white reflective metal roof.
• At this time the main zone is conventionally cooled with an
appropriately sized air conditioner.
• However, at night as the interior surface of the metal roof in the attic
space falls two degrees below the desired interior thermostat set
point, the return air for the air conditioner is channeled through the
attic space by way of electrically controlled louvers with the variable
speed fan.
• The warm air from the interior cools off at the interior side of the
metal roof which then radiates the heat away to the night sky

• Passive desiccant cooling method is effective in a warm and

humid climate.
• Natural cooling of the human body through sweating does not
occur in highly humid conditions.
• To decrease the humidity level of the surroundings,desiccant salts
or mechanical de-humidifiers are used.
• Desiccant cooling systems are basically open cycle systems,
using water as refrigerant in direct contact with air.
• The thermally driven cooling cycle is a combination of evaporative
cooling with air dehumidification by a desiccant, i.e. a hygroscopic
• Desiccants are materials that attract and hold moisture, and
Desiccant dehumidification air-conditioning systems provide a
method of drying air before it enters a conditioned space.
• With the high levels of fresh air now required for building
ventilation, removing moisture has become increasingly
• Desiccant dehumidification systems are growing in popularity
because of their ability to remove moisture from outdoor
ventilation air while allowing conventional air-conditioning systems
to deal primarily with control temperature.
• Desiccant cooling systems are particularly well suited to hot,
humid climates where airconditioning accounts for the majority of
a building's energy requirements.
• Desiccant materials such as silice gels and certain salt
compounds naturally absorb moisture from humid air. Moisture
laden desiccant materials will release the stored moisture when
heated. a charateristic that allows them to be reused in a solar
desiccant system, the sun provides the heat needed to recharge
the desiccants.
• Once the air has been dehumidified with desiccants, it can be
chilled through evaporative cooling or other techniques to provide
relatively cool, dry air.
• A desiccant is a hygroscopic substance that induces or sustains a
state of dryness (desiccation) in its local vicinity in a moderately
well-sealed container. Commonly encountered pre-packaged
desiccants are solids, and work through absorption or adsorption
of water, or a combination of the two.
• Desiccants for specialised purposes may be in forms other than
solid, and may work through other principles, such as chemical
bonding of water molecules. Pre-packaged desiccant is most
commonly used to remove excessive humidity that would
normally degrade or even destroy products sensitive to moisture.
• Drierite,Silica gel, calcium sulfate, calcium chloride,
montmorillonite clay, and molecular sieves are commonly used as

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