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Squad Commander

Greetings commander. You’ve earned every ounce of pride you have, your unit
is one of the best in the galaxy. Few stand on the same pedestal as lancers
do. But now you’re deploying alongside them and things will only get harder
from here. May you and your troops have the luck of the devil himself. You’ll
need it.

Reverse-engineered from the Squad NPC, fill out a squad with various specialists, which get
whittled down as you take combat losses. Talents and Licenses are combined into one track
for my own sanity. Your personal PC is the commander of said squad, of course.


Basic unit stats and traits

Base Stats:
Size: 4 (½ individually) Sensors: 5
HP: 8 + Grit EP: 6 + (1 per 3 levels)
Armor: 0 Save Target: 10 + Grit
Speed: 4 Repairs: 0
Evasion: 8 Medicine: 0
E-Defense: 8 HASE: None, use Grit

● Soldiers: (Heavy rewrite from the NPC version, but this trait is basically all narrative. But
notably, PC squads will assume multiple HP per member.)
● Biological: You are Biological. You have no heat cap, are immune to tech actions other
than Scan and Lock On, and cannot normally take tech actions.
● Strength in Numbers: You have Resistance to all damage from attacks that are not
Line, Cone, Burst or Blast, and are immune to Grapple, Ram, Knockback, and Stunned.
● Spread Out: As your members are assumed to move freely within your occupied space,
other characters can freely move through and end their turn in space you occupy, and
as long as you occupy 2 free spaces you can end your turn overlapping obstructions,
cover, or other characters. You cannot normally Grapple or Ram.
● Undersize: Taking advantage of small terrain features, you always have soft cover, even
in the open. However, due to the destructive potential of mech-scale weapons, you
cannot normally benefit from hard cover.
● Volley Fire: Some weapons are tagged Volley. You may only equip one of these per
squad, and these weapons make two attacks at a time if you have 3 or more Attrition

Treat your squad’s Commander like a Pilot. Grab Pilot gear like normal, stick with the squad
unless you pop off to do your own thing. Like Pilots in their mechs, Commanders can’t be
targeted, damaged, or attacked while in an operational squad; but a Routed squad provides no
cover. Squads are autonomous without their commander but will follow orders in an intelligent
fashion, and unlike AI-controlled mechs leaderless squads benefit fully from Specializations.
Any GM error in order interpretation and execution is just IC human error.

Basic Actions

Quick Actions
● Boost
● Hide
● Prepare
● Skirmish
● Search

Full Actions
● Barrage
● Disengage
● Improvised Attack: Full Action. Make a melee attack on up to 2 adjacent targets for 1d6
kinetic damage on each hit. Usable while Jammed.
● Mount and Dismount: Commander joins/leaves the squad
● Skill Check

● Overwatch
● Heroic Charge
Heroic Charge
Squads do not have Core Power. Instead, once per scene you may spend 1 Attrition on a
Heroic Charge as a reaction to anything, immediately gaining Overshield equal to your max HP.
You take an extra turn later this round, otherwise obeying turn order. During this turn you ignore
the effects of Immobilized, Impaired, Jammed, Shredded, and Slowed.

Do not make an Attrition check when you make a Heroic Charge, and if you spend your last
attrition on a Heroic Charge, you are not routed until the next time you lose HP, at which point it
happens automatically.

Loadouts, Specializations, and Advancement

At character creation, you have 6 Equipment Points (EP) to spend on modules. Some modules
are available baseline, while other gear can be unlocked with specializations. You may have
only one Hardsuit and one module marked Volley.

Specializations are your equivalent to both Talents and Licenses, and combine aspects of both.
They will unlock gear, grant you new abilities, and even provide stat upgrades. On character
creation, choose 3 different starting specializations and gain the first rank.

On gaining a License Level, you gain the +2 to an existing trigger or a new trigger at +2, like
Pilots, and +1 rank in any squad specialization. Also like Pilots, your grit is equal to half your
LL, rounded up. At every third level, you gain an extra EP instead of a core bonus.

Squad Damage and Attrition

Player squads lack Structure and Stress and instead have 4 Attrition, representing roughly how
many of its squad members are removed from fighting condition. When a character with
Attrition is reduced to 0 HP, it takes 1 Attrition damage, makes an Attrition check, resets its HP,
and carries over any remaining damage. To make an Attrition check, roll a die per missing
Attrition, take the lowest value and consult the following table. If a Squad has no Attrition
remaining, it is automatically Routed.
Attrition Damage Table

5-6 Shaken Your squad is Impared until the end of your next turn.

Lose a non-hardsuit module of your choice. If no qualified

2-4 Worn Down
modules remain, your squad is routed instead.

The result depends on your squad’s remaining Attrition:

1 Disarrayed
3+: Squad is Jammed until the end of your next turn.
2: Roll a Grit check. On a success, your squad is Jammed until
the end of your next turn. On a failure, your squad is routed.
1: Your squad is routed.

Multiple 1s Routed Your squad is routed.

When a squad is Routed, it remains on the battlefield but is too busy tending to wounded and
transporting casualties to have any combat effectiveness. It can move its speed but cannot
take any actions, does not cause Engagement, and cannot interact with objectives.

Enemies will not typically attack a Routed squad, whether out of honor, fear of reprisal, or
simply obeying their own rules of engagement. If an enemy does wish to attack it, handle it

Rests and Full Repairs

On a Rest, operational squads heal their HP to full for no cost, but do not regain any lost
Attrition. If your squad is Routed, it can return to operational status with 1 Attrition and full HP.

On a Full Repair, squads reset their HP and Attrition to full, as well as repairing any lost
modules. Basic infantry materiel is commonplace, and during a full repair you may replace any
equipped module with baseline modules, even without access to a printer. With access to a
suitable printer, you may also choose from any modules you have unlocked.

Baseline Modules
These modules are available for use at character creation and during any Full Repair.

● Combat Voidsuits: Hardsuit, 0 EP
In low or zero gravity and underwater environments, you can fly and are not Slowed.
● Assault Hardsuits: Hardsuit, 1 EP
Gain +1 Armor, +2 HP.

● Infantry Weapon System: Main Rifle, 1 EP, Volley
8 range, 3 [special] damage
Choose damage type when equipped.
● Watchdog Nexus System: Main Nexus, 1 EP
10 range, Smart, Arcing, 1d6+1 kinetic damage
● Anti-Armor System: Heavy Launcher, 2 EP
10 range, AP, 1d6+1 [special] damage
Choose damage type when equipped.
● Bolstered Ranks: 2 EP, Unique
Bringing along additional squad members, you gain +4 HP.
● Field Specialists: 1 EP, Unique
When you take this, name a non-combat specialization your personnel are trained in.
You gain +1 Accuracy on relevant non-combat skill checks, and +2 HP.

Core Specializations

Airborne Assault

Issuing high-performance flight packs to individual soldiers is a

controversial doctrine for a myriad of reasons, including high per-unit cost,
intensive training, vulnerability to anti-air weaponry, and limited utility
in many theaters. Nevertheless, the practice occurs time and time again as
militaries experiment with it. Those so equipped have earned a variety of
nicknames from their fellows, ranging from the “valkyries” and “flyboys” to
“mosquitoes” and “meat skeet”.

● Rank 1 (Wings of Icarus): You unlock the following hardsuit:

○ Flight Hardsuits: Hardsuit, 3 EP
Gain +2 speed, +4 evasion. When you Boost you may fly, and may continue flying
during any further movement this turn. However, if you did not start your turn on
the ground, then you fall at the end of your turn.

● Rank 2 (Graceful Flock): While flying, you have +1 Accuracy on Agility checks and
saves. Gain the following reaction:
○ Wild Weasel (Reaction): 1/round
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with a ranged attack while you are flying.
Effect: Fly up to your speed directly towards the attacking enemy. If this moves
you through or past the enemy, they become Impared until the end of their turn.
The enemy then rerolls their attack.

● Rank 3 (Stymphalian Swarm): You may Grapple as a quick action, with +1 Accuracy if
you are currently flying. When you do so, you enter the same space as your target,
moving as it does, and are otherwise Immobilized in the grapple. Your grappled target
treats your remaining Attrition as your Size, and is also Impared. You may not take
actions other than Improvised Attack while grappling, and your Improvised Attack
targets your grappled target twice instead of choosing different targets.

Armor Cracking

In the era of mech combat, few are chosen to actually pilot mechs. Of those
who are not, they all want to be the David to take down Goliath, cracking
open the hardest of targets. Until they find out what kind of hazardous
ordnance they’ll be handling to do it.

● Rank 1 (Weak Points): When you critically hit with an attack with the AP tag against a
target with 1 or more armor, that attack does maximum possible damage instead of

● Rank 2 (Can Opener): Your weapons with the AP tag do 10 AP damage to objects and
terrain. You unlock the following module:
○ Segment Pikes: Heavy Melee, 2 EP, Volley
1 Threat, 1d6+1 energy damage, AP, Overkill

● Rank 3 (Variable Payload): Whenever you fire your Anti-Armor System, you may
choose its damage type and one of the following effects. If you consumed Lock On with
this attack, choose two.
○ Weapon does 2 explosive damage to characters adjacent to the target.
○ Weapon gains +5 Range and Arcing.
○ Weapon gains Knockback 2 and on hit the target must make a Hull save or be
knocked Prone.
○ Weapon deals Burn instead of normal damage and gains Overkill.

Combat Engineering

Mechs, ground vehicles, and aircraft are all terribly complex things with a
penchant for breakdowns even under normal wear and tear. But in live-fire
combat conditions, that tendency is multiplied several-fold. Even the most
repairable of war machines rely on a constant supply of spare parts and
RawMat to feed into their maintenance cycle, whether that duty is carried out
by on-board repair systems or the specialized kits of trained repair crews.
Crews willing to work in the field are few and far between, but they’re
highly valued for their ability to fix problems as they happen and keep said
war machines in peak combat readiness.
● Rank 1 (Spare Parts): Gain +3 repairs. At your discretion, adjacent allies can use your
repairs as their own. Additionally, you unlock the following module:
○ Handheld Flash Printers: 1 EP
Gain +3 repairs. During combat, you can use the following action:
■ Fix Up (Full Action): Target an adjacent non-biological ally and spend 1 repair.
They heal to full HP and clear all Conditions.

● Rank 2 (Field Tune-Up): When you use Fix Up, you can spend an additional 1 repair to
grant that ally Overshield equal to half their max HP. Until this Overshield breaks, they
have +1 Accuracy on all checks and saves. When they hit with a weapon attack, they
may optionally clear this Overshield for +1d6 bonus damage on that attack.

● Rank 3 (Spanner in the Works): Once per turn, your Improvised Attack additionally
does 1d6 heat to a non-Biological target. Whenever your Improvised Attack causes a
target to lose a structure or be destroyed, you regain 1 repair. Whenever your
Improvised Attack causes a target to overheat, that target must pass an Engineering
Save or become Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Electronic Warfare

Though severely lacking in power and versatility compared to mech and ship
based computer systems, distributed EWAR kits and teamwork can still exploit
vulnerable enemy systems and provide support to allies over local battlefield
legionspace. Like most infantry gear, a wide variety of designs exist from
multiple recognized corpros, in form factors ranging from “cyberdecks” to
augmented reality headsets to ontological bridges. Unsanctioned “darknet”
versions are also widespread, both due to perceptions of higher performance
and a lack of access to standard designs among irregular forces.

● Rank 1 (Probe Team): You unlock the Quick Tech action, and may make the Lock On
quick tech. You also unlock the following module:
○ Legion Array: 2 EP, Unique
Gain +2 E-Defense. You may make the Bolster, Scan, and Invade quick techs,
using Grit as your Tech Attack score.

● Rank 2 (Improved Electronics): Gain +3 Sensors and +2 E-Defense. Your Watchdog

Nexus System gains +5 range and ignores cover against targets inside your Sensors.

● Rank 3 (Networked Exploits): You unlock the Full Tech action. If you have a Legion
Array, gain the following quick techs:
○ Proxy Attack: Choose an ally in Sensors and LOS, then make an Invade against a
target in that ally’s Sensors and LOS. You may use any Invade option that ally has
access to.
○ Junk Data-Dump: Every Engaged enemy in your Sensors and LOS must succeed
on a Systems save or become Impaired until the end of their next turn.

Field Medicine

“The miracle of modern medicine” is a line that has been trotted out for
ages, but medicine available in the current era is truly nothing short of
miraculous. On the cutting-edge, severe injuries can be treated even among
the chaos of the battlefield. Although a full recovery might be protracted, a
sufficiently determined and medicated soldier can return to combat almost

● Rank 1 (Triage): Gain +2 Medicine. During a Rest, you may spend 2 Medicine to regain
1 Attrition. During combat, you can use the following action.
○ Patch Up (Full Action): Remove either a condition or all burn from yourself, and
optionally spend 1 Medicine to heal your HP to full.

● Rank 2 (Corpsmen): You unlock the following module:

○ Portable MediSuite: 2 EP, Unique
Gain +4 Medicine. When you use Patch Up, you may target an adjacent biological
ally instead of yourself. When you make an Attrition check, roll one fewer die
(minimum 1).

● Rank 3 (Combat Stims): Gain +2 medicine. Once per round, you can spend 1 Medicine
to take an additional quick action as a free action.

Guerilla Warfare

Irregular forces have been a staple of ground combat for millennia, but the
lessons learned in asymmetric conflicts truly become invaluable with the
application of modern combat tools.

● Rank 1 (Ambushers): Your cover provided by Undersize trait is enough to Hide,

allowing you to hide in plain sight of enemies as long as you benefit from it. You begin
each combat as Hidden. During any turn you start as Hidden, you gain +1 Accuracy on
attacks, checks and saves.
● Rank 2 (Stealth Tech): You become immune to Lock On and you unlock the following
○ Infiltration Suit: Hardsuit, 2 EP
During your turn you are Invisible. If you do not attack or force a save during your
turn, you remain Invisible until the start of your next turn. Making attacks or forcing
saves outside your turn do not cause you to lose invisibility.

● Rank 3 (Go to Ground): Gain +2 Evasion and +2 E-Defense. As a full action, you may
teleport up to 6 spaces and Hide, leaving behind a mine on any unoccupied space in
your original location. This mine is Burst 1 and when triggered all characters within must
make an Agility Save or take 1d6 kinetic damage and become Slowed. On a success,
they take half damage.

Indirect Fire Support


Without high-tech targeting and guidance systems, saturation fire becomes the
name of the game for indirect bombardment. However, achieving this with a
battery of man-portable mortars requires a coordinated team effort.

● Rank 1 (Artillerists): You unlock the Mortar Battery. While you have a Mortar Battery
equipped, you have -1 Speed.
○ Mortar Battery: Superheavy Cannon, 3 EP, Unique
Arcing, Ordnance, 15 Range
HE loads: Blast 2, 1d6+2 Explosive

● Rank 2 (Time On Target): As a Full Action, you may Prepare a Barrage. If you Prepare a
Skirmish or Barrage and it triggers during an ally’s turn, you have +1 Accuracy on
attacks against any target an ally has attacked since the end of your last turn.

● Rank 3 (Munitions Depot): Carrying a variety of ordnance for any occasion, your
Mortar Battery gains the following alternate loads:
○ Incendiary loads: Blast 2, 1d3 Energy + 2 Burn
○ Thermobaric loads: Blast 3, 1d6 Energy
On a critical hit, the target is Impaired until the end of their next turn.
○ Shredder loads: Blast 2, 1d3 Kinetic, AP
On a critical hit, the target is Shredded until the end of their next turn.
○ Cluster loads: Blast 3, 1d6 Explosive, Inaccurate, Reliable 2

Joint Operations
Teamwork makes the dream work. We may not be piloting a several-ton war
machine, but everyone pulls their weight and we’ll show we can keep up with
the big boys.

● Rank 1 (Coordination): Your movement through spaces occupied by allies ignores

engagement and does not provoke reactions. Gain the following reaction:
○ Follow-Up Shot (Reaction): 1/round
Trigger: An enemy is successfully attacked by an allied mech.
Effect: You may target them with Overwatch using a Volley weapon, but may only
attack once.

● Rank 2 (Danger Close): You have Immunity to bonus damage from allies. If you are
inside the Blast, Burst, Cone, or Line of an allied mech’s attack, you have Resistance to
that attack and other characters in that area take +1d6 bonus damage.

● Rank 3 (Calling the Shots): As a full action, designate a target in Sensors and LOS.
Each of your allied mechs may either:
○ Make a Skirmish against them as a reaction, dealing half damage.
○ Boost towards them as a reaction.

Mechanized Infantry

As mechs rose to prominence in the aftermath of the Hercynian Crisis and the
Interest War, more conventional vehicles have fallen from the limelight.
However, just like infantry, they still fulfill vital roles on the
battlefield, including providing transport and direct fire support, and many
infantry units will organically incorporate vehicles to those ends.

Whether IFV, APC, MBT, Dropship or otherwise, interior space is at a premium

and most will find the space cramped. Ground-pounders are well used to the
tight quarters within, and consider their appearance a sight for sore eyes.

● Rank 1 (Dedicated Transport): You can spend 3 EP to print a transport (HP 8 + Grit,
Armor 1, Evasion 8, E-Defense 8, Size 2, Speed 5, Heat Cap 6) with a Flexible Mount
(GMS ranged weapons only) and 2 Structure. It can carry a single PC or NPC squad (as
well as its Commander, if separated), up to six individual human-sized characters, or
two Size ½ mechs or drones. It has its own movement, but otherwise can be given one
order per turn as a quick action, and a second order while a squad is embarked:
○ Skirmish: Skirmish
○ Overdrive: Boost, and then optionally Ram.
○ Scoot and Shoot (2 heat): Boost and then Skirmish at +1 Difficulty. Unusable with
weapons with the Ordnance tag.
○ Embark: Load any number of adjacent characters into the transport’s internal
space, up to its max capacity.
○ Disembark: Unload any number of characters from the transport into adjacent
○ Vent heat: Clear all heat and remove Exposed.
○ Reload: Reload all weapons.

● Rank 2 (Kitted Out): Modifications to the basic design enable versatility and
specialization. When you print your transport, you may pick one of the following
systems to give it. These systems are valid targets for system destruction.
○ All-Terrain Kit: Transport gains +2 speed and ignores difficult terrain.
○ Breacher Kit: Transport gains +1 armor and its Rams do 1d6 kinetic damage on
hit, increased to 10 AP against objects or terrain.
○ Gunnery Kit: Transport’s mount becomes Main/Aux. If this system is destroyed,
the Aux is lost as well.

● Rank 3 (Armored Cavalry): At this point, some would call your vehicle a gunship or
tank. When you print your transport, you may apply a second system and optionally
spend 1 EP more for a third system. Gain these additional system options:
○ Flight Spec: Transport may count any of its movement as flying, and takes 2 heat
at the end of your turn if it does so.
○ Heavy Arms: Transport’s mount becomes Heavy. If this system is destroyed, the
weapon is lost as well. Incompatible with Gunnery Kit.
○ Reactive Armor: Transport gains +1 armor and the following Reaction:
■ Hunker Down (Reaction): 1/round
Trigger: This vehicle is hit by an attack.
Effect: This vehicle gains resistance to that attack’s damage, burn, and heat.
During your next turn, this vehicle can move but cannot be given orders.

Rank and File


The old tricks are the best tricks. Discipline, coordination, and sheer
volume of fire conquer many a foe.

● Rank 1 (Quartermaster): You unlock the following modules. If unlocked, during a Full
Repair these modules are also available without printer access.
○ IWS, Close-Quarter Issue: Main CQB, 1 EP, Volley
3 Range, 3 Threat, 3 [special] damage
Choose damage type when equipped.
○ IWS, Marksman Issue: Main Rifle, 1 EP, Volley
15 range, Ordnance, 3 [special] damage
Choose damage type when equipped.

● Rank 2 (Disciplined Fire): Your weapons do not suffer any penalty for Engagement.
When you critically hit with a Volley weapon, your target becomes either Slowed or
Impaired until the end of their next turn (choose one).

● Rank 3 (Indefatigable): You gain +1 Attrition and start each combat with 4 Overshield.
If you have at least 5 Attrition, your Volley weapons make three attacks at a time instead
of two.

Sapping and Mining


Control the battlefield, control the war.

● Rank 1 (Minelayers): Once per scene, when you trigger a mine, you may first attempt
to disarm it as a reaction. You unlock the following module:
○ Mine Pack: 1 EP, Limited 3.
Expend a charge for one of the following mines:
■ Tankbuster Mine (Mine, Burst 1): All characters within the affected area must
pass a Hull save or take 2d6 AP Explosive damage. On a success, they take
half damage.
■ Directional Charge (Mine): When a character moves over or adjacent to this
mine, it detonates with a Cone 3 in the direction of the character who triggered
it. All characters within this cone must pass an Agility Save or take 2d6
Explosive damage. On a success, they take half damage.
■ Thermal Cluster Mine (Mine, Burst 2): All characters within the affected area
take 1d6 Energy damage.

● Rank 2 (Earthmovers): You benefit from terrain that grants hard cover, and you unlock
the following module:
○ Micro-Terraformer: 1 EP, Unique
You gain the following quick actions:
■ Dig: Choose up to two adjacent objects or terrain, and do 10 AP damage to
■ Fill: Place up to two Size 1 pieces of hard cover (10 HP, 5 Evasion) in any
adjacent unoccupied spaces.

● Rank 3 (Lay of the Land): When you use Micro-Terraformer, you may also use Mine
Pack as a free action. You may equip a single Mine Pack for 0 EP, you gain +2 Save
Target, and checks to detect any of your mines are made at +1 Difficulty.
Scorched Earth

Much-maligned on the battlefield, everyone shares a hatred for flame

troopers. Except for the tacticians who value their brutal efficacy. Just
remember not to start any fires you can’t put out.

● Rank 1 (Flamer Team): You unlock the following module:

○ Salamander System: Heavy CQB, 1 EP
Line 3, 1 Energy + 1d6 Burn

● Rank 2 (Firebreak): You automatically pass checks to remove Burn. As a quick action,
you can choose a contiguous area of up to 3 unoccupied spaces, of which one of which
must be adjacent to you. These spaces become Dangerous Terrain (Burn) for the rest of
the scene.

● Rank 3 (Incindium): Once per round, when you inflict Burn on a mech with an attack,
you may also inflict them with Reactor Flare. If they fail their next engineering check to
clear Burn, they also take heat equal to half their Burn.

Bonus Specializations
These are cordoned off here because they’re weird or experimental. Consider any finished ones
free DLC. Though if they turn out well they’ll likely be incorporated into the standard list.

Fireteam Tactics

They said never to split up. Maybe they were wrong.

● Rank 1 (Split Off): As a quick action, you may spend 1 Attrition to split off a few
members into a smaller fireteam. Create a fireteam in an adjacent space that acts as a
squad with 1 Attrition, size 3, full HP, and the rest of your stats and abilities (except for
those granted by modules). This fireteam has the same Volley weapon and Hardsuit, but
no other modules.

Your fireteam takes damage and suffers conditions separately, and may be routed
likewise. You and your fireteam act independently during your turn, each having your full
movement but sharing any limits on actions, free action, and reactions.

If your fireteam is adjacent to or occupying the same space as you or a transport you
occupy, they may rejoin you as a quick action. Add your fireteam’s current HP to your
squad’s HP. If your squad has more than its max HP, subtract your max HP and regain 1
Attrition, otherwise make an Attrition Check. Count a routed fireteam as having 0 HP.

● Rank 2 (Specialized Teams): When you split off, you may transfer up to two other
modules to the fireteam until they rejoin you. Any stats and abilities granted by the
module are transferred to the fireteam instead.

● Rank 3 (Interlocking Fire): When your squad or fireteam Barrages, one other may
Skirmish as a free action, but all weapons must target the same enemy. That enemy
suffers +1 Difficulty on any checks and saves until the end of your turn.

Strategic Recon

Take a look ahead.

● Rank 1 (Deep Scouting): Once per mission, outside of combat, you may schedule an
advanced reconnaissance sortie. The GM informs you of the composition of enemy
forces during the next combat scene, as well as the nature of any objectives present.

● Rank 2 (Objective Minded): You gain the following bonuses during sitreps. If a sitrep is
non-standard, the GM may choose an appropriate alternate bonus at their discretion.
○ During Control and Holdout sitreps, start with 1 additional point.
○ During Escort or Extraction sitreps, you may move an adjacent objective with you
even if you did not start your turn adjacent.
○ During Recon sitreps, you may check the CZ as a quick action.
○ During Gauntlet sitreps, you count as two characters for scoring.

● Rank 3 (Forward Insertion): Once per mission, you may do an advance tactical
insertion. Before anyone else deploys, place yourself anywhere on the battlefield. After
everyone else deploys but before combat begins, you may reposition by moving up to
your speed.

Unit Leadership

Not all leaders pilot mechs.

● Rank 1 (Field Commander): You gain rank 1 of the Leader talent. Additionally, you
control your squad normally even when dismounted, as long as you can communicate
● Rank 2 (Open Channels): You gain rank 2 of the Leader talent. Additionally, both your
squad and your commander gain hardened comms and may communicate normally
while Jammed.

● Rank 3 (Inspiring Presence): You gain rank 3 of the Leader talent. Additionally, you
regain 1 Leadership Die at the end of every combat scene.

Misc Notes
Yeah, gonna have some misc notes here.
● Possibly give baseline healing to everyone to prevent Medicine being a must take?
Hopefully not an issue with free heals on rests.
● Harsh realism optional narrative rule? Make a list of names of squaddies, mark ‘em out
as they get picked off, roll a die for each name when you rest to see if they “make it”
● Manpower was renamed Attrition to be slightly more abstract. I may change it back,
IDK. Resolve?
● Reformat Armors Hardsuits to look more like frames with full statlines instead of
modifying a base statline? Ehhh…? Something like:
Light Hardsuits 4 EP

HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 4

Armor: 0 E-Defense: 8

Gain EVA mobility rating.

● Change modules from being gear-y back to the original concept of being individual
human specialists? Drone Operator, Assaultman, Flash Printer Tech, Medic,
Legionspacers, Mortar Team, etc.
● Add a side-system where you can spend a spec point on a company-specific gear
license? Possibly giving individual gear bits in here specialization prereqs? Specific
mechs’ weapons for Mechanized Infantry are very likely, like the Drake Assualt Cannon
and Sherman Laser Rifle

Creator-Unreal, Hellaspooks, Imcoveredinbees!, IterationDrive, Reconus, Ru, and
everyone else in Pilot Net’s #homebrew-design who gave me support and feedback.

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