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Daily HSE Observation Report

Today’s Observation (Joint Visit of IOCL and Hill Representative with SPCPL HSE Coordinators at Site) Date: 03.10 2022
Sr Expected Date of
No. Observations to SPCPL Completion

1 Block E : Worker found without Safety shou The worker is removed from the site 03.10.2022
2 Block E G : Insecure ladder in practice Insecure ladder advised tying properly 03.10.2022
3 Access is obstructed by materials Block G Materials are removed 03.10.2022
4 Work in practice in red tag Block E Workers are removed and informed to site supervisor 03.10.2022
Dusty road , water sprinkler not in practice Informed to arrange water truck r
Previous Observation status

1 Block A : Damaged cable found on 2nd floor 2nd-floor Damaged cables informed to remove Closed
2 Block A : Socket is found damaged Damaged socket to be removed Closed
3 Block A : ground floor basement housekeeping to be Informed for housekeeping Follow
4 Block A : B: Scaffolding materials need to arrange The arrangement will do by the SPCPL scaffold Closed
5 Block A : Damaged cable found on 2nd floor 2nd-floor Damaged cables informed to remove Closed
6 Block A : Socket is found damaged Damaged socket to be removed Closed

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