Int1 - Assig 2 - Burgos Aixa

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Answer the following questions in a Word file using complete and meaningful sentences with your

own words. Pay attention to language use and all the words and expressions needed to answer the
questions (1 pt. each question).

1. What do people do at the Tomatina Festival?

A- The same as we do on Carnival, we start a fight with water balloons and them with tomatoes.

2. What is the purpose of the Window Climbing Competition?

3. Who wins at the Cheese Rolling Competition?

A- The person who can run faster than the other participants and take the cheese first, they have
two winners, one from the female category and one from the male category.

4. What is the main objective of the Wife Carrying Competition?

A- The men have to take their wives in his arms and run fast between some obstacles and enjoy
the competition.

5. What is the prize of the Wife Carrying Competition

A- A lot of beer (That depends from the winner’s wife weight)

6. What costumes do women wear at Cholita-Wrestling Festival?

A- They’re indigenous, so they have to wear their conventional clothes for this competition.

7. What is the Cholita-Wrestling festival inspired by?

A- They’re making a tribute to the style from American Wrestling, like the WWE where we can see
a lot of women and man fighting and demonstrating who is the best.

8. What does the Bear Dance represent?

9. What does the mutual color throwing represent in the Holi Festival?

10. When do participants test their boats at the Bear Cans Regatta?

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