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Advanced II - Assignment 2

Reading and Writing - (20pts./25%)

Part 1: Reading


1. Read the text about life.

2. Answer the questions by creating a Word document,

3. Once your answers are ready, read them again so you can check your performance. If you are
not happy with the result, you may rewrite it until you have a final version.

2. Answer the following questions in the Word file using complete and meaningful sentences with
your own words. Pay attention to language use and all the words and expressions needed to
answer the questions (2pt. each question except 1 and 5).

1. What can be inferred about National Smile Week?

- Looks like it didn’t work at all (Maybe a waste of time for the organizers). National Smile Week
was made for us to open our eyes, realize that we live in this world and there’s a lot of people
around us having such a bad day and as someone could help us just by smiling at us, we can do the
same to others.

2. What does the author imply about people in the second paragraph?

- Some of people doesn’t want to believe that sharing a smile could transform someone’s day into
a non-bad one, we’re so stuck on our apathy that we’re not able to share a bit of happiness to

3. What does the author say about higher education in the third paragraph?

- The author says that young people (more than a third he says) are able to enjoy high education (a
privilege that only rich people could enjoy some years ago). Inferring that now we’re having more
opportunities to have a better life in the future and ends saying that we have money, we’re
healthy and we’re living as the unhappiest people. (I don’t agree)

4. What is the writer referring to when he says '(the palace) can be beamed into our living rooms?

- I think he tried to explain that all that we see on social medias could make us unhappier, being
able to compare our houses to others that could be around our ones could makes us think that we
have all that we need, but the information that we always see on the internet shows us that we
don’t have enough, we’re not even comparing our houses with those next doors.

5. Why does an increase in earnings fail to make most people happier?

- They’re not happy because they didn’t have deficiencies and life is boring when aren’t you
suffering for something that you can’t get. They think that having money and capacity to have
those things that they want is not enough because earning things is all that those people know
instead of being relax about shopping, maybe they need to start finding their passions and those
things that they can care about because they have enough money to not be worry about what
they’re going to eat tonight. It’s just because they’re focusing their efforts in the wrong way to find
the happiness. Money doesn’t buy happiness but being calm and not being worried about money
could help you finding it.

Part 2: Writing (10pts.)


Imagine you are a writer for History Channel's blog. You have to write an article about an urban
legend in your country. Write an original text between 200 and 250 words (give examples and
details, and include images).

Grammar: you should use sentences with the present perfect (to refer to past events with
relevance to the present), the present perfect continuous (to describe unfinished continuous
actions), words and expressions taught in class.

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