TPGP - Gracie

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Gracie Morbeck

Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2022 PSII/III

The first thing I did was fill out this self-assessment tool from the ATA to reflect on the competencies
and indicators in the Teaching Quality Standard (TQS). From there, I identified two areas to concentrate
my professional learning plan on, and wrote “goal 1” and “goal 2” next to statements I did not feel
confident with. These two categories were collaboration and working on applying FNMI values into my
classroom content.
Gracie Morbeck
Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2022 PSII/III
Gracie Morbeck
Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2022 PSII/III
Gracie Morbeck
Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2022 PSII/III
Because in PSI my goal was to obtain knowledge of Indigenous ways of knowing in order to feel more
confident integrating it into my teaching, I already had a myriad of resources at my fingertips. Yet, I felt
my reconciliation journey is still personal, so I wanted to pay more attention to this process and then
have a future TPGP goal centred on collaborating with colleagues in this effort. So, instead, I focused on
one goal, which is highlighted in the bottom boxes.

Teaching Quality Standard Competency:

2A: I collaborate with colleagues to build professional capacities and expertise.
2B: I actively seek feedback to enhance my teaching practice.
Inquiry question:
How does collaborating with colleagues from multiple specialties enhance my teaching practice as a pre-service
Possible resources:
ATA website, my teacher mentors, university consultant, university professor, WCHS Colleagues (teachers, interns,
liaisons, educational assistants), online resources (ELAC Journal)

Strategy Timeline Indicators of Success

(Sept.- Dec.
Collaborate Sept- end of - Talking to service professionals, teacher mentors, and gathering resources
with PSII/III for preventative purposes as well as handling case to case issues
professionals Results
Spoke to mental health & wellness on different occasions (mental health &

Utilized teacher mentors’ observation notes & kept in contact to ensure best
practice (course specific & classroom management)

Introduced myself and kept a relationship with J (Indigenous relationships & grad

Reached out to D when I had student M & frequently communicated with EA

(inclusive edu)
Research Sept- end of - Read at least 1 English journal to keep up with best practice and add more
educational November accounts to social media to make research constant
research for
my Results
professional - Started by reading “Collaborating with Colleagues for the Sake of Academic
learning and Professional Development in Higher Education” by Leah Shagrir
(2017). Learned that I would acquire skills I never knew I lacked through
observation and that involvement often leads to learning.
Gracie Morbeck
Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2022 PSII/III

- So, I watched my teacher mentors teach throughout September-

November and noticed the way they spoke and interacted with their
students. I then tried implementing unfamiliar methods to improve my
own teaching. For example, C always asks, “what stood out to you?” “what
do you wonder?” and A showed me the importance of modelling and the I
Do-We Do- You Do method to give the kids the confidence to begin their
- I followed “missraesroom” on Instagram which focuses on responding to
IEPs in the classroom. She gave me lots of strategies to try in the classroom
such as the Expert group and Jigsaw group, different exit tickets (a
question you have after this lesson, 3 facts from today’s lesson, etc.), using
hands to indicate understanding. This account was more an example of
indirect collaboration, but I shared my learnings with interns and it really
helped them, too.
- I also subscribed to the English Language Arts Journal by joining the
specialist council through my student ATA membership. I have access to
research articles, book and materials reviews, teaching approaches and
ideas, teacher creative writing, and other manuscripts of interest to ELA
teachers according to
Adjust to All semester Work with LSTs, EAs, and phone parents to take action and help my students
feedback long
from others Results
accordingly - A and I worked with D to gather more information about a student in my
(and be open class’s interests and goals. We got him a binder with a visual schedule in it,
to it) a timer, and a storybook with reading comprehension conversations. We
also hosted a team meeting for him since my class was the only academic
one he was in, and I was responsible for his goals/ ISP. He was moved to
Amie’s class, but putting a student’s needs first was modelled to me and I
learned a lot about advocacy rom the conversations.
- I began with an educational assistant, and I was very open to strategies
and observations that she suggested. Since she spent all day with my
student, I wanted her feedback, so we worked closely together.
- I kept in contact with parents beginning in September to update them
about PowerSchool, student concerns, and celebrations as well! This was
modelled to me by multiple staff members.
- I sat down with my administrator, University Consultant, and teacher
mentors to debrief my lessons and learn how I could improve. Also, when I
watched different teachers in the building, I tried to connect with them
and ask them questions when I could.
Personal Sept- Personal reflective notes on the process so far—how the planning went, how the
reflection on December preparing went, how the execution was, particularly in the teaching and learning
process 12 (check in) process with how I can implement feedback
December Results
23 (official See below in a write up.
end of prac.)
Gracie Morbeck
Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2022 PSII/III

My goal was to pursue personal growth as a beginning teacher, and I thought this was best to approach
this by collaborating with and seeking advice from teachers who have experience in the profession.
Because my confidence was not my strongest attribute in September, I relied on others to not only learn
by observing but then to incorporate strategies that worked into my own teaching.

I ended up observing my teacher mentors, LB, ALP, CK, RS, PD (one of A’s substitutes), and NG. I chose
each teacher for different reasons, but I learned so much from each of them! Below is a quick box
highlighting my learnings throughout the semester.

A - Kill with kindness

- Modelling
- Breaking up lessons so students get to try (lecture model is ineffectual, especially
for grade 9)
C - Students are full of questions and curiosities, finding out what THEY think rather
than what you, the teacher, tell them is your main goal
- Always have things for students to do (videos)
- Be creative with different activities (poster walk, chalk talk, 4 corners)
CK - All or nothing
- Wait time
- Mutual respect & expectations
LB - Passion for subject
- Choice with reading
ALP - Interactive (I will show you, you try, share with the class)
- Redirecting
RS - Whiteboard usage
- Extension activities
NG - Patience & multiple different visuals (on the board, PPT, physically at the front of
the room)
- Proximity and circulating
P D. & B - Should not  will not
- Do not have to be friends. Being certain in your expectations is a sign of love
Aar - Giving a voice to students & balancing clear expectations (hand raising and when
to talk)


I think as a beginning teacher I will definitely continue to seek the supports available to me as I grow in
my career. I learned so much from others, from how to plan, time manage, and handle difficult
situations, to the impact that establishing relationships with my colleagues has personally had on me.

Overall, I would say I have definitely grown in my own teaching practice as well as in having the courage
to ask for help and ask other teachers’ why behind the things they do. 😊

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