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Liam Jones MUED 337


Grade Level: 9th and 10th grade Class Type: Choir Length of Lesson: 10-15 min

Lesson Topic/Focus Phrasing, balance, diction

Objective(s) SWBAT practice diction, phrasing, and balance by continuing work on
the song, “If ye love me”.
Materials/Technology Piano
“If ye love me”
Tallis, Thomas (Composer). (2017). If ye love me [Sheet music]. Harry
Boulton. (Original work published 1565)
Prior Knowledge Basic music reading ability
Definition of entrance and cutoff.
Planning with UDL Multiple Means of Engagement (Purposeful and motivated learners):
Students have the option to sing with a section that is not theirs if I am working with that section individually.
Multiple Means of Action and Expression (Strategic and goal-directed
learners): Students will be asked to use motions to express different
directions of phrases and shaping. Students will be sitting and standing
at various times, participating at different levels of focus.
Multiple Means of Representation (Resourceful and knowledgeable
learners): Students will have music in front of them which they can
mark and label. They will be able to listen to my examples, and their
parts played on a piano. Students will have visual as well as aural
examples to learn from throughout the lesson.
National Core Music
MU:Pr6.1.8)a Perform the music with technical accuracy, stylistic expression, and culturally authentic practices in music to convey the
classroom/standards/core- creator’s intent.

Vocabulary Words Before: Entrances, cutoffs

During: Sustain, phrasing
Assessment Performance Tasks

Singing the song “If ye love me”.

Speaking the text in rhythm
Count singing
Following conductor’s cues and stylistic gestures


Instructional Strategies  Introduce new knowledge

Liam Jones MUED 337

 Model new skills and knowledge

 Guided practice
 Pose leading questions
 Group practice
Procedures Opening (Hook, Introduction, Warm-Up, etc.):
Do a solfege activity, where students hold a major chord and then move
individual parts to make new chords, having them hold those solfege
syllables. Review the first half of the piece, seeing how well students do
on a quick run-through. Clear up any mistakes or mishaps.

Main Body of Lesson

1. Ask students to take 1 minute and split the back page into two
sections and ask where they would split it for their voice part.
2. Speak the text in rhythm starting at the pickup to the back page.
3. Ask who starts each of the two phrases on the back page. (It is
the tenors.) For every part, ask what the starting note is and what
note each part leaps to first.
4. Have everyone start by being a tenor (yay!). Start at the pickup to
the second page with everyone singing the tenor part in an
octave that is comfortable for them ending at “forever”.
5. Ask which voice part follows the tenors. Then have everyone sing
the bass part together to “forever”.
6. Put Tenor and Bass together, having the sopranos and altos join
either part in an octave that is comfortable for them.
7. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 but with the alto and soprano parts,
having lower voices join in an octave that is comfortable for
8. Put all the parts together at this section and continue on to see
how they read. Stop if it starts to fall apart.
9. Run-through the piece from the beginning to connect the first
and second page. Re-iterate holding notes for their full length,
crisp and clear diction, and emphasizing moving lines.

Closure: What are two things we worked on with this piece today? On a
scale of thumbs down, middle, or up, how would you rate our
performance of the piece so far? What is one thing we can start to or
continue working on next time?
HOMEWORK No homework.
EXTENSION If there is time, or if they are especially comfortable with the first section,
move on to the “E’en the spirit of truth section”.

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