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Reprinted with permission from INTA Bulletin, Vol. 66, No.

9 – May 1, 2011, Copyright © 2011 International Trademark Association.

jurisdiction because of reduced travel costs scope of this overview. It is, nevertheless,
Jan-Peter Ewert and the potential for the fact-finder to be worthwhile to note briefly the different sources
Unverzagt von Have, Hamburg, Germany sympathetic to a local plaintiff. Sometimes of registered trademarks in Europe, namely
the laws, procedures or tendencies are more national trademark registrations in individual
David Weslow favorable in one jurisdiction than another, so European countries, Community trade mark
Wiley Rein LLP, Washington, D.C., USA a party will choose the jurisdiction that will ap- (CTM) registrations valid for the entire EU and
ply the more favorable law or protocols to the international extensions of existing trademarks
case. Remedies differ between jurisdictions, via the Madrid System.
A trademark practitioner charged with obtaining so a party may choose a forum that offers the
legal protection beyond national boundaries largest damage awards or the potential for For entities based in the United States, by far
often is in a more comfortable situation injunctive relief or monetary damages, which, the most common way of obtaining trademark
than colleagues in many other fields of the law. for example, are not available from the Trade- protection in Europe is registering a CTM. This
A system of international treaties and organiza- mark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent is in most cases a sensible choice, given that
tions supports the practitioner in transferring and Trademark Office (USPTO). Courts also the associated costs are a fraction of those
the client’s rights from its home jurisdiction deal with their cases at varying speeds, and involved in obtaining individual national regis-
to others and in enforcing such rights. a plaintiff may prefer one court over another trations in all European nations.
because cases proceed faster in that court,
This support may, however, inspire a false while a defendant may try the opposite tactic Registering a new CTM also provides the option
sense of security and simplicity. Intellectual in order to stall proceedings. of obtaining more extensive protection
property rights may bear the same name than extending an existing U.S. registration to
across jurisdictions and yet have fundamentally Whatever the specific reason, the goal of Europe by way of the Madrid System. For one
different legal requirements, scopes of forum shopping is always the same: to gain a thing, the list of goods and services acceptable
protection, and means and procedures for perceived or actual advantage in litigation by for CTMs and national trademarks in EU
enforcement. These differences present both benefiting from the differences in the laws, countries can include general terms that would
challenges in providing best practices advice rules and tendencies of the courts with poten- likely be refused by the USPTO, such as “busi-
and significant opportunities for obtaining favor- tial jurisdiction over the litigation. ness consulting.” In addition, European trade-
able results by playing the different involved mark law does not require a declaration of a
jurisdictions to one’s advantage. The foundation for successful forum shopping “bona fide intent to use.” Instead, the descrip-
in trademark matters, however, is laid long tion of goods and services may be generously
This article provides an overview of some before litigation or opposition proceedings be- expanded to cover any products for which the
issues to bear in mind when one is faced with gin. It results from the limitation of trademark applicant has even a remote interest.
a case potentially involving both Europe and rights to territories in which protection has
the United States and how forum shopping can been obtained by formal registration or other Some situations can, however, make reliance
benefit the trademark owner. means (for jurisdictions that do not require on a CTM a less-than-optimal choice for
registration for trademark rights). trademark protection in Europe, because CTMs
What Is Forum Shopping? can be vulnerable. An opposition from even
Laying the Foundation: the smallest EU member state may stall the
registration for years and possibly bring down
Forum shopping refers to the practice of Important Differences in the entire trademark for all of the Community,
choosing the court or jurisdiction that has the
most favorable rules or laws for the position
Trademark Prosecution even if the older right has been registered or
being advocated. A party can forum shop used only in a single EU country, such as Malta.
The conglomerated nature of the European In such cases, the CTM may be converted
when more than one court has jurisdiction
over the dispute, choosing the court that gives Union provides for significantly more routes for into individual national trademark applications
it an advantage over the opposing party. The obtaining trademark protection than do the in the other member states, but this is a costly
forum most favorable to the party’s case is not laws of more unitary territories, such as the and complex process.
always the forum that is most relevant to the United States.
dispute. Registering a national trademark in a European
The numerous different methods for obtaining country in addition to an identical CTM
Parties forum shop for a variety of reasons. the equivalent of a common law trademark is comparatively cheap and simple. While this
Often a plaintiff will choose to file in his home within the European states are beyond the may seem redundant, the advantages are
clear: A national trademark may be opposed as well. Under U.S. law, defendants may under unthinkable in most European jurisdictions.
only based on rights valid in its country of regis- certain circumstances choose between a state At the same time, German law is unusual in
tration, not just any EU country. Also, several court in which the plaintiff filed the action and providing automatic compensation for statutory
national registers publish the trademark for a federal court to which the defendant has the attorneys’ fees to the winning party in
opposition only after it has been fully registered option to remove the action. Would-be defendants litigation and even for the preparation of a
and come into force. For instance, while that have received a cease and desist warning letter. French relief has an advantage
a CTM enjoys no protection during opposition letter may also have the option of initiating a over German relief in that where an existing
proceedings, a German national trademark is declaratory judgment action in a jurisdiction of injunction has been violated, the resulting fine
fully protected for all the years that an opposition their choosing. may be ordered paid not to the state but to the
proceeding may be pending. plaintiff.
Similar choices exist for defendants in certain
In practice, this means that once a CTM EU countries. In Germany, for instance, a Thinking Outside the Box: Obtaining
applied for in conjunction with a German trade- defendant sued before a general civil section
mark is opposed, the applicant may analyze in of a Regional Court (Landgericht) may have Relief Without Trademarks
which EU countries the opponent owns rights the case removed to a section of the court that
and extend the German trademark’s protection is competent to hear commercial matters. This Where trademark protection is lacking, good
to other countries, thereby achieving full is a particularly interesting option if the civil trademark counsel goes beyond trademark law
protection for the duration of the opposition in at section has already expressed its legal opinion and considers all types of intellectual property
least some countries of interest. When in favor of the plaintiff. rights that may be involved in an opponent’s
weighing the added protection provided by actions and may lead to relief for the plaintiff,
an additional “backup” national registration That is not the end of a defendant’s options, even more so as one country’s law may
against the expense of in-depth research and however. Not only do certain European jurisdic- provide for intellectual property rights that do
prosecution, the costs of applying for a backup tions allow the recipient of a warning letter to not exist (or do not exist anymore) in another
national trademark are rather low, being regularly sue the sender for a declaratory judgment, but jurisdiction.
less than EUR 1,000. the court chosen in such a declaratory action
may indeed take precedence over the court For example, works that are in the public domain
chosen by the owner of the actual claim in the according to U.S. copyright law may still
Taking Action: Forum Shopping be protected in many European jurisdictions.
corresponding suit for forbearance, disclosure
in Trademark Litigation or damages. This includes, without limitation, works by U.S.
government employees, as well as practically
Most jurisdictions provide legal venue in the This strategic move on the part of prospective every movie in the public domain in the United
place in which a trademark right has been defendants obtained infamy under the States, ranging from Buster Keaton classics to
violated. As long as the trademark proprietor name “torpedo suit” or “Italian torpedo.” The the original Dawn of the Dead.
has properly prepared the playing field, this will reference to Italy derives from the classic
regularly provide him with a choice of numerous constellation in which a prospective defendant Other intellectual property rights do not merely
jurisdictions. in a jurisdiction with comparatively swift relief face different term limitations but in fact simply
(e.g., Germany) would file a suit for declaratory may not exist in other jurisdictions. A well-known
Within the United States, the differences judgment in a jurisdiction with comparatively slow example is the unregistered Community design
between the laws of the various states are relief (e.g., Italy) to stall the proceedings right, which may be used as a basis for claims
comparably minor for trademark cases, but against him and therefore extend the time in in the EU in cases in which there is neither
even this will not keep plaintiffs from seeking which to exploit the other party’s intellectual trademark nor registered design protection for a
courts with a perceived or actual history of rulings property, sometimes by several years. The tor- product shape.
in their favor. There are even specialized pedo suit tactic has also been used in recent
service providers that analyze the percentages years by domain name owners that have lost Conclusion
by which individual judges in U.S. federal UDRP proceedings and then initiated litigation
courts rule in favor of plaintiffs or defendants in countries such as India for the apparent pur- While the involvement of attorneys from
and rule in favor of or against efforts to obtain pose of delaying implementation of the UDRP several jurisdictions may increase the cost of
injunctive relief. Experienced trademark litigators panel’s order that the domain name(s) in ques- initial legal counsel, forum shopping often will
may also have a sense of which judges tion be transferred to the trademark owner. provide strategic opportunities beyond what
are more likely to, for example, issue ex parte is possible in the trademark owner’s home
seizure orders and/or allow proceedings to be These days, courts are increasingly aware of jurisdiction.
sealed for a limited time or purpose. this issue, and adequate action on the part of
the trademark owner may foil a defendant’s Whether the merits outweigh the costs of forum
By comparison, procedural and material torpedo suit. However, this requires the trade- shopping must be assessed in each individual
law differ much more significantly between mark owner to be aware of the issue, aware of case. Given the potential for significant
individual EU member states, not to mention the solution and able to make quick decisions. substantive and strategic advantages,
between EU countries and the United States. as highlighted above, this is a question that
The remedies issued by courts in different needs to be asked in any case that may poten-
In this context, it should be noted that while jurisdictions will vary substantially as well. For tially involve several jurisdictions. ■
forum shopping is most commonly associated example, U.S. federal and state laws may provide
with the role of the plaintiff, defendants occasion- for monetary damages awards in amounts
ally have the opportunity to forum shop

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