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VOCABULARY Survival verbs 1 Complete the sentences with the words, avoid build climb find pick run stand use 1 Before it's dark, you need to a new shelter with branches. 2 Ifyou see a big bear, try to still 3 If you're afraid, you can upa tree. 4 Look for a river if you want to some drinking water. 5 You can always away quickly from animals. 6 Don't strange fruit. 7 Ifyou the sun, you can find out where you are, You don't need a map! 8 Remember to all dangerous plants. Reading 2. Read the blog about a survival camp. Who had a worse time than the others? 5°" Charlie 12.22 p.m. ot back fom t fewminn syye nthe wid, The best 0 Sulding o Loan toe o lent Anne 13.42 p.m. ence for you aren't vey ft you sh 9 ihe worst it wos the food ooked a faten it The opps we found =) ‘Groce 17.52 p.m Farlostc weeiend The "os! usehul hing wo safe dng wat Ifyou tke 90 mory threes ut bog wl to heaw Leave your ohare ot nome, but fore sete Yom 19.22 p.m. Sasest person in ry farnly but thane the cronee 12 tak wil ge you one 3 Read the text again. Complete the sentences with the name of the person. 1 learned how to find something to drink 2 says someone else will bring something. 3 says what he / she didn't like to eat. a didn't do as much exercise as the others, 5 was the first person to write a post. says one thing you aren't 6 fBLIVEWORKSHEETS Vocabulary Complete the phrases with the words in the box. keep light make pick run stand 1 anoise 4 cool 2 afire 5 away 3 fruit 6 still ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the box. first-aid kit. map mirror torch water bottle 1 Ifyou go somewhere you don't know, you'll need a to find your way. 2 Youcan usea during the day to signal that you're lost. 3 Ifit’s dark, you can use a totell people you're lost 4 Takea so that you'll have something to drink, 5 Takea Hopefully you won't need it, but you never know. \UAGE FOCUS must and should Complete the sentences with must, mustn't, should or shouldn't. 1 We swim in the sea today. The weather is very bad and there's a red flag. 2 The exams are finished now. You relax and have a nice time with your friends 3 You eat in the library. That's the rule. 4 We arrive on time for lessons every day. It's very important. 5 You go to bed late. It isn'ta good idea, 6 We cycle to school every day. It's cheaper than the bus. 7 You buy that book. It isn’t very good.

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