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The order of information for this advert is very efficient as the audience will look at the half-bitten
HERSHEY’S chocolate bar first and then at the HERSHEY’S, and then look at the slogan “Pure
and simple”.This advert denotes that HERSHEY’S is tasty which is shown by the half bitten
chocolate bar.The slogan for the advert “Pure and simple”, which is the verbal clue, connotes
that Hershey’s wants their customers and buyers to eat the chocolate bar slowly and enjoy the

This particular Hershey’s advert is advertised in the form of a billboard. The advert is an
example of Ambient marketing(guerrilla marketing) because of its unusual but creative way of
advertising the product.The persuasive technique used here would be weasel words as the
slogan “Pure and simple” is indicating to the audience that when you bite into bar of chocolate,
one should feel at ease because of the taste and texture. The targeted audience group
according to NRS would be A, B, C1 and C2.

The unique and amazing thing about advertising on a billboard is that everyone driving on the
road can see the advert and be interested in buying the product. Billboards are meant to be
easy to read and see on the busy road and this advert delivers just that! It is simple and easy to
read and also attracts customers and people.


The order of information is very well done as the audience will look at the flowy, silky chocolate
first and then the bar of chocolate. The audience would then look at the verbal clues, which are
the slogan and the brand name.The advert denotes the happiness that the audience will get
when they have a bite of the chocolate.The advert connotes that HERSHEY’S wants their
audience to to feel the silkiness of the chocolate when they take a small bite of chocolate, which
explains the silky melted chocolate in the background.The verbal clues are “IT TAKES A
HAPPY”(slogan) which can be found at the top of the advert and the brand, “PURE
HERSHEY'S”, which can be found at the bottom of the advert.The visual clue is the flowing,
silky chocolate in the background and the bar of chocolate right in the middle with the flavor of
the chocolate seen very clearly which says, “SPECIAL DARK”.

The persuasive technique used here is Transfer. The visual clue in this advert is very positive
and will make the audience smile when they read it . The advertising appeal used is
PERSONAL APPEAL. The execution style used is SLICE-OF-LIFE. The targeted audience
group according to NRS would be A, B, C1 and C2.

The idea of advertising on a magazine is a very smart idea as when people are traveling, on
airplanes for example, they might find a magazine and start reading it and come across a
hershey’s advertisement page. The audience might then be influenced to buy the product.
Advertising products in a magazine will bring the company many orders as there is a huge
population of people who read magazines everyday. Another advantage of Hershey's
advertising their products on a magazine is that young kids might randomly open a magazine
and see the advertisement page. They would then ask their parents and parents normally can't
say no to young kids, so they will buy it, which makes hershey's, being a chocolate brand, have
an upper hand.


The order of information is very well done. The audience will look at the different colors used on
the packaging as they are bright colors. They will ten look at the CELEBRATE and understand
that this is a new edition for Women’s day.The advert below denotes the new edition of
HERSHEY’s chocolate for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY. The advert connotes the
celebration of International Women’s day. They have used creative ways to advertise this bar of
chocolate by highlighting the SHE in each bar. The visual clue would be the use of bright colors
to highlight the keywords. The verbal clue would be “CELEBRATE SHE”. The verbal clue
denotes the power of women and also encourages people everywhere to celebrate women’s

The persuasive technique used here is Transfer and Plain folks as the keywords, “Celebrate
She” connote that everyone should celebrate women’s day. The advertising style used is
Personal appeal and the Execution style used would be Slice-of-life.The targeted audience
group according to NRS would be A, B, C1 and C2.

Hershey’s advertised this edition of chocolate through Social Media. Advertising through Social
Media is very effective as it will be very interactive with the users of Instagram, sending in
questions about the product, where to buy the product etc. Another advantage of advertising
through Social Media is that the audience will send the post to other people. This will gain more
attention for this edition of HERSHEY’s milk chocolate and will get them a profit. Advertising
through social media will be helpful to the company/organization as social media
advertisements, most of the time, proves to be successful.

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