Chemistry Paper II (EM TM)

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‘Total No. of Questions—21 ‘Total No. of Printed Pages—3 ‘Regd. No. Part II CHEMISTRY, Paper - II (English Version) Time : 3 Hours) (Max. Marks : 60 Note :—Read the following instructions carefully : (Answer ALL questions of Section A. Answer any SIX questions in Secticn B and answer any TWO questions in Section C. (2) In Section A, questions from Sr. Nos. 1 to 10 are of Very Short Answer ‘Type’. Each question carries TWO marks. Every answer may br “imited to two or three sentences. Answer all these questions at one vlace in the same order. (8) In Section B, questions from Sr. Nos. 11 to 18 are of ‘Short Answer ‘Type’. Each question carries FOUR marks. Every answer may be limited to 75 words. (4) In Section C, questions from Sr. Nos. 19 to 21 are of ‘Long Answer ‘Type’. Each question carries EIGHT marks. Every answer may be limited to 800 words. (6) Draw labelled diagrams wherever necessary for questions in Sectivns B and C. SECTION A 1¢<2=20 Note :Answer ALL the questions 1. Define Osmotic Pressure. 2 State Faraday’s First Law of Electrolysis. & — What is the role of cryolite in the metallurgy of Aluminium ? 0223-4 P10. (21 4 What is ‘Tailing of Mereury’ ? How is it removed ? 5. Explain the structure of Xe0,. 6 — CuSO,5H,0 is blue in colour whereas anhydrous CuSO, is colourless. Why ? a Write the names of monomers for the following polymers : (a) Bakelite (6) Teflon. a ‘Whet is biodegradable polymer ? Give one example of a biodegradable polymer, a What is Zwitter ion ? Give an example. 10. What are tranquilizers ? Give an example. SECTIONB 6x4=24 No*e :—Answer ANY SIX q ions. 11. E:plain Schottky and Frenkel defects. 12, What is relative lowering of vapour pressure ? How is it useful to determine the molar mass of a solute ? 13, What are Emulsions ? How are they classified ? 14, Write any two ores with formulae of the following metals : (Aluminium ®) bron. 15. Write the IUPAC names of the following co-ordination compounds : @ — [Co(NH,), (H,0)cr]cl, @) — [Ni(CO),] © — K,[Fe(CN),] @ — K,[A1(C,0,), ]- 16. (a) What is denaturation of proteins ? (©) What ave food preservatives ? Give example. 17. (a) Write the isomers of the compound having molecular formula C, (6) What are Enantiomers ? 0223-4, (31 18. Explain the following reactions with equations : @ OO) ‘Hofmann bromamide degradation Sandmeyer reaction. SECTION C 2x8=16 Note :— Answer ANY TWO questions. What are galvanic cells ? Explain the working of a galvanic cell with a neat sketch taking Daniel cell as example. What is ‘molecularity’ of a reaction ? How is it different from the ‘order’ of a reaction ? Name one bimolecular and one trimoleculer gaseous reactions. Explain in detail the manufacture of Sulphuric acid by contact process. Explain the reactions of Ammonia with : @® — %n$0, (aq) GH AgCl (s). Explain the following reactions with equations : 19 (a) @) 20. (a) ® 21. @ @) © @ 0223-A Kolbe’s reaction Reime--Tiemann reaction Williamson synthesis Esterification, 0224 Total No, of Questions—21 Part I CHEMISTRY, Paper - II (Telugu Version) Time : 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 60 SHAE 6 God AMsSoS Hs sso’. () DES A’ SD od QO, BES- B Std oma wWHes* ow Whew Koa BES C Std ew ERoét tow Wow Bingo wavs 2) DES ‘A’ S%D BeSons 1 Hoh 10 SH fo WHe ‘wdigey’ Sires SOND. LS YS, SHS Voth Srcye. GE SSrgdio 2 do 3 PUBoow SOI. Se UHomoé? SHasor abso edswsc* Sirere eard. (8) DAS Br Std sesSowZ 11 0d 18 SoH the We ‘yey’ Sares SOD. oT yh, SHS wet Srdyo. GB SSrPsso 7B Sorov SORSa. @). DEELC ED WSsong 19 Gob 21 Soe Se ‘by’ Sees SOMD. US WQS VOWS SrGyor. SV SerSae' 900 Soros SODSSs. ©) RAED Seas BEEHC Wok eSSED_S"'y ErrEd Mg0D Soros fated. PESA 10%2=20 BnSS 1 He fod Oh SQow Srare warsew. L GaPsse baoty DeyHowed. 2 Bod Reogdetin Wad rsd Aadsas sessod. 3 congas sts dysast warps BE dnd? 0224-4 PTO. ae a 8 9. 10. (2) Bordo wv seygd’ woh Sad? S00 oe sone? KeOs Aeywo D808, CuSO, 5H,O SD come* somos. wd erg CuSO, somdDs. Does Ho? % $08 ROSE BVS*AGOS sorted. @ ee ©) BSE BS forts BOSE ecb O62 dSgarys FOLK os acrwon aigod. : eB waeS och D087 ax soars asod. wrokgBads oh S067 2S aorertn sages. DEEB 6x4=24 SSS 8 od SDE WH WHow Sree waioms. nn Bd, bd BoBE Sox dsd0w08. 12 Sy eupbas says woh S47 ad dso aro wasgoed Amoosaras & AGorr eSarsisew0G? 1B. dmySea woh Dd? O62 oe shsomw? 14, $08 E8wOH Boe: Be Vom Sah Heres Smee (Hyer) wasod @) e-npdas& ©) we: 18. 808 808K SAQYere TUPAC See caved. (@ — [/NH,), (H,0)cI]c1, @) — [§(C0),] © &. Fe(cy),] @ Ky ANC,0,), ]- 16 @ ads woh dne? ©) exe SOifra cob DE? us acrimow asked. 1%. @ CHP SAgrrds aod Heyigrom vases. () aerQey @ wob da6? 0224-8 — Sig ee ae (3) 18 bod sego% stossenes* Dx00u08 : @ MESS EES adgson ©) Pokasé soy zAS-C 2x8=16 SSS he fod HDE* DBD Tok Gow SEreso reir. 198 @) mesh Hine wo SRE? ddAE HE arma BERD meBdE Huo Der SOBGod wS HDD BeDw secsos* DSoowo’. ©) Sy ems woh SEE? ADE Seg BSrowDE He Bo O67 Ayemd, Bioms may swZe% sows. 20. (0) woEr§ SEBE* SoMDgO wd SaiMTD SGBD Ayeor Dxvoriod. ©) S800 FAS SaRdaR SoZK ds00d0S. @ 280, (we) @) Agi (3). B. fod Sogo stscarest Dsd0w08. : @ 6% soz ©) BHE-ASE soy © BoawBsS sce soy @ agexass 0224-4

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