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NO.13 CH:6797.471m. FROM TAKE OFF , SPAN (1x18.3m.






1 Design Abutment for 1 - 76

Bridge no 13

Designed By

Proof Checked By
Input Data and Basic Parameters :

Formation Level at bridge location = 280.237 m

Pile Cap Bottom Level = 268.046 m
Lowest Ground Level = 270.346 m
Type of Girder = Composite -
Type of Bearing = Elastromer -
Clear Span of Girder = 18.3 m
Height of Pedestal = 0 m
Return wall width in transverse direction ( top ) = 0.3 m
Return wall width in transverse direction ( bottom ) = 1.2 m
Dirt wall thickness = 0.538 m
Radius of track (if any) = 2000 m
Number of track = 1 -
C/C distance of track = 0 m
Loading Standard : 1. DFC Loading, 2. 25T Loading 2 -
Degree of Curve = 0 -
Max allowable speed of train = 150 Km/hr
Grade of concrete = 35 Mpa
Grade of steel = 500 Mpa
Density of cocnrete = 2.5 t/m3
Density of soil = 2 t/m3
Angle of internal friction of soil = 35 deg
Seismic Zone = 3 -
Exposure Condition: 1.Moderete, 2.Severe, 3.Extreme 1 -
Length of toe = 3.7 m
Length of heel = 14.5 m
Thickness of pile cap at stem junction = 1.8 m
Thickness of pile cap at right end = 1.8 m
Thickness of pile cap at left end = 1.8 m
Depth of abutment cap = 0.75 m
Offset of pile cap in transverse direction = 0.425 m
Clear cover for abutment/pier/return/trough = 0.05 m
Clear cover for pile cap = 0.075 m
Thickness of wearing course = 0.025 m

Overall span of the girder = 19.65 m

C/C of bearing = 19.3 m
Total depth (girder+deck) = 1.796 m
Bearing depth = 0.176 m
Deck slab overhang = 0.0625 m
Exp joint = 0.025 m
Total depth (bearing+pedestal) = 0.176 m
Dist of center of bearing to face of abutment cap = 0.5 m
Dist from center of bearing to end of girder = 0.175 m
Dist of center of bearing to dirt wall face = 0.2625 m
Width of abutment cap = 1.3 m
Height of dirt wall = 1.997 m
Total height of abutment = 12.191 m
Height of abutment stem = 7.644 m

Exp Gap 0.025




0.175 0.5
1.3 0.5375





0 0

1.8 1.8 1.8

14.5 1.3 3.700


Formation width = 7.85 m
Length of abutment in transverse direction = 7.85 m
Length of pile cap in transverse direction = 8.7 m
Length of pile cap in longitudinal direction = 19.5 m
LL Surcharge for 3m width of uniform distribution / track = 13.7 t/m
DL Surcharge for 3m width of uniform distribution / track = 6.8 t/m
SIDL for single span = 133.62 t
Dead Load of girder for single span = 117.70 t
Live Load of girder for full span (max of EUDL for SF and BM case) = Appendix
231.64 t
XXIII of bridge rule
CDA [Bridge rule] = 0.46 -
LL increase factor = 1.46 -
Tractive effort [XXIV Bridge rule] = 74.97 t
Breaking force [XXIV Bridge rule] = 50.6 t
Longitudinal force [as per Bridge rule 2.8.4] & [XXIV Bridge rule] = 74.97 t

Seismic Coefficients :
Seismic Zone = 3 -
Zone factor Z = 0.16 -
Importance factor I (Table 2 IRS Seismic Code 2020) = 1.25 -
Average response acceleration coefficient ( Sa/g ) = 2.5 -
Long Dir Tran Dir
Response reduction factor R (Foundation ) = 2 2
Response reduction factor R (Abutment ) = 2.5 2.5
(As per guideline of IRC SP:114-2018 table 4.1 and IRS seismic 2020 table 3)
Horizontal Sesmic Coefficent (Z/2)*(Sa/g)*(I/R) for foundation= 0.125 0.125
Vertical Seismic Coefficient (2/3 of Horizontal Seis Coeff) for foundation= 0.083 0.083
Horizontal Sesmic Coefficent (Z/2)*(Sa/g)*(I/R) for Abutment= 0.1 0.1
Vertical Seismic Coefficient (2/3 of Horizontal Seis Coeff) for Abutment= 0.067 0.067

Earth Pressure Coefficients (normal and seismic) :


Angle of iternal friction of backfill soil= f = 35.00 0.6
Angle of friction b/w wall and earth fill = d = 11.67 0.2
Angle of earth surface with horz behind abutment = a = 0.00 0
Angle of earth with vertical abutment wall = i = 0.00 0
Long Dir Tranv Dir
Horizontal seismic coefficient = Ah = 0.125 0.125
Vertical seismic coefficient = Av = 0.083 0.083
λ+ = 0.11 0.11
As per IRS Seismic code 2017 -
λ− = 0.14 0.14

Long Dir Transv Dir

Av+ Av- Av+ Av-
f+d = 0.814 0.814 0.814 0.814
f-i-l = 0.496 0.475 0.496 0.475
a+d+l = 0.318 0.339 0.318 0.339
a-i = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
a= 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
l= 0.115 0.136 0.115 0.136
f-a-l= 0.496 0.475 0.496 0.475

Ka ( Static ) = 0.251
Ca (Seismic-downwards) = 0.345
Ca (Seismic-upwards) = 0.305
Ka ( Static ) = 0.251
Ca (Seismic-downwards) = 0.345
Ca (Seismic-upwards) = 0.305

Calculation for EP and SP and correcsponding dynamic effects:


Earth press at stem and found junction = 5.105 t/sqm

Earth press at found bottom = 5.990 t/sqm

Therefore,total force on abutment due to earth pressure -

EP1 = 208.224 t
EP2 = 72.140 t
EP3 = 6.2483 t

Long Dir Trans Dir 10.391

EP1 - dyn Seis up 45.112 45.112 EP1
incr (in t) Seis down 78.439 78.439
EP2 - dyn Seis up 15.629 15.629
incr (in t) Seis down 27.175 27.175
EP3 - dyn Seis up 1.354 1.354
incr (in t) Seis down 2.354 2.354
5.105 t/sqm

EP2 1.8


5.990 t/sqm


Track 1
Inner side dispersion = 2.426 m
Outer side dispersion = 2.425 m
Total dispersion width = 7.851 m

3 3
3.925 0.001 3.925

Track 1 Track 2



Track 1
Length of abutment (L) = 7.85 m
Distribution width (B) = 3 m
L-B = 4.85 m
Depth from top upto which surcharge press varies = 4.851 m

Sur pres for Trk 1 (t/sqm) Sur pres for Trk 2 (t/sqm) Sur pres for comb (t/sqm)
S1-tr1 = 1.714 0.569 S1-tr2 = 0.000 0.000 S1 = 1.714 0.569
S2-tr1 = 0.655 0.217 S2-tr2 = 0.000 0.000 S2 = 0.655 0.217
S3-tr1 = 0.655 0.217 S3-tr2 = 0.000 0.000 S3 = 0.655 0.217

S1-tr1 S1-tr2 S1
4.85 4.85 4.85

S2-tr1 S2-tr2 S2

5.541 5.541 SR3 5.541

S3-tr1 S3-tr2 S3
Track 1 Track 2 Combined
For Abutment Stem

For Abutment Stem
SR1 = 24.937 t SR1 = 8.272 t
SR2 = 20.162 t SR2 = 6.688 t
SR3 = 28.490 t SR3 = 9.450 t
Long Dir Trans Dir Long Dir Trans Dir
SR1 - dyn Seis up 5.403 5.403 1.792 1.792
incr (in t) Seis down 9.394 9.394 3.116 3.116
SR2 - dyn Seis up 4.368 4.368 1.449 1.449
incr (in t) Seis down 7.595 7.595 2.519 2.519
SR3 - dyn Seis up 6.173 6.173 2.047 2.047
incr (in t) Seis down 10.732 10.732 3.560 3.560

For Foundation
SR1 = 24.937 t SR1 = 8.272 t
SR2 = 20.162 t SR2 = 6.688 t
SR3 = 37.746 t SR3 = 12.520 t

SR1 - dyn Seis up 5.403 1.792

incr (in t) Seis down 9.394 3.116
SR2 - dyn Seis up 4.368 1.449
incr (in t) Seis down 7.595 2.519
SR3 - dyn Seis up 8.178 2.713
incr (in t) Seis down 14.219 4.717

Calculation for Dead Load, SIDL, Surcharge Load and Live Load :

A) Dead Loads:

Sl.No. Member Details Weight

1 Dirt Wall = 21.065 t
2 Abutment Cap = 19.134 t
3 Abutment Stem = 195.018 t
4 Heel Slab (rectangular part) = 512.213 t
5 Heel Slab (triangular part) = 0.000 t
6 Toe Slab (rectangular part) = 130.703 t
7 Toe Slab (triangular part) = 0.000 t
8 Rectangular portion of base slab = 45.923 t
9 Return Wall = 565.011 t
10 Counterfort = 0.000 t
11 Base slab projection heel portion (rect part) in transv dir = 55.463 t
12 Base slab projection heel portion (triang part) in transv dir = 0.000 t
13 Base slab projection toe portion (rect part) in transv dir = 7.076 t
14 Base slab projection toe portion (triang part) in transv dir = 0.000 t
15 Base slab projection of center rectangular part = 2.486 t
16 Dead weight of girder on each abutment = 58.850 t

17 Dead weight of soil fill (rectangular part) = 1913.503 t

18 Dead weight of soil fill (triangular part) = 0.000 t
19 Dead wt of soil on heel portion of extended base projection of 17= 139.551 t
20 Dead wt of soil on heel portion of extended base projection of 18= 0.000 t

B) Super Imposed Dead Load:

SIDL for single span = 133.620 t

SIDL reaction on each abutment = 66.810 t

C) Surcharge Load:

Sl.No. Load details Weight

1 Dead Load surcharge = 3.655 t
For Abut
2 Live Load surcharge = 7.364 t
1 Dead Load surcharge = 102.255 t
For Found 2 Live Load surcharge = 206.014 t

D) Live Load:

Vert load due to train movement on each abutment (without IF) = 115.820 t
Vert load due to train movement on each abutment (with IF) = 169.316 t
2 Longitudinal force on abutment = 74.970 t
3 Centrifugal force = 0.000 t

Load Factors :

SLS Condition ULS Condition

Type of Load Seismic
Seismic Non-Seis (With Non-Seis
(No LL)
Dead Load 1 1 1.25 1.25 1.25
Soil Weight 1 1 1.25 1.25 1.25
SIDL 1.2 1.2 2 2 2
Live Load 1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.75
Longitudinal Force 1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.75
DL Surcharge 1 1 1.7 1.7 1.7
LL Surcharge 1 1 1.7 1.7 1.7
Surcharge Press 1 1 1.7 1.7 1.7
Earth Press 1 1 1.7 1.7 1.7
Seismic 1 0 1.25 1.6 0

Loads and Moments for abutment shaft - Longitudinal Direction Analysis - Non-Seismic Cases
Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Vertical Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Type of Load Horizontal Load Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number Load from V from HL from HT
(V) Long (HL) Trans(HT) (VLA) (HL-LA) (HT-LA) V*VLA HL*HL-LA HT*HT-LA
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 21.07 -0.38 -8.03
b Abutment Cap 19.13 0.00 0.00
c Abutment Stem 195.02 0.00 0.00
d Dead wt of girder 58.85 0.15 8.83
a Super Imp Dead Load 66.81 0.15 0.10 10.02 6.68
3 Surcharge Load
a DL SURCHARGE 3.66 -0.38 -1.39
b LL SURCHARGE 7.36 -0.38 -2.81
4 Live Load
a LL-moving 169.32 0.15 0.10 25.40 16.93
b Longitudinal force 37.49 8.57 321.25
c Centrifugal force 0.00 12.96 0.00
5 Earth Pressure
a EP1 208.22 3.46 721.22
6 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a SR1 24.94 7.97 198.65
b SR2 20.16 8.77 176.91
c SR3 28.49 2.77 78.93
7 Surch Press (DL)
a SR1 8.27 7.97 65.89
b SR2 6.69 8.77 58.68
c SR3 9.45 2.77 26.18

Loads and Moments for abutment shaft - Longitudinal Direction Analysis - Seismic Cases
Ah= 0.1 Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Av= 0.066667 Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Seismic Forces Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans from V
Number from HL from HT
Type of Load
Seis-V[1] Seis-HL[2] Seis-HT[3] [4] [5] [6] [1]*[4] [2]*[5] [3]*[6]
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 1.40 2.11 2.11 -0.38 9.39 9.39 -0.54 19.79 19.79
b Abutment Cap 1.28 1.91 1.91 0.00 8.02 8.02 0.00 15.34 15.34
c Abutment Stem 13.00 19.50 19.50 0.00 3.82 3.82 0.00 74.54 74.54
d Dead wt of girder 3.92 5.89 5.89 0.15 8.57 9.47 0.59 50.43 55.72
a Super Imposed Dead Load 4.45 6.68 6.68 0.15 8.57 10.76 0.67 57.26 71.89
3 Surcharge Load
a DL SURCHARGE 0.24 0.37 0.37 -0.38 10.76 10.76 -0.09 3.93 3.93
b LL SURCHARGE 0.49 0.74 0.74 -0.38 10.76 10.76 -0.19 7.92 7.92
4 Live Load
a LL-moving 3.86 0.00 5.79 0.15 8.57 12.96 0.58 0.00 75.05
5 Earth Pressure
a1 EP1 - Seismic Upward 45.11 45.11 5.20 5.20 234.38 234.38
a2 EP1 - Seismic Downward 78.44 78.44 5.20 5.20 407.53 407.53
6 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Upward 5.40 5.40 8.74 8.74 47.23 47.23
a2 SR1 - Seismic Downward 9.39 9.39 8.74 8.74 82.12 82.12
b1 SR2 - Seismic Upward 4.37 4.37 7.97 7.97 34.80 34.80
b2 SR2 - Seismic Downward 7.60 7.60 7.97 7.97 60.50 60.50
c1 SR3 - Seismic Upward 6.17 6.17 3.66 3.66 22.57 22.57
c2 SR3 - Seismic Downward 10.73 10.73 3.66 3.66 39.25 39.25
7 Surch Press (DL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Upward 1.79 1.79 8.74 8.74 15.67 15.67
a2 SR1 - Seismic Downward 3.12 3.12 8.74 8.74 27.24 27.24
b1 SR2 - Seismic Upward 1.45 1.45 7.97 7.97 11.54 11.54
b2 SR2 - Seismic Downward 2.52 2.52 7.97 7.97 20.07 20.07
c1 SR3 - Seismic Upward 2.05 2.05 3.66 3.66 7.49 7.49
c2 SR3 - Seismic Downward 3.56 3.56 3.66 3.66 13.02 13.02

Load Combination Details for SLS conditions
Load Comb 101 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 102 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 103 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 104 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 105 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 106 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 107 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 108 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 109 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 110 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 111 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 112 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 113 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1.1*LL+1.1*LF
Load Comb 114 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP
Load Combination Details for ULS conditions
Load Comb 201 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 202 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 203 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 204 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 205 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 206 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 207 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 208 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 209 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 210 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 211 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 212 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 213 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.75LL+1.75LF
Load Comb 214 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP

Loads and Moments for abutment shaft - Longitudinal Direction Analysis - Load Combination
Load Cases Vert Load Long Mom Trans Mom Long Force Trans Force
Seis up Load Comb 101 461.32 1925.54 215.43 398.80 31.21
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 102 478.51 2176.57 290.56 443.91 44.74
Seismic Long Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 103 370.60 1373.58 161.10 312.80 28.01
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 104 385.18 1572.74 220.74 350.03 39.18
Seis up Load Comb 105 461.32 1527.80 679.64 330.03 104.04
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 106 478.51 1603.54 930.06 343.56 149.14
Seismic Trans Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 107 370.60 1030.33 518.30 252.00 93.38
SLS Condition
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 108 385.18 1090.34 717.08 263.17 130.61
Seis up Load Comb 109 441.26 1527.09 215.43 330.03 31.21
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 110 498.57 1604.26 290.56 343.56 44.74
Seismic Vert Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 111 353.59 1029.89 161.10 252.00 28.01
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 112 402.20 1090.78 220.74 263.17 39.18
Span Loaded Load Comb 113 571.51 1565.64 26.64 323.05 0.00
Non Seis
Span Unoaded Load Comb 114 377.89 883.40 8.02 281.81 0.00

Seis up Load Comb 201 627.71 2965.11 273.90 628.13 39.01

Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 202 649.20 3278.90 367.81 684.51 55.93
Seismic Long Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 203 495.75 2285.31 258.30 523.07 44.82
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 204 519.08 2603.96 353.71 582.65 62.70
Seis up Load Comb 205 627.71 2467.94 854.16 542.16 130.05
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 206 649.20 2562.62 1167.18 559.08 186.43
Seismic Trans Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 207 495.75 1736.10 829.81 425.80 149.41
ULS Condition
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 208 519.08 1832.12 1147.86 443.67 208.98
Seis up Load Comb 209 602.64 2467.05 273.90 542.16 39.01
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 210 674.27 2563.51 367.81 559.08 55.93
Seismic Vert Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 211 468.53 1735.40 258.30 425.80 44.82
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 212 546.30 1832.82 353.71 443.67 62.70
Span Loaded Load Comb 213 816.24 2619.23 42.99 544.68 0.00
Non Seis
Span Unoaded Load Comb 214 507.42 1501.03 13.36 479.08 0.00

Loads and Moments for abutment shaft - Transverse Direction Analysis - Non-Seismic Cases
Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Vertical Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Type of Load Horizontal Load Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number Load from V from HL from HT
(V) Long (HL) Trans(HT) (VLA) (HL-LA) (HT-LA) V*VLA HL*HL-LA HT*HT-LA
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 21.07 -0.38 -8.03
b Abutment Cap 19.13 0.00 0.00
c Abutment Stem 195.02 0.00 0.00
d Dead wt of girder 58.85 0.15 8.83
a SIDL 66.81 0.15 0.10 10.02 6.68
3 Surcharge Load
a DL SURCHARGE 3.66 -0.38 -1.39
b LL SURCHARGE 7.36 -0.38 -2.81
4 Live Load
a LL-moving 169.32 0.15 0.10 25.40 16.93
b Longitudinal force 37.49 8.57 321.25
c Centrifugal force 0.00 12.96 0.00
5 Earth Pressure
a EP1 208.22 3.46 721.22
6 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a SR1 24.94 7.97 198.65
b SR2 20.16 8.77 176.91
c SR3 28.49 2.77 78.93
7 Surch Press (DL)
a SR1 8.27 7.97 65.89
b SR2 6.69 8.77 58.68
c SR3 9.45 2.77 26.18

Loads and Moments for abutment shaft - Transverse Direction Analysis - Seismic Cases
Ah= 0.1 Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Av= 0.0667 Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Seismic Forces Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number from V from HL from HT
Type of Load
Seis-V[1] Seis-HL[2] Seis-HT[3] [4] [5] [6] [1]*[4] [2]*[5] [3]*[6]
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 1.40 2.11 2.11 -0.38 9.39 9.39 -0.54 19.79 19.79
b Abutment Cap 1.28 1.91 1.91 0.00 8.02 8.02 0.00 15.34 15.34
c Abutment Stem 13.00 19.50 19.50 0.00 3.82 3.82 0.00 74.54 74.54
d Dead wt of girder 3.92 5.89 5.89 0.15 8.57 9.47 0.59 50.43 55.72
a Super Imp Dead Load 4.45 6.68 6.68 0.15 8.57 10.76 0.67 57.26 71.89
3 Surcharge Load
a DL SURCHARGE 0.24 0.37 0.37 -0.38 10.76 10.76 -0.09 3.93 3.93
b LL SURCHARGE 0.49 0.74 0.74 -0.38 10.76 10.76 -0.19 7.92 7.92
4 Live Load
a LL-moving 3.86 0.00 5.79 0.15 8.57 12.96 0.58 0.00 75.05
5 Earth Pressure
a1 EP1 - Seismic Up 45.11 45.11 5.20 5.20 234.38 234.38
a2 EP1 - Seismic Down 78.44 78.44 5.20 5.20 407.53 407.53
6 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Up 5.40 5.40 8.74 8.74 47.23 47.23
a2 SR1 - Seismic Down 9.39 9.39 8.74 8.74 82.12 82.12
b1 SR2 - Seismic Up 4.37 4.37 7.97 7.97 34.80 34.80
b2 SR2 - Seismic Down 7.60 7.60 7.97 7.97 60.50 60.50
c1 SR3 - Seismic Up 6.17 6.17 3.66 3.66 22.57 22.57
c2 SR3 - Seismic Down 10.73 10.73 3.66 3.66 39.25 39.25
7 Surch Press (DL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Up 1.79 1.79 8.74 8.74 15.67 15.67
a2 SR1 - Seismic Down 3.12 3.12 8.74 8.74 27.24 27.24
b1 SR2 - Seismic Up 1.45 1.45 7.97 7.97 11.54 11.54
b2 SR2 - Seismic Down 2.52 2.52 7.97 7.97 20.07 20.07
c1 SR3 - Seismic Up 2.05 2.05 3.66 3.66 7.49 7.49
c2 SR3 - Seismic Down 3.56 3.56 3.66 3.66 13.02 13.02

Load Combination Details for SLS conditions
Load Comb 101 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 102 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 103 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 104 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 105 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 106 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 107 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 108 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 109 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 110 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 111 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 112 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 113 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1.1*LL+1.1*LF
Load Comb 114 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP
Load Combination Details for ULS conditions
Load Comb 201 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 202 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 203 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 204 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 205 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 206 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 207 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 208 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 209 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 210 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 211 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 212 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 213 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.75LL+1.75LF
Load Comb 214 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP

Loads and Moments for abutment shaft - Longitudinal Direction Analysis - Load Combination
Load Cases Vert Load Long Mom Trans Mom Long Force Trans Force
Span Seis up Load Comb 101 461.32 1925.54 215.43 398.80 31.21
Seismic Long Loaded Seis down Load Comb 102 478.51 2176.57 290.56 443.91 44.74
Dir Span Seis up Load Comb 103 370.60 1373.58 161.10 312.80 28.01
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 104 385.18 1572.74 220.74 350.03 39.18
Span Seis up Load Comb 105 461.32 1527.80 679.64 330.03 104.04
Seismic Trans Loaded Seis down Load Comb 106 478.51 1603.54 930.06 343.56 149.14
Dir Span Seis up Load Comb 107 370.60 1030.33 518.30 252.00 93.38
SLS Condition
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 108 385.18 1090.34 717.08 263.17 130.61
Span Seis up Load Comb 109 441.26 1527.09 215.43 330.03 31.21
Seismic Vert Loaded Seis down Load Comb 110 498.57 1604.26 290.56 343.56 44.74
Dir Span Seis up Load Comb 111 353.59 1029.89 161.10 252.00 28.01
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 112 402.20 1090.78 220.74 263.17 39.18
Span Loaded Load Comb 113 571.51 1565.64 26.64 323.05 0.00
Non Seis
Span Unoaded Load Comb 114 377.89 883.40 8.02 281.81 0.00

Span Seis up Load Comb 201 627.71 2965.11 273.90 628.13 39.01
Seismic Long Loaded Seis down Load Comb 202 649.20 3278.90 367.81 684.51 55.93
Dir Span Seis up Load Comb 203 495.75 2285.31 258.30 523.07 44.82
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 204 519.08 2603.96 353.71 582.65 62.70
Span Seis up Load Comb 205 627.71 2467.94 854.16 542.16 130.05
Seismic Trans Loaded Seis down Load Comb 206 649.20 2562.62 1167.18 559.08 186.43
Dir Span Seis up Load Comb 207 495.75 1736.10 829.81 425.80 149.41
ULS Condition
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 208 519.08 1832.12 1147.86 443.67 208.98
Span Seis up Load Comb 209 602.64 2467.05 273.90 542.16 39.01
Seismic Vert Loaded Seis down Load Comb 210 674.27 2563.51 367.81 559.08 55.93
Dir Span Seis up Load Comb 211 468.53 1735.40 258.30 425.80 44.82
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 212 546.30 1832.82 353.71 443.67 62.70
Span Loaded Load Comb 213 816.24 2619.23 42.99 544.68 0.00
Non Seis
Span Unoaded Load Comb 214 507.42 1501.03 13.36 479.08 0.00

Design of Abutment: (Longitudinal Analysis)

Length of abutment = 7.85 m

Width of abutment = 1.3 m
Grade of steel = 500 Mpa
Grade of concrete = 35 Mpa
Grade of steel for shear = 415 Mpa
As per Concrete Bridge Code (, if P u < 0.1*fck*Ac
Then, Abutment shall be treated as cantilever slab.

Pu i.e. ultimate axial load on the structure = 816.24 t

0.1*fck*Ac = 3571.75 t

Therefore, Pu < 0.1*fck*Ac

Longitudinal reinforcement (earth or inner side)

Max Moment for earth face = 417.69 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm

Total Depth considered = 1300 mm

Clear Cover considered = 50 mm

Effective Cover Considered = 87.5 mm

Effective Depth Considered, d = 1212.5 mm

Required effective depth = d= 891.96929 mm OK
0.15 fCK b

1.1 fY AS
MU z= 1- d
Area of Steel Required = As = fCK b d
0.87 fY z

As Required (mm2) 8959.73 sqmm

Min As (mm2) 2425.00 sqmm
Bar Dia (Layer 1) 25 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 25 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 9817.48 sqmm
Check OK
Actual z in terms of d 0.873 d mm
Check OK
Mu,steel 452.05 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete 771.83 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity 452.05 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE

Longitudinal reinforcement (opp to earth face i.e. outer side)

Max Moment for outer face = 21.30 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm

Total Depth considered = 1300 mm

Clear Cover considered = 50 mm

Effective Cover Considered = 62.5 mm

Effective Depth Considered, d = 1237.5 mm

As Required (mm2) 397.72 sqmm

Min As (mm2) 2475.00 sqmm
Bar Dia (Layer 1) 25 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 4908.74 sqmm
Check OK
Actual z in terms of d 0.938 d mm
Check OK
Mu,steel 247.86 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete 803.99 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity 247.86 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE

Horizontal reinforcement

Max horizontal Moment = 0.00 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm

Total Depth considered = 1300 mm

Clear Cover considered = 50 mm

Effective Cover Considered = 58 mm

Effective Depth Considered, d = 1242 mm

As Required (mm2) 0.00 sqmm

Min As (mm2) 1490.40 sqmm
Bar Dia (Layer 1) 16 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 90 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 2010.62 sqmm
Check OK
Mu,steel 105.91 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete 809.85 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity 105.91 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE

Shear reinforcement

Max shears force = 87.20 t

Max shears stress = 0.72 Mpa
% Steel Provided = 0.74 -
Depth factor (s) = 0.80 -
Shear stress of concrete (vc) = 0.64 MPa
Therefore, s*vc = 0.51 MPa
Check S.R -
No of legs in a meter = 5 -
Dia of Shear Link = 10 mm
Spacing Required = 233.47 mm
Spacing Provided = 200 mm
Max spacing allowable = 450 mm
Check OK -

Crack width check of Abutment wall:

Parameters VR (IF) Unit

DL mom 112.54 MT-m/m
Dl+LL mom 199.44 MT-m/m
LL mom 86.91 MT-m/m
Thk of member 1.3 m
Main Reinf dia 25 mm
Spacing 100 mm
Cnom 50 mm
h 1300 mm
a' 1300 mm
bt 1000 mm
E of reinforment steel 200000 N/mm2
(1-Mq/Mg)*10^-9 2.3E-10 -
acr 6.3E+01 mm
As 9.8E+03 mm2
m 8 -
eff depth,de 1237.500 mm
dc 369.293 mm
sigma,cbc 9.693 N/mm2
sigma,st 182.297 N/mm2
es 0.001 -
e1 0.001 -
Em -0.153 -
Em' -0.153 -
Crack width -27.991 mm
Design Crack width 0.25 mm
Check OK -


For Vert Reinf (Inner Face)

Design of Abutment: (Trasnverse Analysis)

Length of abutment = 7.85 m

Width of abutment = 1.3 m
Grade of steel = 500 Mpa
Grade of concrete = 35 Mpa
Grade of steel for shear = 415 Mpa

Longitudinal reinforcement

Max Moment for earth face = 897.83404 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm

Total Depth considered = 7850 mm

Clear Cover considered = 50 mm

Effective Cover Considered = 62.5 mm

Effective Depth Considered, d = 7787.5 mm

Required effective depth = d= 1307.7309 mm OK
0.15 fCK b

1.1 fY AS
MU z= 1- d
Area of Steel Required = As = fCK b d
0.87 fY z

As Required (mm2) 2664.71 sqmm

Bar Dia (Layer 1) 25 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 150 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 90 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 3272.49 sqmm
Check OK
Mu,steel 1100.82 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete 31838.71 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity 1100.82 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE

Loads and Moments for foundation - Non-Seismic Cases
Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Type of Load Vertical Horizontal Load Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number from V from HL from HT,V
Load (V)
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 21.07 4.73 99.66
b Abutment Cap 19.13 4.35 83.23
c Abutment Stem 195.02 4.35 848.33
d Dead wt of girder 58.85 4.20 247.17
e Heel Slab (rect part) 512.21 12.25 6274.60
f Heel Slab (triang part) 0.00 9.83 0.00
g Toe Slab (rect part) 130.70 1.85 241.80
h Toe Slab (triang part) 0.00 2.47 0.00
i Rect portion of base slab 45.92 4.35 199.76
j Return Wall 565.01 12.25 6921.38
k Counterfort 0.00 12.25 0.00
l Base slab projection of e 55.46 12.25 679.42
m Base slab projection of f 0.00 9.83 0.00
n Base slab projection of g 7.08 1.85 13.09
o Base slab projection of h 0.00 2.47 0.00
p Base slab projection of i 2.49 4.35 10.82
q Wt of soil (rect part) 1913.50 12.25 23440.41
r Wt of soil (triang part) 0.00 14.67 0.00
s Wt of soil proj(rect part) 139.55 12.25 1709.50
t Wt of soil proj(triang part) 0.00 14.67 0.00
a Super Imp Dead Load 66.81 4.20 0.10 280.60 6.68
3 Surcharge Load
a DL SURCHARGE 102.26 11.98 1225.14
b LL SURCHARGE 206.01 11.98 2468.30

Table Continued…

Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Type of Load Vertical Horizontal Load Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number from V from HL from HT,V
Load (V)
4 Live Load
a LL-moving 169.32 4.20 0.10 711.13 16.93
b Longitudinal force 37.49 10.37 -388.72
c Centrifugal force 0.00 14.76 0.00
5 Earth Pressure
a EP1 208.22 5.26 -1096.02
b EP2 72.14 0.90 -64.93
c EP3 6.25 0.60 -3.75
6 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a SR1 24.94 9.77 -243.54
b SR2 20.16 10.57 -213.20
c SR3 37.75 3.67 -138.55
7 Surch Press (DL)
a SR1 8.27 9.77 -80.78
b SR2 6.69 10.57 -70.72
c SR3 12.52 3.67 -45.96

Loads and Moments for foundation - Seismic Cases
Ah= 0.125 Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Av= 0.0833333 Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Seismic Forces Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number from V from HL from HT
Type of Load
Seis-V[1] Seis-HL[2] Seis-HT[3] [4] [5] [6] [1]*[4] [2]*[5] [3]*[6]
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 1.76 2.63 2.63 4.73 11.19 11.19 8.31 -29.47 29.47
b Abutment Cap 1.59 2.39 2.39 4.35 9.82 9.82 6.94 -23.49 23.49
c Abutment Stem 16.25 24.38 24.38 4.35 5.62 5.62 70.69 -137.05 137.05
d Dead wt of girder 4.90 7.36 7.36 4.20 10.37 11.27 20.60 -76.28 82.89
e Heel Slab (rect part) 42.68 64.03 64.03 12.25 0.90 0.90 522.88 -57.62 57.62
f Heel Slab (triang part) 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
g Toe Slab (rect part) 10.89 16.34 16.34 1.85 0.90 0.90 20.15 -14.70 14.70
h Toe Slab (triang part) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.47 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
i Rect portion of base slab 3.83 5.74 5.74 4.35 0.90 0.90 16.65 -5.17 5.17
j Return Wall 47.08 70.63 70.63 12.25 7.00 7.00 576.78 -494.07 494.07
l Base slab projection of e 4.62 6.93 6.93 12.25 0.90 0.90 56.62 -6.24 6.24
m Base slab projection of f 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.83 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
n Base slab projection of g 0.59 0.88 0.88 1.85 0.90 0.90 1.09 -0.80 0.80
o Base slab projection of h 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.47 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
p Base slab projection of i 0.21 0.31 0.31 4.35 0.90 0.90 0.90 -0.28 0.28
q Wt of soil (rect part) 79.73 119.59 119.59 12.25 7.00 7.00 976.68 -836.62 836.62
r Wt of soil (triang part) 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.67 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
s Wt of soil proj(rect part) 5.81 8.72 8.72 12.25 7.00 7.00 71.23 -61.01 61.01
t Wt of soil proj(triang part) 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.67 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
a Super Imp Dead Load 5.57 8.35 8.35 4.20 10.37 12.54 23.38 -86.60 104.68
3 Surcharge Load
a DL SURCHARGE 8.52 12.78 12.78 11.98 12.56 12.56 102.10 -160.54 160.54
b LL SURCHARGE 17.17 25.75 25.75 11.98 12.56 12.56 205.69 -323.44 323.44

Table Continued…

Ah= 0.125 Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Av= 0.0833333 Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Seismic Forces Vertical Horz Long Horz Trans
Number from V from HL from HT
Type of Load
Seis-V[1] Seis-HL[2] Seis-HT[3] [4] [5] [6] [1]*[4] [2]*[5] [3]*[6]
4 Live Load
a LL-moving 4.83 0.00 7.24 4.20 10.37 14.76 20.27 0.00 106.84
5 Earth Pressure
a1 EP1 - Seismic Up 45.11 45.11 7.00 7.00 -315.58 315.58
a2 EP1 - Seismic Down 78.44 78.44 7.00 7.00 -548.72 548.72
b1 EP2 - Seismic Up 15.63 15.63 1.19 1.19 -18.57 18.57
b2 EP2 - Seismic Down 27.18 27.18 1.19 1.19 -32.28 32.28
c1 EP3 - Seismic Up 1.35 1.35 0.90 0.90 -1.22 1.22
c2 EP3 - Seismic Down 2.35 2.35 0.90 0.90 -2.12 2.12
6 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Up 5.40 5.40 10.54 10.54 -56.96 56.96
a2 SR1 - Seismic Down 9.39 9.39 10.54 10.54 -99.03 99.03
b1 SR2 - Seismic Up 4.37 4.37 4.23 4.23 -18.46 18.46
b2 SR2 - Seismic Down 7.60 7.60 4.23 4.23 -32.09 32.09
c1 SR3 - Seismic Up 8.18 8.18 4.85 4.85 -39.62 39.62
c2 SR3 - Seismic Down 14.22 14.22 4.85 4.85 -68.89 68.89
7 Surch Press (DL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Up 1.79 1.79 10.54 10.54 -18.89 18.89
a2 SR1 - Seismic Down 3.12 3.12 10.54 10.54 -32.85 32.85
b1 SR2 - Seismic Up 1.45 1.45 4.23 4.23 -6.12 6.12
b2 SR2 - Seismic Down 2.52 2.52 4.23 4.23 -10.64 10.64
c1 SR3 - Seismic Up 2.71 2.71 4.85 4.85 -13.14 13.14
c2 SR3 - Seismic Down 4.72 4.72 4.85 4.85 -22.85 22.85

Load Combination Details for SLS conditions
Load Comb 101 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 102 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 103 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 104 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 105 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 106 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 107 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 108 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+1EQ(TRANS)+0.3EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 109 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 110 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1*0.5LL+1*0.5LF+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 111 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 112 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+0.3EQ(LONG)+0.3EQ(TRANS)+1EQ(VERT DOWN)
Load Comb 113 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP+1.1*LL+1.1*LF
Load Comb 114 1DL+1.2SIDL+1SL+1EP+1SP
Load Combination Details for ULS conditions
Load Comb 201 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 202 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 203 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 204 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 205 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 206 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25EQ(TRANS)+1.25*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 207 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 208 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6EQ(TRANS)+1.6*0.3EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 209 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 210 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.4*0.5LL+1.4*0.5LF+1.25*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.25*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.25EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 211 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6EQ(VERT UP)
Load Comb 212 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.6*0.3EQ(LONG)+1.6*0.3EQ(TRANS)+1.6EQ(VERT DW)
Load Comb 213 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP+1.75LL+1.75LF
Load Comb 214 1.25DL+2SIDL+1.7SL+1.7EP+1.7SP

Loads and Moments for Foundation - Load Combination
Vert Load Long Mom Trans Mom Long Force Trans Force
Load Cases
(in t) (in t-m) (in t-m) (in t) (in t)
Seis up Load Comb 101 4062.28 39626.49 885.08 845.06 139.23
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 102 4215.90 40914.34 984.89 904.19 156.97
Seismic Long Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 103 3778.21 37862.92 724.46 733.21 125.73
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 104 3918.63 39071.97 807.25 783.48 140.82
Seis up Load Comb 105 4062.28 41561.14 2911.79 525.26 464.10
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 106 4215.90 43081.90 3244.52 543.00 523.23
Seismic Trans Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 107 3778.21 39517.34 2396.17 439.83 419.12
SLS Condition
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 108 3918.63 40919.56 2672.11 454.91 469.39
Seis up Load Comb 109 3883.05 39670.47 885.08 525.26 139.23
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 110 4395.13 44972.57 984.89 543.00 156.97
Seismic Vert Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 111 3614.38 37784.85 724.46 439.83 125.73
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 112 4082.47 42652.06 807.25 454.91 140.82
Span Loaded Load Comb 113 4240.68 43394.01 26.64 410.69 0.00
Non Seis
Span Unoaded Load Comb 114 3848.42 40968.88 8.02 314.09 0.00

Seis up Load Comb 201 5262.68 50567.66 1110.95 1225.39 174.04

Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 202 5454.71 52177.46 1235.73 1299.31 196.21
Seismic Long Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 203 4777.60 46320.20 1159.68 1204.54 201.18
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 204 5002.29 47397.09 1292.13 1284.97 225.31
Seis up Load Comb 205 5262.68 52985.97 3644.35 825.64 580.13
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 206 5454.71 54886.91 4060.26 847.81 654.04
Seismic Trans Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 207 4777.60 48967.29 3834.41 735.13 670.58
ULS Condition
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 208 5002.29 51210.83 4275.91 759.26 751.02
Seis up Load Comb 209 5038.64 50622.63 1110.95 825.64 174.04
Span Loaded Seis down Load Comb 210 5678.74 57250.25 1235.73 847.81 196.21
Seismic Vert Dir
Span Seis up Load Comb 211 4515.48 46195.29 1159.68 735.13 201.18
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 212 5264.42 53982.83 1292.13 759.26 225.31
Span Loaded Load Comb 213 5536.47 55700.39 42.99 693.68 0.00
Non Seis
Span Unoaded Load Comb 214 4889.95 51276.23 13.36 533.96 0.00

Check for stability and base pressure of foundation

Length of foundation in longitudinal direction = 19.50 m

Length of foundation in transverse direction = 8.70 m
Base area of foundation = 169.65 m2
Section modulus of foundation in longitudinal direction = 551.36 m3
Section modulus of foundation in transverse direction = 245.99 m3
c e g a

Traffic Dir

d f h b

LC V HL Long Mom MT e=B/2-M/V ML

LC 101 4062.28 845.06 39626.49 885.08 0.00 -19.25
LC 102 4215.90 904.19 40914.34 984.89 0.05 190.73
LC 103 3778.21 733.21 37862.92 724.46 -0.27 -1025.39
LC 104 3918.63 783.48 39071.97 807.25 -0.22 -865.29
LC 105 4062.28 525.26 41561.14 2911.79 -0.48 -1953.90
LC 106 4215.90 543.00 43081.90 3244.52 -0.47 -1976.83
LC 107 3778.21 439.83 39517.34 2396.17 -0.71 -2679.82
SLS Condition
LC 108 3918.63 454.91 40919.56 2672.11 -0.69 -2712.87
LC 109 3883.05 525.26 39670.47 885.08 -0.47 -1810.69
LC 110 4395.13 543.00 44972.57 984.89 -0.48 -2120.04
LC 111 3614.38 439.83 37784.85 724.46 -0.70 -2544.67
LC 112 4082.47 454.91 42652.06 807.25 -0.70 -2848.02
LC 113 4240.68 410.69 43394.01 26.64 -0.48 -2047.36
LC 114 3848.42 314.09 40968.88 8.02 -0.90 -3446.78

LC V HL Long Mom MT e=B/2-M/V ML
LC 201 5262.68 1225.39 50567.66 1110.95 0.14 743.44
LC 202 5454.71 1299.31 52177.46 1235.73 0.18 1005.91
LC 203 4777.60 1204.54 46320.20 1159.68 0.05 261.44
LC 204 5002.29 1284.97 47397.09 1292.13 0.27 1375.21
LC 205 5262.68 825.64 52985.97 3644.35 -0.32 -1674.87
LC 206 5454.71 847.81 54886.91 4060.26 -0.31 -1703.54
LC 207 4777.60 735.13 48967.29 3834.41 -0.50 -2385.64
ULS Condition
LC 208 5002.29 759.26 51210.83 4275.91 -0.49 -2438.53
LC 209 5038.64 825.64 50622.63 1110.95 -0.30 -1495.86
LC 210 5678.74 847.81 57250.25 1235.73 -0.33 -1882.55
LC 211 4515.48 735.13 46195.29 1159.68 -0.48 -2169.41
LC 212 5264.42 759.26 53982.83 1292.13 -0.50 -2654.76
LC 213 5536.47 693.68 55700.39 42.99 -0.31 -1719.78
LC 214 4889.95 533.96 51276.23 13.36 -0.74 -3599.26

Design of Foundation:
c e g a

0 0 8.70

1.8 1.8 1.8 A A

14.5 1.3 3.7 d f h b

Section A-A Foundation Plan

Grade of steel = 500 Mpa

Grade of concrete = 35 Mpa

Design of Heel:

Length of heel slab = 14.5 m

Distance of critical section from tip of heel = 14.5 m
Thickness of heel at critical section = 1.8 m
Effective depth of heel at critical section = 1.693 m
Backfill soil height above heel = 10.391 m

Longitudinal reinforcement (top bar)

Mom due Mom due Mom due Mom due Total

Upward Mom due Net
to Upward to wt of to DL to LL downward
Description LC force to soil wt moment
force heel surcharge surcharge mom
t per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m
LC 201 480.60 3990.46 2181.45 576.54 397.58 801.01 3956.5784 -33.88
LC 202 493.55 4090.61 2236.67 606.11 412.58 831.23 4086.6012 -4.01
LC 203 446.68 3721.82 2181.45 576.54 397.58 0.00 3155.5714 -566.24
LC 204 456.39 3769.17 2236.67 606.11 412.58 0.00 3255.3674 -513.80
LC 205 496.89 4199.80 2181.45 576.54 397.58 801.01 3956.5784 -243.23
Seismic LC 206 511.80 4325.15 2236.67 606.11 412.58 831.23 4086.6012 -238.55
Cases LC 207 464.51 3950.96 2181.45 576.54 397.58 0.00 3155.5714 -795.39
LC 208 482.08 4099.30 2236.67 606.11 412.58 0.00 3255.3674 -843.93
LC 209 478.52 4040.96 2117.02 542.05 380.08 765.74 3804.885 -236.08
LC 210 530.17 4484.00 2301.10 640.61 430.09 866.50 4238.2946 -245.70
LC 211 442.96 3764.52 2117.02 542.05 380.08 0.00 3039.1427 -725.38
LC 212 503.62 4285.74 2301.10 640.61 430.09 0.00 3371.7961 -913.95
Non LC 213 518.17 4378.88 2209.06 591.33 405.08 816.12 4021.59 -357.29
Seismic LC 214 481.29 4127.90 2209.06 591.33 405.08 0.00 3205.47 -922.43

Max Moment for top face = 922.43 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm
Effective depth availble = 1693 mm

Required effective depth = d= 1325.52 mm OK
0.15 fCK b

1.1 fY AS
MU z= 1- d
Area of Steel Required = As = fCK b d
0.87 fY z

As Required (mm2) = 14468.22 sqmm
Min As (mm2) = 3386.00 sqmm
Bar Dia (Layer 1) = 32 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) = 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) = 32 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) = 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) = 16084.95 sqmm
Check OK -
Actual z in terms of d = 0.851 d mm
Check OK -
Mu,steel = 1008.08 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete = 1504.78 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity = 1008.08 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE -

Longitudinal reinforcement (bottom bar)

Min As required as distribution reinforcement (mm2) 2031.60 sqmm

Bar Dia (Layer 1) 32 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 8042.48 sqmm
Check OK

Shear reinforcement

force due force due force due Total Max allow.

Upward force due Shear force Shear
to wt of to DL to LL downward Shear
Description LC force (Pu) to soil wt (Fd-Pu) Stress Check
heel surcharge surcharge Force (Fd) Stress
t per m t per m t per m t per m t per m t per m t per m Mpa Mpa
LC 201 480.60 300.89 79.52 54.83864 110.48 545.73 65.14 0.38 4.44 OK
LC 202 493.55 308.51 83.60 56.90803 114.65 563.67 70.12 0.41 4.44 OK
LC 203 446.68 300.89 79.52 54.83864 0.00 435.25 -11.42 -0.07 4.44 OK
LC 204 456.39 308.51 83.60 56.90803 0.00 449.02 -7.37 -0.04 4.44 OK
LC 205 496.89 300.89 79.52 54.83864 110.48 545.73 48.85 0.29 4.44 OK
Seismic LC 206 511.80 308.51 83.60 56.90803 114.65 563.67 51.87 0.31 4.44 OK
Cases LC 207 464.51 300.89 79.52 54.83864 0.00 435.25 -29.26 -0.17 4.44 OK
LC 208 482.08 308.51 83.60 56.90803 0.00 449.02 -33.06 -0.20 4.44 OK
LC 209 478.52 292.00 74.77 52.42434 105.62 524.81 46.30 0.27 4.44 OK
LC 210 530.17 317.39 88.36 59.32233 119.52 584.59 54.42 0.32 4.44 OK
LC 211 442.96 292.00 74.77 52.42434 0.00 419.19 -23.77 -0.14 4.44 OK
LC 212 503.62 317.39 88.36 59.32233 0.00 465.08 -38.55 -0.23 4.44 OK
Non LC 213 518.17 304.70 81.56 55.87333 112.57 554.70 36.53 0.22 4.44 OK
Seismic LC 214 481.29 304.70 81.56 55.87333 0.00 442.13 -39.16 -0.23 4.44 OK

Max shears stress = 0.41 Mpa

% Steel Provided = 0.95 -
Depth factor (s) = 0.737188 -
Shear stress of concrete (vc) = 0.69 MPa
Therefore, s*vc = 0.51 MPa
Check NO S.R -
No of legs in a meter = 5.00 -
Dia of Shear Link = 10 mm
Spacing Required = 354.46 mm
Spacing Provided = 200 mm
Max spacing allowable = 450 mm
Check OK -

Design of Toe:

Length of toe slab = 3.7 m

Distance of critical section from tip of toe = 3.7 m
Thickness of toe at critical section = 1.8 m
Effective depth of toe at critical section = 1.71 m

Longitudinal reinforcement (bottom bar)

Mom due
Upward Mom due Net
to Upward
Description LC force to toe wt Moment
t per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m
LC 201 124.53 367.37 37.54 329.83
LC 202 129.32 381.48 39.47 342.02
LC 203 113.21 333.97 37.54 296.43
LC 204 122.20 360.50 39.47 321.03
LC 205 114.35 337.33 37.54 299.79
Seismic LC 206 117.91 347.83 39.47 308.36
Cases LC 207 102.06 301.09 37.54 263.55
LC 208 106.15 313.13 39.47 273.67
LC 209 110.81 326.89 35.29 291.60
LC 210 121.45 358.27 41.71 316.55
LC 211 97.95 288.96 35.29 253.67
LC 212 110.26 325.26 41.71 283.55
Non LC 213 119.41 352.25 38.50 313.74
Seismic LC 214 99.11 292.37 38.50 253.86

Max Moment for bottom face = 342.02 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm
Effective Depth Considered = 1709 mm

Required effective depth = d= 807.13 mm OK
0.15 fCK b

1.1 fY AS
MU z= 1- d
Area of Steel Required = As = fCK b d
0.87 fY z

As Required (mm2) = 4813.66 sqmm

Min As (mm2) = 3418.00 sqmm
Bar Dia (Layer 1) = 32 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) = 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) = mm
Spacing (Layer 2) = 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) = 8042.48 sqmm
Check OK -
Actual z in terms of d = 0.926 d mm
Check OK -
Mu,steel = 553.65 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete = 1533.36 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity = 553.65 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE -

Longitudinal reinforcement (top bar)

Min As required as distribution reinforcement (mm2) 2050.80 sqmm

Bar Dia (Layer 1) 32 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 32 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 16084.95 sqmm
Check OK

Transverse reinforcement (top & Bottom bar)

Min As required as distribution reinforcement (mm2) 2050.80 sqmm

Bar Dia (Layer 1) 20 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 3141.59 sqmm
Check OK

force due Shear Max Allow

Upward Shear
Descriptio to toe wt force (Pu- Shear
LC force (Pu) Stress Check
n (Fd) Fd) Stress
t per m t per m t per m Mpa Mpa
LC 201 124.53 20.29 104.24 0.61 4.44 OK Max shears stress = 0.63 Mpa
LC 202 129.32 21.33 107.98 0.63 4.44 OK % Steel Provided = 0.4705955 -
LC 203 113.21 20.29 92.92 0.54 4.44 OK Depth factor (s) = 0.7354565 -
LC 204 122.20 21.33 100.87 0.59 4.44 OK Shear stress of concrete (vc) = 0.5495734 MPa
LC 205 114.35 20.29 94.06 0.55 4.44 OK Therefore, s*vc = 0.4041873 MPa
Seismic LC 206 117.91 21.33 96.58 0.57 4.44 OK Check S.R -
Cases LC 207 102.06 20.29 81.77 0.48 4.44 OK No of legs in a meter = 5 -
LC 208 106.15 21.33 84.81 0.50 4.44 OK Dia of Shear Link = 10 mm
LC 209 110.81 19.08 91.73 0.54 4.44 OK Spacing Required = 225.8926 mm
LC 210 121.45 22.55 98.90 0.58 4.44 OK Spacing Provided = 200 mm
LC 211 97.95 19.08 78.88 0.46 4.44 OK Max spacing allowable = 450 mm
LC 212 110.26 22.55 87.71 0.51 4.44 OK Check OK -
Non LC 213 119.41 20.81 98.59 0.58 4.44 OK
Seismic LC 214 99.11 20.81 78.29 0.46 4.44 OK

Check for Punching Shear:
Critical section for punching is at a distance of d/2 or 1709/2 mm = 854.5 mm
Punching shear stress ζv = V / (bo x d)
Where V is the max. pile reaction and bo is the perimeter of critical section = 3.785 m
Maximum pile rection = 546.03 t
Therefore, Shear Stress, ζv = 0.84 N/sqmm
Permissible shear stress ζp = Ks x ζc

Ks =1, 1
1200 ζc = 0.16 x √35 = 0.95 N/mm2

Check = SAFE

Serviceability Check of Foundation: c e g a

0 0 8.70

1.8 1.8 1.8 A A

14.5 1.3 3.7 d f h b

Section A-A Foundation Plan

Calculation of Bending Moment for Heel Slab

Mom due Mom due Mom due Total
Upward Mom due to Mom due to Net
to Upward to DL to LL downward
Description LC force soil wt wt of heel moment
force surcharge surcharge mom
t per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m
SLS Non LC 113 404.62 3440.63 1767.25 473.06 238.28 480.07 2958.66 -481.96
Condition Seismic LC 114 383.99 3310.78 1767.25 473.06 238.28 0 2478.59 -832.19

Calculation of Bending Moment for Toe Slab

Mom due to
Upward Mom due Net
Description LC force to toe wt Moment
t per m t-m per m t-m per m t-m per m
SLS Non LC 113 89.09 262.80 30.80 232.00
Condition Seismic LC 114 75.68 223.26 30.80 192.45

Parameters Heel Toe Unit
DL mom -832.19 192.45 MT-m/m
Dl+LL mom -481.96 232.00 MT-m/m
LL mom 350.22 39.55 MT-m/m 1253.12
Thk of member 1.8 1.8 m 1162.12
Main Reinf dia 32 32 mm 1800.00
Spacing 100 100 mm 1709.00
Cnom 75 75 mm 546.88
h 1800 1800 mm
a' 1800 1800 mm
bt 1000 1000 mm
E of reinforment steel 200000 200000 N/mm2 For Heel
(1-Mq/Mg)*10^-9 1.4E-09 7.9E-10 -
acr 8.2E+01 8.2E+01 mm
As 1.6E+04 8.0E+03 mm2
m 8 8 -
eff depth,de 1709.000 1709.000 mm 1391.00
dc 546.883 409.003 mm 1300.00
sigma,cbc -11.545 7.214 N/mm2 1800.00
sigma,st -196.262 183.428 N/mm2 1709.00
es -0.001 0.001 - 409.00
e1 -0.001 0.001 -
Em 1.237 0.740 -
Em' -0.001 0.001 -
Crack width -0.258 0.240 mm For Toe
Design Crack width 0.25 0.25 mm
Check OK OK -

Design of Bed Block

Grade of concrete = 35 Mpa

Grade of steel = 500 Mpa

Size of Abutment Cap = 1.3 m x 0.75 m

Minimum % of steel in beam (0.20%) = 1950 mm2

Dia of bar 20 mm
Nos of bar 7 nos

Steel provided = 2198 mm2 OK

nos of leg in stirrups 4 nos

dia of stirrups 10 mm

spacing of stirrups = 218.02 m mm c/c

Say Provide 150 mm c/c

Load Calculation for Dirt Wall:
3 3
3.925 0.001 3.925


1.00 1.00 -4.996 1.00 1.00

SR2 Overlapping of distribution width = yes -

1.997 S1 Overlapping width = 4.996 m

SR1 1.997 Ka ( Static ) = 0.251 -

Ca (Seismic-downwards) = 0.345 -
0.5375 S2 Ca (Seismic-upwards) = 0.305 -

Horiz Seis Coeff = 0.125 - Grade of concrete = 35 Mpa Unit wt of soil = 2 t/m3
Vert Seis Coeff = 0.083333 - Grade of steel = 500 Mpa Unit wt of conc = 2.5 t/m3
Grade of steel for shear = 415 Mpa LL Surch = 13.7 t/m
Clear Cover = 0.05 m DL Surch = 6.8 t/m

Sur pres for Trk 1 (t/sqm) Sur pres for Trk 2 (t/sqm) Sur pres for comb (t/sqm)
S1-tr1 = 1.714 0.569 S1-tr2 = 1.714 0.569 S1 = 1.714 0.569
S2-tr1 = 1.029 0.341 S2-tr2 = 1.029 0.341 S2 = 1.714 0.569

SR1 = 26.872 Long Dir Long Dir
SR2 = 5.369 SR1 - dyn Seis up 5.822 1.159
DL incr (in t) Seis down 10.123 2.016
SR1 = 5.351 SR2 - dyn Seis up 1.163 0.386
SR2 = 1.781 incr (in t) Seis down 2.023 0.671

Non-Seismic Cases
Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Serial Vertical Horz
Type of Load Horizontal Load Vertical Horz Long Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Number Load Trans
from V from HL from HT
1 Earth Pressure
a EP1 7.85 0.67 5.23
2 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a SR1 26.87 1.00 26.83
b SR2 5.37 1.33 7.15
3 Surch Press (DL)
a SR1 5.35 1.00 5.34
b SR2 1.78 1.33 2.37

Seismic Cases
Ah= 0.125 Load (in t) Lever Arm (in m) Moments (in t-m)
Av= 0.083333 Horz
Serial Seismic Forces Vertical Horz Long Long Mom Long Mom Trans Mom
Number from V from HL from HT
Type of Load
Seis-V[1] Seis-HL[2] Seis-HT[3] [4] [5] [6] [1]*[4] [2]*[5] [3]*[6]
1 Dead Load
a Dirt Wall 1.40 2.11 2.11 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.10 2.10
2 Surcharge Load
a DL Surcharge 0.24 0.37 0.37 0.00 2.37 2.37 0.00 0.86 0.86
b LL Surcharge 0.49 0.74 0.74 0.00 2.37 2.37 0.00 1.74 1.74
3 Earth Pressure
a1 EP1 - Seismic Upward 1.70 1.70 1.00 1.00 1.70 1.70
a2 EP1 - Seismic Downward 2.96 2.96 1.00 1.00 2.95 2.95
4 Surch Press (DL+LL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Upward 5.82 5.82 1.32 1.32 7.67 7.67
a2 SR1 - Seismic Downward 10.12 10.12 1.32 1.32 13.34 13.34
b1 SR2 - Seismic Upward 1.16 1.16 1.00 1.00 1.16 1.16
b2 SR2 - Seismic Downward 2.02 2.02 1.00 1.00 2.02 2.02
5 Surch Press (DL)
a1 SR1 - Seismic Upward 1.16 1.16 1.32 1.32 1.53 1.53
a2 SR1 - Seismic Downward 2.02 2.02 1.32 1.32 2.66 2.66
b1 SR2 - Seismic Upward 0.39 0.39 1.00 1.00 0.39 0.39
b2 SR2 - Seismic Downward 0.67 0.67 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.67

Load Combination (Only Critical Load Case Considered)
Long Mom Long Force
t-m t
Span Seis up Load Comb 201 85.71 83.03
ULS Loaded Seis down Load Comb 202 95.43 91.05
Seismic Long Dir
Condition Span Seis up Load Comb 203 30.23 32.62
Unloaded Seis down Load Comb 204 33.56 35.62
SLS Span Loaded Load Comb 113 39.21 40.09
Non Seis
Condition Span Unloaded Load Comb 114 12.94 14.99

Design of Dirt Wall:

Vertical reinforcement (earth face)

Max Moment = 12.16 Mt-m/m

Width considered = 1000 mm
Effective Depth Considered = 487.492 mm

Required effective depth = d= 152.17 mm OK
0.15 fCK b

1.1 fY AS
MU z= 1- d
Area of Steel Required = As = fCK b d
0.87 fY z

As Required (mm2) = 584.30 sqmm

Min As (mm2) = 974.98 sqmm
Bar Dia (Layer 1) = 16 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) = 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) = 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) = 100 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) = 2010.62 sqmm
Check OK -
Actual z in terms of d = 0.935 d mm
Check OK -
Mu,steel = 39.87 (Mt-m/m)
Mu,concrete = 124.77 (Mt-m/m)
Moment Capacity = 39.87 (Mt-m/m)
Check SAFE -

Shear reinforcement

Max shears force = 11.60 t

Max shears stress = 0.24 Mpa
% Steel Provided = 0.41 -
Depth factor (s) = 1.01 -
Shear stress of concrete (vc) = 0.53 MPa
Therefore, s*vc = 0.53 MPa
Check NO S.R -
No of legs in a meter = 4 -
Dia of Shear Link = 10 mm
Spacing Required = 283.57 mm
Spacing Provided = 200 mm
Max spacing allowable = 365.619 mm
Check OK -

Longitudinal reinforcement (outer side) & horizontal reinforcement

Min As required as distribution reinforcement (mm2) 584.99 sqmm

Bar Dia (Layer 1) 10 mm
Spacing (Layer 1) 100 mm
Bar Dia (Layer 2) 0 mm
Spacing (Layer 2) 200 mm
Area of steel provided (mm2) 785.40 sqmm
Check OK

Serviceability Check for Dirt Wall:

Parameters dirt wall Unit

DL mom 1.65 MT-m/m
Dl+LL mom 4.99 MT-m/m
LL mom 3.35 MT-m/m
Thk of member 0.5375 m
Main Reinf dia 16 mm 428.35
Spacing 100 mm 370.35
Cnom 50 mm 537.50
h 537.5 mm 479.50
a' 537.5 mm 109.15
bt 1000 mm
E of reinforment steel 200000 N/mm2
(1-Mq/Mg)*10^-9 -1.0E-09 -
acr 6.5E+01 mm For Dirt Wall
As 2.0E+03 mm2
m 8 -
eff depth,de 479.500 mm
dc 109.152 mm
sigma,cbc 2.065 N/mm2
sigma,st 56.060 N/mm2
es 0.0003 -
e1 0.0003 -
Em 0.938 -
Em' 0.0003 -
Crack width 0.059 mm
Design Crack width 0.25 mm
Check OK -


A) Pile Geometric Properties

Diameter of pile = 1.2 m

Perimeter of pile cross section = 3.77 m
Area of pile cross section = 1.13 sqm
Maximum overburden pressure shall be limited to = 18.00 m

B) Layerwise Soil Properties

28 Pd = 0 kN/m2

L= 18.00 m φ= 11 deg
C= 30 kN/m2 γ= 9 kN/m3
α= 1 - K= 1 -

10 Pd = 162 kN/m2

L= 10.00 m φ= 30 deg
Layer2 C= 20 kN/m2 γ= 9 kN/m3
α= 1 - K= 1 -

0.00 Pd = 162 kN/m2

C) Calculation of Skin Friction Resistance

Layer C φ α L αxCxAsi tanδ Pdi K
1 30 11 1 18.00 2035.752 0.19 81 1 1068.42
2 20 30 1 10.00 753.982 0.58 162 1 3526.03
3 20 30 1 0.00 0.000 0.58 162 1 0.00
4 20 30 1 0.00 0.000 0.58 162 1 0.00
5 20 30 1 0.00 0.000 0.58 162 1 0.00

Total skin frictional resistance (sum of all layers αxCxAsi + KxPdix tanδxAsi ) = 7384.18 kN
Factor of safety for Ultimate skin frictional resistance = 2.5 -
Allowable skin frictional resistance = 2953.67 kN

D) Calculation of End Bearing Resistance

Area of Cross section of pile at tip = 1.13 sqm

Nγ (from IS 6403-1981 table 1 for general shear failure) = 22.4 -
Nq (from IS 2911 part 1 sec 2 fig 1)= 20 -
Pd at tip of pile cap = 162.000 kN/m2
γ= 9 kN/m3
Ultimate end bearing resistance for cohesionless soil, Ap (0.5 D γ Nγ + Pd Nq) = 3801.16 kN
Factor of safety Ultimate end bearing resistance = 2.5 -
Allowable end bearing resistance = 1520.46 kN

Ultimate end bearing resistance for cohesive soil, Ap*Nc*Cp = 203.58 kN

Factor of safety Ultimate end bearing resistance = 2.5 -
Allowable end bearing resistance = 81.43 kN

Maximum allowable vertical load at pile top for Normal case = 4556 kN 456 T
Maximum allowable vertical load at pile top for Seismic case = 5694 kN 570 T


Considering as Fixed Head File:

Dia of Pile = 1.2 m

Grade of Concrete = 35 N/mm^2
Youngs Modulus E = 5000 x sqrt(fck) =29580399 kN/m2 for medium sand
Moment of Inertia I = pi()/64 x d^4 = 0.1018 m4
C/s area A = pi()/4 x d^2 = 1.1310 m2 nh= 4000 KN/m3
Dia of Pile D = = 1.2 m 4000 KN/m3
0.41 kg/cm³
T= 5 EI = 4.980

L1 = 0.000 m (Scour)
L1/T = 0.000
Therefore Lf/T = 2.000 (as per Fig-4 of IS: 2911 part-I Sec-II)

Lf = 2.000 x 4.98 = 9.960 m

Therefore L1 + Lf = 9.960 m
Lateral Deflection of the Pile Y = SF . ( L1 + Lf)3 / 12.E.I

Max allowed Y = 12 mm

Therefore, Max horizontal capacity of pile = 438.77 kN

Input Data for Pile and Pile Foundation

Pile capacity from geotech report

Gross Vertical capacity of pile considered (Normal) = 400 t

Horizontal Capcity of pile (Normal) = 30 t
Gross Vertical capacity of pile considered (Seismic) = 500.00 t

Other Releveant input data

Low Water Table R. L. = 271 m

Type of Bridge
1. Waterway crossing
2. Road/railway track crossing
Scour level (if waterway exist) = 269 m
Lowest OGL = 270.346 m
Unit weight of concrete pile cap = 2.5 t/m
Unit weight of concrete pile = 2.5 t/m
Unit weight of soil = 1.8 t/m
Unit weight of water = 1 t/m
Grade of concrete = M 35 -
Grade of steel (main reinforcement) = Fe 500 -
Grade of steel (secondary reinforcement) = Fe 500 -
Clear cover = 0.075m
Elastic modulus of reinforcing steel, Es = 200000 N/mm
Exposure Condition: 1.Moderete, 2.Severe, 3.Extreme 2-

Details of piles

No of pile along length (Longitudinal direction) = 6 -

No of pile along breadth (Transverse direction)= 3 -
R.L at founding level or at pile tip = 240.046 m
Diameter of pile = 1.20 m
Spacing of pile along length (Longitudinal direction) = 3.90 m
Spacing of pile along breadth (Transverse direction) = 3.60 m
Pile cut off level = 268.196 m
Length of each pile = 28.15 m
Total no of pile in pile group = 18 -
Free length of pile above ground/scour level = 0 m

Details of pilecap

Thickness of pile cap = 1.8 m

Overhang of pile cap from centre of pile (Longitudinal dir) = 0.75 m
Overhang of pile cap from centre of pile (Transverse dir) = 0.75 m
Top of the pile cap R. L = 269.846 m
Bottom of the pile cap R. L = 268.046 m
Length of pile cap (L) = 21 m
Width of pile cap (B) = 8.7 m
Height of soil above pile cap = 0.5 m

Seismic Coefficients :

Seismic Zone = 3 -
Zone factor Z = 0.16 -
Importance factor I (Table 2 IRS Seismic Code 2020) = 1.25 -
Average response acceleration coefficient ( Sa/g ) = 2.5 -
Response reduction factor R (Foundation ) = 2 -
(As per guideline of IRC SP:114-2018 table 4.1 and IRS seismic 2020 table 3)
Horizontal Sesmic Coefficent Ah = (Z/2)*(Sa/g)*(I/R) for foundation= 0.125 -

Load on Pile Group

Cases LC
(in t) (in t) (in t) (in t-m) (in t-m) (in t)
LC 101 4062.28 845.06 139.23 -19.25 885.08 856.45
LC 102 4215.90 904.19 156.97 190.73 984.89 917.72
LC 103 3778.21 733.21 125.73 -1025.39 724.46 743.91
LC 104 3918.63 783.48 140.82 -865.29 807.25 796.03
SLS Condition

LC 105 4062.28 525.26 464.10 -1953.90 2911.79 700.92

LC 106 4215.90 543.00 523.23 -1976.83 3244.52 754.07
LC 107 3778.21 439.83 419.12 -2679.82 2396.17 607.54
LC 108 3918.63 454.91 469.39 -2712.87 2672.11 653.65
LC 109 3883.05 525.26 139.23 -1810.69 885.08 543.40
LC 110 4395.13 543.00 156.97 -2120.04 984.89 565.23
LC 111 3614.38 439.83 125.73 -2544.67 724.46 457.45
LC 112 4082.47 454.91 140.82 -2848.02 807.25 476.20
Non LC 113 4240.68 410.69 0.00 -2047.36 26.64 410.69
Seismic LC 114 3848.42 314.09 0.00 -3446.78 8.02 314.09

Cases LC
(in t) (in t) (in t) (in t-m) (in t-m) (in t)
LC 201 5262.68 1225.39 174.04 743.44 1110.95 1237.69
LC 202 5454.71 1299.31 196.21 1005.91 1235.73 1314.04
LC 203 4777.60 1204.54 201.18 261.44 1159.68 1221.23
LC 204 5002.29 1284.97 225.31 1375.21 1292.13 1304.58
ULS Condition

LC 205 5262.68 825.64 580.13 -1674.87 3644.35 1009.07

LC 206 5454.71 847.81 654.04 -1703.54 4060.26 1070.77
LC 207 4777.60 735.13 670.58 -2385.64 3834.41 995.04
LC 208 5002.29 759.26 751.02 -2438.53 4275.91 1067.95
LC 209 5038.64 825.64 174.04 -1495.86 1110.95 843.78
LC 210 5678.74 847.81 196.21 -1882.55 1235.73 870.22
LC 211 4515.48 735.13 201.18 -2169.41 1159.68 762.16
LC 212 5264.42 759.26 225.31 -2654.76 1292.13 791.99
Non LC 213 5536.47 693.68 0.00 -1719.78 42.99 693.68
Seismic LC 214 4889.95 533.96 0.00 -3599.26 13.36 533.96

Pile Group Arrangement
y 21
16 13 10 7 4 1
x x 0.75

17 14 11 8 5 2

18 15 12 9 6 3


0.75 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 0.75

Total no of pile in pile group = 18 -

Weight of each pile = 47.76 t
Total weight of pile group = 859.60 t
Weight of pile cap = 822.15 t
Weight of soil above pile cap = 164.43 t

(Normal Case) Net vertical capacity of pile = Gross vertical capacity of pile - self weight of pile = 352.24 t
(Seismic Case) Net vertical capacity of pile = Gross vertical capacity of pile - self weight of pile = 452.24 t

Distance along Y-Y Distance along X-X
Pile No. y2 x2 y'=sum(yi2) / y x'=sum(xi2) / x
axis (y) axis (x)

1 -3.60 9.75 12.96 95.06 -43.20 81.90

2 0.00 9.75 0.00 95.06 0.00 81.90
3 3.60 9.75 12.96 95.06 43.20 81.90
4 -3.60 5.85 12.96 34.22 -43.20 136.50
5 0.00 5.85 0.00 34.22 0.00 136.50
6 3.60 5.85 12.96 34.22 43.20 136.50
7 -3.60 1.95 12.96 3.80 -43.20 409.50
8 0.00 1.95 0.00 3.80 0.00 409.50
9 3.60 1.95 12.96 3.80 43.20 409.50
10 -3.60 -1.95 12.96 3.80 -43.20 -409.50
11 0.00 -1.95 0.00 3.80 0.00 -409.50
12 3.60 -1.95 12.96 3.80 43.20 -409.50
13 -3.60 -5.85 12.96 34.22 -43.20 -136.50
14 0.00 -5.85 0.00 34.22 0.00 -136.50
15 3.60 -5.85 12.96 34.22 43.20 -136.50
16 -3.60 -9.75 12.96 95.06 -43.20 -81.90
17 0.00 -9.75 0.00 95.06 0.00 -81.90
18 3.60 -9.75 12.96 95.06 43.20 -81.90
Total = 155.52 798.53

SLS Condition
LC 101 LC 102 LC 103 LC 104 LC 105 LC 106 LC 107 LC 108 LC 109 LC 110 LC 111 LC 112 LC 113 LC 114
V (t) 4062.28 4215.90 3778.21 3918.63 4062.28 4215.90 3778.21 3918.63 3883.05 4395.13 3614.38 4082.47 4240.68 3848.42
ML (t-m) -19.25 190.73 -1025.39 -865.29 -1953.90 -1976.83 -2679.82 -2712.87 -1810.69 -2120.04 -2544.67 -2848.02 -2047.36 -3446.78
MT (t-m) 885.08 984.89 724.46 807.25 2911.79 3244.52 2396.17 2672.11 885.08 984.89 724.46 807.25 26.64 8.02
H (t) 856.45 917.72 743.91 796.03 700.92 754.07 607.54 653.65 543.40 565.23 457.45 476.20 410.69 314.09

ULS Condition
LC 201 LC 202 LC 203 LC 204 LC 205 LC 206 LC 207 LC 208 LC 209 LC 210 LC 211 LC 212 LC 213 LC 214
V (t) 5262.68 5454.71 4777.60 5002.29 5262.68 5454.71 4777.60 5002.29 5038.64 5678.74 4515.48 5264.42 5536.47 4889.95
ML (t-m) 743.44 1005.91 261.44 1375.21 -1674.87 -1703.54 -2385.64 -2438.53 -1495.86 -1882.55 -2169.41 -2654.76 -1719.78 -3599.26
MT (t-m) 1110.95 1235.73 1159.68 1292.13 3644.35 4060.26 3834.41 4275.91 1110.95 1235.73 1159.68 1292.13 42.99 13.36
H (t) 1237.69 1314.04 1221.23 1304.58 1009.07 1070.77 995.04 1067.95 843.78 870.22 762.16 791.99 693.68 533.96

Pile Reaction Calculation (SLS Condition) and Capacity Check

Pile No. LC 101 LC 102 LC 103 LC 104 LC 105 LC 106 LC 107 LC 108 LC 109 LC 110 LC 111 LC 112 LC 113 LC 114
1 204.96 213.75 180.61 188.45 134.42 134.98 121.71 122.72 173.13 195.49 152.96 173.34 209.98 171.53
2 225.45 236.55 197.38 207.14 201.83 210.08 177.18 184.58 193.62 218.29 169.73 192.03 210.60 171.72
3 245.94 259.34 214.15 225.82 269.23 285.18 232.65 246.43 214.10 241.09 186.50 210.72 211.21 171.90
4 205.05 212.82 185.62 192.68 143.97 144.63 134.80 135.97 181.97 205.84 165.39 187.25 219.98 188.36
5 225.54 235.61 202.39 211.36 211.37 219.73 190.27 197.83 202.46 228.64 182.16 205.94 220.59 188.55
6 246.03 258.41 219.16 230.05 278.77 294.84 245.73 259.68 222.95 251.44 198.93 224.63 221.21 188.74
7 205.15 211.88 190.63 196.90 153.51 154.28 147.89 149.22 190.82 216.20 177.81 201.16 229.98 205.20
8 225.64 234.68 207.40 215.59 220.91 229.39 203.36 211.08 211.30 239.00 194.58 219.85 230.59 205.38
9 246.12 257.48 224.17 234.28 288.31 304.49 258.82 272.93 231.79 261.80 211.35 238.54 231.21 205.57
10 205.24 210.95 195.63 201.13 163.05 163.94 160.98 162.47 199.66 226.55 190.24 215.07 239.98 222.03
11 225.73 233.75 212.40 219.81 230.45 239.04 216.44 224.33 220.15 249.35 207.01 233.76 240.59 222.22
12 246.22 256.55 229.17 238.50 297.86 314.15 271.91 286.18 240.63 272.15 223.78 252.44 241.21 222.40
13 205.34 210.02 200.64 205.35 172.59 173.59 174.07 175.72 208.50 236.91 202.67 228.98 249.98 238.87
14 225.82 232.82 217.41 224.04 240.00 248.70 229.53 237.58 228.99 259.71 219.44 247.67 250.59 239.05
15 246.31 255.62 234.18 242.73 307.40 323.80 285.00 299.43 249.48 282.50 236.21 266.35 251.21 239.24
16 205.43 209.09 205.65 209.58 182.14 183.25 187.15 188.97 217.35 247.26 215.10 242.89 259.97 255.70
17 225.92 231.89 222.42 228.27 249.54 258.35 242.62 250.83 237.83 270.06 231.87 261.58 260.59 255.89
18 246.41 254.69 239.19 246.95 316.94 333.46 298.09 312.68 258.32 292.86 248.64 280.26 261.21 256.07

307.52 311.65 283.18 291.02 236.99 237.54 224.28 225.29 275.69 298.06 255.52 275.91 312.54 274.10
348.97 361.91 341.76 349.52 419.51 436.02 400.65 415.25 360.89 395.42 351.20 382.83 363.77 358.64
500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 400.00
47.6 51.0 41.3 44.2 38.9 41.9 33.8 36.3 30.2 31.4 25.4 26.5 22.8 17.4
37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 30 30
Check Not Required OK OK

Pile Reaction Calculation (ULS Condition)

Pile No. LC 201 LC 202 LC 203 LC 204 LC 205 LC 206 LC 207 LC 208 LC 209 LC 210 LC 211 LC 212 LC 213 LC 214
1 275.73 286.72 241.77 264.79 187.56 188.25 147.53 149.15 235.94 263.89 197.53 230.14 285.59 227.41
2 301.45 315.32 268.61 294.70 271.92 282.24 236.29 248.13 261.66 292.50 224.37 260.05 286.58 227.72
3 327.16 343.93 295.46 324.61 356.28 376.23 325.05 347.11 287.38 321.10 251.22 289.96 287.58 228.03
4 272.10 281.80 240.49 258.07 195.74 196.57 159.19 161.06 243.25 273.09 208.12 243.11 293.99 244.99
5 297.82 310.41 267.34 287.98 280.10 290.56 247.95 260.04 268.97 301.69 234.97 273.02 294.98 245.30
6 323.53 339.01 294.18 317.89 364.46 384.55 336.70 359.02 294.68 330.30 261.81 302.93 295.98 245.60
7 268.47 276.89 239.22 251.35 203.92 204.89 170.84 172.97 250.56 282.28 218.72 256.07 302.39 262.56
8 294.19 305.50 266.06 281.26 288.28 298.88 259.60 271.95 276.27 310.89 245.56 285.98 303.38 262.87
9 319.90 334.10 292.91 311.17 372.64 392.87 348.36 370.93 301.99 339.49 272.41 315.90 304.38 263.18
10 264.84 271.98 237.94 244.64 212.10 213.21 182.49 184.88 257.86 291.48 229.31 269.04 310.79 280.14
11 290.56 300.58 264.78 274.55 296.46 307.20 271.25 283.86 283.58 320.08 256.16 298.95 311.78 280.45
12 316.27 329.19 291.63 304.46 380.82 401.19 360.01 382.84 309.29 348.69 283.00 328.86 312.78 280.76
13 261.21 267.07 236.66 237.92 220.28 221.53 194.14 196.79 265.17 300.67 239.91 282.01 319.19 297.72
14 286.92 295.67 263.51 267.83 304.64 315.52 282.90 295.77 290.88 329.28 266.75 311.92 320.18 298.03
15 312.64 324.27 290.35 297.74 389.00 409.51 371.66 394.75 316.60 357.88 293.60 341.83 321.18 298.34
16 257.58 262.15 235.39 231.20 228.46 229.85 205.79 208.70 272.47 309.87 250.50 294.97 327.59 315.30
17 283.29 290.76 262.23 261.11 312.82 323.84 294.55 307.68 298.19 338.47 277.35 324.88 328.58 315.61
18 309.01 319.36 289.07 291.02 397.18 417.83 383.31 406.66 323.91 367.08 304.19 354.79 329.58 315.92

Value 385.78 390.36 363.59 359.41 315.77 316.46 275.74 277.36 364.15 392.10 325.73 358.35 413.79 355.61
Value 455.37 472.13 423.67 452.81 525.39 546.03 511.52 534.87 452.11 495.28 432.40 483.00 457.78 444.13
Force 68.76 73.00 67.85 72.48 56.06 59.49 55.28 59.33 46.88 48.35 42.34 44.00 38.54 29.66

Design of Pile

Type of pile head = fixed -

Type of soil - Medium Sand Submerged Condition -
Modulus of subgrade reaction, K = (Refer table 3 of IS 2911(Part 1/Sec2):2010) 5000 kN/m
0.51 kg/cm
Characteristic strength of concrete for pile, fck = 35 MPa
Characteristic yield strength of main reinforcement of pile, fyk = 500 MPa
Partial safety factor for reinforcement, Ys = 1.15 -
Design yield strength of main reinforcement of pile, fyd = 435 MPa
Characteristic yield strength of secondary reinforcement of pile, fywk = 500 MPa
Clear Cover for pile = 0.075 m
Diameter of pile = 1.20 m
Gross concrete area of pile = 1.13 sqm
Length of pile = 28.15 m
Free length of pile above ground/scour level (L1 )= 0m
Moment of inertia of pile crosss section, I = 10178760 cm
Elastic modulus of steel, E = 200000 MPa
2038736 kg/cm
Elastic modulus of concrete, E = 29580.40 MPa
301533.12 kg/cm
Stiffness factor, T = (EI/K)(1/5) 359.70 cm
Factor (L1/T )= 0.00 -
(Refer fig 3 of IS 2911(Part 1/Sec2):2010) Factor (Lf /T )= 2.2
Therefore, Length of fixity Lf = 791.35 cm
(As per IRC 78:2014 clause 709.3.5.2) Lateral deflection of pile restricted to = 12.00 mm
(Refer fig 4B of IS 2911(Part 1/Sec2):2010) Moment modification factor, m = 0.82 -

SLS Condition (Check for deflection)
LC 101 LC 102 LC 103 LC 104 LC 105 LC 106 LC 107 LC 108 LC 109 LC 110 LC 111 LC 112 LC 113 LC 114
Min V (t) 307.52 311.65 283.18 291.02 236.99 237.54 224.28 225.29 275.69 298.06 255.52 275.91 312.54 274.10
Max V (t) 348.97 361.91 341.76 349.52 419.51 436.02 400.65 415.25 360.89 395.42 351.20 382.83 363.77 358.64
H (t) 47.58 50.98 41.33 44.22 38.94 41.89 33.75 36.31 30.19 31.40 25.41 26.46 22.82 17.45
Seis H (t) 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 0.00 0.00
Seis M(tm ) 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 0.00 0.00
Lf (cm) 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35
L1 (cm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Deflection y
(in mm) 6.40 6.86 5.56 5.95 5.24 5.64 4.54 4.89 4.06 4.23 3.42 3.56 3.07 2.35

Check Checking not required as per IRC 78:2014 clause 709.3.5.2 OK OK

Mf (t-m) 199.33 212.80 174.59 186.05 165.14 176.83 144.62 154.75 130.52 135.32 111.62 115.75 90.28 69.04

ULS Condition (Design for bending)

LC 201 LC 202 LC 203 LC 204 LC 205 LC 206 LC 207 LC 208 LC 209 LC 210 LC 211 LC 212 LC 213 LC 214
Min V (t) 385.78 390.36 363.59 359.41 315.77 316.46 275.74 277.36 364.15 392.10 325.73 358.35 413.79 355.61
Max V (t) 455.37 472.13 423.67 452.81 525.39 546.03 511.52 534.87 452.11 495.28 432.40 483.00 457.78 444.13
H (t) 68.76 73.00 67.85 72.48 56.06 59.49 55.28 59.33 46.88 48.35 42.34 44.00 38.54 29.66
Lf (cm) 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35 791.35
L1 (cm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mf (t-m) 272.07 288.85 268.45 286.77 221.81 235.38 218.73 234.76 185.48 191.29 167.54 174.09 152.48 117.37
Seis H (t) 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 0.00 0.00
Seis M(tm ) 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 13.83 0.00 0.00
m 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82
M (t-m) 234.44 248.20 231.47 246.50 193.23 204.35 190.70 203.84 163.44 168.20 148.72 154.10 125.04 96.25
d'/D 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086
Pu/fckD^2 0.090 0.094 0.084 0.090 0.104 0.108 0.101 0.106 0.090 0.098 0.086 0.096 0.091 0.088
Mu/fckD^3 0.039 0.041 0.038 0.041 0.032 0.034 0.032 0.034 0.027 0.028 0.025 0.025 0.021 0.016
p/fck 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049
from chart
0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066

Diameter of main bars (layer 1) = 32 mm
Number of main bars (layer 1) = 24 -
Diameter of main bars (layer 2) = 0
Number of main bars (layer 2) = 28
Diameter of Ties = 12 mm
Spacing of lateral ties provided = 100 mm
Clear cover = 75 mm
Effective cover = 103 mm
Effective Depth = 1097 mm
Area of Steel provided, Ast,provd = 19301.95 mm²

Provided Ast = 19301.95 mm²

Minimum area of reinforcement required as per (IRC:78-2014 cl.709.4.4) = 0.4% of Ac 4523.9 mm²
Maximum area of reinforcement allowable as per (IRC:78-2014 cl.709.4.4) = 2.5% of Ac 28274.3 mm²
Check = OK -

Design for Shear
(Considering IRC 112:2011 clause 10.3)

Design shear force, VEd = 73.00 t

Design axial force, NEd = 546.03 t
Cross section area of pile, Ac= 1130973.4 sqmm
design value of concrete compression strength, fcd=αcc x fck /ɣm (αcc =0.67 and ɣm=1.5) 15.63 Mpa
0.2 fcd = 3.13 Mpa
Ned/Ac = 4.83 Mpa
Therefoe mean compressive stress, σcр 3.13 Mpa

(i) Calculation for VRd,max

Therefore, The design value of maximum shear force which can b sustained by the member limting by crushing of compression struts, VRd,max
VRd,max = αcw x bw x z x v1 x (fcd/(cotƟ+tanƟ))
z= lever arm
v1 = strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
fcd = design value of concrete compression strength = αcc x fck /ɣm

αcw = 1.200 -
bw = 1200 mm
z = 0.9d = 987.3 mm
v1 = 0.6 -
fcd = 15.63 Mpa
VRd,max = 1333.5659 t
VE.d 73.00 t
Check = OK -

(ii) Calculation for allowable shear force without shear reinforcement

VRd.c = ( 0.12 x K (80 x ρ1 x fck )0.33 + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d

VRd.c min = (vmin + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d

where, K= 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2, where d is the depth in mm.

VRd.c = The design shear resistance of the member without shear reinforcement.
vmin = 0.031 x K^3/2 x fck^1/2
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at the centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
NEd / Ac < 0.2 * fcd ( Mpa )
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = Ast / (bw x d) <=0.02

K= 1.41 -
ρ1 = 0.016 -
σcp = 3.13 Mpa
v min = 0.31 Mpa
VRd c min = 102.09 t
( 0.12 x K (80 x ρ1 x fck )0.33 + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d = 139.82 t
VRd c = 139.82 t
VE.d 73.00 t
Check = OK

(iii) Calculation for minimum shear reinforcement (helical reinfrocement)

Minimum shear reinforcement ratio ρmin =Asw/bw.s = 0.072*sqrt(fck)/fyk

Reinforcement dia considerd = 16 mm

Shear area of reinforcing bars = 402.12 sqmm
bw = 1200 mm
Spacing of the reinforcment required = 393.4 mm
Spcaing of the reinforcement provided = 100 mm

Ductile Detailing for Pile
(Considering IRC 112:2011 section 17)

(i) Check for requirement of ductile detailing

In potential hinge regions where the normalised axial force nk = NED / AC fck > 0.08 then the confinement of the compression zone to be provided.

Design axial force, NEd = 546.03 t

Cross section area of pile, Ac= 1130973.4 sqmm
nk = Ned/fckAc = 0.138 -
Requirement of ductile detailing = YES -

(ii) Calculation for minimum confining reinforcement

The minimum required quantity of the confining reinforcement is expressed -

wwd = Max(ww req; 0.18)

ww,req = 0.37*(Ac/Acc)*nk + 0.13*(fyd/fcd) (pl - 0.01)

Cross section area of pile, Ac= 1130973.4 sqmm

Confined core concrete area of section within outside dia of hoop, Acc= 865901.48 sqmm
Normalized axial force, nk = 0.138 -
Reinforcment ratio of longitudinal reinforcement, pL = 1.71 -
fcd = 15.63 MPa
fyd = 434.78 MPa
ww,req = 0.092 -
wwd = 0.180 -

(iii) Calculation for spacing of ties or hoops or spirals

The spacing of hoops or ties in the longitudinal direction, SL shall be minimum of following two -
a) 5 times the diameter of smallest logitudinal bar = 160 mm
b) 1/5th of the diameter of confined core of concrete = 210 mm
Spacing provided SL = 100 mm
Check = OK -

(iv) Check for diameter of reinforcing bar

The required quantity of the confining reinforcement is expressed as-

wwd = pw fyd / fcd

pw = 4Asw / (Dsp SL)

Spacing provided SL = 100 mm

Diameter of spiral or hoop = 1050 mm
fcd = 15.63 MPa
fyd = 434.78 MPa
Area of spiral or hoop bar required = 169.90 sqmm
Area of spiral or hoop bar provided = 201.06 sqmm
Check = OK -

(iv) Calculation for extent of confinement

Total Length of confinement required, 3600 mm

Normalized axial force, nk = 0.138 -
modification factor for different values of nk = 1 -
Total Length of confinement required after modification Lh, 3600 mm

Stress Check in Pile

Input data

Diameter of pile section, D = 120.00 cm

Grade of concrete = 35 M
Grade of main reinforcing steel = 500 Fe
P (in t) M (in t-m)
Case 1: Maximum Axial Thrust & Corresponding Bending Moment 436.02 176.83
Case 2: Maximum Bending Moment & Corresponding Minimum Axial Thrust 361.91 212.80
Clear Cover = 7.5 cm
Modular Ratio, m = 12.00 -
Permissible stress in concrete in bending compression = 0.50fck ( IRS CBC table 11) 175 kg/cm2
Permissible stress in steel = 0.75fy (IRS CBC table 11) 3750 kg/cm2

Reinforcement details

Dia of bar in 1st layer = 32 mm

Nos of bar in 1st layer = 24 -
Effective cover = 10.3 cm
Area of steel provided = 193.02 sqcm
Percentage steel = 1.707 %

Determination of NA of effective cross section and computation of stress in pile

NA of transformed section

e yc2
r α α r e'

NA of original section

Point of application of Load in eccentric condition

CG of circular segment
CG of effective section

Unit Case 1 Case 2
Assume NA distacne from extreme compression fiber = - 0.585 D 0.485 D
Therefore assumed NA distacne from extreme fiber, n = cm 70.2 58.2
Angle of arc of segment with vertical axis, α = cos-1[(D/2 - n)/(D/2)] radians 1.742 1.541
degrees 99.79 88.28
yc2 = (D/2)*[((2sin3α)/3(α-sinαcosα))-cosα] cm 30.25 24.64
Distance of CG of segment (Q) from center of circle, x = (D/2)cosα+yc2 cm 20.05 26.44
Area of the segement, A=(D/2)^2 * (α-cosα) sqcm 6881.85 5438.85
Moment of inertia of the segement about its own centroid, Ix=(D/2)^4*[α-
cm4 2368503 1286895
Transformed area of steel for both compression and tension side = (m-1)*As sqcm 2123.214 2123.214
Effective area, Aeff = A+(m-1)*As sqcm 9005.07 7562.06
Distance of Cgeff from physical centroid of whole section, e' = cm 15.32 19.02
Effective moment of inertia of the transformed section, Ieff = cm4 5690511 5093727
Load eccentricity from center of circle, e = cm 40.56 58.80
e - e' = cm 25.23 39.78
Distance of Cgeff from NA = cm 25.04 16.93
Distance of neutral axis from extreme compression fiber = cm 0.581 D 0.4826 D
Check with assumed NA = - OK OK
P/Aeff kg/sqcm 48.42 47.86
P(e-e')(D/2-e')/Ieff kg/sqcm 86.38 115.84
Max compressive stress in concrete = P/Aeff + P(e-e')(D/2-e')/Ieff kg/sqcm 134.80 163.70
Check with permissible value = kg/sqcm OK OK
Max tensile stress in steel = m*P/Aeff - m*P(e-e')(d-D/2+e')/Ieff kg/sqcm 927.5282 1756.449
Check with permissible value = kg/sqcm OK OK

Crack Width Check in Pile

(Checking of crack width as per IRC 112-2011 section 12)

Diameter of pile = 1200.00 mm

Depth of pile cross section for equivalent rectangular section (Deq) = 1200.00 mm
Width of pile cross section for equivalent rectangular cross section (beq) = 942 mm
αe = Es/Ecm 6.76 -
Effective depth, d = 1097 mm
Approximate area of reinforcing steel under tension (cosidered 50% of total area of steel provided) = 9650.97 sqmm
Depth of neutral axis from extreme compression fiber, x = 326.61 mm
Therefore crack width, Wk = Sr max ( esm - ecm )
Diameter of Main steel, f = 32 mm
Clear cover to lonfitudnal reinforcement, c = 75 mm
External moment (Load case 113 i.e. dead and live load condition considered for crack width computation) = 90.2777 t-m
Sigma Sc = 168.016 Mpa
Coefficient K1 which takes account of the bonded property of bonded reinforcement = 0.8 -
Coefficient K2 which takes account of the distribution of strain = 0.5 -
hc,eff = min (2.5(h-d); (h-x/3) , f/d 257.5 mm
Effective area of concrete section in tension sorrounded by A.ce,ff, = 309000 sqmm
Ratio, Pp,eff = 0.03123 -
Factor kt dependednt on duration of load = 0.5 -
fct eff = 2.77 Mpa
esm-ecm = 0.00057 -
Srmax = 429.175 mm
Crack width, Wk = 0.25 mm
Permissible Crack width = 0.3 mm
Check = OK -

(Checking of crack width as per IRS CBC)

Parameters Pile Unit

DL mom 69.04 MT-m/m
Dl+LL mom 90.28 MT-m/m
LL mom 21.23 MT-m/m
Thk of member 1.097 m
Main Reinf dia 32 mm 597.87
Spacing 136 mm 506.87
Cnom 75 mm 1097.00
h 1097 mm 1006.00
a' 1097 mm 499.13
bt 942 mm
E of reinforment steel 200000 N/mm2
(1-Mq/Mg)*10^-9 6.9E-10 -
acr 9.1E+01 mm For Pile Cross Section
As 1.9E+04 mm2
m 12.00 -
eff depth,de 1006.000 mm
dc 499.134 mm
sigma,cbc 4.571 N/mm2
sigma,st 55.705 N/mm2
es 0.0003 -
e1 0.0003 -
Em -0.814 -
Em' -0.8136 -
Crack width -211.271 mm
Design Crack width 0.2 mm
Check OK -

3.925 m

D.L(surch) + L.L
F.L.= 10.392

0.3 m w6

10.391 m D= 2.125 10.392

10.391 m

0.001 w5 w2 8.265 m

w3 1.2 0.001 m

2.5 5m

Pv= 1/2*Kv*h2
LLSurchage (Table 3, subst. Code) S = 13.7 t/m
DLSurchage V = 6.8 t/m
Ph1= ((s+v)h1*kh)/(B+2D)
= 6.27 t/m
h3= 0.333*cotf tana x h
= 0m
Vertical Surc. = (s+v)/(B+2*D1)= 2.828

Restoring moment calculation:


t m t-m
W1 7.79325 3.55 27.666
W2 11.68988 3.100 36.239
W3 0.022 4.35 0.095
W4 103.910 6.2 644.242
W5(neglected) 0 1.25 0
W6 0.000 7.0333333 0
W7 0
SURCHARGE LOAD 14.13793 6.2 87.655
PV= 13.861 8.7 120.591
151.414 916.488

load calculation:

LF Vu Hu LA Moment
vertical hori about toe
t t t m tm
1 Concrete 1.25 24.354 0 0.420 10.229
1.25 2.990 5.1955 15.534
2 EP(earth pressure ) due to backfill = 1.7 49.281 3.464 170.693
Dynamic Part 1.25 5.189 5.196 26.958
3 Horizontal Load due to (LL+DL) 1.75 10.98 4.133 45.376
Dynamic Part
1.25 1.12 4.1325 4.641
TOTAL 24.35 69.56 273.43

Design for ultimate moments

Using Mix M = 35
Steel Fy = 500
clear cover = 0.05
Moments S.F. Thick. Reinf. (soilface) Reinf. (Outer face) Shear Reinforcement Distribution Reinf.
inner outer face layer1 layer2 spacing provid. dia spacin provid. dia spacing provid. dia spaci provid
face Spacing g Spacing Spacin ng spacing
tm tm (t) (m) (mm) (mm) mm (mm) (mm) mm (mm) (mm) mm mm mm mm

273.43 0 69.56 1.200 32 131 100 20 104 100 10 284 200 16 148 100

Max B.M.= 273.43 tm

depth required = 721.68 mm
Return wall (soil face)
vertical reinforcement (main reinforcement)
effec. Thick= 1134.00 mm effective cover = 66.00 mm
Max B.M. = 273.43 tm
dia of bar = 32 mm
layer 2 = 0 mm
d required = 752.40219 mm OK
Steel required At = 6050.26 mm z= 0.92 (Pg 70 of CBC)
Min. steel (0.2% of bd)= 2268.00 mm
Providing steel At = 6100.00 mm2
Spacing = 131 mm c/c
Providing spacing = 100 mm c/c
Other face (outer face)
Max B.M. = 0.00 tm
dia of bar = 20 mm
At required = 0.00 mm2

Min steel (0.12% of bd)= 1360.80 mm2
Providing steel = 3000.00 mm2
spacing = 104 mm c/c
Providing spacing = 100 mm c/c
Check for shear
Max shear force = 69.56 t
Shear stress (V)= Vu/bd = 0.613 N/mm2
% of steel provided = 0.71 %
depth factor (s) = 0.815
ult. Shear stress of conc (Vc) = 0.630 N/mm2
s*Vc= 0.513 N/mm2
nos. of leg in a metre= 5.00 nos.
stirrups dia = 10 mm
spacing = 284 mm c/c
Providing spacing = 200 mm c/c
Distribution Reinforcement
At (0.12% of bd)= 1360.8 mm2
Dia of bar = 16 mm
providing At = 1360.8 mm2
spacing = 148 mm c/c
Providing spacing = 100 mm c/c

Design of Fly Wall

Design Data
Thickness of fly wall t = 0.40 m
Width of fly wall per m b = 1.00 m
Clear Cover to Reinforcement c = 75 mm
Characteristic compressive strength of concrete fck = 30 N/mm2
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk = 500 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete fctm = 0.259 * fck ^(2/3)
(IRC:112-2011, A-2) = 2.50 N / mm2

Material Properties
Granular Backfill
Unit weight of soil overburden above base slab gfill = 18 kN /m3
Angle of internal friction of backfill f = 30 degrees
Inclination of back of the wall with vertical a = 2.973731 degrees
Backfill inclination with horizontal i = 0 degrees
Wall friction angle = 2/3 f = 20 degrees
Unit weight of water gw = 10 kN /m3

Earth Pressure Co-efficients

Coefficient of active earth pressure under normal loading is

cos2 f  a  ka = 0.319
KA  2
 sinf    sinf  i  
cos2 a cosa   1  
 cosa    cosa  i  
kaH = 0.319×Cos(2.97+20)

Total Pressure 2.10 m 0.40 m

0 kN/m 6.3 kN/m = 6.3 kN/m

1 0.50 m
2.64 = 9.0 kN/m

2 1.90 m

1.40 m

10.1 kN/m 6.3 kN/m = 16.4 kN/m

0.40 m

Calculation of forces

Earth pressure force from section 1 = (0.00×2.1+2.64×2.1)/2×0.5

= 1.39 kN

Earth pressure force from section 2 = (2.64×2.1+10.05×0)/2×1.4

= 3.89 kN

Total earth pressure force = (1.39×0.5+3.89×1.4)/(0.5+1.4)

= 3.23 kN

LL surcharge force from section 1 = (6.35×2.1+6.35×2.1)/2×0.5
= 6.67 kN

LL surcharge force from section 2 = (6.35×2.1+6.35×0)/2×1.4

= 9.33 kN

Total LL surcharge force = (6.67×0.5+9.33×1.4)/(0.5+1.4)

= 8.63 kN

Calculation of Moments

Earth pressure moment from section 1 = 1.39×2.1/2

= 1.46 kN m

Earth pressure moment from section 2 = 3.89×2.1/3

= 2.72 kN m

Total earth pressure moment = (1.46×0.5+2.72×1.4)/(0.5+1.4)

= 2.39 kN m

LL surcharge moment from section 1 = 6.67×2.1/2

= 7.00 kN m

LL surcharge moment from section 2 = 9.33×2.1/3

= 6.53 kN m

Total LL surcharge moment = (7.00×0.5+6.53×1.4)/(0.5+1.4)

= 6.65 kN m

Design for Flexure

Load Factor Earth pressure = 1.50

LL surcharge = 1.20

Factored Design Moment at the section

Mu = 1.50×2.39+1×6.65
= 12 kN m

Horizontal Reinforcement at Inner Face

Assume reinforcement Diameter = 12 mm
Spacing = 150 mm
deff prov = 319 mm
b = 1000 mm
Ast, Inner = 754 mm2
xu / d = ( 0.87 fy Ast )
( 0.36 fck b d )
( xu / d )prov = 0.10
( xu / d )lim = 0.46
Check = 1 Under Reinforced

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d * (1- ( Ast fy ) / ( b d fck ))

Mu = 101 kN m SAFE

Horizintal Reinforcement at Outer Face
NOTE - Provide Minimum Reinforcement at outer

Ast, outer = 0.0012 * Ac ( IRC:112-2011, 16.3.1(3))

= 0.0012×1000×0.400×1000
= 480 mm

Provided, 12 mm dia at 150 mm c/c at outer face

Ast, outer = 754 mm2 SAFE

Check for Total Minimum and Maximum Horizontal Reinforcement ( IRC:112-2011, 16.3.1(2))

Ast, min = 0.0024 * Ac

= 0.0024×1000×0.400×1000
= 960 mm SAFE

Ast, max = 0.04 * Ac

= 0.04×1000×0.400×1000
= 16000 mm SAFE

Vertical Reinforcement on Either Face ( IRC:112-2011, 16.3.2 )

A st, vert = 25% of Total Horizontal Ast OR 0.001 * Ac

= 377 mm OR 400 mm2
= 400 mm2
Provided, 12 mm dia at 150 mm c/c at either face

Ast, vert = 1508 mm2 SAFE

Check for Transverse Reinforcement ( IRC:112-2011, 16.3.3 )

Ast, provd = 1508 mm2
0.02 * Ac = 8000 mm2 < Ast, provd
Transverse links are Not Required

Design for Shear

Effective depth deff = 319 mm
Width bw = 1000 mm
Design shear force,
VRd s = VNS = VEd = 1.50×3.23+1×8.63
15 kN
Corresponding axial force NEd = 0 kN

Maximum Allowabe Shear Force ( for maximum shear force take Ɵ = 45 0 )

VRd.max = αcw x bw x z x v1 x (fcd/(cotƟ+tanƟ)) ( IRC:112-2011, cl. no., Eq10.8)
αcw = 1
z = lever arm = 0.9d (For RCC)
v1 is the strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
v1 = 0.54 ( IRC:112-2011, Eq10.6 )
Ɵ= 45 (CotƟ = 1)
fcd is the design value of concrete compression strength =αcc x fck /ɣm ( IRC: 112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.1 )
αcc = 0.67 (Refer IRC:112-2011, Pg.87)
ɣm = 1.50 (Partial factors for concrete for ULS)
fcd = (αccxfck)/ɣm
= 13.4 N/mm2
VRd.max = 1042 kN Section is Safe

Allowable Shear Force without Shear Reinforcement
VRd c = ( 0.12 x K (80 x ρ1 x fck )0.33 + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d ( IRC:112-2011,

But, VRd.c min = (vmin + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d

where, K= 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2, where d is the depth in mm.

VRd c = The design shear resistance of the member without shear reinforcement.
vmin = 0.031 x K^3/2 x fck^1/2
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at the centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
= NED / Ac < 0.2 * fcd ( Mpa )
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = Ast / (bw x d) <=0.02

K = 1.8
ρ1 = 0.0024
σcp = 0.00
VRd c min = 130 kN
VRd c = 122 kN
Shear Reinforcement is Not Required
 1  f c k b d  d

Check for Stresses and Crack Width

Properties of Fly Wall

Width of Fly Wall B = 1000 mm
Depth of Fly Wall DS = 400 mm
Diameter of Tensile Reinforcement f = 12 mm
CG of section from Inner face Yinner = 200 mm
CG of section from Outer face Youter = 200 mm
Area of Steel Provided Ast, prov = 754 mm2
Effective Depth deff = 319 mm
Distance of N.A. from Outer face Xu = (0.87 fy * Ast) / (0.36 fck * b)
= 30 mm
Modulus of elasticity for steel Es = 2E+05 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity for concrete Ecm = 3E+04 N/mm2
Long term Modular ratio (IRC:21-2000, cl. no. A.1) m = Es / ( 0.5 * Ec )
= 13.33

Properties of Gross Section Values Unit

Gross Area, Agr 4.00E+05 mm2
Gross Moment of Inertia, Igr 5.33E+09 mm4

Properties of Uncracked Section b Inner face

YT out = ( b * D * D/2 ) + ( ( m - 1 ) * Ast * d )
( b * D ) + (( m - 1 ) * Ast ) (d - YT out) Ast
d D
YT inn = D - YT out YT out

YsT = d - YT out
Outer face
IT = ( b * D3/12 + b * D * ( D/2 - YT out )2 ) + (( m - 1 ) * Ast * ( d - YT out)2 )

Properties of Uncracked Transformed Section Values Unit

CG of Uncracked section from outer face,YT out 203 mm
CG of Uncracked section from Inner face,YT inn 197 mm
CG of Uncracked section from steel,YsT 116 mm
Uncracked Moment of Inertia, IT 5.46E+09 mm4

Properties of Cracked Section b Inner face

b * Y out Cr / 2 = m * Ast * ( d - Yout Cr ) (d - Yout Cr) Ast
1000 *Y out Cr /2 = 13.33 * 754 * (319 - Yout Cr ) d
Yout Cr
500 Y out Cr + 10053 Yout Cr - 3.2E+06 = 0
Yout Cr = 71 mm Outer face

Properties of Cracked Transformed Section Values Unit

CG of Cracked section from Outer face,Yout Cr 71 mm
CG of Cracked section from Inner face,Yinn Cr 329 mm
CG of Cracked section from steel,YsCr 248 mm
Cracked Moment of Inertia, Icr 7.38E+08 mm4

Calculation of Stresses
Permissible compressive stress in concrete = 0.48 x fck (IRC:112-2011, 12.2.1)
= 14.4 N/mm

Permissible Tensile stress in steel = 0.8 x fy (IRC:112-2011, 12.2.2)

= 400 N/mm

Load Factor Earth pressure = 1.00

LL surcharge = 0.80

Bending Moment ( Rare Combination )

M Rare = 1.00×2.39+1×6.65
8 kN m
Stresses under Rare Combination
Comp stress in concrete at outer face, fcc = ( M / I )* Yout
= 0.29 N/mm2 SAFE

Tensile stress in concrete at steel level, fct, steel = (M / I )* Ys

= 0.16 N/mm2

Tensile stress in steel, fst = m x [(M / I )* Ys ]

= 2.19 Mpa SAFE
Calculation of Crack Width
Permissible compressive stress in concrete = 0.36 x fck (IRC:112-2011, 12.2.1)
= 10.8 N/mm2

Load Factor Earth pressure = 1.00

LL surcharge = 0.00

Bending Moment ( Quasi-permanent Combination )

M Rare = 1.00×2.39+0×6.65
2 kN m

Cracking Moment of the Section, Mcr = Igr * fctm / Yb
= 67 kN m
Mcr > Mquasi
Section is Uncracked. Hence, Crack Width Calculation is Not Required

Comp stress in concrete at outer face, fcc = ( M / I )* Yout

= 0.09 N/mm2 SAFE

Tensile stress in concrete at steel level, fct, steel = (M / I )* Ys

= 0.05 N/mm2 UNCRACKED

Calculation of Crack Width

Wk = Sr max ( esm - ecm ) ( IRC:112-2011, Cl 12.3.4)
Wk = Crack width
Sr max = Maximum crack spacing ( IRC:112-2011, Eq. 12.8, 12.11 or 12.12 )
Sr max = 3.4c + ( 0.425 * k1 * k2 * f / rp,eff )
f= Diameter of Main steel
c= Clear cover to lonfitudnal reinforcement
c = 75 mm
k1 = 0.8 for deformed bars
k2 = 0.5 for bending
f = 12 mm
esm = Mean strain in the reinforcement
ecm = Mean strain in the concrete between cracks
Now, esm - ecm = ssc - ( kt * fct,eff / rp,eff ) ( 1 + ae * rp,eff ) >= 0.6 ssc / Es
Where, ssc = Stress in the tension reinforcement assuming a cracked section
ae = Es / Ecm
rp,eff = As / Ac,eff
Ac,eff = Effective area of concrete in tension surrounding the reinforcement = bw * hc,eff
hc,eff is the lesser of = 2.5 ( D - d )
= ( D - x )/ 3
= D/2
kt = Factor dependent on duration of load
hc,eff = 200 mm
Ac,eff = 2.00E+05 mm2
rp,eff = 0.00377
kt = 0.5
ssc = 1 N / mm2
fct,eff = 2.50 N / mm2
ae = 13.33
esm - ecm = 0.00000
Sr max = 796.1 mm
Wk = 0.002 mm < 0.30 mm SAFE
( IRC:112-2011, Table 12.1 )


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