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Casting/Closing Circle (Complex)

● Compass
● Wand/athame/finger (tool)
● Stick incense or sage (smoke cleanser)
● Salt (not sea salt)
● Cup/bowl of water
● A tea light/votive candle
● A pillar or taper candle for the God
● A pillar or taper candle for the Goddess
● Yarn/string/ribbon or chalk
● Stakes of wood (if using string)

To Cast

● First step option 1: Put 5 stakes in the ground around the center 9 feet in
diameter and connect the string either in a circle, a pentagram, or a pentacle
● First step option 2: Draw a circle, a pentagram, or a pentacle 9 feet in diameter
around the center
● Light the tea light and use that to light the smoke cleanser
● Start East, walk once around the circle to cleanse it and repeat thrice, “Air fans
the flames of life.”
● Once you reach East again, point the smoke cleanser in the direction with your
receptive hand and hold the Air gesture with your projective hand
● Say, “Guardian of the East, Sylphs of the (Un)Seelie Court, Element of Air, I
summon you. Aether, god of the upper air, Apeliotes, god of the East wind,
Khaos, goddess of the lower air, I summon you. Join me in my sacred circle and
aid me in my work.”
● Turn to the Southeast making a fist parallel to the ground with you projective
● Say, “Eurus, god of the Southeast wind, Apollo, god of the sun, I summon you.
Join me in my sacred circle and aid me in my work.”
● Turn to the South making the fire gesture
● Say, “Guardian of the South, Salamanders of the (Un)Seelie Court, Element of
Fire, I summon you. Hestia, goddess of the hearth, Notus, god of the South wind,
Prometheus, titan of fire, I summon you. Join me in my sacred circle and aid me
in my work.”
● Take the cup of water and put out the smoke cleanser in it
● Turn to the Southwest making a cupped hand perpendicular to the ground
● Say, “Lips, god of the southwest wind, Aegaeon, god of sea storms, I summon
you. Join me in my sacred circle and aid me in my work.”
● Mix salt into the cup of water and, starting West, walk around the circle once
sprinkling salt water around the circle while repeating three times, “Water is my
blood, Earth is my body.”
● Face West making the Water gesture
● Say, “Guardian of the West, Undines of the (Un)Seelie Court, Element of Water, I
summon you. Poseidon, king of the sea, Zephyros, god of the West wind,
Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, I summon you. Join me in my sacred circle and
aid me in my work.”
● Turn to the Northwest and make a hand cupped upside down
● Say, “Argestes, god of the northwest wind, Psamathe, nymph of beaches, I
summon you. Join me in my sacred circle and aid me in my work.”
● Turn to the North and make the earth gesture
● Say, “Guardian of the North, Gnomes of the (Un)Seelie Court, Element of Earth, I
summon you. Gaea, Mother Earth, Boreas, god of the North wind, Demeter,
goddess of the harvest, I summon you. Join me in my sacred circle and aid me in
my work.”
● Turn to the Northeast and make a hand flat perpendicular to the ground
● Say, “Caicias, god of the Northeast wind, Khione, goddess of snow, I summon
you. Join me in my sacred circle and aid me in my work.”
● Hold your tool and stand in the middle of the circle facing East
● Close your eyes and trace a pentagram in the air
● Say, “Element of Spirit, as within us all, you are the being of all beings. I summon
you so I may draw upon your power to aid me in my work. You are my guide and
● Light the God candle on the right
● Be in the God position
● Say, “Lord Pan, patron of the wild, I summon you to join me in my circle. May we
work as one and guide each other. Give me the magick of your spirit and let it
protect me, for the spirit of nature is powerful and it is everywhere.”
● Light the Goddess candle on the left
● Be in the Goddess position
● Say, “Lady Hekate, matron of magick, I summon you to join me in my circle. May
we work as one and guide each other. Give me the magick of your spirit and let it
protect me, for the spirit of energies is commanding and yet unseen.”
● Point your tool to the sky
● Say, “As above,”
● Kneel and point your tool at the ground
● Continue, “so below.”
● Point your tool to yourself saying, “As within,”
● Point your tool away from you saying, “so without.”
● Point your tool at the sky saying, “As the universe,”
● Hold your tool to your heart pointing down saying, “so the soul.”

To Close
● Face Northeast and hold your hand flat perpendicular to the ground with your
receptive hand and point the tool out with your projective hand
● Say, “I thank Caicias and Khione for your contributions and presence. Your
guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant you passage to leave as
I close this circle.”
● Face North and hold the Earth gesture
● Say, “I thank the Guardian of the North, the Gnomes who have come in honor of
the element of Earth, Gaea, Boreas, and Demeter for your contributions and
presence. Your guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant you
passage to leave as I close this circle.”
● Face Northwest and make a hand cupped upside down
● Say, “I thank Argestes and Psamathe for your contributions and presence. Your
guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant you passage to leave as
I close this circle.”
● Face West and hold up the Water gesture
● Say, “I thank the Guardian of the West, the Undines who have come in honor of
the element of Water, Poseidon, Zephyros, and Amphitrite for your contributions
and presence. Your guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant
you passage to leave as I close this circle.”
● Swirl your finger in the salt water
● Say, “Let my blood warm and my body rest.”
● Face Southwest and make a cupped hand perpendicular to the ground
● Say, “I thank Lips and Agaeon for your contributions and presence. Your
guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant you passage to leave as
I close this circle.”
● Face South and make the fire gesture
● Say, “I thank the Guardian of the South, the Salamanders who have come in
honor of the element of Fire, Hestia, Notus, and Prometheus for your
contributions and presence. Your guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I
now grant you passage to leave as I close this circle.”
● Face Southeast and make a fist parallel to the ground
● Say, “I thank Eurus and Apollo for your contributions and presence. Your
guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant you passage to leave as
I close this circle.”
● Face East and make the Air gesture
● Say, “Say, “I thank the Guardian of the East, the Sylphs who have come in honor
of the element of Air, Aether, Apeliotes, and Khaos for your contributions and
presence. Your guidance and assistance is much appreciated. I now grant you
passage to leave as I close this circle.”
● Blow out any candles and say, “Let the flames go out and the air be still.”
● Stand in the middle of the circle and trace the pentagram in the air going
reversed with the tool
● Hold your tool up to the sky
● Say, “Element of Spirit, Point of Power, the energy within everything, I thank you
for the strength you give me. You may now rest in me as I close this circle.”
● Blow out the God candle and be in the God position
● Say, “Lord Pan, I thank you for joining me today and for everything you do for
me. Your guidance and assistance gives me love for all of the beautiful wild. I
grant you passage to leave as I close this circle.”
● Blow out the Goddess candle and be in the Goddess position
● Say, “Lady Hekate, I thank you for joining me today and for everything you do for
me. Your guidance and assistance gives me love for all of mystic magick. I grant
you passage to leave as I close this circle.”
● You may either take down the string/erase the chalk or leave it
Note: if you do not believe in deities, this ritual may not be suitable for you as it plays a huge
role. If you believe in other deities, replace their names with your own or simply “Lord and
Lady,” “God and Goddess,” “Patron and Matron,” etc. for Pan Hekate. The many deities
invoked in this ritual I see as minor spirits of nature. You may also replace the Elementals with
any creatures you connect to the element or skip the lines about them. Whether you invoke the
Seelie or Unseelie Court depends on the magick you’re doing (be careful with the Unseelie!) This
ritual is tailored toward me but you may customize it for your beliefs and needs. Also, the
deities you invoke may be replaced and chosen based on their territories as long as they are still
connected to that direction and/or element.

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