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Altars always face east or north. East is always used first in magick.

Deosil: clockwise (ESWN)

Widdershins: counterclockwise (ENWS)


Earth represents strength, grounding, prosperity, the material, wealth, success,

foundations, death and rebirth. Focus on this element if the goal of your spell is about

fertility, prosperity, business or stability. Earth spells may take longer to work, but they’re

also more firm and are good if you’re looking for long-term solutions.

Gender: Feminine

Season: Winter

Direction: North

Hour: Night

Colors: Green, Brown, Black

Animals: Bears, Deers, Wolves, Badgers

Elemental: Gnomes

Plants: Ivy, Ash, Vetiver, Wheats, Oats

Instruments: Percussion

Zodiacs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Stones: Jade, Onyx, Emerald, Salt

Ritual Tools: Stones, Dirt, Bones, Pentacle, Salt, Crystals

Ritual Forms: Burying, Planting, Imprinting to soil or sand

Tarot Suit: Pentacles


Air represents intellect and the mind, wisdom, knowledge; logic as well as abstract

thought, intuition and higher consciousness. If you’re seeking freedom, travels, or to

enhance your memory and focus. Focus on air spells! Air is whimsical and amiable.

Gender: Masculine

Season: Spring

Direction: East

Hour: Dawn

Colors: Yellow, White, Sky Blue, Pastels

Animals: Birds, Spiders, Butterflies

Elemental: Sylphs

Plants: Lavender, Birch, Vervain, Dill, Aspen

Instruments: Wind Instruments

Zodiacs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Stones: Amethyst, Opal, Alexandrite, Beryl

Ritual Tools: Incense, Wand

Ritual Forms: Fanning, Tossing into air, Suspending in a high place

Tarot Suit: Swords


Fire represents energy, passion, purification, love, inspiration, desire, will, courage,

power, leadership, sexuality. In spellcraft, focusing on fire is good for purification,

healing and love spells; it’s the best element for quick, strong spells. Although, fire is

fierce in essence, and fire spells are susceptible - they should be well thought out.

Gender: Masculine

Season: Summer

Direction: South

Hour: Noon

Colors: Red, Orange, Gold

Animals: Snakes, Lions, Horses

Fire: Salamanders

Plants: Cacti, Cinnamon, Pepper, Basil

Instruments: Stringed Instruments

Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Stones: Amber, Citrine, Ruby, Tiger’s Eye

Ritual Tools: Athame, Candles

Ritual Forms: Burning, Smouldering, Heating

Tarot Suit: Wands


Water represents purification as well; though it’s focused more on the soul and the

subconscious rather than the physical, material world. Water stands for emotion,

intuition, wisdom, eternal movement, reflection, lunar energy. Focusing on the Water

element is good for psychic abilities, getting in tune with your inner self, mysteries,

friendships, love, dreams and sleep.

Gender: Feminine

Season: Autumn

Direction: West

Hour: Dusk

Colors: Blue, Indigo, Silver

Animals: Otters, Fish, Sea Mammals, Frogs

Elemental: Undines

Plants: Lotus, Water Lilies, Aloe, Gardenia

Instruments: Resonant Instruments

Zodiacs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Stones: Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl

Ritual Tools: Cauldrons, Chalices, Seashells

Ritual Forms: Diluting, Placing into water, washing away, bathing

Tarot Suit: Cups

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