Activity Minutes

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Minutes of the Meeting

December 06, 2022

The regular meeting of the English Academy was called to order at 9:00 am on December 06,
2022 in the Conference hall by Jillian Chloe Caiga.

Jillian Chloe Caiga - Facilitator
Ricaella Rivero - Secretary
Ashley Segovia - Board member
Arabela Rebosto - Board member
Ralph Villavert - Board member
Kezia Escario - Board member
Erica Magdasal - Board member
Christopher Lumbo - Board member
Nerizalee Sadullo - Board member
Amiel Fortaleza - Board member
Aila Bonaobra - Executive Director

All members were present, representing a quorum.

Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed

Business from the Previous Meeting

There are students who are not satisfied with what their teachers are giving them when it comes
to learning in some subjects. It was decided that the management will take action regarding this
matter and talk to all the teachers in the academy.
New Business
Decide on the best possible way to help foreign students who are non-speaker of English in
coping up with the lessons, environment, and culture at DLSU-D

Some of foreign students shared that they were having a hard time interacting with their
classmates because of the communication barriers.

The board member suggested having a tutor to every non speaker of english to help them to cope
up in every subject that are connected in english.

Other matters:
Announcements: It was decided that there would be another meeting on December 13, 2022

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m

Recorded by: Ricaella Rivero

Noted by: Aila Bonaobra.

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