BABAIU13099 - Pham Quoc Huy - Internship Report

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Supervisor: Nguyen Van Van – Manager of Training Department
Internship duration: 02nd May–15th September
72 Working days
International University 2015-2016


CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................... 5
I. Description of FPT Joint Stock Company ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Establishment and development of Hung Thinh Phu JSC .....Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1. General Introduction............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2. History ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Business functions and missions ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1. Functions ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2. Missions ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Products, customers, and markets of Hung Thinh Phu JSC ...Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1. Products ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2. Customer ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3. Market ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Organization structure ............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1. Organization chart .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2. Responsible of functional departments ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Business performance of Hung Thinh Phu from 2014 to the first half of 2015 ............. Error!
Bookmark not defined.
II. Internship activities at Hung Thinh Phu JSC ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Introduction to internship department ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1. Sales department of yarn and raw materials .....................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2. Domestic commercial activities for raw cotton and PSF in Sales department of yarn and
raw materials ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2.1. Features of raw materials ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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1.2.2. Domestic commercial activities ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. Description of internship activities.........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Analysis and discussion on problems of the internship departmentError! Bookmark not
3.1. Challenges ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2. Recommendation .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
III. Assessment of the internship ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
IV. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
REFERENCES............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

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The internship in FPT Retail Joint Stock company was an extreme valuable opportunity
for me to learn to develop. It was a proud for any student to be a part of one of the largest
conglomerates in Vietnam. The report would hardly be completed without the help of all
the staff from all of the offices, especially the human resource and training department

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Nguyen Van
Van, who instructed and supported me in the kindest way one could have. His continuous
advices, encouragement and feedback helped me improve myself throughout the

I sincerely appreciated the time working with Mrs. Thi - director of training department, -
Mr. Tuan - deputy director of training department, Mr. Huy - regional sales manager of
the East - and all other managers who were always willing to teach me valuable lessons.

I would also like to thank Mr. Nhan, Mr. Phuc, Ms. Thu, Ms. Mai, Ms. Loc and Mr.
Phong for having no hesitation guiding me and helping me to adapt to the new

As last, my deeply thanks come to all of the managers from the training courses as well
as the entire staff of their company for their coorperation and assistant during my

In conclusion, I hope that the experience together with knowledge gained from this
internship could be used to build my career in the future.

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I. Executive summary

FPT Digital Retail Joint Stock Company was formerly known as FPT Retail Co., Ltd. It
is a subsidiary of The Corporation of Financing Promoting Technology (FPT
Corporation), one of leading conglomerates in Vietnam. The firm was officially
established in 2007 and had been operating for 9 years under two brands "FPT Shop" and
"F Studio By FPT".

Figure 1.1 FPT subsidiaries

FPT Retail is now the Vietnam's second-largest company in hi-tech products and digital
accessories market. The retail store system of FPT retail has the number of more than 340
stores and 4900 employees, and it is being continuously expanding in order to cover all
over 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam.

In May 2016, I took the chance to be a training assistant of FPT Shop's training
department in FPT Digital Retail Joint Stock Company. My major task during the
internship was to support the manager of the department in management training courses.
Being an intern and participating in those training courses not only help me gain
experience in human resources, especially training function but also give me a wide

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knowledge of how to manage a retail store as well as understanding the workflow of FPT

II. Description of FPT Digital Retail Joint Stock Cuompany

1. General introduction

Company: FPT Digital Retail Joint Stock Company

Abbreviation: "FPT Retail" or "FRT"

Head Office: 261 Khanh Hoi Street, ward 5, district 4, HCM city, Vietnam

Telephone: +84 8 73023456

Fax: +84 8 39435773


Brands: "FPT Shop" and "F Studio By FPT"

Register Capital: 151,298,200,000 VND

FPT's proportion 84.27%

of ownership:

2. History

FPT Digital Retail Joint Stock Companywas first founded in August 2007 as a
private limited company under the brand of "[IN] store". The main office of the
company was located in 261 Khanh Hoi, ward 5, district 4, Ho Chi Minh city and
branched in Ha Noi together with Da Nang. In 2008, the FRT shareholders had
decided to change the brand name into "FPT shop" and continued to expand the
market share with the establishment of several dozen showrooms all over

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Vietnam. In 2012, FPT Retail Co., Ltd. was official changed into FPT Digital
Retail Joint Stock Company and participate the retailing industry under two brands
"FPT Shop" and "FStudio by FPT". FPT Shop plays the role as the main selling
chain of the company while FStudio by FPT is the authorized reseller chain of
Apple Inc. After nine years of the unremitting efforts to develop, FPT Shop has
become the second fastest-growing technology distribution chains in Vietnam with
more than 340 retail stores nationwide.

3. Products and services

FPT Shop operates retail stores for IT products computers, laptop computers,
tablets, smartphones, and digital accessories. All the latest digital products and
accessories of famous brand namesare always available in the shops. Moreover,
FPT also provide its customers with different types of service, namely warranty
packages, installment plans, return and exchange products, and water/electricity
bill payment services.

3.1. Hi-tech products and accessories

FPT Shop is a huge retailer system authorized by Apple Inc., Samsung, Sony,
Microsoft, Nokia, HTC, Oppo, Lenovo, Dell, Asus, HP, Philips, etc. to sell their
hi-tech products. Those includes laptop computers, mobile devices, and
accessories such as speakers, headphones, smartphone chargers, smartwatches,
computer mice, keyboards, USB, memory cards, portable battery backup, etc.

3.1. Services

When buying a smartphone or any digital accessories, customers are provided with
many kinds of service by FPT Shop. For example, if a prudent customer buys an
iPhone, she will be offered an "Gold warranty package" that gives her the
possibility to exchange the same new model ( including a surcharge of 30% of the

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new iPhone's price) or two chances of repairing the iPhone for free, which costs
8% of the iPhone price.

The returns and exchange policy of FPT Shop is one of its "key selling points"
when it allows buyers to exchange the defective product for the new one in the
first 30 days of purchasing in case of manufacturer's fault. It the fault does not
come from the manufacturer, the product can still be exchanged as long as a
surcharge of 20% is added.

4. Customers and partners

4.1 Partners

FPT Retail works with Apple, Sony, Samsung, Dell, Acer, Lenovo, HP,
Toshiba, Fujitsu, Asus, Canon, Panasonic, AAA,... These business partners are
the company's suppliers that provide FRT with ingredients, packing and
machinery, services, as well as hi-tech products and accessories. FPT Shop
also cooperates with four finance companies, namely ACS, HOME CREDIT
(PPF), HD SAIGON, FE CREDIT (VP BANK) in providing installment
purchase services.

4.2 Business-to-business customers

Customers of FPT Retail include conglomerates or companies that are looking

for a credible retailer providing them with the most reasonable price, and
bringing them more diverse products to consumers. FPT Shop has a number of
different types of client, range from technology to food and beverage to
financial services industry. FPT Shop seeks to build long-term business
relationship with its potential clients as well as to maintain that relationship
with its existing ones such as Pepsico, FPT FIS, Manulife, Thái Tuấn, Kinh
Đô, BMW, Hoa Sen group, Sacombank, etc.

4.3 Individual customers

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Individuals come to FPT Shop to look for the best warranty as well as return
and exchange policies along with genuine products. Besides, customers are
always be served with thoughtfulness and attentiveness thanks to a special
customer care service call "We" love FPT Shop.

5. Company structure









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Figure 2.1 FPT digital joint stock company structure

The system of FPT Retail includes almost 5,000 employees and is under the
management of one general director and two deputy general directors. Each
deputy director is in charge of a store chain.

The first deputy director who is in charge of F studio chain also manage goods
sectors of suppliers such as: Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Sony, etc. The other
deputy director control FPT Shop chain along with location center and taskforce
team. Location center is responsible for selecting a place for a shop to be built.
Taskforce team is a group of staff that are specially trained to support a shop in its
grand opening day.

There are ten other departments that are directly under the control of the general

1. Finance department: in charge of managing all cash flow into and out of the

2. System department: controlling the database and information system of the

entire company.

3. HR department: including recruitment, compensation & benefit department

4. Training department: consisting of online and offline department; in charge of

coaching, teaching, instructing new employees and managers; updating policies of
the company.

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5. Business development center: including marketing department; in charge of

generating demands, growing revenue, increase market share, and contributing to
company growth and profitability

6. Online business center: including media department; responsible for all online
activities, digital marketing, websites, etc.

7. Customer care center: solving customers' problems and ensuring their


8. Warranty center: providing warranty services and supporting technical

problems for customers

9. Administration department: enhancing, managing, organizing office's staff and

developing management strategy.

10. Technical support department: supporting and fixing technical errors in

internal system.

6. Performance of the company

By the end of the first 7 months of 2016, FPT Retail revenue reaches 5554 billion
VND and profit before tax of 114 billion VND, gained 33% and 39% respectively
in comparison with the same period in 2015. This achieving revenue growth is
higher than the average growth rate of 24% of the market.

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3000 2015
2012 2013 2014 2015

Figure 2.2 Revenue of FPT Retail from 2012 to 2015 (billion VND)

E-commerce, one of important directions of FPT Retail, is growing strongly in

recent years and has a revenue of 561 billion VND, achieving a rapid growth rate
of 60% in comparison with the same period last year. (in 2015, this channel
brought 7.42% of FRT's total revenue).

FPT Shop chain also continues to maintain and expand the number of store in
order to cover all 63 cities and provinces in Vietnam. By the end of July 2016,
FPT Retail has 334 shops, exceeding the target by 34 ones. In FPT corporation,
FPT Retail still maintains its position as the fastest growing subsidiary in terms of
revenue and profit before tax.

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Number of stores of FPT Shop



150 2015
100 Jul-16


2012 2013 2014 2015 Jul-16

Figure 2.3 Number of FPT shop store from 2012 to 07/2016

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III. Internship activities

1. Training department

Training department of FPT Shop has three main centers that are distributed
through three regions of Vietnam. There are two forms of training: online and
offline training. The basic responsibility of training department are to build skills
and knowledge for employees as well as to instruct them how to apply those in the
workplace. Moreover, updating new policies. delivering them to employees, and
supporting store chain are also included in the department's function.

There are two core training courses offered by training department: newly
recruited employees and shop manager trainees.

1.1 Training courses for new employees

Salespeople Accountants Supporters Storekeepers


Sales Accountant Technical Storekeeper

training training Supporter training

Figure 3.1 New employee training process

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Trainers, instructors of this course often were staff members of training

department both online and offline department.

All newly recruited staff members are required to participate training programs
of the department. First of all, they will be taught about knowledge of the
organization's history, structure, policy together with culture, general
techniques, such as selling, serving customers, etc. After that, employees from
each position will be sent to particular classes for further training in their
specific fields. Figure 3.1 describes the training process for new staff.

2.2 Management training courses

Trainee shop

Taking the
Accountants, job
Technical as a sales rep External recruited
supporters, Salespeople managers
Storekeepers over 3

Figure 3.2 Manager development process

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Trainers in charge of this course including managers and directors of other

departments and centers.

When positions of shop manager are left vacant, salespeople or externally

recruited managers will be sent to management training courses, as described
in Figure 3.2.

Furthermore, training department is also in charge of delivering new policies or

software that are enacted by board of directors. Whenever an old policy is
replaced, online training department will update to every staff through an
internal website and if it is necessary, online tests will also be given.

Trainers from the department not only have to teach at training centers but also
do the on-the-job training, or direct instruction, at the job site. In addition,
whenever chain store holds an important event, for example in Samsung
Galaxy Note 7 launch event, trainers are also assigned to help with selling and
serving customers.

2. Internship activities

2.1. Training assistant

My major task during the internship was to work as an assistant to support the
training courses for managers of FPT Shop. Every course had a period of about
two weeks. Before one started, I were in charge of aggregating the list of
managers sent from recruiting department or area sales managers. Those
included sales reps from the internal chain store and external recruited

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Receive list of Set up classrooms or
trainees rent outside rooms
documents, etc.

Collect trainees' Support Course's

Support trainers
reports trainees beginning

Give final Write report to

Give grade
exam the manager

Figure 3.3 Activities performed during the training process

Before every course started, I had to make sure that classroom, materials,
documents, etc. were ready and available. Sometimes the number of trainee
exceeded seats in the classroom of training center, it was my job to look for
meeting rooms for rent outside that had to be the most comfortable place to
proceed the training course.

During the course, I were responsible for assisting trainers as well as trainees
throughout lectures. That included supporting them with suitable materials and
documents, instructing trainees in their reports and tests. I were supposed to be
the first one to appear in the classroom so as to make sure everything was
running and set up properly for the class to start. Desks and chairs would be
arranged in a required order and electronic devices would be checked carefully.
The course consisted of about 12 modules that gave deep knowledge of the
workflow in the shop and management skills. After each module had finished ,
I gave trainees exam to test what they had learned and practiced.

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When a training course came to an end, I collected trainees' exam papers and
spent my effort in grading as well as evaluating their performances in
compliance with course's regulations and their attitudes during the training
program. If they were graded over 75% of the total score and their performance
was evaluated as "Good", they would pass the course and be sent to the chain
store for a two-month internship as a shop manager under regional sales
managers' supervision. If they failed, I would be in charge of providing them
with a second chance to do the test again.

Finally, I would write a report to the manager of training department on the

completed management training course. It was a summary and highlight of key
aspect of the course. For example: the rate of internal managers over external
ones, how many external manager were recruited from other company's
competitors, etc.

2.2. Salesman

Thanks to my ability of speaking English and my knowledge of selling skills, I

sometimes have the opportunity to be a salesperson whenever there is a
foreigner at the shop where I work. I also apply the sales process learned which
was trained when serving customers. Figure 3.3 describes the process:

Approach and

Follow up Closing

Figure 3.3 The selling process

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Step 1 – Approach: This stage is where I would proactively come to a customer

and ask if she/he wanted me to help. When meeting a customer for the first
time, I had to smile warmly at her/him with my right hand on the left chest.

Step 2 – Need identification: After she/he answered the question above, I

would identify what they wanted and gave them solutions.

Step 3 – Presentation and Demonstration: In this step, I would talk about the
products , show the customer how the products would satisfy her/his needs,
how value the products were or why the services of FPT Shop was the best by
using warranty, return and exchange policy as key selling points.

Step 4 – Handling objections: the step in which I had to clarify all the doubts
of the customer and remove her/his barriers to buy the product.

Step 5 – Closing: when noticing that customer was ready to buy, I would ask
them to place an order for the product.

Step 6 - Follow up: after the payment for the product had been made, I would
give some more recommendation in order to show my thoughtfulness, try to
build the relationship, and ensure their satisfaction.

2.3. Other office tasks

2.3.1. Bill payment

My task was to aggregate bills after each management training course and do
the payment procedure. I collected all of the bills and checked if there was any
mistake. This job required carefulness and integrity. After that I went to
accounting function in the head office and completed the procedure.

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2.3.2 Graduation ceremony

I had a chance to be a supporter in the graduation ceremony for shop managers.

I was responsible for collecting the name list of managers and put them in the
certificates before printing them. Then I pasted pictures of those managers into
the certificates and brought them to the head office for stamping. This job was
not so difficult but it requires patient and concentration.

3. Training department performance appraisal

Training is not a simple thing to be measured unlike sales or marketing function

where revenue, income, sales target and other elements are easily described by
numbers. To judge the training department to be effective or not takes a lot of
efforts in setting objectives, establishing the metrics, applying proper methods, etc.

From my point of view as an intern, the effectiveness of FPT Shop training

department was at its high level for both online and offline training teams.
Qualified trainers, good teaching materials and documents and modern facilities of
the centers were main factors that contribute to the department's success. The
department had been generating a large number of elite staff members and
professional managers in term of ability, knowledge, and skills every day.

4. Problems of training department

As mentioned above, training are often deemed as ineffective due to lack of

measurement. There is no specific method to determine what an actual successful
course like or how that success contribute to the sales of the shop. Therefore FPT
Shop should have solid figures so that the training department performance can be
evaluated in the most accurate way. In more detailed, a performance appraisal
system should be developed. That system consists of objectives setting,
measurable metrics, reward system, feedback and follow up actions.

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IV. Assessment of the internship

1. Skills and qualifications learned from the internship

1.1 Qualifications

I did learn a lot from other trainers, managers, and coaches. Trainers of
management training courses were managers and directors, which meant they
have a comprehensive knowledge about not just retailing but a wide range of
other specific fields. Being their assistants and working directly with those
directors gave me a very valuable opportunity to enrich the knowledge of the
retailing industry. Besides, because FPT Shop specialized in selling hi-tech
products, I was also supplemented the knowledge of computers and mobile
devices: the special features of each product, how they were structured and
how to fix some common errors. I were also taught a lot of different
qualifications from the management training courses: how to manage a retail
store, what exactly a manager should do during his work time, and how to
control his staff, complaint resolution skills, human resource management,
warranty process, selling techniques, etc. Moreover, I gained my understanding
of the working process and procedures of FPT Shop both of store chain and

1.2 Skills

The most important skill I took away from the internship was internal
communication skill, which meant how to talk properly with superiors and the
understanding of each superior's style for the most suitable behavior. Written
communication was important skills that I practice every day by using e-mails
and report to superiors and trainees. I was taught to present some basic
administrative documents and reports. Of course, problem solving skill was

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also essential when working with such many directors because I was supposed
to help them during their lecture if any incident happened.

Another important skill that needed to be mentioned was critical observation. It

is not enough for me to only collect data and manipulate it. As mentioned
above, I was in charge of writing reports to superiors after each courses so I
had to find different ways to interpret the data and try to decode its meaning. I
also learned management and presentation skills from modules of the course
but they had not been practice much.

2. Primary responsibilities

For the job to function, I had to perform in compliance with responsibilities which
were categorized into three kinds: job responsibility, self- responsibility, and
mutual responsibility

Job responsibility

My formal job responsibility had been specified in the job description before I
applied for the position. That involved meeting job expectations and fulfilling
daily duties, namely administering, supporting, and conducting the training
courses for new managers; acting as a specialist in particular subjects; supervising


This referred to each staff taking responsibility for his own behaviors outside of
normal work. This led to accountability, which meant I had to accept blame for my
mistakes and acknowledge the contributions of other employees. I was also
responsible for working and communicating with colleagues as well as superiors
with integrity and honesty.

Mutual responsibility

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Another kind of responsibility I had to share with all colleagues was mutual
responsibility which required workers to report any illegal or suspicious behavior
or policy violations. It also included the responsibility of serving customers when
they were at the stores and helping other colleagues if needed.

3. Influence on future career plans

The opportunity to be an training assistant of FPT Shop gave me a deep

knowledge about the retailing industry together with human resource field in
which I major. I did have beneficial experience of a professional working
environment. My resume was also improved significantly with more personal
skills and network.

4. Correlation between internship activities and classroom knowledge

The main contributing factor of my success of the internship is knowledge and

skills learned from International University. I had a solid knowledge that could be
applied to the work thanks to subjects such as introducing to business
administration, human resources management, negotiation and relationship
management, and sales management. My computer skills learn from the subject
business computing skills gave me a significant advantage when doing the job.

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The three-month internship has significantly enhanced both my skills and specialized
knowledge of business management, specifically, human resource area. I could
understand clearly the definition of human resource in terms of training and developing
function. I was totally inspired by the job of helping people develop their strengths and
turning them into extreme qualified workforce with great passion. I also was eager to
experienced the real working environment in which I could apply my lessons in
classroom to the job.

The retail market of mobile phones is becoming more and more competitive with the
expansion of Thegioididong, FPT, Vienthong A, Vinpro, etc. This sector is considered to
be a fertile ground for those giants to gain revenue and stimulate grow rates. FPT Shop is
also trying to be the largest retail chain in Vietnam in terms of market share and revenue
by increasing the amount of shop up to 500 in the end of 2017. With the rapid growth of
mobiles and computers ownership in Vietnam, the wealth of digital retailers like FPT
Retail is considered to be extreme promising. On average, FPT Shop grosses more than
27 billion VND per day and continues on its way to break the record of last year revenue.

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Data and information sources from FPT Retail Joint Stock Company



FPT Retail/ FRT: FPT Joint Stock Company

VND: Viet Nam Dong


Figure 1.1 FPT subsidiaries

Figure 2.1 FPT digital joint stock company structure

Figure 2.2 Revenue of FPT Retail from 2012 to 2015

Figure 2.3 Number of FPT shop store from 2012 to 07/2016

Figure 3.1 New employee training process

Figure 3.2 Manager development process

Figure 3.3 Activities performed during the training process

Figure 3.4 The selling process

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