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I understand here by declares that, the project titled “A study on Measuring

effectiveness of Social Media Marketing strategies for Cybermintin ” is executed as
per the course requirement of two-year full-time MBA program of MIT-ADT
University, Pune. This report has not submitted by me or any other person to any
other University or institution for a degree or diploma course. This is my own and
original work.


Date: ………… Pranali Balasaheb Farande


MBA 2022-23


The completion of this project will be incomplete without mentioning of few names. I
take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who helped
me to complete this project. I Am sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful
and illuminating views on a number of issues related to the project. I express my
warm thanks to Mr. Akash Kale and Mr. Chaitanya Gaikwad for their support and
guidance at Cybermintin company, Pune. The supervision and support that they gave
truly help the progression and smoothness of the internship program.
I would also like to thank my project internal guide Prof. Mr. Anand Kopare from the
MIT College of Management for their guidance and support throughout the project
study and all the people who provided me with the facilities being required and
conductive conditions for my MBA SIP Project.
Finally, I would like to thank my Institute and faculty of Marketing, MIT college of
Management for making this experience of internship program. The learning from this
experience has been immense and would be cherished throughout life.

Thank you,

Pranali Balasaheb Farande



Chapter Chapter Name Page No.


1. Introduction 7-13

2. Industry profile 14-21

3. Company profile 22-26

4. Product profile 27-29

5. Objective of study 30

6. Research and Methodology 31-33

a) Primary Data
b) Secondary Data
c) Sampling
d) Scope of the study
e) Limitations of the study
7. Theoretical Background of the Study 34-37
a) Literature Review
b) Management Theory
8. Data Analysis and Interpretation 38-53

9. Findings 54-55

10. Suggestions 56-57

11. Conclusion 58

12. Bibliography 59-60



1. Introduction

The marketing possibilities on the internet is growing and so are social media
marketing. The budget devoted for marketing activities on social media is constantly
increasing every year and the time users are spending on social media is also increasing.
Among the increasing activities comes a vast amount of data which create endless of
opportunities for companies to optimize their marketing activities. In marketing the
most important has always been to know your customers and how to reach out to them.
The internet and data that comes with it has made it possible for companies to get to
know their customers even better and to reach them with more precision if data is
correctly used. Companies interest in social media marketing and the interest in
engaging with its customers is increasing and the budget devoted for social media
marketing is growing as well. The increased interest in marketing in social media can
be explained partly but the first development of IT solutions and applications and partly
by the increase use of social media by consumers. Consumers, especially younger ones,
are using more online channels rather than traditional channels and the engagement it
dries it’s too much lower cause than the traditional channels in relation to its

A key component for career success in today’s business environment is having

knowledge about and experience with, the digital nature of marketing and
communication. This requires classroom training along with applicable experiential
learning activities. One of the best ways for students to gain “real world “digital
business experience is through participation in an internship program that focuses on
building digital business skills in a systematic and relevant manner. To begin with, as
a part of the curriculum a summer internship programme was to be conducted for a
period of three months. As my interest and curiosity was in online or digital marketing,
I choose to work with a start-up company named Cybermintin Digital Media and
Marketing, I choose the start-up company because with start I can explore myself and
why digital marketing? Because it is booming industry, the growth of digital marketing
is tremendous and expected to grow more. Due to this summer internship, I learnt
every aspect of digital marketing include (business development process, content
writing, social media) Marketing practices have dramatically shifted with the rise of

social media and proliferation of devices, platforms, and applications. Your prospective
and current customers are trying to communicate with you, and you can listen and
respond faster, and with more personalization than ever before. This shifting
environment presents new opportunities and challenges for marketers. With digital
marketing, it's easy to fall behind. Digital marketing equips you with the tools you need
to assess your organization’s social media and digital marketing strategy and helps you
identify areas of improvement. Useful for individuals from small- to medium-sized
businesses who want to use new media as a vehicle for growth. Organizations are
leveraging digital marketing methods for successful marketing strategy implementation
inbound marketing through publishing content online in the form of portals, podcasts,
e-journals, online campaigns, social media marketing, search services; and outbound
marketing including email marketing, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds and

1.1 Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital
distribution channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The
basic advantage in this form of advertising lies in its low-cost model.

Why digital marketing?

While traditional marketing might exist in print ads, phone communication or physical
marketing, digital marketing can occur electronically and online. These means that
there are a number of endless possibilities for brands including email video social media
or website- based marketing opportunities.

What does a digital marketer do?

Digital marketers are in charge of driving brand awareness and lead generation through
all the digital channels both free and paid that are at a company's disposal. This channels
include social media the companies on websites search engine rankings email display
advertising and the companies blog.

1.2 Web site designing

From the initial process of taking inputs from clients, planning on the basis of such
inputs to final implementation and testing all are done using latest web designing
techniques and skills. Our services have the advantage of offering clarity in its design
style, which is backed up with an easy and free flowing content and latest technical
know-how. Not only we provide affordable web site design and ecommerce web
development services but also search engine friendly designs. Our Service Includes

• Website Design
• Website Redesign
• Shopping Cart Web Design
• Detailed and Advanced Page Layout
• Custom Logo Design
• Banner Ads

• Custom Graphics Design using advanced design tools.

1.3 Digital marketing trends

Organization is implementing a wide range of digital channels so as to engage
customers in a more personalized way. Digital marketing trends that organizations are
rapidly embracing include

2.2.1 personalized content marketing: customer engagement, acquisition and

retention have all taken on a new dimension with the delivery of unique, personalized
and relevant messages through identified digital channels.

2.2.2 social media: Organizations are focusing on engaging with customers through
social media to offer real-time interaction. Social media helps organizations reach out
to a vast pool of potential customers by supplying them with medical and campaign
related information.

2.2.3 Social Local-Mobile marketing: The growing popularity of smart mobile

devices, increasing location based social activities like experience sharing, review
reading via social media and the evolution of Global Positioning System (GPS) are
helping companies leverages Social-Local-Mobile activities.

2.2.4 Advanced Analytics: Increased adoption of digital channels is generating large

volumes of customer behavioral data. Advanced actionable analytics can help

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organizations define targeted marketing strategies. Search engine marketing (SEM) /
Search engine optimization (SEO) organization are focusing on SEO efforts and paid
search advertising for enhancing the visibility of their products and services.

One more trend that has been observed recently is the continually mounting costs pay-
per-click (PPC) that has resulted in the increased disappointments with this form of
search engine advertising.

1.4 Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote
a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still
dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both
practitioners and researchers. Most social media platforms have built-in
data analytics tools, enabling companies to track the progress, success, and engagement
of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media
marketing, including current and potential customers, current and potential
employees, journalist, bloggers, and the general public. On a strategic level, social
media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign, governance,
setting the scope (e.g. more active or passive use) and the establishment of a firm's
desired social media "culture" and "tone.

1.5 Social Media Strategies

There are two basic strategies for using social media as a marketing tool:

1.5.1 Passive approach

Social media can be a useful source of market information and a way to hear customer
perspectives. Blogs, content communities, and forums are platforms where individuals
share their reviews and recommendations of brands, products, and services. Businesses
are able to tap and analyze the customer voices and feedback generated in social media
for marketing purposes; in this sense the social media is a relatively inexpensive source
of market intelligence which can be used by marketers and managers to track and
respond to consumer-identified problems and detect market opportunities. For example,
the Internet erupted with videos and pictures of iPhone 6 “bend test” which showed that
the coveted phone could be bent by hand pressure. The so-called “bend gate”

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controversy created confusion amongst customers who had waited months for the
launch of the latest rendition of the iPhone. However, Apple promptly issued a
statement saying that the problem was extremely rare and that the company had taken
several steps to make the mobile device’s case stronger and robust. Unlike traditional
market research methods such as surveys, focus groups, and data mining which are
time-consuming and costly, and which take weeks or even months to analyze, marketers
can use social media to obtain ‘live’ or “real time” information about consumer
behavior and viewpoints on a company’s brand or products. This can be useful in the
highly dynamic, competitive, fast-paced and global marketplace of the 2010s.

1.5.2 Active approach

Social media can be used not only as public relations and direct marketing tools, but
also as communication channels targeting very specific audiences with social media
influencers and social media personalities as effective customer engagement tools. This
tactic is widely known as influencer marketing. Influencer marketing allows brands the
opportunity to reach their target audience in a more genuine, authentic way via a special
group of selected influencers advertising their product or service. In fact, brands are set
to spend up to $15 billion on influencer marketing by 2022, per Business Insider
Intelligence estimates, based on Mediakix data.

1.6 Social Media Metrics

1.6.1 Web site reports

This involves tracking the volume of visits, leads, and customers to a website from the
individual social channel. Google Analytics is a free tool that shows the behavior and
other information, such as demographics and device type used, of website visitors from
social networks. This and other commercial offers can aid marketers in choosing the
most effective social networks and social media marketing activities.

1.6.2 Return on investment data

The end goal of any marketing effort is to generate sales. Although social media is a
useful marketing tool, it is often difficult to quantify to what extent it is contributing to
profit. ROI can be measured by comparing marketing analytic value to contact database
or CRM and connect marketing efforts directly to sales activity.

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1.6.3 Customer response rates

Several customers are turning towards social media to express their appreciation or
frustration with brands, product or services. Therefore, marketers can measure the
frequency of which customers are discussing their brand and judge how effective their
SMM strategies are. In recent studies, 72% of people surveyed expressed that they
expected a response to their complaints on Twitter within an hour.

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2. Industry Profile

The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry, one of the most vibrant and
exciting industries in the world, has had a tremendous impact on the lives and the Indian
economy. As the M&E industry widens its reach, it plays a critical role in creating
awareness on issues affecting, channeling the energy of and building aspirations among
India’s millions. As it entertains and informs the country, the M&E industry has been
catalyst for the growth of large parts of the Indian economy. M&E industry consist of
TV, print, films, radio, music, OOH, animation and VFX, gaming and digital
Starting with digitization means first putting your efforts into online presence through
various social channels and websites. Businesses today leverage digital channels such
as social media, search engines, email, and websites to connect with current and
prospective customers. Companies also hop on the bandwagon of the latest digital
marketing trends to update themselves with the current industry standards. The scope
of digital marketing in 2020 and 2021 has seen drastic growth. Even despite the
pandemic affecting us for 2 consecutive years, the growth has been nothing less than


The scope of digital marketing in 2020 and 2021 has seen drastic growth. Even despite
the pandemic affecting us for 2 consecutive years, the growth has been nothing less
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than amazing. When we think of the key indicators of success in marketing, the first
thing we think of is the number of people reached through marketing practices. The
internet’s penetration has reached outstanding numbers. Looking at India, it has the 2nd
largest number of internet users in the world When we look at the numbers globally,
here’s a statistic depicting the growth of internet users worldwide over the years along
with predictions for the years 2022 and 2023. By 2023, the number of active Indian
internet users will grow to almost 666 million in India and more than 5.3 billion
globally. Thus, this indicates that a larger share of people is shifting online and hence
it makes complete sense to start marketing online. This shows that people are realizing
the importance of digital marketing and are showing interest in pursuing a career or
knowledge in this field.

As per recent survey, the total advertising industry of India in 2019 was valued at INR
68,475 crores and it was calculated to be INR 75,952 crores by the end of 2020. That’s
a massive 10.9% growth rate. Globally, here’s a look at the digital advertising spend in
2020, 2021, and predictions of 2022. This goes on to showcase that even during the
pandemic, there was an increase in the amount of money that was channeled into
advertising, especially the digital channels.
Companies are giving so much importance to digital marketing that some of the biggest
ones are restructuring their marketing budget to shift their focus to digital.

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• World scenario
Digital marketing category involves tracking of digital agencies that gives the creative,
strategic, technical, development of screen based products and services. A full digital
agency can offer clients search engine marketing, online advertising, web design and
development, user experience and user interface design and e-commerce consulting.

Demand: 129
Status: No supply constraints, highly fragmented and oversupplied.
Demand: 134
Status: No supply constraints, highly fragmented and oversupplied
Demand: 163
Status: No supply constraints, highly fragmented and oversupplied.
Demand: 187

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Status: No supply constraints, highly fragmented and oversupplied.
Demand: 208
Status: No supply constraints, highly fragmented and oversupplied.


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• Global Market Outlook

The Digital Marketing Services market is estimated to grow to $420–470 billion

(2022)E at CGPR of 17 – 20 percent, followed by North America $135–150 billion,
growing at 3–4 percent. Further, the Digital Marketing services market size in APAC
is $100–107 billion, growing at 11–12 percent.
The top Digital Marketing Services providers in the world include Publicis Groupe,
Denstu, iprospect, Havas Media, Isobar, RAPP.
Retail industry digital spend has increased by 25.7 percent, due to high adoption of e-
commerce during lockdown and Search advertising is the largest digital advertising
format grew by $182 billion in 2021.
APAC will continue to be the most dominant region in terms digital activity due to high
scale B2C digital and e-commerce advertising in China, Japan and Australia.

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• No. Of companies and their performance – competitors of Cybermintin
Digital Media and marketing company.

1. Saletify – saletify is a 360° digital branding and marketing agency based in

Pune which provides a wide spectrum of internet marketing services to enhance
the online presence of all kinds of business.
Services – search engine optimization, social media marketing, search engine
marketing, online reputation management.
Performance :
• Search engine Marketing: 81%
• Online reputation management: 86%
• Search engine optimization: 95%
• Social media marketing and optimization: 90%

2. First DigiAdd- First DigiAdd is the best Digital marketing Company in Pune,
established in 2018, it is an inspiring company of smart and passionate people
towards digital marketing from across the country.
Services- search engine optimization, search engine marketing, search media
marketing, website development, app development, email marketing.
• Search engine: 85.7%
• Direct click: 85%
• Weekly orders: 49,5057
• Monthly sales: 20541
• Yearly sales: 2054125

3. WIDEFY online services - widefy digital marketing agency one of the fastest
growing digital marketing agency in India who served around 500 + clients.

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Widefy companies specialised in SEO, website development, social media
marketing and creative thinking.
Services- Digital marketing, website development, graphic design, online
acceleration, account handling, BPO
• Total customers: 3000+
• Satisfied: 2355
• Project complete: 300+
• Sales: 75%
4. SEO valley, pune - Founded in 2000, SEO valley has remained one of the top
rated and most awarded digital marketing companies in the world. SEO valley
is an industry veteran with more than a decade of experience.
Services: search engine optimization, PPC ( paid marketing), social media
marketing, OFF page SEO Services, Content marketing, programming.
• Campaign handled: 7590
• No. Of clients country: 59
• Active client: 1077
• Achievement: 11793

5. A2 Digital – A2 Digital Solutions Private Limited is a Private incorporated on

23 February 2016.
Services: SEO, Conversion rate optimization, Google Ads, Facebook Ads,
Landing pages, web design, social media marketing.
• Reach: across 135+ countries
• Revenue generated: 1.3 billion of revenue and counting.
• Size of organizations: 100+

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3. Company Profile

Company name: Cybermintin Digital media and Marketing company

Founded in: 2020

Company size: 15-20

Headquarters: Pune, Maharashtra.

Industry Type: Advertising and Marketing.


1. Digital Marketing
2. Social media marketing
3. Website development
4. Logo design
5. Content writing
6. Advertising and branding
7. Graphic designing
8. SEO and SEM

3.1 Introduction
Cybermintin services has emerged as one of the best online media companies in the
Pune marketplace. The company offers a plethora of services in all online media
platforms. The offerings include marketing and consulting on Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Google. Though the company was started only two
years ago, it is way ahead of most of competitors through its relentless pursuit of
perfection and enormous amount of creativity which they put in their work.

The project was in the marketing department of Cybermintin. The project was “A study
on digital marketing and its effects on the business with reference to Cybermintin”.
This report will help to get an idea about digital marketing and how the digital
marketing has impact on revenue generation for digital marketing companies and with

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reference to Cybermintin. Through this study we will see how online media companies
emerging how they are generating revenue and how they are growing economically and
revenue generation models of online media companies particularly reference to
Cybermintin. Main findings of this internship are given here. Indian customers are
highly information seekers. They collect more information about a product before
buying it. Most of Indians are getting stimulus through advertisements, but they are
not reaching to end phase of customers purchase journey, mainly in high involvement
purchases. Brands are getting more touch point to reach their target group in this digital
era. More details about findings are given this report.

3.2 History
Cybermintin is digital media and marketing company in Pune. The company uses
creative ideas and solutions to increase the efficiency of cells and rates the online
presence of the company.

In the year 2020 during COVID 19 lockdown period, two young entrepreneurs saw the
potential for a new kind of media company. They started a digital media and marketing
company with the goal of creating and distributing content that was more engaging and
interactive than traditional media. The company quickly gained a following among
young people who were looking for something different than the usual fare.

The company’ success was due in part to the fact that they were willing to experiment
with new ideas and two entrepreneurs hired more staff and began to expand their
operations. Today, the company is a major player in the digital media landscape, and
its founders are still at the helm, leading the company into the future.

3.2 Vision
To elevate the business world to the next level in order to keep up with the fastest
growing techno savvy world.

3.3 Mission

• Creating a one state solution for all your online PR and marketing services
• Creating virtual stores online

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• Helping people to grow there businesses online with the modern and trending
business strategies

3.4 Organizational structure

Cybermintin is a digital media and marketing company which helps offline and physical
outlet business to grow online and make their digital presence all over internet. They
provide each and every service required for a business to grow on internet.

Management: This is the highest level of the organization and includes the CEO, CFO
and other senior executives.

Marketing: Responsible for creating and executing marketing campaigns to promote

the company’s products or services.

Sales: Responsible for generating revenue through the sale of the company’s products
and services.

Product: Responsible for the development and management of the company’s products
and services.

Technology: Responsible for the development and maintenance of the company’s

technological infrastructure.

Operations: Responsible for the day-to-day running of the company.

3.5 Clients

• The green court pure veg

• Hotel 7/12 (Saswad)
• Cake story desserts
• Malini family restaurant and bar
• Lexellence (financial firm)
• Jogeshwari missal (shewalewadi)
• Durvankur missal
• Pirelli Tyres

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• Major clients of the company

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4. Product profile

4.1 What they offer?

• Website development and design

• Social media management
• Content creation
• Graphic design
• GMB development
• SEO management
• Digital ads management

4.2 Products and services

4.2.1 Google my business

• SEO of GMB
• Post management
• Customer interaction and management
• Review management
• Timely updation
• Offers management
• Photos and videos management

4.2.2 Social media management

• Post management
• Description management for post
• Content creation
• Use of automation software and link generation
• Instagram seo and ad management

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4.2.3 Website development

• Website design
• Website development
• Website SEO
• Service integration
• Online store and secure payment

4.2.4 Graphic design

• Social media template designs
• Banners and pamphlet design
• Video creation
• Photography
• Product design
• Logo design
• Offer design

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5. Objectives of the study

• To study the online presence of business and its services.

• To study the social media presence and promotion for product and
• To know social media strategies increasing brand awareness and attract
new customers to your brand.
• The aim of the study measuring effectiveness of social media marketing
strategies for Digital Marketing firm and what is the role of social media
marketing now and in the future.

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Title of project: A study on Measuring effectiveness of social media marketing

strategies for Cybermintin Digital media and marketing company.

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study
the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research
problem along with the logic behind them.
The Data collected for research is by following method:
1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data

3.1. Primary Data:

A primary data source is an original data source, that is, one in which the data are
collected first hand by the researcher for a specific research purpose project. Primary
data can be collected in a number of ways.
The observation method is the most commonly used method. Data pertaining to digital
marketing process and most of information is collected from project guide in the
Researcher used an social media marketing ( Instagram) reports of company client
Cakestory desserts page.

3.2. Secondary Data:

Secondary data refers to data that collected by someone other than the primary user.
Secondary data for the study were collected from the websites, office executives,
company data and other previous studies.

• Sample size – 12
• Sample area – Cybermintin Digital media and marketing company.
• Population – 01

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3.3 Scope of study

• To understand social media marketing effectiveness.

• To understand how digital marketing campaign’s takes place.
• To understand how digital marketing agencies works and generating revenue.
• To understand social media marketing models.
• To understand how social media marketing has impact on revenue generation.

3.4. Limitation of the project

The following limitations were experienced during the study.

• This social media model is completely with reference to Cybermintin.
• Allotted time was inadequate to study the various aspects of the problem. Since
the study was limited to specific period, further quantitative and qualitative
research on the topic was not possible.
• Due to the secrecy of the organization, confidential matters are not given.
• Time of campaigns for some client is more than three months.
• Advertising expenditure of some companies is confidential so it can’t be

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6.1 Literature Review

Social media networks are platforms or sites that facilitate the building of social
relationships among people of different races and provide opportunities for them to
share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. Social network
services consist of a representation of each user’s social connections, and a variety of
additional services. Social media is the medium to socialize as well as market and today,
the plethora of social media networks are among the finest opportunities available to
organizational marketers in their bids to connect with existing and prospective
customers. The social media network community services are groups centered and
considered as a social network service. Social networks are contents created online by
people using highly scalable and accessible communication technologies. It represents
how people discover, read and share news, information and contents. Social network
applications provide users with new forms of empowerment and means of information
sharing. Customers are able to communicate online exchanging information, comments
and product reviews beyond the marketer’s control.
Social media marketers make use of social media sites to raise visibility on the internet
and to promote products and services. Social media sites are useful for building social
(and business) networks, and for exchanging ideas and knowledge. Social media sites
are becoming the go-to place for consumers who want to learn more about a business.
That’s because these sites allow businesses to offer the most up-to-date information
about anything from products, services, or upcoming events. Also, much of
organizational activities and profiles on social media sites can be made public meaning
they can be indexed by search engines — one more way to make sure your business or
organization comes up as the answer when someone is searching for a local solution to
a problem. The publicity emanating from social media marketing is such that can be
trusted by consumers because the source is within the peer group either through a
comment on ‘Facebook’ or a ‘retweet’ on twitter about a particular organization or
product. In today’s globalized world, communication is available and constant and Just-
in- Time, real time basis, everyone is updated on what is happening around the globe
depending on which river of information you wish to drink from. Traditionally, the
Word of Mouth (WOM) approach has been an important marketing strategy adopted
by various organizations for decades but the Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) and

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Consumer’s Online Brand Related Activities (COBRAs) reaches a wider horizon
because it is based on the internet and therefore can be assessed by anybody around the
world with internet access or a device.
1) Alreany C. Tabuena (Arellano University) has published A literature review on
digital marketing strategies and its impact on online business sellers during
COVID 19 crises.In this case, effective marketing enables the collection of data
to understand more about the targeted consumers, allowing advertising and
other strategies to be more directed.
2) Lubna Javed (king Saud university) December 2013 British Journal of
Management, has study on effectiveness of various digital marketing tools.
This research is conducted to see how the consumers brand perception and
purchasing decision are influenced by different online marketing tools. Its
purpose was so studying the relationship between the different online marketing
tools and techniques and their effects on the brand perception and consumer
purchasing decision.

6.2 Management theory

6.2.1 Strategic performance measurement system

Strategic performance measurement system can take many forms but its distinctive
feature is that they are designed specially to provide information on both financial and
non-financial measures which covers different perspectives which when combined
provides a way of translating to strategy into performance measures. Examples include
performance pyramids and hierarchies. It is the integrative nature of SPMS that
provides the organization with potential information to enhance organization’s strategic
competitiveness. In addition, evidence shows that non-financial performance indicators
can be best combined with financial performance indicators to come up with the best
organizational performance measurements model in a competitive environment in
which organizations operate.

Strategic performance measurement systems have three characteristics in common:

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• Financial measures of performance are relevant to senior managers as short-term
feedback on the results of their past initiatives aimed at increasing shareholder value,
revenue growth, asset utilization, and cash flows.

• They supplement financial measures with nonfinancial measures that indicate

operational achievements likely to drive future financial performance

• They are designed to fulfill multiple purposes, from simple cost determination to
complex value creation, with an emphasis on strategy execution

6.2.2 Theories Underpinning Social Media

Media and modernity theory: The first theory is Media and modernity theory by
Thompson in 1995. This theory states that the development of communication media
from its early days of print to recent days of electronic communication was due to the
rise of modern societies. It takes into consideration technological advancements,
changes in income and culture of people from the primitive to the modernity stage as
well as education and social economic variables. The theory further argues that in order
to fully understand the nature of modern societies we must first look into
communication media and their impact. Thompson gave an instance of print media and
how it started to spread during the early days of its development due to factors such as
urbanization, industrial development, technological advancement, and increased
number of elites by 1500s. The focal contention is that the way of social media is an
impression of modernizing advancement methodologies or stages that a general public
would have arrived at. In perspective of this hypothesis, social networking is an
aftereffect of modernizing ICT that impacts association and individual correspondence,
it is a consequence of the relationship between innovative headway and changing
worldwide society of correspondence and relating past national state limits. The theory
is subject to criticism based on the fact that in reality there are circumstances under
which the advancement of media cannot be controlled by level of innovation alone but
instead exchange of numerous variables, for example, innovative exchange starting
with one nation then onto the next, steady government arrangements on media and
worldwide financial exchanges.

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5.1 Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Simply put, social media marketing refers to the process of using social media platform
to attract traffic and attention. By using social media you can increase exposure and
build meaningful relationship with your customers.
Social media marketing is a process of using social networking platforms to increase
your brand awareness and customer leads.
It is important for a business to choose the network that supports your brand image. Do
not be more social with your presence on all the social networks understand your target
audience and work accordingly.
Know the statistics:
• There are just over 3 billion active Internet users (45% of the world’s
• Nearly 2.1 billion people have social media accounts.
• 3.65 billion mobile users have access to the internet via smart phones or tablets.
• Close to 1.7 billion people have active social media accounts.
• Facebook: There are nearly 1.4 billion Facebook users
• 47% of all Internet users are on Facebook
• Google+ cost over half billion to design and develop with 363 million users.

5.2 Instagram SMM report

Instagram handle of Cakestory Desserts
Tool – Canva Pro

Q1). Post No. 1

World Chocolate Day- Instagram Post

39 | P a g e

• Post Date – 7 July 2022
• Post view – 449
• Post like – 56
• Post share – 7
• No. of lead generation – 10-15
• Sales- 5-7

40 | P a g e
Q2) Post No. 2

National Friendship Day- Instagram Post


• Post Date – 7 August 2022
• Post view – 2452
• Post like – 55
• Post share – 4
• No. of lead generation – 10-15
• Sales- 5-7

41 | P a g e
Q3). Post No. 3

Rakshabandhan festival – Instagram Post


• Post Date – 11 August 2022
• Post view – 554
• Post like – 43
• Post share – 3
• No. of lead generation – 0
• Sales- 2-3

Q4) Post No. 4

Janmashtami festival- Instagram Post

42 | P a g e
Source :

• Post Date – 17 August 2022
• Post view – 475
• Post like – 51
• Post share – 13
• No. of lead generation – 5-10
• Sales- 2-3

43 | P a g e
Q5) Post No. 5

Cold Coffee offer- Instagram Post


• Post Date – 22 August 2022
• Post view – 6342

44 | P a g e
• Post like – 2854
• Post share – 532
• Paid ad- spend – Rs. 847
• No. of lead generation – 254
• Sales- Rs.2542

Q6) Post No. 6

Ganesh chaturthi festival - Instagram Post


• Post Date – 31 August 2022
• Post view – 1050

45 | P a g e
• Post like – 46
• Post share – 4
• No. of lead generation – 0
• Sales- 2-3

Q 7) Post No. 7

Donuts Advertising -Instagram Reel


46 | P a g e

• Post Date – 4 September 2022
• Post view – 638
• Post like – 44
• Post share – 89
• No. of lead generation – 10-15
• Sales- 8-10

Q 8) Post No. 8

Dusshera festival - Instagram Post

47 | P a g e

• Post Date – 5 October 2022
• Post view – 583
• Post like – 43
• Post share – 15
• No. of lead generation – 0
• Sales- 2-3

Q 9) Post No. 9

Independence Day

48 | P a g e
• Post Date – 15 August 2022
• Story view – 1052
• Story tagging- 68
• No. of lead generation – 3-5
• Sales- 2-3

Q 10) Post No. 10

Customized cakes- Instagram post

49 | P a g e

• Post Date – 21 August 2022
• Post view - 256
• Post Likes- 46
• No. Of lead generation – 5-10
• Sales- 10-15

Q11) Post No. 11

50 | P a g e

• Post Date – 12 September 2022
• Post view – 2439
• Post like – 47
• Post share – 134
• No. of lead generation – 10-15
• Sales- 8-10

Q12) Post No. 12

51 | P a g e
• Post Date – 19 August 2022
• Post view – 438
• Post like – 48
• Post share – 57
• No. of lead generation – 0
• Sales- 2-3

Before I handled Instagram Page of Cakestory Desserts their followers was 1,228 and
now their followers are 1,352. During my internship Within 2 months 100 followers
was gain.
Social media data is the information that is collected from a company’s profiles across
different social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, LinkedIn,
YouTube, and Snapchat.
It helps you understand how people consume and engage with content through likes,
shares, comments, reactions, clicks, and more.
Collecting and analyzing social media data can help you improve your marketing
efforts, stay on top of emerging trends, and offer your clients proof of your results.
And, it can help you continuously refine and improve your strategy. When you are
guided by data, you waste less time on guesswork and minimize your risk of making

52 | P a g e
The Top 3 Digital Marketing Activities Key to Marketing’s Success Corporate Website,
Social Marketing and Digital Advertising.
Above Figure shows that the social media marketing share the distinction of being the
No.1 digital marketing activities that are important to marketing’s success.

53 | P a g e

• Post No.1- On ocassion worlds chocolate day customers are more likely to buy
chocolate cakes and pastries hence, Instagram post Engagement is high like post
view is more that post likes. No. of lead generation is high on this day i.e. 10-
15 results in sales profit between 5-7.
• Post No.2- On the occasion National Friendship day Instagram post gets high
view i.e. 2452 more that post likes. No.of lead generation is high i.e. 10-15
results in sales profit 5-7.
• Post No.3- Rakshabandhan festival Instagram post gets average view on post
i.e. 554 but likes are less. No. of lead generation on this day is zero . Sales is
also less i.e. 2-3. Hence, Festive Instagram post gets low engagement.
• Post No.4- Janmashtami festive Instagram post gets average post view and likes
is less. No of lead generation is average i.e. 5-10 results in sales is less by 2-3,
Hence, festival post gets low engagement.
• Post No.5- (Cold coffee offer) cakestory desserts in Balaji nagar, Pune offers
customer cold coffee worth Rs.10 from 24 to 25 August 2022. It gets higher
views, shares and likes compare to other posts. It is an paid ad spent Rs. 847.
No of lead generation is high i.e. 254 results in sales profit Rs. 2542. By
spending Rs.847 on advertisement which results in profit by Rs.1695. hence,
cold coffee offer gets high engagement and reach .
• Post No.6- On festival Ganesh chaturthi Instagram post gets view i.e. 1050 more
than likes but no of lead generation sales is also less 2-3.
• Post No. 7- Donut advertising reel was getting positive feedback from
customers or engagement rate is higher than 3% i.e. a good sign that audience
is very engaged with content. Post view is 638 and no of lead generation is high
i.e. 10-15 results in high profit is 8-10.
• Post No.8- Dusshera festival Instagram post gets average post view i.e. 583 and
less likes also no of lead generation is zero, sales is 2-3. Hence, festival posts
are not receive a lot of engagement.

54 | P a g e
• Post No.9- On Important day, Instagram story gets high view i.e. 1052, 68
followers tagged story but No.of lead generation is less on this day i.e. 3-5
hence, profit is also less .
• Post No. 10- Customized cake Instagram post gets average No of view and lead
generation i.e. views are 256 more than likes I e. 46 but sales is high i.e. 10-15
. Customized cake is more popular than normal cakes. Customers are more
likely to prefer customer cakes rather than ready made cakes. Personalized
cakes demand is high therefore price is also high as compare to normal cake.
• Post No.11- Cakestory desserts shop is first cake shop in Pune who make
customization cakes as per customers order and preference.
customized/personalized special donut and icecream cake Instagram post gets
highest view i.e. 2439, post sharing is also high. No. of lead generation is
between 10-15 which is high results in average profit i.e. 8-10.
• Post No.12- customized cake Instagram post gets 438 post view on Instagram,
like is 48 and post sharing is 57 but No lead generation, sales is also less i.e. 2-

55 | P a g e

1. Get know your fans, followers, and customers as real people with real wants
and needs, and you will know how to target and engage them on social media.
2. Your social media content calendar lists the dates and times at which you will
publish types of content on each channel. It’s the perfect place to plan all of
your social media activities—from images, link sharing, and re-shares of user-
generated content to blog posts and videos. It includes both your day-to-day
posting and content for social media campaigns.
3. It’s not about getting seen by a lot of people, its about getting seen by the right
people, that’s how hashtag(#) lead to higher engagement and more followers.
Pick and choose the right keywords for each post individually.
4. Engagement is better than followers the more engaged they are the more they
are likely to do business with you. Think of social media engagement as quality
over quantity. That is you have quality followers that are engaging with your
brand and buying from you.
5. By posting everyday you keep the content fresh for your audience with a
constant reminder of your new content. Your followers will learn to come back
regularly to check if you have posted a new story and this way you will increase
6. In findings we see that really are better than post they are extremely flexible in
how they can be shared among audience says making them much more versatile
that feed posts. Users can easily shares with friends via stories, and discover
real on the explore page the Instagram algorithm continuous to favor these
content format over others.
7. Reels attract more followers. It is an effective way to reach an audience outside
of your current followers. 50% of Instagram users find reels through the explore
page. Reels get 22% more engagement than traditional videos.
8. Don’t post too much on your Instagram account. If you post to many post all at
once the Instagram algorithm might think you are a spam account and could
block your account temporarily.
9. Instagram has recently updated its algorithm to show users post that they are
more likely to be interested in rather than the most recent post. These means

56 | P a g e
that if you have a small number of followers or if your post don't receive a lot
of engagement your post will be shown to fewer people.
10. Reason behind your Instagram post not performing well that is a lot of reference
things can cause you are Instagram engagement to drop. Sometimes it’s
something you do, like changing the style or quality levels of the content you
11. Some posts get more reach than others. The reason behind the post’s good reach
is the engagement it gets. A post that gets more engagement
(likes+comments+shares+saves) will reach to more people.
12. It is generally good to post 1-2 times per day and not more than 3-5 times per
day. Hubspot found that pages under 10,000 fans experienced a 50% drop in
engagement per post if they posted more than once per day.
13. The opportunities for growth and learning are endless. Smart marketers from
startups can also utilize Social Media Marketing to compete against bigger
brands and easily create a name for their brand.

57 | P a g e

The successful completion of this internship indicates that the future of marketing is in
the hands of digital. Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand.
Because it is more cost effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands
can able to engage their target group in an effective way through digital platforms.
Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high
affinity towards digital media than other media’s. More than that customers are highly
information seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication
between brands and customers.
Digital marketing is a vast course. So, being a perfect marketer in all fields is nearly
impossible. To beat that, you need to choose a domain that interests you and try
focusing on that. And, nothing can be better than exploring this open-heartedly during
your digital marketing internship. This will give you a fair chance of realizing your
expertise making sure that you excel in it going forward. Once you start displaying
good work in that domain, you might land up with many good opportunities and offers
from reputed companies.
Importance of digital presence increasing importance of digital agencies, so they
making money through digital advertising raising of digital marketing consciousness
making money for digital agencies by which they are booming and making more money
with small investments.
So my company mentor already planned and assigned me task for me to execute during
the internship period. For the time period 3 months I did not only learn about area of
my interest digital marketing but also how to make a plan based on data and reports that
are generated from tools like Google analytics.
I learned how important it is to monitor task of the team also how can organization can
secure its used id and password and give access to all the employees and the importance
of social media in business today.
I personally think working in digital marketing is not everyone's cup of . Digital
marketers have to be updated with the changing technology which is proficiently used
by their companies.
I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to
understand the digital marketing and to plan for future strategies.
I feel very grateful to have these dynamic working experience with Cybermintin which
has opened the doors for me into the future marketing.

58 | P a g e

1. The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing – Book

2. “ A study on literature review for identifying factors impacting digital
marketing – Darshana Bhagowat, Dev malya dutta.
3. The impact of digital advertising on the buyer’s behaviour – Jay Rathod,
founder Koffeetech communication.
14. Research on impact of digital marketing in India conducted by prakal p.
Hodavadekar, vivek college of commerce, 2019-2020
Source: LinkedIn
15. population statistics, 2013.
Indian population Available from:
16. Digital marketing Available from:
17. Impact of digital marketing and current scenario in India available from:
18. Growth of digital marketing in India by shriram sept 1, 2022
Available from: https://www
19. Building a digital marketing internship program for technology -based startups
: Russ Merz
Available from:
20. Kietzmann JC (2013) Bittersweet! Understanding and Managing Electronic
Word of Mouth. Journal of Public Affairs 13: 146-159.

59 | P a g e

Kopare, D. a. (n.d.). Growth of over the top (OTT) video services in India. The British
journal of Administrative Management, 58(147).

Cybermintin clients:

60 | P a g e

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