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Graph Theory IISER Pune November 2022

Assignment 6

1. Show that e(Tk,n ) ≤ ( k−1


2. We find a lower bound on the size of a maximum independent set using Turan’s
(a) If Tk,n is the Turan’s graph, show that Tk,n is the extremal graph with no inde-
pendent set of size k + 1.
(b) Describe the graph Tk,n . How many edges does it have if n ≡ r mod k?
(c) Show that if G has n vertices, m edges, and α(G) = k, then m ≥ n −kn
. Here
α(G) denotes the size of a maximum independent set in G.
(d) The average degree of a graph G is defined as d(G) = n1
d(v). Show that:
v∈V (G)
n n
α(G) ≥ =
n + 2m 1 + d(G)
3. Define the Ramsey number R(k, l). Prove the following properties:
(a) R(k, l) = R(l, k)
(b) R(1, k) = 1 and R(2, l) = l, ∀l, k ∈ N
(c) R(k, l) is non decreasing in k and l.

4. If R(3, 3) = 6 and R(4, 4) = 18, find R(3, 4).

5. Ramsey Graphs: A Ramsey graph G(k, l) is a graph on R(k, l) − 1 vertices with

no k-clique Kk or Independent set Il as subgraphs.
(a) Find G(2, k), G(3, 3), and G(3, 4). Are they unique?
(b) If G = G(k + 1, k + 1), show that α(G) = ω(G) = k. Here α(G) denotes the
size of a maximum independent set in G; ω(G) denotes the size of a maximum
clique in G.

6. Suppose G is a graph which does not have K1,k and Kl+1 as induced subgraphs. Find
an upper bound for the maximum degree ∆(G).

7. Show that any graph on 12 vertices has either 2 disjoint triangles or an independent
set of size 6.

8. R(P4 , P4 ) is the smallest number n0 such that any 2-colouring of Kn , n ≥ n0 has a

monochromatic P4 (path on 4 vertices). Show that R(P4 , P4 ) = 5.

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