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Name: Jade Ahron Geonzon Grade and section: 12-STEM A

Is it Ionic or Covalent?
I. Objective: Identify whether a substance is ionic or covalent based on its electrical
II. Materials: conductivity apparatus, spatula, copper (II) sulfate, ethyl alcohol, sugar,
glycerin, calcium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, distilled water, sand or silicon dioxide,
vinegar, salt, twelve 50 ml beakers, glass rod
III. Procedure:
1. Get a small amount of each solid substance (copper sulfate, sand dioxide, calcium
carbonate, sodium hydroxide and sugar using spatula) using the spatula. Put the
substances into separate beakers.
2. Mix 25 mL of distilled water in each beaker containing the substances. Stir the
mixture thoroughly.
3. Dip the conductivity apparatus in each substance. Make sure to wash and dry the
electrode of conductivity apparatus before dipping it into another substance.
4. Using the Data Chart 1, write a positive (+) sign if the bulb lights up and a negative (-)
sign if the bulb does not light up.
Data Chart 1

Substance Reaction (+) or (-)

Salt solution +
Copper (II) sulfate solution +
Calcium carbonate solution -
Sand solution -
Sugar solution -
Sodium hydroxide solution +
5. Pour 5 mL of glycerin, distilled water, ethyl alcohol, and vinegar into separate
6.Repeat step 3
7.Using Data Chart 2, write a positive (+) sign if the bulb lights up and a negative (-) sign
if the bulb does not light up.
Data Chart 2

Substance Reaction (+ or -)
Glycerin -
Distilled water -
Vinegar -
Ethyl alcohol -

1.      Which of the substances are ionic substances? Why do you say so?
 - Salt Solution, Copper (II) Sulfate Solution, Sodium Hydroxide they are ionic
substances because they emit positive charge when in liquid state. Except for calcium
carbonate because it is insoluble.
2.      Which of the substances are covalent substances? Why do you say so?
- Sand, Sugar solution, Glycerin, Distilled water, Vinegar, Ethyl Alcohol, they are
covalent substances because they don`t give a electricity which is a negative charge.

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