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‘eae Mr IVA KARIM HARFOUCH ghia! daslodl as ub ADVANCED FOOD CO. 408 Offer acral: Lebonese, ID No: ta2aaszae oa ee tod gl gl pal pa le “deb Sil la “This Agreement isbetween 1 a "advanced Food cota shall be fered “The fst Par" or "The Company” [IMA KARM ARFOUCH hat sabe referred “The Second Pay ce The Employes” Advanced Food Co, i offering you the postion of Musc player In Ryadh KSA POSITION & REPORTING: Inyour poston as Misi player you il epor tothe Marketing Manager, (CONTRACT & PROPATION PERIOD: 23. Contact prod “wo yer om he dt of jing, erewable by Mutual Agreoment 22, PROPATION PER100: ‘he Employee shail seve a erbaton prod of 3 months and could Be rerded 196 ent ne a pee Sa abo work HOURS “he employee shall work for 48 hots wee, and working hous shal at exceed 10 hours per ay icing break and praying teas per Sau aber a, SALARY & BENEFITS: a1 Bosisalay. ‘The baie Slary ofthe Employee sal be SAR 750 pr calendar month 42, Housing Abowance ‘he fet party shall rode accommodation to second pay, ince of not roving. the secand party snl be ened accommodation alowance of ftvee monte slres to Be pak er mosey irstaents (SAR 175 per ‘mont 43. Torsportsion: ‘The fst pay shal provide wansportton ram and to wor oetion in ase ‘of not ponding torepertstion the second party shal be ented 2 tuansportaton allowance of of moth sly, maskrum of SR 650, and shall notes tan 300 SR may. (SAR 650 po nant. 4A. Grose sate The Employee's oss month remuneration wil therefore be SARIONS. ANSUALLEAVE SS The second party sal be nts an anal pid vacation fo30 days yor the ft pry sll have right to postpone vaaton ater Fst 12 rons for 3 ‘etod wot exceed 60 days, ad ray postpone vacation fr ne year as Bet trite approval of second pry and acai o work ets 5.2. The fist party shal oulder return tet of second pry fom Kingdom of Souci Aaa to nearest Inenaonal aipot 10 his accommodation of ‘ceonomy cae onetime every One Yea fr vaca, if th second party ‘deidednct travel onvacoon, the star shallay tae ket according toapprored econo Wave ches curing the same year, ssa “abe SRD sia 2a, g Jal Gaul ub ge LAs Ante ge a Jon lye Saad og aa lige Jal lanl Runa 8 Jal ye 0 ge agai 4 bal Ls aya in lag | ‘an fan bul um sn! ol ye Ss Gas Saal gual ie MS oy lp ae ual a Sl ike | Sr ag lle peep a ae Sl a al Ja in pe BL ad dea IS Fy go Ja arg gal ba ol FU Kae 90 alee ge a Jae gata A ll i ns 5650) Lond ls 200 di yg Dy 650 pd nla “lll 025 ya Lng ae Ly ll yl Jal gba ese a al ae ‘ln JS Be ta, 18S casa 30 gn ie wl dp a | Bi cee sol Glyn al in ge Salad Ja go lt OTL aah ea ape oS by oe 50 bl acl Soucy lan ar ig aa 6 al ual lal go Baye 9 a3 lll pe Sar pM gall aos Bap ly ac ayo al 0 gS is to al gal Gl Seba nal ae al aol pel SL al > Me JS Spal gl Sac Sot yl fal ay pl 87 An hae pb lalate soy, sytegaei trep ant gray ws AP spam! etn pled pean ta R315 2 a et ll ull us Ga J ag jeg Baal aS ‘pi ah ag nb a a al yl Saal ply ay uige Wie Klby Ja le yoy byl taal yaa! mt tubal ie Ble yl od eg ne Sse i sl Sag lal ane oat all id al 2 22 oll gaa ld ele Legal Se 8 baa Ja bl sal gull ll Jaa, ana spe aA Je 7500 oy eal Lg ull pl cal a, ule 42 4a aa Sigua st 52 1 glial das! ds jis 8DVAaNCeD FOOD CO. 6 ARTICEETS ON RECRUTIMENT & TERMINATION: re Epcos sal be eta 0 one-way feonamy ass act om isin 10 KSA on recent for the employes and for KSA to his ogi upon the terminaton of i Agreement uns Fst party approve to arses sponsrhip td compatent autores agreed tht. ints case fst party shall ot shower ‘rove tr eke ono courty 7. MEDICAL INSURANCE “he Compay shal prvi media! coverage forthe Employee spouse end hiren that ceside wih te Employee in KSA Ene wth the Companys ply. | 8. CONADENTILIY | 11. The emloyee hos to pledge to abide suit ard honesty by ll work Inston rule and ethics nchiing compare by the work eh andthe |b obgstions set for inthe laws. reqdatons and decion ofthe Kingdom {Fudan edge to naan tefl conse ofthe norton fe tre or il know trough is work with the Company ore information he rceved fm any ofthe Company employees and he undertake to nto tho formation, aot tase 1 cise tem lo: party to types or enty wheter these nfermetion ae wien, rl commercat imitate, ancl or baring relate othe Company adhe pledge to presere thes information ano use them only work purposes ring the Prod of hie employment wth the Company and aver afer his work ferminaton or end of srvces He ao undetates ot to disse that information toaly 12 any ths pry whatever fr ay reason unless the Company admiration ators an i rit ta dose et, 82 Theemploye have ta dee tht ay cation to the pledge of maining the aot confidentiality ofthe Company business customers business ‘elsiorship cr cemmmunkatens wll make hin sbjet to inmedats rnin and | wl be ered ator of hs commer, shorest We be ily esponsie fr all damages which occur to Advanced Food Co. frm that ana hatte Company wil ave the ight tga in na le ‘a lawet apsnst hin ese ard ouside the Kingdom of Sac Arabs and Ne mit isl compensate te Company for al be damages resting fom heir forits secrets formation ana detats whatever be te Dean ‘he eos for dscasiog ‘TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT: 31. Ths contac shall be expired ater of hi spect period x by agree of both pares to erin contact by writen approval of second ay In cave of terminating contract by one of paras before expiy eat fr Lveoonable cause the ther party shal have a compensation for two month lay 92, Pease sgn the endosed copy of hi ter and return tt inate your acceptance of his offer, ‘We oe confident you wl be leo make a significant conttbutin tothe sucess four Company and ok fanart working with you, Shee, ‘aveced ood Co ‘AcceatJob Offer ‘by sping and dating this agreement below | INA KARIM HARFOUCH acept is job fer of Musiepayer at Advanced Food Co, Signe Date nal i ai esa Si pl its J 0a go asl ell 0 Ug a al an CUES sek pal a as ic sn ag i ois ajad a yea oMe ya igs 668 anal al nl , saad ull Pal ls A ty gel ul ll al bl se ty aa ‘boop platy pall “olan Sag dy Jad oy ha Ss oe yl ap age 81 Diy sal gas vl Rag Selly dal UT ale Cad Sa oe sna agg tly ws JS opal ga la hl FS ac nol eC ge bl ol tga Sei alpen sega pl go pag ge al oy le Sin is tae At a ya tn Fg a Tl 9 Sie aay gle egbl lass CA tips gna 9) > ga Siytpae Sattcael gals tnde ledaaleaain s Veolia a ed neil lg eg Aga aS Sao ets il nd 8 ayo Hee Sa pac hc acl ial pal ie Saat ae i pillevay 82 geal Uw aS ae ge sgt ll mein te Spl joa ye le uae Ea Bsn pi hl bin ans ob Uitg ias ay wali gl el ae gh pal ea iced feat a8 ge Sak gnu nun roy mal al lal Unc 8 Lge es lel gegen ll il do vo sata opt e uty les Sal sane bland a lg aa Ua oie “sill ae Snape a og) an Lal i gull Ja go al eg Ub See ues lala La yin iso ° 32 1 es dull oa penal alo gag yal le ei ey Sp bar dl in seg ba le ag bys lel atl ee Sossb Eas ge os oa paul tall gta dane diigo se Sy a oe ate af lay Uo abl oii “al So bapa aul a 010614352 ce ~ Aognal dupa loa 12364 oll ranaal ~ jae ge agsu gle Seb 266% ‘283 imam Saud Bin ADGuIAZ2 Road. = Al Munommodivan, Riyadh 1286 1.4966 11 46461 11 F 9966 11 4166668. €: inla@advencedtoad.comsa W: www,advencedtood.comsa R315

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