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Narrative Report on the Project on Trash Bins

Andrea Nicole G. Dijamco

NSTP CWTS [9025]
Narrative Report on the Project on Trash Bins

I. Background
Strong waste is a significant issue for urban areas in agricultural nations. It is viewed as
a major test since it needs duty, time, and exertion from organizations and householders to
rehearse decrease, and reuse. It requires a major monetary venture just as framework
advancement. The worldwide network perceived that Solid Waste Management (SWM) is an
issue that requires genuine consideration. The forceful interest for monetary development, by
agricultural nations like the Philippines, has come about in the assembling, conveyance, and
utilization of items and age of squanders that adds to natural debasement, what's more,
worldwide environmental change. Along with the country’s economic progress, the rapid growth
in population has also made waste management a major environmental challenge for the
The Philippines has endeavored to improve its management of solid waste through the
passage of many laws that tackle solid waste management and one of these is the RA 9003 or
the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act that provides for a systematic, comprehensive, and
ecological waste management program to ensure the protection of public health and the
environment. Despite this law, however, poor solid waste management in the Philippines is still
prevalent since open and controlled dumps are being used in the country.
In conclusion, human activities contribute significantly to waste management.
Recognizing the effects of improper management, garbage crisis can be prevented by practicing
waste characterization and segregation at source, proper collection and transfer, recycling, and
composting as mandated by law.

II. Introduction

Solid waste material has become to be one of the biggest threats to our environment
today. It increases rapidly with a total amount of about 300 million tons of plastic waste every
year. Most solid waste material nowadays goes to landfills or went to the ocean. It gives a lot of
negative impacts on the environment. Solid waste material has the potential to pollute the
ocean, give danger to marine animals, and also ruin soil quality.
What is considered solid wastes? It means any garbage or refuse sludge from a
wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, and
other discarded material, resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural
operations, and from community activities. Nearly everything we do leaves behind some kind of
• Garbage which are wastes that contain organic matter capable of being decomposed by
• Rubbish is a solid waste material that may include all the non-biodegradable material or
non-compostable material.
• Refuse means all whatever we have refused to use so it includes decomposing and non
decomposing solid waste material

III. Principles and strategies of managing Solid waste

Solid waste management is a systematic control of generation, handling, collection,

storage, transport, source, separation, processing, treatment, recovery, and disposal of solid
wastes. It is a term that is used to refer to the process of collecting and treating solid wastes. It
additionally offers answers for reusing things that don't have a place with trash or junk. However
long individuals have been living in settlements and local locations, trash or strong waste has
been an issue. Waste management is all about how solid waste can be changed and used as a
valuable resource.

Three steps of solid waste management:

1. Collection. Proper collection of wastes should be done according to category. A large
number of dustbins must be provided to enable proper collection.
2. Transport. Successful transportation of waste can be done with the help of highly
equipped trucks and tractors. A door-to-door collection of garbage is also a good
practice for organizable handling and collecting wastes. The number of workers must
also be prioritized in order
3. Disposal. It comes into several namely; Open dumping, Landfill, Ocean dumping,
Incineration, Composting, and Reduction at the source.
To help us lead a lifestyle that is focused on resource management we can use a few more
words that also start with the letter “r” as a guide.
1. Rethink how you view natural resources. Understanding that natural resources are
restricted can incredibly impact the decisions you make in your regular daily existence.
2. Sustainability defines Refuse as declining to acknowledge or uphold items or
organizations that hurt the climate. One approach to do this is to decline things that are
over-bundled or bundled in plastic.
3. Reducing the number of assets utilized in your regular day-to-day existence is another
step in proper resource management. Start with little ways you can lessen your energy
utilization, water use alongside decreasing your trash, food waste, plastic, and
4. Reuse whatever you can. Use things again before throwing them away.
5. Recycle waste by re-manufacturing them into something new that we can use again.
6. Regulate and control our activities. Throwing garbage anywhere can be done and
Industries dump their wastes on open spaces. To control this, rules and regulations are
7. Research and develop new innovative ways to reduce the generation of wastes.

V. Prevention of Pollution
Solid waste management systems are developing in every country, but there is still
considerable scope for improvement. These are some ways of increasing efficiency including:
• improving the enforcement of regulations and planning decisions
• increasing the number of trucks available for transportation
• promoting compost production from organic waste
• promoting the separation of waste at the source (household level)

As an individual, there are ways you can do to prevent pollution.

• Use less non-biodegradable materials
• Use good quality of fuels in automobiles
• Minimize the use of pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers in agriculture
• Save electricity by using more natural renewable energy
• Practice proper segregation of waste
Refection: Project on Trash Bins

Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future
generations. It is good for the environment since we are making new products from the old
products which are of no use to us. Recycling begins at home. If you are not throwing away any
of your old products and instead utilizing them for something new, then you are actually
recycling. When you think of recycling, you should really think about the whole idea; reduce,
reuse and recycle. We’ve been careless up to this point with the way we’ve treated the Earth,
and it’s time to change, not just the way we do things but the way we think.
Recycling items rather than using raw materials to make new things preserve the
planet’s natural resources which, in the face of population growth and growing demand, won’t
last forever.
Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest, or extract new raw materials from the
Earth. That, in turn, reduces the harmful disruption and damage being done to the natural world,
which means fewer forests cut down, rivers diverted, wild animals harmed or displaced, and
less pollution. It’s also much better to recycle existing products than to damage someone else’s
community or land in the search for new raw materials. The demand for new goods has led to
more of the poorest and most vulnerable people being displaced from their homes or otherwise
exploited. With the use of old boxes, I’ve created new trash bins that can be used in recycling
trash and residues.

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