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Author of Sushrut samhita

Moradiya Avi – 200130117024

Subject – IPDC - 1

Sushruta - also spelt Susruta or

Sushrutha - was an ancient Indian
surgeon (datable to between the 6th
century BC and about the 4th century
CE) and he is the author of the book
Sushruta Samhita, in which he
describes over 120 surgical
instruments, 300 surgical procedures
and classifies human surgery in 8
categories. He lived and taught and
practiced his art on the banks of the
Ganges in the area that corresponds to
the present day city of Benares in
North-West India.
• Ayurveda is an ancient medical science. The word,ayurveda is
composed of two words of Sanskrit, ayur (meaning life) and veda
(meaning knowledge). Thus Ayurveda is a medical science of Ancient
India. It deals with matters relating to health, day-to-day life and
longevity (long life). Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine and
medication, based on experience and observation. This system of
medicine and medication is more than 3000 years old. According to
mythological story, Dhanvantari was the first physician to use
ayurveda. In modern India also, Ayurveda is being used. It has also
reached outside Indiain countries like UAE, Saudi arabia and several
persons from other countries also take advantage of ayurveda
• Because of his seminal and numerous contributions to the science
and art of surgery he is also known by the title "Father of Surgery."
Much of what is known about this inventive surgeon is contained in a
series of volumes he authored, which are collectively known as the
Susrutha Samhita. The "Samhita" has writings that date as late as 600
AD, and some scholars believe that there were contributions and
additions to his teachings from generations of his
students and disciples.
Susruth was also the first
surgeon to advocate the
practice of operations on
inanimate objects such as
watermelons, clay plots and
reeds; thus predating the
modern practice of the surgical
workshop by
hundreds of years.
The Sushrut Samhita contains
184 chapters and description
of 1120 illnesses, 700
medicinal plants, a detailed
study on Anatomy, 64
preparations from mineral
sources and 57 preparations
based on animal sources.
Detailed practical guidance for water purification is given
in the famous treatise of Indian physician, Sushrut.
Sushrut disclosed that muddy water could be purified
with herbs and naturally occurring substances; Nirmali
seeds, roots of Kamal (lotus/water lily), rhizomes of
algae and three stones, Gomed (garnet) Moti (pearl)
Sphatik (quartz crystal) were used. He recommended the
disinfection of contaminated water by exposing it to the
sun or immersing red hot iron or hot sand in it.
Sushrut also gives
classification of the
bones and their
reaction to injuries.
varieties of dislocation
of joints
(sandhimukta) and
fractures of the shaft
(kanda-bhagna) are
given systematically.
He classifies and gives the details of the six types of
dislocations and twelve varieties of fractures. He gives
the principles of fracture treatment, viz., traction,
manipulation, appositions and stabilisation. Sushruta has
described the entire orthopaedic surgery, including some
measures of rehabilitation, in his work.
Sushruta was well aware of the urinary stones, their
varieties; the anatomy of urinary bladder along with its
relations is well recorded in the chapter on urinary
stones. Varieties of stones, their signs and symptoms, the
method of extraction and operative complication are
given in detail.
The End

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