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WITHOUT ACTUAL TRAVEL. Through the use of technology, the impossible things make

The primary purpose of ss: if the lesson in social studies do not make sense for them, how are we going
to expect them to become good citizens in the future? So as a teacher we should look for ways on how
to make social studies make sense for them.

Common Percepcion: This is very important that we talk about the common perceptions of students on
social studies. Of course, we often hear that social studies are irrelevant, so they don’t see their practical
use of social studies in their life. They also say that ss is just long lectures and text reading, I make sure
that most of our ss teachers can relate to this and we hear this all the time, so attending SS its almost
doing a chore. Its something that you know doesn’t motivate them. But there are so many other ways of
course to teach ss and we will explore some of them later on. We also hear a lot of this memorizing
names, dates and places. Its true that SS involves memorizing a lot of information such as place, location
and dates, however the notion of just mindlessly memorizing all the info is the one that is false. So, it’s
important for students to have a good overall big picture of whatever it is that they are trying to
memorize for it to become a relevant and make sense for them. And of course, I’m pretty sure that we
always hear this from our students that social studies is a boring subject. We get this a lot and let’s face
it most ss classes are not conducted in the most interesting way, so that’s why we need to apply
Technology because it can make our SS classroom more fun and interesting. It can help us to achieve the
ultimate goal of SS.

Educational Technology- It is believed that student involvement in learning is enhanced with computers
which give them the opportunity to explore new areas. They are generally more “on-task” and express
more positive feelings when they use computers than when they are given other tasks to do.

Integrating technology into the classroom creates a rich, effective and efficient learning environment
which improves student performance and learning. technology can play very different roles in the
classroom especially creating materials and processes that attract students to spend more time in their
studies and it will surely help students prepare for their future careers.

Role of Tech to Students and Teachers

1. Equips students for their future careers
As mentioned earlier, digital tools will surely help students prepare for their future
careers. How? Through the internet, mobile devices, and computers, students have the
chance to acquire skills to compete globally for in-demand jobs. Regardless of where
these jobs might be—in the IT, agriculture, art, health, research, food industry or
elsewhere—workers need computer skills.
Through these advanced tools, technical skills can be exercised. But more than this, it’s
instilling learning as a skill for life. Tech must be used to engage students to embrace
love of learning new things. It must help them explore things that interest them. Also, it
must bring limitless possibilities of learning to fully equip them in the future.

2. Personalizes learning and teaching approaches

Do you know that each person has their own learning style? Some learn better through
hearing, and some through great visuals. Some lean more on logical learning, and
some more on verbal. Yes, it varies and it’s quite a challenge for teachers to perform all
these in the class.
Thanks to technology, teachers can customize learning for students. It enables them to
improve their instruction methods and personalize learning, thus increasing their
productivity and efficiency as instructors. Through these helpful tools, teachers can
provide exciting activities. These include watching videos to further delve into the topic
and creating robots to apply their learning. It’s also great content that helps spark and
boost curiosity in kids.

3. Drives down costs in the long run, and brings

more learning opportunities
True enough, tech tools are expensive. However, in the long run, they’ll cut your costs.
For instance, e-book or online modules will drive down your cost in printing your
materials. Another one is buying a computer for teachers will save them time in
computing the students’ grades and creating tests.

For students, having access to mobile devices such as laptops will help them learn
anytime, anywhere. It’ll also give them access to millions of resources that would prove
beneficial to their studies. These tools open doors of learning chances for them for
unexplored topics in their classes. On the other hand, teachers won’t be limited to the
school’s provided modules. They can explore on their own, so they can give the best
info to the class.

4. Boosts teamwork and communication

Tech can foster these skills. Teachers and students can remain in touch even outside
the school vicinity. Online lessons and games encourage them to work together even
apart. Not only does it promote productivity; it also encourages responsibility on both
parties. Will you work with your team even if you’re not together? Can you finish a task
given by your group leader? Though apart, accountability can be exercised.

Besides, students now have the chance to ask questions related to school. One
practical tip: Be mindful of the teacher’s work hours. Only ask them during this time to
show them the respect they deserve.


Google Earth- Google Earth is one of the coolest tech tools to use in the classroom either in person or with distance
learning. There are so many ways you can use Google Earth with your students. Try these Google Earth Activities for Your
Social Studies Classroom. Take your students on a Google Earth expedition to Antarctica! Your students can explore the
world and create their own Google Earth projects. Try some unit studies by integrating literature into your social studies
lessons. Google Lit Trips use Google Earth to create field trips of the settings of popular novels for your students. Type in a
location on Google Earth's timelapse maps and see how the earth's landmarks and different locations have changed in the last
35 years.  Google Expeditions let your students explore virtual reality field trips, This is one of my favorite ways to use
Google Earth! hen your students are able to see any place their heart desires in Google Expeditions, they can experience
geography and the world in a whole new way.
Youtube teacher- Learn about how one teacher, social studies teacher uses YouTube in his classroom
to transform it into a 21st century learning environment. Students of all ages - learn something new
today at Youtubebteacher.

EDSITEment offers free resources for teachers, students, and parents

searching for high-quality K-12 humanities education materials in the
subject areas of history and social studies, literature and language arts,
foreign languages, arts, and culture.
Are students of today interested to use technology in order to learn? Do
teachers have the skills to use technology to enhance their teaching? With
the Fourth Industrial Revolution, nobody can deny the influence of technology
in our lives. As future teachers of the 21st century, it is high time that you
prepare yourselves to integrate technology in your classrooms.

I am going to discuss One of the Transformative Approach to Social Studies Education,the

TPACK model.

TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of

knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration—
technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK).

Let’s dive into the purpose and elements of TPACK. 

The center of the diagram, otherwise known as TPACK, represents a full
understanding of how to teach with technology. Keep in mind that this is not
the same as having knowledge of each of the three primary concepts
individually. Instead, the point of TPACK is to understand how to use
technology to teach concepts in a way that enhances student learning

Applying Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge to Your


As mentioned before, the TPACK framework is based on three primary forms

of knowledge. So your first step should be to understand your primary forms
of knowledge in the context of this lesson.

 Content Knowledge (CK)—what are you teaching and what is your own
knowledge of the subject?
 Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)—how do your students learn best and what
instructional strategies do you need to meet their needs and the requirements
of the lesson plan?
 Technological Knowledge (TK)—what digital tools are available to you,
which do you know well enough to use, and which would be most appropriate
for the lesson at hand? For this lesson, students will need to label a diagram
and present, so the ability to fill in blanks with an answer key, find images
from the internet, create slides, etc. are important.

As we understand them individually, we can start to see overlaps where all

primary forms of knowledge blend together.

 Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)—understanding the best practices

for teaching specific content to your specific students. When teacher is an
expert in a subject and also know how to teach it properly.
 Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)—knowing how the digital tools
available to you can enhance or transform the content, how it’s delivered to
students, and how your students can interact with it.
 Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)—understanding how to use
your digital tools as a vehicle to the learning outcomes and experiences you
want. Teacher uses an instructional video clip for a topic.

Now let’s weave all this technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge
(TPACK) together and enhance the activities of our original lesson plan.
Remember, the goal is to be purposeful in applying each form of knowledge.

 A lot of distractions for students

Using smartphones in learning is helpful. However, students might get easily distracted
because of several social media apps such as Facebook and Twitter. An unstable net
connection is also a challenge to many and it can hinder them from fully learning online.

Also, online classes these days are a challenge to many students. They are at risk of
developing screen fatigue and burnout. Many are also having a hard time separating
their school tasks from the personal duties at home.

2. Being free all the time

Online classes might give an impression of being free all the time. Yet this is not the
case. It is highly encouraged to set aside time for schoolwork and “me” time. But when
the situation calls for it, go and stretch your patience. Students are also facing a hard
time adapting to online classes.

3. Not all students have access to digital tools

Many kids, especially street children and out-of-school youth, don’t have access to
these tools. What will they do now that school has transitioned online? Will they stop
learning, too? True, the government is taking action to provide these children their
school needs. But the problem is reaching out to as many children as possible.

Can teachers be replaced by computers? Of course, no. Teaching was always

more than facts and figures. Books can do that job. Teachers' role involves
guiding, mentoring, and leading students through their course, and often
through their professional lives.

Teachers set the base for the future, and it can’t be replaced by technology.
We haven’t yet seen a classroom of students where computers replace
teachers. However, technology is perfect for aiding the process. 

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