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Redesigning a Future-Proof Basic Education thru Partnerships:


Students excitedly run to the school. Teachers passionately facilitate learning in the classroom.
Books are flipped and computers are introduced.

These have been the archetype of Philippine education within the portals of schools. Then, Covid-19
outbreak turned the world upside down and shifted the paradigm of the education system
worldwide. Education was one of the most affected institutions. No one was ready to stand against
the pandemic. However, learning must not come to halt despite the adversities. Education leaders
and teachers were prompted to rethink their teaching approaches, review the responsiveness of the
curriculum, and redesign systems to effectively make learning still possible.

In the Schools Division of Masbate Province, Baleno National High School pulled off a brilliant
remake of the educational landscape that would stand the test of calamities. The school had
successfully sealed the commitment of the community and homes to engage in executing the school
learning continuity plan. They believed that putting a premium on school-community-home
partnership would be a sure-fire formula for achieving the desired learning outcomes and school
performance in the new normal.

Restructured approaches in school

Through the reconfigured implementation of Brigada Eskwela in 2021, provisions for learning
opportunities were all ready. Baleno NHS exhausted various means to reach all school-age learners
in the community and expanded accessible education to non-school-age individuals. Teachers were
also mobilized to reproduce sufficient learning resources for schoolchildren in the modular
distance learning modality. Meanwhile, the school’s cleanliness and readiness were also
maintained with the help of parents during the week-long Brigada Eskwela.

According to the Brigada Eskwela Coordinator, Melinda Cortes, the school ensured its readiness for
the school year 2021-2022. The Project Klasehan Na was launched to conduct an intensive
campaign and information drive for the opening of classes. They placed drop boxes for Learner
Enrollment and Survey Form (LESF) in 14 barangays and conducted orientation for parents on the
Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE_LCP). Thus, the enrollment rate increased by 12%
compared to the previous year.

In addition, Baleno NHS also developed 26 Innovative Projects wherein the majority of which are
focused on literacy and numeracy. Under those innovations, 264 activities were conducted which
contributed to an improved reading level of 100% target students from frustration to developing
level, and a 100% increase in the academic performance of learners in some learning areas like

Redefined roles of stakeholders

Baleno National High School underscored that empowerment and active engagement of
stakeholders are necessary for championing school management. Gone are those days when
stakeholders merely hand over financial assistance. As an adage goes, “It takes a village to raise a
child”. The Brigada Eskwela reminded Baleno community that everyone is a stakeholder—an
individual who has always something to share. This is a modern bayanihan that transcends
traditional limitations.

School stakeholders were also tapped to evaluate previous practices of the school, to
collaboratively ideate innovations, and to engage in the implementation. Hence, the governance of
Baleno NHS became more efficient and effective amidst persistent threats of covid19 to public
health safety and natural calamities.

The abundant support of the school partners was also indisputable throughout the entire conduct
of Brigada Eskwela program and even beyond. The school generated resources amounting to Php
331, 075.00, established 67 Memorandum of Agreements with stakeholders, and enacted Municipal
and 11 Barangay Ordinances to support the Brigada Eskwela. The Municipal Local Government Unit
is also all-out in support of the betterment of the school, may it be in cash or in kind. Some have
donated face masks, face shields, disinfectants, alcohol, and other supplies to combat the infectious

The community is truly the backbone of every school.

Reimagined the responsibility of parents

William Temple was right when he said, “The most influential of all educational factors is the
conversation in a child’s home”. Hence, parents’ responsibility had to be reimagined and realigned
to eventually redefine the conventional notion of educating a child. Others thought that it is the sole
responsibility of teachers. Now pandemic has brutally corrected it. Every home was prompted to be
a learning environment for a learner and every parent a learning facilitator.

Parents had a grasp of the learning continuity plan, particularly on retrieving and submitting
modules to school, and on providing guidance to their child. They were in constant communication
with teachers to monitor and evaluate the learning of their children. Moreover, their experiences in
learning interaction at home became potent tools for teachers to adjust and enhance the delivery of
the curriculum. Without the parents during the pandemic, learning losses would be immeasurable.

It is their redesigned delivery of basic education through triad partnership that gave the school
accolades. In 2021, the Department of Education presented a Special Award to Baleno National
High School for having the Best School Community Home Partnerships among the schools in the
country. The school was recognized for its exemplary contribution to improving the quality of basic
education by highlighting partnership engagements and initiatives to support the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan through the 2021 Brigada Eskwela Program.

The award will continue to remind of the best practices worth sustaining for the future generation
of leaders. As, the School Principal, Ramon Basas Jr., emphasized it, “Our school commits to
continuously improve its policies, programs, projects and activities to better serve its learners and
be responsive to the current situations. Patuloy na pinabubuti ng paralang ito ang paglilingkod
upang lubos na matugunan ang mga pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral sa pamamagitan ng sama-
samang pagkilos ng paaralan at komunidad.

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