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Name: Natividad, Mervin Week No.: 3

Strand/Section: ICT 3 12-2 Group No.: 6


Research Title: Developmental Of A Technician On The Go App

Date of Submission: January 8 2020

My assigned task/s: Significance of the Study

School. The institution itself has hindrances. With this research, this may help the school
establish a secured and safer type of quality of an app, with the use of this schools systems
will have a higher chance to not get hack.
Computer related Teachers. This research may help teachers to understand on how to
handle different kind of application and to create a secure security for their needs. They can
also pass this skill to their students as a guide.
ICT Students. One of the beneficiaries of the study is the students who tends to learn more
on the app. Because of this their value of work can be helpful with this app. On programming
or even self-used computer needs.
Individuals with less knowledge on their devices. Not all people are into computer
specially adults. That’s why we break that bound to help them to know more about technology
on this application. This will guide them on the basics that they already know and in later
process they can somehow be techy and go to flow of the generations with ease.

Instruction: Put a tick (/) mark on the question you will answer.
[/] My expectation on the assigned task/s:
[/] My learning after accomplishing the assigned task/s:

1. My expectation to this task is to be easy and helpful for my

other studies

2. I learn that writing some boundaries is important for us also

for other people who will read our research

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