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Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Psalm 80:18
Thursday July 28th 2011 Weather: 88/71 Storms likely

Riddle of the Day

Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?
(answer in tomorrows newsletter. Yesterdays Answer-Queue)

Bible study in your own words

I don't want to let the world conform me, but be transformed by God ~ Bonnie Killingbeck

As Jesus did I wash your feet, I love you my brother or sister Yesterday in the 10:45 AM service the teens learned about Jesus washing the disciples feet, and the humility it took for Jesus to wash their feet and how we need to trade pride for humility. They closed by washing each others feet and were asked to especially seek someone they needed to seek forgiveness from. We are looking for who on the grounds may be the youngest camper, the oldest camper, and the camper who traveled the farthest. If you think you may be one of these or know someone who qualifies please contact Tina Cattane on site 206, or in the sound booth before and after the services.

The Holy Spirit is both the motivation and the resource that enables us to do Gods will ~ Cheryl Rivett

Everything God wants from us He gives to us. ~ Ralph Close

Living a Holy Life Taught by Dr. Frank Moore 930 AM daily

SERMON NOTES Wed AM: Jesus knew the mind of the Father through the scriptures

Wed PM: Theres a big difference between turning to God and following Him

Fishing Tournament Results

8-12 Year olds Girls

YOUTH AFTERNOON ACTIVITY: WATER BALLOON WARS IN THE FIELD IN FRONT OF GIBSON All afternoon activities start at 2pm at the site of the activity


Angel Folger 10 Fish Boys

Carsen Burdine 6 1/2 Inches

There may be kids coming by your campsite to ask for empty pop cans. Their having a contest and all proceeds go toward the Back to School Bash. So save your empties and share them with some kids!
Todays Lunch: Mini Brats and Hot dog bar Dinner: Mexican Fiesta Buffet Fri. Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese . Dining Hall Menu and prices available at Snack shack Open afternoons and evenings after the service.

David Westfolks 13 Fish

Tim Thomas 11 inches

3-7 year olds Girls

Olivia Dirkse 71/2 inches Boys

Desiree Mofield 7 Fish

Austin Joseph 17 inches

Drew Mofield 9 Fish

If you have any Ideas, Testimonies, or info that you would like included in the Communicator contact Tina Cattane: text 810-7014205; email; find me on Facebook (Tina Cattane) or go to lot 206.

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