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OBJECTIVE 1: To Undertake Research and Innovation that Supports Training and Sustainable Development
Strategy Expected Activity Output Indicator(s) Timeline Implementing
Outcome(s) Actors
Enhance Increased i. Develop a Research and Research and Dec 2022 DP-Academics
institutional research innovation policy innovation policy in RLCOC-
research place Committee
capacity ii. Operationalise research Functional research Dec 2022 Board of
office office in place Directors/Principal

iii. Constitute a Research & Appointment letters Oct 2022 & Principal/
Innovation Committee biennial (RLCOC)

iv. Undertake IRCA report June 2022 & DP-Academics

Institutional research biennial RLCOC
assessment (IRCA)
v. Implement Enhanced research Jan 2023 & DP-Academics/
recommendations of IRCA capacity continuous RLCOC/HODs

vi. Undertake staff training No. of staff trained March 2023 DP-Academics
on research and and RLCOC
innovation biennial
Strengthen Increased i. Identify industry needs for Industry research and April 2023 DP-Academics
research research research and innovation innovation needs and Biennial RLCOC
collaborations productivity survey report
and linkages
ii. Map stakeholders for Collaboration research June 2023 DP-Academics
collaboration based on partners mapping RLCOC
research areas report
iii. Develop research Budget Allocation Dec 2023 Board of
proposals to identified twice a year Directors/
collaboration partners Signed MOU Principal RLCOC
Strategy Expected Activity Output Indicator(s) Timeline Implementing
Outcome(s) Actors
iv. Call for research and No. of research Jan 2023 DP-Academics
innovation proposals from proposals /abstracts and annually RLCOC
staff and trainees received
v. Evaluate research Identified research March 2023 DP-Academics
proposals received proposals for funding & annually RLCOC

vi. Allocate resources for No. of research June 2023 & DP-Academics
the winning proposals proposals funded annually RLCOC
vii. Undertake research and No. of research and June 2023 & DP-Academics
innovations innovations completed annually RLCOC

Objective 2: To Promote Research and Innovations Output Sharing and Commercialization

Strategy Expected Activity Output Indicator Timeline Implementing
Outcome Actors
Participate in Increased i. Identify relevant national, Relevant conferences Annually DP-Academics
local and awareness of regional and international identified RLCOC
international research conferences
conferences, outputs ii. Sponsor SJTIK staff to No. of research outputs Annually DP-Academics
workshops and present research outputs presented RLCOC
trade fairs in the identified
Publication of Increased i. Support staff to publish No. of research findings Annually DP-Academics
research and dissemination research findings in published RLCOC
innovation of research renowned journals
outputs and innovation
ii. Publish key research No. of publications on Continuous DP-Academics
findings in SJTIK the website RLCOC
Strengthen Increased i. Set up a research and Research and innovation June 2023 DP-Academics
research innovations innovation repository repository in place RLCOC/
knowledge uptake Librarian
Strategy Expected Activity Output Indicator Timeline Implementing
Outcome Actors
ii. Develop tools for research Assessment tools July 2023 DP-Academics
viability assessment developed RLCOC

iii. Support intellectual No. of patents Continuous DP-Academics

property registration & registered No. RLCOC
commercialization of patents
Enhance Increased i. Develop incubation and Approved incubation July 2023 DP-Academics/
incubation and commercializat commercialization policy and commercialization RLCOC
commercializati ion ion of policy in place
on of research research and ii. Provide support services No. of incubates being July 2023 & RLCOC
outputs innovation to incubates supported continuous
iii. Identify potential No. of potential partners RLCOC
Increased partners for commercialization Jan 2024
revenue commercialization
iv. Prepare proposals No. of June 2024 Board of
for collaboration and collaborations/partnersh Directors/Princip
approach potential ips al/ RLCOC
Signed MOUs

No. of innovations

Objective: To Enhance Trainee Welfare

Strategy Expected Activities Output indicator(s) Timeline Implementing
Outcome(s) Actor
Improve Healthy and i. Recruitment of a nurse Appointment letter June 2022 DP-Admin/Dean
health, well-adjusted of Students
guidance and trainees ii. Procure equipment and Equipment and drugs in continuous DP-Admin/ Dean
counselling drugs place of Students
services iii. Train departmental Trained representatives December HOD Guidance
guidance and counselling 2022 & and Counselling
representatives biennial
iv. Identify knowledge Peer educators training September HOD Guidance
gaps for peer educators needs report 2022 and Counselling

v. Carry out training of peer No. of peer educators April 2022 HOD guidance
educators trained and counselling

Peer educators actively

involved in guidance and
Enhance Enlightened i. Organise trainee Reduction in number of Termly HOD guidance
sensitisation on trainees sensitisation forums i.e. at trainees abusing alcohol and counselling
alcohol and class and institutional and drugs /Lecturers/peer
drug abuse, Reduced levels educators
and HIV/AIDS HIV/Aids ii. Organise sensitization of Well informed trainees During the HOD Guidance
prevention preference new trainees orientation and Counselling
iii. Disseminate IEC materials Well informed Termly HOD Guidance
on HIV/AIDS, and alcohol trainees and Counselling
and drug abuse to
iv. Provide Voluntary Testing Trainees accessing VCT Termly HOD Guidance
and Counselling (VCT) services and Counselling
Improve the i. Sensitize trainees on the Well informed trainees Continuous Gender and
welfare of rights of PWDs Disability
Strategy Expected Activities Output indicator(s) Timeline Implementing
Outcome(s) Actor
trainees with Conducive Mainstreaming
disabilities environment Committee
for PWDs ii. Monitor and address Level of satisfaction Continuous Gender and
concerns of PWDs among PWDs Disability
Strengthen Effective i. Provide support for review Revised constitution in June 2023 Dean of Students
trainee trainee union of trainee’s government place
leadership constitution
Adherence to
1/3 gender ii. Sensitize trainees on No. of trainees Yearly Gender and
rule in trainee gender mainstreaming in sensitized Disability
leadership leadership Mainstreaming
iii. Provide support during Smooth election process Yearly Dean of Students
trainee’s government
iv. Induct elected officials Induction meeting held Yearly Dean of Students
Objective 1: To Attract and Retain Skilled, Motivated and Productive Staff
Strategy Expected Activities Output Indicator(s) Timeline Implementing
Outcome(s) Actors
Enhance staff Increased staff i. Undertake training needs TNA report March 2022 DP-Admin/HRO
capacity productivity assessment (TNA) & biennial
ii. Develop staff training plan Approved training plan Dec 2022 DP-Admin/HRO
performance iii. Implement the No. of staff trained As per DP-Admin/HRO/
staff training plan training plan HOD
Training reports
iv. Develop succession policy Succession policy in Dec 2022 DP- Admin/HRO

v. Implement succession No. of employee Continuous HRO/HODs

policy mentored/coached

Offer Motivated staff i. Review the scheme of Revised scheme of July 2022 DP- Admin/HRO
competitive service service
remuneration Increased staff
ii. Review salaries and Approved revised Jan 2023 DP- Admin/HRO
benefits structure salaries and benefits
Staff retention
Entrench Improved i. Sensitize staff on the No. of staff sensitized December DP-Admin/HRO
performance performance performance management 2022
management system
ii. Undertake performance Performance appraisal Annually DP-Admin/
appraisal reports HRO/HOD
iii. Implement the No. of staff Annually DP-
rewards and sanctions rewarded/sanctioned Admin/HRO/HOD
Strategy Expected Activities Output Indicator(s) Timeline Implementing
Outcome(s) Actors
Enhance staff Motivated staff i. Develop team building Team building Biennial DP- Admin/ HRO
welfare programmes programme in place
ii. Implement team building No. of team activities Biennial DP- Admin/ HRO
programmes implemented
Staff retention
Team building reports
iii. Carry out employee Employment satisfaction Annually DP- Admin/ HRO
satisfaction and work and work environment
environment surveys survey report
iv. Implement Level of implementation Continuous DP- Admin/ HRO
recommendation of of recommendations
employee satisfaction
and work environment
v. Sensitize staff on safety Number of employees Annually DP- Admin/
and health matters sensitized HRO/OHS

vi. Provide staff with PPE provided Annually DP- Admin/

personal protective HRO/OHS
equipment (PPE)

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