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108 學年度下學期二年級第一次段考模擬試卷

(C)3. Scott: The toy helicopter ______ a real one.
一、文意字彙 20% (每題 2 分) Who made it?
vegetable 1. A: Are tomatoes a kind of ve ble? Maggie: Who else? My brother Robin did.
B: I think so, and they are also fruit. (A) is looking at (B) looks
useful 2. The robot can mop the floor, take care (C) looks like (D) looks up
of babies, and set up computers. It is (C)4. The clerk told me the camera was very
very u l. useful, but it took me over two hours to
holiday 3. Christmas is not a h y in Taiwan, ______.
but it is in America and Canada. (A) dream of it (B) pick it up
Besides 4. I’m too tired to go shopping with you. (C) set it up (D) share with it
B s, it’s raining outside. (D)5. The blue shoes look nice _____ Peter. They
celebrate 5 Tina worked hard and bought a small are very beautiful and great.
house last month. She will (A) in (B) at
ce te it with a housewarming (C) like (D) on
party this weekend. (B)6. Jack: Hey, Linda. Don’t eat all the cookies
smells 6. Amber : Something s ls terrible in up.
the kitchen. What’s that? Leave the _____ one for Jane.
Louis :That’s sour milk. Peter didn’t Linda: No way! They are my favorite.
finish it this morning. (A) least (B) last
experience 7. I don’t have any ex ce of shopping (C) less (D) most
in a yard sale. Can we go to Mr. Lin’s (D)7. My parents spent the whole morning ______
yard sale tomorrow? Easter eggs for my brothers and me. We were
cities 8. Tokyo is bigger than all the other all excited and happy.
(A) boiled and colored
c ies in the world. It’s the biggest.
(B) to boil and to color
received 9. I r ed a phone call from you
(C) boil and color
teacher. What did you do at school
(D) boiling and coloring
(B)8. The price of the pink smartwatch was _____
excited 10. Terry : There will be a helicopter show
than the purple one, so I bought the pink one.
at Duke Park. I feel ex ed
(A) cheap (B) lower
about it.
(C) the cheapest (D) the lowest
Harry: You’re really a big fan of
(A)9. Terry: Mom, I feel like _____ the bike
around the lake with Janet this
二、單選題:下列各題(1-15 題)請依據題意,選出一
Mom: I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s
個正確或最佳答案。30% (每題 2 分)
getting darker and darker and it will
(A)1. Jim: _______ do you feel now?
start to rain soon.
Sally: Much better after I took a hot bath.
(A) riding (B) to ride
(A) How (B) What
(C) will ride (D) ride
(C) When (D) Which
(B)10. David: Let’s have dumplings and beef
(B)2. English is my favorite subject. For me, it is
noodles at Wang’s Home tonight.
_____ than any other subject. I learn it well.
P a ul : Well, Huang’s Home sells ______
(A) very easy (B) even easier
Chinese food in our town. It’s the
(C) the easiest (D) as easy
number one restaurant here! Why not
taste dumplings there tonight?
(A) more delicious (B) the most delicious
(C) less delicious (D) very delicious

(A)11. After the PE class this morning, everyone in (B)3. (A) rides (B) is riding
my class became as _____ as a bear. (C) rode (D) will ride
(A) hungry (B) hungrier (D)4. (A) called (B) am calling
(C) hungriest (D) the hungriest (C) call (D) will call
(C)12. A: ______ does the little boy look _____?
B: His father. They look almost the same. (5-9)
Dear Jessica,
(A) Which; X (B) What; like
My uncle Billy was a great singer years ago;
(C) Who; like (D) How; like
however, he wasn’t happy at all. One day in 2007,
(C)13. These yellow binoculars are more special and
5. in Dream Town, he made an important decision.
larger than those black _____. We can use
He bought a farm there and 6. .
them to watch the birds in the mountains.
His fruit farm is not the biggest in the town, but his
(A) them (B) one
fruit 7. . People have to spend a lot on his fruit, but
(C) ones (D) it
they still like to buy fruit like strawberries and
(D)14. Henry: Wow! You’re ______ more and more
tomatoes from him. He works on the farm for over ten
hours every day, but the busier he is, 8. . He thinks
Scott: Thank you very much.
his fruit brings great joy to the people.
(A) feeling (B) moving
Next weekend, Billy Fruit Dream Farm will have
(C) looking (D) becoming
an interesting activity: fruit picking. The person who
(A)15. Doris: Mike bought two CD players and one
9. in one hour will get the latest camera Pink L4.
new camera. Why?
Do you want to become the luckiest person? Come
Louis: _____
and join it with me!
(A) Because they are on sale.
(B) Because they are expensive.
(C) Because the picture quality is bad.  decision 決定 activity 活動

(D) Because he can edit the videos with it. (D)5. (A) when he invited me to be a one-day farmer
(B) when he is getting more and more famous
三、題組:請依據選文,選出一個正確或最佳答案。 (C) when he drops the seeds on the ground
  40% (每題 2 分)
(D) when he was visiting a fruit farm
(A)6. (A) he began to grow fruit
Scott: Where is my smartphone? I 1. to music with (B) he felt as sad as a bird
it all the afternoon. At about 5:30, I went to the (C) it was the largest in his town
bookstore and left it on the desk in my room. (D) his fruit tasted sweet and wonderful
However, I couldn’t find it here and there. (B)7. (A) is not so great
Janet: I have no idea. I just 2. back home ten (B) is the best
minutes ago. Maybe you can ask Helen. She (C) smells terrible
usually takes your things away without telling (D) looks ugly
you first. (A)8. (A) the happier he feels
Scott: Where is she now? (B) the weaker he gets
Janet: She 3. her bike to the library now. She’s going (C) the more money he makes
there to prepare for the science test. (D) the less fruit he can grow
Scott: I 4. her and ask her about it. May I use your (C)9. (A) has the most money
cellphone? (B) enjoys taking photos
Janet: Of course. Here it is. (C) picks up the most fruit
(A)1. (A) was listening (B) would listen (D) brings free seeds and tools
(C) will listen (D) listen
(C)2. (A) am coming (B) will come
(C) came (D) was coming
(10-12) (13-15)
Fu-ki Zhou is a famous singer from Love City. His (Yvonne is talking to her mother on the smartphone.)
new CD, An Easy Moment with You is getting more and Mother: I called you three times just now! Why didn’t
more popular in Love City, Hope City, Blue Town, and you answer the phone?
many other places. He is very tall. He has big eyes and Yvonne: Mom, I told you that I would go to the
short hair. bookstore after school before coming home.
You can buy An Easy Moment with You in every Everything there was on sale and I bought five
music store now. Just have a try and listen to it! Enjoy books for Mike and me. Now I’m on the way
his sweet love songs on winter days. home by bus.
Next Saturday afternoon at First Music Store, he Mother: I’m calling you to tell you that I won’t go back
will hold a concert for his fans. Bring your cameras and home tonight. We decided to help your
smartphones to take pictures of him. Have fun! grandpa on his farm for one more day.
 hold 舉行 Yvonne: But don’t you remember Aunt Lily’s birthday
(D)10. What does Fu-ki look like? party on Sunday noon?
(A) (B) Mother: Don’t worry about that. We’ll meet at the
party! And your grandparents will go to the
party with us. Grandpa needs to wait for his
friend Paul to look after his farm, so we can’t
(C) (D) leave the farm today. By the way, I want you
to go to Mrs. Cheng’s home with your brother
before seven o’clock this evening. She will
(D)11. What month may Fu-ki release his CD? take care of you.
(A) In March. (B) In August. Yvonne: Come on! Mom! We live next to her. I don’t
(C) In June. (D) In December. think we need to stay there.
 release 發行 Mother: Just stay for one night. Be good!
(C)12. Which is true about the reading? Yvonne: OK!
(A) People can only listen to Fu-ki’s songs  answer 回應

on cold days. (A)13. Which is true about Yvonne?

(B) Fu-ki’s fans come from Hope City and (A) She’s going to stay at Mrs. Cheng’s place
Blue Town only. with her brother tonight.
(C) An Easy Moment with You is the name of (B) She and her family will join Aunt Lily’s
Fu-ki Zhou’s new CD. birthday party tomorrow night.
(D) Fu-ki will take pictures and sell cameras (C) She called her mother this afternoon three
to his fans next Saturday. times.
(D) She bought five books for her parents.
(C)14. What day will Yvonne’s parents meet their
children at the party?
(A) Monday. (B) Wednesday.
(C) Sunday. (D) Saturday.
(C)15. Why won’t Yvonne’s parents come home
(A) They need to visit Yvonne’s grandpa’s
(B) They don’t want to miss the party on the
(C) Yvonne’s grandpa needs their help on the
(D) Yvonne’s parents need to take care of the
farm for their friends.

Easter! Easter! Easter! I got a lot of candy from the (D)19. Which is true according to the reading?
helicopter Easter egg drop this afternoon and I felt so (A) Jackie’s youngest daughter Susan found
excited. But I am also worried. There is still much candy at out the most eggs in the egg hunt.
home because I asked for a lot of candy from door to door
with my grandson Mike last Halloween! He hates to eat
(B) Mike asked for a lot of candy from Laura
candy now! What can I do? last Halloween.
Laura (C) Scott and his sister had a lot of fun this
Easter Sunday.
Today is Easter Sunday. I don’t want to hunt for chocolate
eggs with my little sister Lily, but what I can do for her? Dear (D) Ming couldn’t have anything until
Dad and Mom, please fly home from New York to help me. Monday morning.  according to 根據
Please! (B)20. What can we infer from the reading?
Scott (A) Laura is Mike’s granddaughter.
How lucky I was and how poor I am! I found the most Easter (B) Lily’s parents are in the USA now.
chocolate eggs in the egg hunt this morning. I felt very (C) Ming took good care of his mom when
excited and then ate them up in a short time. I, however, had she had a stomachache.
a very terrible stomachache this afternoon. Oh, what is Mom
(D) Jackie and his friend spent the whole
making? It smells like beef noodles, my favorite food. Can I
have some? No! Dr. Su told me to stay in bed and not to eat afternoon at Joy Children’s Home.
anything until tomorrow morning! I am the most ill-fated  infer 推論
person on Sunday night in the world! 四、中翻英 10% (每題 2 分)
Ming 1. 這台新的錄音機比那台舊的貴。
My wife and I hid a lot of eggs and prizes under the trees at This new tape recorder is more expensive than that old
City Park. The kids from Joy Children’s Home spent the one.
whole afternoon looking for them. Guess what? Susan, the 2. 那些盆栽是這個花園裡最美麗的。
youngest girl, found the most eggs, but she gave away most
Those pots are the most beautiful in this garden.
of them to her friends. Everyone was happy at that time!
Wow! I learned a lot from her.
Jackie 3. A:你母親覺得如何? B:她覺得很興奮。
A: How does/did your mother feel?
(B)16. What does “them” mean?
B: She feels/felt excited.
(A) Candy.
4. 那隻灰色的大象看起來像是真的。(…like…)
(B) Easter eggs.
The gray elephant looks like a real one.
(C) Beef noodles.
5. 我們班最漂亮的女生做了幾顆彈力蛋。
(D) Egg hunts.
The most beautiful girl in our class made a few
(A)17. What does “ill-fated” mean?
bouncy eggs.
(A) Not lucky.
(B) Terrible.
(C) Worried.
(D) Excited.
(C)18. What did Jackie learn from Susan?
(A) He learned to get the most prizes from
the helicopter egg drop.
(B) He learned to think of good places to hide
Easter eggs.
(C) He learned to share good things with
(D) He learned to become happy at any time.
【二下第一次段考單字測驗】 範圍:Unit 1~Unit 3 (每題 2 分,共 100 分)
1. 螢幕 screen 26. 智慧型手錶 smartwatch
2. 編輯 edit 27. 灰色(的) gray
3. 接收 receive 28. 店員 clerk
4. 節日 holiday 29. 輕的 light
5. 冰箱 refrigerator 30. 風扇 fan
6. 草莓 strawberry 31. 收音機;廣播 radio
7. 低的 low 32. 智慧(型)手機 smartphone
8. 聊天 chat 33. 有用的 useful
9. 品質 quality 34. 錄音機 tape recorder
10. 工具 tool 35. 現金 cash
11. 洗衣機 washing machine 36. 糖果 candy
12. 新鮮的 fresh 37. 尋找;打獵 hunt
13. 地上 ground 38. 煮沸 boil
14. 蔬菜 vegetable 39. 慶祝 celebrate
15. 牆 wall 40. 藏;躲藏 hide
16. 體驗;經驗 experience 41. 獎品 prize
17. 滾動 roll 42. 樂趣;喜悅 joy
18. 聞起來 smell 43. 小圓麵包 bun
19. 種子 seed 44. 盆;壺 pot
20. 嚐起來 taste 45. 誠實的 honest
21. 西瓜 watermelon 46. 城鎮 town
22. 籃子 basket 47. 擁有;自己的 own
23. 桃子 peach 48. 芭樂 guava
24. 快地;快的 fast 49. 木瓜 papaya
25. 純的 pure 50. 落下;掉落 drop

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